Teen Wolf (Season 3)

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Teen Wolf (2011-2017) was an American television series which aired on MTV. It is a supernatural drama series about a teenager named Scott McCall, who is bitten by a werewolf and must cope with how it affects his life and the lives of those closest to him.

Part 1

Tattoo [3.01]

Braeden: I have to... I have to tell him.
Melissa: Who?
Braeden: The Alpha. Find the Alpha.
Melissa: [confused] What do you want with Derek Hale? [Melissa hands Braeden off to another orderly]
Braeden: No. Not Hale. McCall. Scott McCall.

Melissa: Do you have any other emergency werewolf contacts?
Isaac: [sighs] Yeah. Call Scott

Lydia: Allison, I love you. So, if you need to do that thing where we talk about me, and pretend like we're not actually talking about you, it's totally fine. But, I don't want a boyfriend. I want a distraction.

Lydia: [to Allison about Jackson] And, seriously, an American werewolf in London? Like that's not going to be a disaster.

Scott: Can we drive? Now, please?
Stiles: No. It's a red light.

[In class, Stiles notices an injury on Lydia's ankle]

Stiles Hey, Lydia, what is that? Is that from the accident?
Lydia: ...No. Prada bit me.
Stiles: [confused] Your dog?
Lydia: [sarcastically] No, my designer handbag. ...Yes, my dog.

Scott: The birds at school and the deer last night... just like the night I got trampled by the deer when I got bit by the Alpha. [Scott suddenly realizes what is happening] How many are there?
Derek: [sighs] A pack of them. An Alpha pack.
Stiles: [confused] All of them? How does that even work?
Derek: I hear there's some kind of leader. He's called Deucalion. We know they have Boyd and Erica. Peter, Isaac and I have been looking for them the last four months.

Chaos Rising [3.02]

Heather: Do you know what I want for my birthday?
Stiles: [nervously] A bike?
Heather: To not be a seventeen-year-old virgin.

Heather: [talking about sex] Have you never done it before either?
Stiles: [embarrassed] Turned seventeen? Yeah, no, not yet, no.

Isaac: [to Derek about Peter] You know Scott doesn't trust him, right? And personally, I-- well, I trust Scott.

[Peter enters the loft after overhearing Derek and Isaac talking]

Peter: Boys. FYI, while coming back from the dead has left my abilities somewhat impaired, the hearing still works. So, I hope you're comfortable saying whatever it is you were feeling straight to my face.
Derek: We don't like you. Now, shut up and help us.
Peter: [shrugs] Fair enough.

[Lydia leers at the new twin boys at school]

Lydia: I want one.
Allison: Which one?
Lydia: The straight one, obviously.

Scott: They're trying to help.
Derek: [incredulously] These two? [He points to Lydia] This one, who used me to resurrect my psychotic uncle, thank you. [He points to Allison] And this one, who shot about thirty arrows into me and my pack.
Stiles: Okay, all right, now. Come on, no one died, alright? Look, there may have been some maiming, okay? A little mangling, but no death! That's what I call an important distinction.

Peter: Do I have to remind you what we're up against here? A pack of Alphas, all of them killers. And, if that's not enough to scare your testicles back into your stomach, try to remember that two of them combine to form one giant Alpha. I'm sure Erica and Boyd were sweet kids. They're going to be missed.
Stiles: [groans] Can someone kill him again, please?

Stiles: I can't take waiting around like this, you know? It's nerve wracking. My nerves are wracked, they're severely wracked. Wracked.
Peter: [annoyed] I could beat you unconscious and wake you when it's over?

Stiles: I just... I don't understand the bank, though, okay? What... like, why wouldn't they chain them up in some underground lair or something? They're an Alpha pack, right? So, shouldn't they have a lair?
Peter: They're werewolves, not Bond villains.
Stiles: Wait a sec, wait a sec-- maybe they're living there! You know? Like, maybe the bank vault reminds them of their little wolf dens!
Peter: Wolf dens?
Stiles: Yeah, wolf dens! Why, where do you live?
Peter: [sarcastically] In an underground network of caves hidden deep in the woods.
Stiles: [stunned] Whoa, really?
Peter: No, you idiot. I have an apartment downtown.

Deucalion: [to Ms. Morrell] Don't kid yourself, Marin. It's not the first time you've gotten your hands dirty.

Fireflies [3.03]

Scott: Derek, I saw Boyd try to rip two little kids apart. Are they going to do that to everyone they find?
Derek: Everyone and anyone.

Caitlin: You coming?
Emily: Okay, there is a snake out here the size of a train.
Caitlin: [laughs] Then kick it!
Emily: Uh, yeah, if I kick it, it will swallow my foot and drag me back down to Mordor.

[Stiles has just arrived to the pool, where Lydia has found a murdered teenage boy]

Stiles: Okay, I'm going to call my dad.
Lydia: I already called 911.
Stiles: You called the police before you called me?
Lydia: I'm supposed to call you first when I find a dead body?
Stiles: [screams] YES!

Scott: [about the dead body] Are you sure?
Stiles: [on phone] Yep. Throat ripped out, blood everywhere. It's like the frickin' Shining over here. If two little twin girls come out of the woods and start asking me to play with them forever and ever, I'm not gonna be surprised.

Scott: We need help.
Derek: We have Isaac now.
Scott: I mean real help.

[Isaac looks at him, clearly offended]

Scott: [about Boyd and Cora] They're too fast for us, for all of us. They're too strong, too rabid.

