Talk:Bosnian proverbs

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Why are the Bosnian proverbs written in Ekavian? 14:09, 13 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]




  • Latin: Da padne na leđa, razbio bi nos. - Cyrillic: Да падне на леђа,разбио би нос.
    • Translation: If he fell onto his back, he'd break his nose. (when the person is very clumsy)
  • Latin: Dala baba dinar da se uhvati u kolo, a dva da se pusti. - Cyrillic: Дала баба динар да се ухвати у коло, а два да се пусти.
    • Translation: Grandma gave a dinar to dance, and two to stop. (Be careful what you wish for.)


  • Latin: Gdje je mnogo babica, kilava su deca. - Cyrillic: Гдjе je много бабица, килава cу деца.
    • Translation: Where there are many midwives, children will be feeble. (Too many cooks spoil the broth.)



  • Latin: Kad mačke nema, miševi kolo vode. - Cyrillic: Кад мачке нема, мишеви коло воде.
    • Translation: When cat is absent, mice circle dance. (When the cat's away, the mice will play.)
  • Latin: Ko vino večera, vodu doručkuje. - Cyrillic: Ко вино вечера, воду доручкује.
    • Translation: Who has wine for dinner, he has water for breakfast. (You can't avoid paying consequences for your deeds)
  • Latin: Ko seje vjetar, žanje oluju. - Cyrillic: Ко сeје вjетар, жање олују.
    • Translation: Who sows wind will harvest storm. (Similar to As you sow, so you shall reap.)
  • Latin: Ko uči znaće, ko štedi imaće. - * Cyrillic: Ко учи знаће, ко штеди имаће.
    • Translation: Those who study will know, those who save will have.


  • Latin: Lijepa riječ i gvozdena vrata otvara. - Cyrilic: Лиjепа риjеч и гвоздена врата отвара.
    • Translation: A kind word opens even the iron doors. (you can succeed in anything by being polite)


  • Latin: Na mlađima svijet ostaje. - Cyrillic: На млађима свиjет остаје.
    • Translation: The world is left to the young.
  • Latin: Na nevidišu nema krivice. Cyrillic: На невидишу нема кривице.
    • Translation: If it isn't seen, there's no guilt. (If you do something without being caught it isn't done.)
  • Latin: Ne može kruška da rodi jabuku. - Cyrillic: Не можe крушка да роди јабуку.
    • Translation: A pear tree cannot bear an apple.
  • Latin: Ne sej tikve gdje još nisu nikle! - Cyrillic: Не сeј тикве гдjе још нису никле!
    • Translation: Don't plant pumpkins where they never sprouted! (Don't waste your time trying things which are proven won't work)
  • Latin: Nema vatre bez dima. - Cyrillic: Нема ватре без дима.
    • Translation: There is no fire without smoke. (Where there is smoke there is fire.)
  • Latin: Nema mirnog dijeteta ni mlade babe. - Cyrillic: Нема мирног дijетета ни младе бабе.
    • Translation: There's no quiet child nor young grandmother.
  • Latin: Nema hlijeba bez motike! - Cyrillic: Нема хлиjеба без мотике!
    • Translation: There's no bread without a hoe! (Similar to Only hard work pays off.)


  • Latin: Praviti od komarca magarca. - Cyrillic: Правити од комарца магарца.
    • Translation: To make a donkey out of a mosquito. (To make a mountain of a molehill.)


  • Latin: Rugala se šerpa loncu, široka mu usta. - Cyrillic: Ругала се шерпа лонцу, широка му уста.
    • Translation: A pan was mocking a pot because his mouth is big. (The pot calls the kettle black.)


  • Latin: Svuda pođi, svome domu dođi. - Cyrillic: Свуда пођи, својој кући дођи.
    • Translation: Go everywhere, come back to your home.


  • Latin: Što možeš danas, ne ostavljaj za sutra. - Cyrillic: Што можеш данас, не остављај за сутра.
    • Translation: Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.


  • Latin: Tiha voda breg roni. - Cyrillic: Тиха вода брег рони.
    • Translation: Quiet water wears down a mountain.
  • Latin: Triput mjeri, jednom sijeci. - Cyrillic: Трипут мjери, једном сиjеци. -
    • Translation: Measure thrice, cut once.


  • Latin: U tom grmu čuči zec! - Cyrillic: У том грму чучи зец!
    • Translation: That's the bush where the rabbit squats! (That's where the solution lies!)
  • Latin: Umiljato jagnje dvije ovce sisa. - Cyrillic: Умиљато јагње двиjе овце сиса.
    • Translation: Cuddly lamb suckles from two ewes. (Similar to Flattery will get you everywhere.)
