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  • Along the shores of the Black Sea, in green valleys, on rough rocky slopes little Tartar villages cluster, mosques with slender minarets, low-roofed houses, whitewashed or painted a faded salmon pink, children with solemn faces wearing stiff red and gold caps look up at one with enormous dark brown eyes, men whose features are more Greek than Asiatic smile and murmur a gentle greeting, while women peer at one curiously from dark door-ways of rough covered carts drawn with little shaggy horses decorated with blue beads to keep off the evil eye. All the radiance of the East lies about them, all the glamour of a race fast dying out and becoming extinct.
    • Meriel Buchanan, Recollections of Imperial Russia (New York: George Doran & Co., 1924), p. 228; quoted by Brian Glyn Williams, The Crimean Tatars (Oxford, 2016), p. 7