Scott: And, just curious, is there a reason the gun is still pointed at me?
Argent: Well, there's probably still some part of me that wants to shoot you...
Scott: [shrugs] I get that.

Isaac: [about Boyd and Cora] Does anybody else want to rethink the plan where we just, uh, kill 'em?

Lydia: You didn't have to follow me home.
Stiles: I just wanted to make sure you got in okay!
Lydia: ...I had a police escort.
Stiles: [exasperatedly] I know the inner workings of that force, alright? They're not nearly as reliable as people think!

Derek: Cora's alive.
Peter: So I heard! Let's throw the reunion party when she's not an unstoppable killing machine.

Argent: [to Scott] California fireflies aren't bioluminescent-- they don't glow.

Scott: So, Boyd and Cora might not have killed anyone?
Stiles: [sighs] You're gonna wish they did.
Scott: Why?
Stiles: I'm not exactly sure yet. The other girl who was out in the woods, Emily? Eventually, they're going to find her. She's one of them. Emily, Heather, that guy Lydia found at the pool? All three were virgins. And they're all gonna have the same three injuries-- strangled, throat-slashed, head bashed in. It's called the three-fold death.
Scott: [stunned] So, if these aren't random killings, then what are they?
Stiles: Sacrifices. Human sacrifices.

Unleashed [3.04]

Jennifer: What do you want? You gonna threaten me? Tell me that no one's gonna believe me? Try to scare me? ...Kill me?
Derek: [laughs] I was gonna see if you were okay.
Jennifer: Physically or emotionally? Although, I guess that presupposes I was emotionally okay before any of this, and according to my therapist, I... it's been debatable for a long time.

Scott: [about Kyle] I looked everywhere. It's like he just walked away. Left his car, his dog...
Stiles: Okay, was he like-- could he have been a virgin, maybe? Did he look like a virgin? Was he, you know, virginal?
Scott: [sarcastically] No, definitely not. Deaton makes me have sex with all his clients. It's a new policy.

Stiles: [about Kyle] Missing and presumed dead, Scott, because he was probably a virgin. You know who else is a virgin? Me. I'm a virgin, okay? You know what that means? It means my lack of sexual experience is now literally a threat to my life, okay? I need to have sex. Like, right now. Someone needs to have sex with me, like, today. Like, someone needs to sex me right now!
Danny: [appears behind him] Alright! I'll do it.
Stiles: Whoa! What?
Danny: Come over to my place at nine. Plan on staying the night. I like to cuddle.
Stiles: That is so sweet. Are you kidding?
Danny: [rolls his eyes] Yes, I'm kidding!
Stiles: [disappointed] You don't toy with a guys emotions like that, Danny. It's not attractive, alright?

Stiles: [to Scott and Isaac] The kid was strangled with a garrote, all right? Am I the only one recognizing the lack of werewolfitude in these murders?

Scott: Well, he's got a point. Seriously, dude, human sacrifices?
Stiles: Scott, your eyes turn into yellow glow sticks, okay? Hair literally grows from your cheeks, and then will immediately disappear, and if I were to stab you right now, it would just magically heal, but you're telling me that you're having trouble grasping human sacrifices?

Cora: I can't believe I got my ass thrown in a vault for three months for you. All those rumors I heard. A powerful new Alpha. One of the Hales, building a pack! Do you know how long I've waited to hear something like that? Do you have any idea how it felt to find out you were alive?
Derek: I'm sorry to disappoint you.

[Derek has just been impaled with a pipe by Kali, who has arrived with Deucalion and Ennis]

Derek: [spits out blood] What do you want? You want to kill me?
Deucalion: You really think I'm that boring? Don't throw me in with sociopaths like your uncle! I'm a man with far more vision than simple murder. In fact... I'm here to show you just how much vision a blind man can have.

Stiles: Whoa! Hey, Boyd! I didn't know you were back at school.
Boyd: Yeah. I would have told you, but... we're not actually friends.

Allison: Can I ask you a question?
Isaac: Do you have to?
Allison: I guess not. [She waits a moment] I'm gonna ask anyway-- did you tell anyone that I was at the school the other night?"
Isaac: No... Was I supposed to?
Allison: [smiles weakly] It would make me really happy if you didn't.
Isaac: Yeah, well, you being happy isn't really a big priority of mine, since you stabbed me-- twenty times-- with knives.
Allison: [smiles in embarrassment] They were actually Chinese ring daggers, but, okay. Sorry.

Stiles: [to Lydia] You know that there's a temple in Calcutta where they used to sacrifice a child every day? That's every day, a dead baby, Lydia! Every day! Hey, you wanna know what today is? It's dead baby day! Oh, no, wait, that's every day, because every day is dead baby day, yay!

Deucalion: [to Derek] See, the reason I've always invested in new talent is simple. We all know a pack is strongest due to its individual parts. The stronger the individual parts, the greater the whole. When I lost my sight, one of my Betas assumed I wasn't fit for my role anymore. He tried to take it from me. Killing him taught me something about Alphas I didn't know they could do. His power was added to mine. I became stronger, faster, more powerful than I'd ever been. I tested this new ability to subsume the power of your own by killing another one. In fact, Derek, I killed them all. I took the individual parts and became a greater individual whole.

Derek: I know what you are. You're a fanatic.
Deucalion: Know me? You've never seen anything like me! I am the Alpha of Alphas. I am the apex of apex predators! I am Death, Destroyer of Worlds! I am the Demon Wolf! [Thunder rumbles outside, and his voice is so loud his sunglasses crack. Afterward, he sighs] Hate it when that happens.

Stiles: [to Deaton] All these symbols and things-- the triskeles, the bank logo, the mountain ash-- all of it is from the Celtic Druids. And, anyone who has ever looked up human sacrifice before knows that the Druids had a pretty big hard-on when it came to giving one up to the gods. You ever heard of the Lindow man? 2,000 year old body found in England? He was found strangled, head bashed in, throat cut-- three-fold death.

Stiles: I'm just telling you everything you already know, aren't I? Then why aren't you telling us?
Deaton: Maybe because when you've spent every moment of the last ten years trying to push something away-- denying it, lying about it-- it becomes a pretty powerful habit.

Frayed [3.05]

Stiles: We shouldn't have come. I knew it. We shouldn't have come.
Scott: We had to. There's safety in numbers.
Stiles: Well, there's also death in numbers, Scott-- it's called a massacre. [He looks the word up in his thesaurus] A bloodbath. Carnage. Slaughter. Butchery. Wow.

Lydia: [to Allison] Are you just following the bus, or are you planning on mounting it at some point?

Scott: [holds up Allison's arrow] I found it outside of the school, right where Isaac got Boyd and Cora to turn back.
Allison: How do you know it's not from the archery team?
Scott: [smiles] We don't have an archery team.
Allison: [embarrassed] Oh.
Scott: And, even if we did, they probably wouldn't be using military-grade, armor-piercing, titanium arrowheads. I looked it up.

Scott: Allison, the twins were just messing with us. I've seen the others. I'm not telling you this because I don't think you couldn't easily kick my ass if you wanted to-- I'm telling you this because they scare the hell out of me. And they should scare you, too.

Scott: [to Derek, Peter, Boyd, and Cora] Why is the default plan always murder? Just once, can someone try to come up with something that doesn't involve killing everyone?
Peter: You never get tired of being so blandly moral, do you? Not that I disagree with him.

Boyd: Cut off the head of the snake, and the body dies.
Peter: Only this isn't a snake, it's a Hydra. And, like Scott said, they're all Alphas.
Derek: Deucalion's still the leader.
Peter: Let's hope so, because, do you remember what happened when Hercules cut off of the the heads of the Hydra?
Scott: [sighs] ...Two more grew back in its place.
Peter: [smirks] Somebody's been doing their summer reading!

Lydia: [stops making out with Aiden] What do you think you're doing?
Aiden: What do you mean?
Lydia: I mean, your hands!
Aiden: They're on your waist!
Lydia: I know. What am I, a nun? Put them somewhere useful.

Deucalion: Come on, Scott, put those away. I'd have to be blind, deaf, and quadriplegic for you to be an actual threat. Or, maybe you should take a chance. Your heart beats steady. You may be afraid of me, but you're controlling it. Maybe you'd actually rise to the occasion-- become an Alpha by killing one.
Scott: [angrily] I'm not like you. I don't have to kill people.
Deucalion: Hmm. Not yet. But, situations come about, situations where you realize the only way to protect one person is to kill another.

[Peter arrives to the abandoned mall where the pack fought the Alphas, and he finds Cora examining where Derek fell to his "death". Cora is startled to see him]

Peter: It's just me, your uncle. Uncle Peter.
Cora: [glares at him] Uncle Peter who killed sister Laura.
Peter: [shrugs] Not my finest hour, no, but I'm hardly the only dysfunctional family member. Did Derek tell you he killed me, too? Slashed my throat ear-to-ear.

Scott: I don't know what else to do. Do I keep trying to get them to listen to me? Do I tell Derek that he's gonna get them all killed? How do you save someone who doesn't wanna be saved? How do I stop them?
Deaton: Don't stop them. Lead them.

[Stiles, Lydia, and Allison are on the phone, conferring about Scott's serious injuries]

Lydia: What's wrong with him?
Stiles: What's wrong with him? I don't... do I have a Ph.D in Lycanthropy? How am I supposed to know that?

Cora: An animal clinic?
Peter: It's not as ordinary as it looks. The building's half made out of mountain ash. I'm not actually sure how to get in.
Cora: [rolls her eyes] Well, maybe we could do what normal people do, and knock on the door.

Motel California [3.06]

Coach Finstock: [to the cross-country team] Listen up. The meet's been pushed 'til tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and the least amount of good judgment when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves. You'll be pairing up. Choose wisely. And, I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants! You got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves!

[Stiles and Scott are in their motel room discussing the town's murders]

Stiles: Alright, so I have four.
Scott: Four? You have four suspects?
Stiles: Yeah, it was originally ten. Well, nine, technically, I guess-- I had Derek on there twice.

Stiles: Are you serious? Have you still not seen Star Wars?
Scott: I swear, if we make it back alive, I will watch the movie.
Stiles: It just makes me crazy.

Derek: How bad?
Ms. Blake: To be honest, the "Oh, my God" would be for your wonderful physique, if not for the fact that you're bleeding black blood.

[Stiles, Allison, and Lydia have found a Bible in the motel room that is full of newspaper clippings of the people who have committed suicide in that room]

Stiles: That's a beautiful thing. Most places leave a mint under the pillow. This one leaves a record of all the horrible deaths that occurred!

Jennifer: [to Derek] Do you have any idea how bad you look? You're like one giant open wound. I'm not entirely sure you aren't really dead.

Stiles: Lydia, I'm sorry, okay? Look, I didn't mean that you're trying to kill people, okay? I just--I just meant that maybe... maybe you're somehow involved in getting people to kill themselves, you know? Which, now that I say that out loud, it just sounds really terrible, so I'm just going to stop talking.

[Stiles, Lydia, and Allison have found a wolfsbane-poisoned Scott, who has soaked himself in gasoline and is holding a lit flare, ready to kill himself]

Scott: Every time I try to fight back, it just gets worse. People keep getting hurt. People keep getting killed.
Stiles: Scott, listen to me, okay? This isn't you, alright? This is someone inside your head telling you to do this. Okay? Now--
Scott: --What if it isn't? What if it is just me? What if doing this is actually the best thing that I could do for everyone else? It all started that night, the night I got bitten. You remember the way it was before that? You and me, we were-- we were-- we were nothing. We weren't popular. We weren't good at lacrosse. We weren't important. We were no one. Maybe I should just be no one again. No one at all.
Stiles: Scott, just listen to me, okay? You're not no one. Okay? Scott, you're my best friend. Okay? And I need you. Scott, you're my brother. Alright, so... So, if you're gonna do this, then... I think you're just gonna have to take me with you, then. Alright?

Chris: In 1977, my uncle Alexander Argent checked into the Glen Capri motel for a one-night stay. In room 217, he used a shotgun to blow out the back of his skull. The autopsy report noted an unusual animal bite in his side.
Gerard: If you already have all the information, what do you want from me?
Chris: I want to know the alpha that bit him. I want his name.
Gerard: [smirks evilly] Deucalion.

Coach Finstock: [finding Lydia, Allison, Scott and Stiles sleeping on the bus] I don’t wanna know. I really don’t wanna know

Currents [3.07]

Ethan: I'm not going to hurt him.
Scott: Why should I believe you?
Ethan: Because we knew one of them would be important to you, and now we know it's Lydia.

Melissa: Boys! What do you think you're doing?
Isaac: Uh, we were watching over you!
Scott: We wanted to make sure you weren't the third sacrifice!
Melissa: ...But both of you were asleep.
Scott: [to Isaac] You were on watch last!
Isaac: What are you talking about? You were on watch last!
Scott: No, you were on watch last.
Isaac: [looks at Melissa sheepishly] I might have been on watch last.
Melissa: My heroes!

Deaton: [to Scott on the phone] I honestly thought I would never have to burden you like this, but you're my only hope. I'm going to be taken. I need you to find me.

[Boyd and Isaac have just showed up at Derek's loft]

Derek: Go back to school.
Isaac: Well, actually, we can't-- Boyd and I are incredibly sick.
Derek: With what, brain damage?
Isaac: Well, I have a migraine, and, uh, Boyd here has explosive diarrhea.

Boyd: We're here to protect you.
Derek: You're here to protect me? Well, I'm in trouble, then.

Lydia: [to Cora] Sweetheart, my last boyfriend was a homicidal lizard. So, I think I can handle a werewolf.

Lydia: I'm not a psychic.
Stiles: [exasperated] You're something!

Deucalion: [to Scott] Impressive. But, you know I'm not the one slashing up innocent people, praying to ancient gods, gathering herbs, or whatever the hell Druids are supposed to do.

[Stiles looks through Danny's bookbag while he's asleep in his hospital bed]

Danny: [groggy and half-asleep] What are you doing?
Stiles: I'm not doing anything, Danny. This is just a dream that you're having.
Danny: Are you going through my stuff?
Stiles: Right, but only in the dream, remember? Dream. You're dreaming.
Danny: Why would I dream about you going through my stuff?
Stiles: I don't know that, Danny, okay? It's your dream. Take responsibility for it!

Kali: Gonna be honest, Derek-- when Ennis died, I thought to myself, "I'll just go for it." Find you and kill you, wherever you stood. Then, I remembered how you surround yourself with these teenagers, hiding behind them. And, I thought, "What's a girl gotta do to get you alone?" [She has the twins bring out Jennifer, who they've taken hostage] You and me, Derek, or they tear her apart. What do you say? You think you can beat me one-on-one?
Derek: I'm gonna rip your throat out. With my teeth.

Erica: [in flashback] Boyd, what do you think will happen to us on the lunar eclipse? They last for hours, you know? Because it's just the earth's shadow. I wonder what will happen to us. Maybe it'll make us stronger. I hope it'll make us stronger.

Deaton: Your eyes, they were red! Bright red!
Scott: How is that possible?
Deaton: It's rare, something that doesn't happen within a hundred years. But, every once in a while, a beta can become an alpha without having to steal or take their power. They call it a True Alpha. It's one that rises purely on the strength of character, virtue, by sheer force of will.
Scott: You knew this would happen.
Deaton: I believed. From the moment I knew you were bitten. I believed
Scott: You weren't the only one
Deaton: No (Pause as Scott looks on) Deaucalion isn't here for Derek. He's after you.

Visionary [3.08]

[Stiles has showed up to Derek's loft looking for Derek, but has found Cora instead, who has told him he has disappeared]

Cora: Why do you care?
Stiles: Why do I care? Let's see: because, over the last few weeks, my best friend's tried to kill himself; his boss nearly got ritually sacrificed; a girl that I've known since I was three was ritually sacrificed; Boyd was killed by Alphas... I-- Do you want me to keep going? 'Cause I can, alright? For, like, an hour.

Peter: [to Cora and Stiles] If you want to know what changed Derek, you need to know what changed the color of his eyes.

Gerard: [to Scott and Allison] Deucalion may have lost his eyes, but he's not always blind.

Stiles: Okay, so if Derek was a sophomore back then, how old was he? How old were you? How old are you now?
Peter: Not as young as we could have been, but not as old as you might think.
Stiles: Wow, that was frustratingly vague. [He turns to Cora] How old are you?
Cora: I'm seventeen.
Stiles: See? That's an answer. That's how we answer people.
Cora: Well, seventeen how you'd measure in years...
Stiles: Alright, I'm just gonna drop it.

Gerard: [to Allison and Scott] There was an exceptionally powerful alpha who did live here. She had a capacity to shapeshift that was rare among her kind. That made her something of a leader, the kind of person that they would go to for advice and guidance... Talia Hale.

Deucalion: [in flashback] I'm an Alpha. I never walk alone.

[In flashback, Gerard is about to attack Deucalion with flash-bang arrows]

Deucalion: Don't, don't do this! I had a vision. A vision of peace!
Gerard: A little short-sighted, wouldn't you say?

Scott: [to Gerard] If you lied and it gets people hurt, I'll be back to take away more than your pain.

The Girl Who Knew Too Much [3.09]

[Stiles and Scott have arrived to the school, where Lydia and Allison are waiting for them]

Lydia: It's the same thing-- same thing as the pool. I got in the car, heading somewhere totally different, and ended up here. And, you told me to call you if there's a dead body...
Stiles: [stunned] You found a dead body?!
Lydia: Not yet.
Stiles: [exasperatedly] "Not yet?" What do you mean, "Not yet?" Lydia, you're supposed to call us after you find the dead body.
Lydia: Oh no, I'm not doing that again. You find the dead body from now on.
Stiles: How are we supposed to find the dead body? You're always the one finding the dead body.
Scott: Guys, I found the body.

Stiles: [to Ethan] Is he talking about me? Are you threatening me? You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna break off an extra-large branch of mountain ash, wrap it in wolfsbane, roll it in mistletoe, and shove it up your freakin' a--"

Ethan:: In actual wolf packs, Omegas are the scapegoat. The last to eat, the ones who have to take the abuse from the rest of the pack.
Stiles: So, you and your brother were, like, the bitches of the pack?
Ethan: Something like that.

Stiles: Do you realize how suicidally crazy that was? What were you thinking, going after them?
Cora: I did it for Boyd! None of you were doing anything.
Scott: [sadly] We're trying.
Cora: And you're failing. You're just a bunch of stupid teenagers running around, thinking you can stop people from getting killed. But all you do is show up late. All you really do is find the bodies.

Scott: I'm not an Alpha.
Marin Morrell: But you're well on your way, aren't you?
Scott: Then what is he waiting for? What does he want me to do?
Morrell: He wants to make a killer out of you. That's what he does.
Scott: But, if I kill someone, I can't be a True Alpha, right?
Morrell: Exactly. You want the psychologist's perspective? He's an obsessive who both desires you and is threatened by you. If the obsessive can't have the object of his desire, he'll choose to destroy it instead. You'll either willingly become part of his pack, or he'll make a killer out of you, destroying your potential to be a True Alpha.

[Lydia is arguing with Jennifer Blake about calling the police to report the missing history teacher, Mr. Westover]

Lydia: Okay, fine. I'm psychic.
Jennifer: [skeptically] You're psychic?
Lydia: [frustrated] I'm SOMETHING!

[Stiles and Cora are confessing to Sheriff what they know about the supernatural, using a chessboard labelled with sticky notes to explain]

Sheriff: So... Scott and Derek are... werewolves?
Stiles: [relieved] Yes!
Sheriff: And... Kate Argent was a werewolf?
Stiles: Hunter. Purple is "hunter." [He holds up the purple sticky notepad]
Cora: [hesitantly] ...Along with Allison and her father.
Sheriff: [skeptically] Yeah. And, my friend Deaton, the veterinarian, is a-- [He consults his papers] --Kanima?
Stiles: No, no, no, he's a Druid. Well, we think.
Sheriff: So, who's the Kanima?
Stiles: Jackson.
Sheriff: [confused] No, Jackson's a werewolf...
Stiles: Jackson was a Kanima first, then Peter and Derek killed him, and he came back to life as a werewolf, and now he's in London... [He shakes head in frustration]

Scott: I thought you were going home.
Lydia: I can't. I don't know why I'm the one that keeps finding the bodies. But maybe, if I stopped trying to fight it, I'd find them before it happens. Maybe with enough time for someone like you to do something about it.
Scott: You get me the time, and I'll do something about it. I swear to God I will.

Isaac: Are you sure we shouldn't call Scott?
Allison: [pulls out ring dagger] Stay behind me and stay quiet.
Isaac: [after Allison leaves the car] Oh, this is so not gonna end well.

Stiles: You saw something that you can't explain.
Sheriff: Stiles, I have seen a lot of things I can't explain in this town. That doesn't make 'em supernatural, and it doesn't make 'em real. They just found another body. That's real, and that's the lead I'm following.
Stiles: Yeah, and another teacher's going to die if you don't start listening to me--
Sheriff Stilinski: --I am listening! I have been listening!
Stiles: ...You just don't believe. Mom would have believed me.

[Jennifer has just stopped trying to strangle Lydia after hearing her scream at the top of her lungs, and is looking at her in awe]

Jennifer: [to Lydia] Unbelievable! You have no idea what you are, do you? The Wailing Woman. A Banshee right before my eyes. You're just like me, Lydia. "Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under't." It's too bad, though... and too late.

The Overlooked [3.10]

[Melissa walks into Cora's hospital room to prepare to transfer her, only to find Peter standing at her bedside. Her eyes widen in horror at the sight of him]

Melissa: [horrified] You're supposed to be dead.
Peter: I get that a lot, actually.

[Melissa has just been cornered by Deucalion and Kali at the hospital]

Melissa: You're him, aren't you?
Deucalion: Him?
Melissa: The bad guy.
Deucalion: [smiles] You have no idea.

Stiles [to unconscious Cora]:You just hold on a little longer, okay? Trust me, if anyone's gonna get us out of this, it's Scott. [sighs] I can't believe I just said that. You know, I actually used to be the one with the plan. Well, or at least a plan B. Now, I don't know. Now I'm thinking maybe you were right. You know, maybe... maybe we are pretty much useless. Maybe all we really do is show up and find the bodies. [beat] I don't want to find my father's body. [beat] You know, you're a lot easier to talk to when you're completely unconscious.

[Stiles is talking to an unconscious Cora after having resuscitated her after she went into respiratory arrest]

Stiles: You know, the next time I put my lips to your mouth, you better be awake.

Jennifer: [to Derek] For years, the Nemeton's power was virtually gone, like the dying ember of a burned out fire. But a few months earlier, something happened that caused that ember to glow a little brighter. Something that gave it a spark of power again-- the sacrifice of a virgin. You didn't know what you were doing back then, but killing Paige in the root cellar, sacrificing her there, gave power to the Nemeton. You gave it power again. You gave me power. Just enough to hold on to life a little longer. Long enough to be found.

Jennifer: We were the overlooked. The emissaries. It was a mistake Deucalion and the Alphas should never have made, because I made an oath of my own-- from virgins and warriors, from healers, philosophers, and guardians, to loan me their power so that I could teach these monsters that their monstrous actions would never be overlooked.

Derek: You killed innocent people.
Jennifer: So have you. I know the real color of your eyes, Derek, and I know what it means. I'm not asking you to save just my life. I'm asking you to save everyone they'll ever hurt again.
Derek: [defeated] You can't beat them.
Jennifer: Are you sure about that? Boyd asked you right before he died, "What happens to a werewolf during a lunar eclipse?" You didn't get the chance to tell him, but you know, don't you? What happens, Derek? During the total lunar eclipse?
Derek: We lose all our power.

Chris: [about Jennifer Blake] I don't even think I know what teacher that is.
Isaac: She's the one with the brown hair. She's kinda hot. [everyone stares at him] ...Just an observation.

Deucalion: They're gone. Guardians, Scott. If you were with me, I could've told you what it meant. I could have warned you. Let me help you, Scott. Let's help each other. You help me catch her, and I'll help you get your mother and Stiles' father back.

Melissa: Oh god, where are we?
Sheriff Stilinski: I don't know. Looks like a root cellar to me, but, uh... she called it something different. She called it a... a Nemeton.

Alpha Pack [3.11]

Isaac: [to Peter] Not to bring up uncomfortable memories, but wasn't the last time you saw them the time you killed Kate and they burned you alive?

Agent McCall: A Stilinski at the center of this whole mess. What a shocker. Think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm?
Stiles: If you ask the questions without the usual level of stupid.

Isaac: Want to figure something out? Because while Scott and Stiles were out there trying to help people from being killed, you were in here, rolling around the sheets with the actual killer! Do you get how many people she's killed? Erica and Boyd are dead, Cora is dying, and you're doing nothing! Why did you do this to us Derek? Was it all about the power? Were you bored? Were you lonely?
Derek: Maybe. [Isaac angrily goes to leave] I told Cora I wouldn't leave. I'll help the others when I figure out how to help her.
Isaac: There's no time! The full moon's coming. The sheriff and Melissa are going to be dead, so I'm going to help them. You can sit here and perfect the art of doing nothing.

Allison: What about Lydia?
Chris: [confused] Lydia? What can she do?
Stiles: Uh, Lydia's got sort of a talent. She somehow ended up finding a couple of the bodies... um, without actually looking for them.
Chris: What is she, psychic?
Stiles: She's... something.

Peter: I've heard it's something only an alpha can do, and with good reason.
Derek: Which is?
Peter: You know normal wolves never abandon an injured member of the pack. They care for it. They bring it food from a kill, and then regurgitate it into the mouth of the injured wolf. They even give it physical and emotional comfort by intensely grooming it. In a way, they can do more than just ease pain. They can be instrumental in healing their own.
Derek: If you're trying to tell me I can save her, just tell me.
Peter: I'm telling you... I've heard it's possible.
Derek: How?
Peter: It's that spark of power that makes you an Alpha. When you take her pain, she draws on the power that provides you with those special gifts. The power that heightens your senses, your strength. The power that transforms your body. As an Alpha, you have that bit of extra, that spark that intensifies the color of your eyes from a bright yellow into a searing red.
Derek: If I can save her...
Peter: If.
Derek: If?
Peter: I didn't say it works every time. It could just as easily kill you.
Derek: How do I do it? By taking her pain?
Peter: And then some. Because there's a cost.

Peter: I can understand not seeing a downside to this, as you haven't exactly been Alpha Of The Year, but think about what else you'll be losing.
Derek: I don't care about power. Not any more.
Peter: What about the power to fight back? Correct me if I'm wrong, but Kali's ultimatum still stands, and the full moon is tomorrow night. And if you couldn't beat her as an Alpha, how do you think you're going to beat her as a Beta?

Jennifer: [to Chris] Argent... the French word for "silver." Interesting how truth becomes altered by legend... when it's not actually the metal silver that kills werewolves, but the family. What's the Argent Code again? "We hunt those who hunt us?" I hope you don't mind if I borrow it for a little while, since I've been hunted myself.

Stiles: So, you're asking me to tell you what I wouldn't not tell you?
Special Agent McCall: First, I have no idea what you just said. Second, how about you just help me help you?
Stiles: Well I don't know how to help you help me tell you something that would help you if I don't know it.
'"Special Agent McCall'": Are you doing this on purpose?

Deucalion: What do you know about Jennifer?
Marin Morrell: Nothing more than you know. This isn't you, Scott. Go back to your friends.
Deucalion: He can decide what's right for himself.
Marin: Not without all the information. Have you told him everything you've done? How you've piled up bodies in a narcissistically psychotic effort to form your perfect pack? Bodies that include Ennis, by the way. My brother saved him. He was alive when Deucalion when in to see him. He wants you to go after Derek, Kali, to force his decision. If Derek joins the pack, it paves the way for Scott.

Melissa: [to Chris] I don't want to kill your optimism or anything, but both of us have been trying to do the same thing for hours.

Deaton: Essentially, you, Allison, and Stiles need to be surrogate sacrifices for your parents.
Scott: We die for them?
Stiles: But, he can bring us back. [to Deaton] You can... you can bring us back, right?
Deaton: You remember the part where I said it was dangerous? If it goes right, the three of you will be dead for a few seconds. But, there's something else you need to think about. This is a dangerous thing for more reasons than one. You'll be giving power back to the Nemeton, a place that hasn't had power for a long time. This kind of power is like a magnet-- it attracts the supernatural, the kind of things that a family like the Argents can fill the pages with a bestiary with. It will draw them here, like a beacon. [...] It'll also have an effect on the three of you. You won't be able to see it, but you'll feel it. Every day, for the rest of your lives. It'll be a kind of darkness around your heart. And permanent, like a scar.

Stiles: [to Scott] By the way, if I don't make it back and you do, there's something you should know. Your dad's in town.

Lunar Ellipse [3.12]

Melissa: Is she actually going to come down here and slash all our throats?
Sheriff Stilinski: Nah. ...She'll actually come down here, strangle us with a garrote, and then slash all our throats.

Derek: Do you want me to run?
Peter: [sarcastically] No, I want you to stay and get slaughtered by an Alpha with a psychotic foot fetish. Of course I want you to run! Sprint, gallop, leap your way the hell out of this town.

Kali: [about Derek] Where is he?
Lydia:I think he said he was heading out to do some shopping. You know, your usual werewolf afternoon.
Kali: Who do you think you're talking to?
Lydia: Someone in desperate need of a pedicure. I'd be happy to give you a referral!

[Jennifer has just arrived to Derek's loft, ready to fight against Kali, Ethan, and Aiden]

Jennifer: So, who wants to go first?

Melissa: Anyone else feeling an unbearable itch they can't scratch?
Sheriff Stilinski: Well, not before you said something. But now? Yes, I do.

Jennifer: That's right, Kali. Look at me. Look at my face. Do you know what it takes to be able to look like this, to be able to look normal?
Kali: I don't care.
Jennifer: It takes power. Power like this.

[The cellar under the Nemeton is starting to collapse from the force of Jennifer's storm, and Isaac struggles to use his werewolf strength to hold up the roof and keep it from collapsing on them]

Isaac: Is it me, or is this place getting smaller?

Deucalion: Kill her now and it's over. Become the Alpha you're meant to be. Become a killer.
Scott: They're not dead yet.
Deucalion: Who's going to save them? Your friends?
Scott: My pack.

Derek: My mother told me you were a man of vision once. We're letting you go because we hope you can be that man again.
Scott: But if you're not, then having your eyesight won't matter, because you'll never see us coming.

[Stiles has just saved the parents, Isaac, and Allison from the collapsed roof by propping it up with an aluminum baseball bat]

Sheriff Stilinski: I always said aluminum was better than wood.

Jennifer: How did you do that?
Scott: I'm an Alpha now. So, whatever you're doing to cause the storm, make it stop, or I'll kill you myself. I don't care what it does to the color of my eyes.
Deucalion: It won't change the color of mine, so allow me.

[Deucalion slits Jennifer's throat with his claws]

[Scott and Stiles are on the phone after the battle]

Stiles: Do you think you can come get us?
Scott: Yeah, of course.
Stiles: Uh, bring a ladder.

Allison: We're going to have a new code. Nous protègeons ceux qui ne peuvent pas se protèger eux-měmes.
Chris: [smiles] "We protect those who cannot protect themselves."

[Jennifer has crawled to the Nemeton in hopes of using its power to save herself. Before she can use it to heal, however, she is stopped by Peter, who stands over her]

Jennifer: [laughs bitterly] Of course it's you. Everyone else suffers, but somehow, you come out on top. And now that Scott's an Alpha, you'll be able to steal it from him. You'll be an Alpha again.
Peter: Again? Again?! I am the Alpha. I've always been the Alpha!

Part 2

Anchors [3.13]

Stiles: Have you ever had a dream where you feel like you're about to wake up, but you can't move or talk? It happens because during REM sleep, your body is basically paralyzed. It's called muscle atonia. That way, if you start dreaming about running, you don't actually start running in your bed.
Scott: That makes sense.
Stiles: But sometimes, your mind can wake up before your body does. So, for this split second, you're actually aware that your body is paralyzed.
Scott: And that's the terrifying part?
Stiles: It turns your dream into a nightmare. You can feel like you're falling, like you're being strangled, or, in my case, like you're in the center of a grove of magical trees where human sacrifices took place.

[Scott and Isaac are talking about Isaac's feelings for Allison]

Isaac: What do you mean?
Scott: I mean, you didn't kiss her, did you?
Isaac: No! Absolutely not. No.
Scott: ...Did you want to?
Isaac: Oh yeah, totally.

Melissa: [to Scott and Isaac] You two supernatural teenage boys! Don't test my entirely un-supernatural level of patience!

[Lydia is talking to Allison, Scott and Stiles about their current symptoms as they walk into school]

Lydia: Well, well, well. Look who's no longer the crazy one.
Allison: We're not crazy!
Lydia: Hallucinating? Sleep paralysis? Yeah, you guys are fine.
Scott: We did die and come back to life. That's gotta have some side effects, right?

[Stiles picks up a file off the floor of Sheriff's office and reads it aloud while Sheriff works]

Stiles: [reads aloud] "Strange sighting of bipedal lizard-man sprinting across freeway."
Sheriff: [sighs] Kanima pile.

[Scott, Stiles, Allison, Lydia, and Isaac are sitting at a lunch table and brainstorming about Scott, Allison and Stiles' current side-effects]

Scott: Okay, so what happens to a person who has a near-death experience and comes out of it seeing things?
Stiles: And is unable to tell what's real or not?
Allison: And is being haunted by demonic visions of dead relatives?
Isaac: They're all locked up because they're insane.
Stiles: Ha, ha. Can you at least try to be helpful?
Isaac: For half my childhood, I was locked in a freezer. So, being helpful is kind of a new thing for me.

[Kira has just explained to the group about Bardo, which includes peaceful deities and wrathful deities such as demons]

Stiles: Demons?...Why not?

[Scott unexpectedly started wolfing-out in anger after learning his father is trying to get Sheriff Stilinski fired]

Melissa: You told me you and Stiles learned a way to control this. You find an anchor, right? Find your anchor.
Scott: [groans in pain] My anchor was Allison. I don't have Allison anymore.
Melissa: Then be your own anchor.

Melissa: [to Scott] Sweetheart, let me tell you something no teenager ever believes, but I swear to you is the absolute truth-- you fall in love more than once. It'll happen again. And it'll be just as amazing and extraordinary as the first time. And maybe just as painful. But it will happen again, I promise. And, until then-- be your own anchor.

[Scott and Stiles are in the woods, looking for the body of Malia Tate]

Stiles: You know, if my dad's right, that means there's another werewolf in town that we haven't met yet.
Scott: [sighs] I know.
Stiles: And, if it turns out to be something like triplets that form into, like, a three-headed hound of hell, I'm seriously not up for that.

[Scott and Stiles, still in the woods, hear the sound of an animal howling, which causes Stiles to jump in fright and startle Scott]

Stiles: Sorry, buddy. I hate coyotes so much. They always sound like they're mauling some tiny, helpless little animal.

[Peter and Derek have been captured by hunters and are being tortured with electricity. After a moment, they get a moment of reprieve. Derek glares at Peter]

Peter: Why are you looking at me like this is my fault?
Derek: Because it is your fault.
[They're both shocked again with electricity]
Peter: Yeah, you're probably right.

More Bad Than Good [3.14]

Severo: [to Derek and Peter] So, why don't you just tell us? Where is La Loba?

Araya: No tienes que ser tan duro. ["You don't have to be so hard"]
Derek: No hablo español. ["I don't speak Spanish"]
Araya: Tú hablas muchas idiomas, Derek Hale. ["You speak many languages, Derek Hale"] You know exactly what I'm saying. And, you know who we want. Where is the She-Wolf?

[Scott and Stiles are talking to Sheriff about their theory that Malia is still alive and a werecoyote]

Scott: Okay, but if it was a full moon and she did change while her mom was driving, then anything could have happened.
Stiles: Horrible things could have happened! Ripping, shredding, tearing things.

Stiles: Think about it, Dad, all right? They're driving. Malia starts to change, she goes out of control, the mom crashes, and everybody dies.
Scott: Except for Malia.
Stiles: She blames herself, alright? Goes off running into the woods, and eventually becomes trapped inside the body of a coyote!
Sheriff: That makes sense.
[Stiles and Scott look hopeful about how easily Sheriff accepted this theory, but Sheriff just groans in annoyance]
Sheriff: In a Chinese folktale!

Agent McCall: [to Sheriff] Come on, Stilinski. You know how this goes. It's the not knowing that ruins people like Tate. The truth-- no matter how profoundly it sucks-- the truth is always better than not knowing.

[Allison, Scott, and Stiles are looking at a map of the nature preserve on Scott's phone]

Stiles: Here's where we found the den. It's right in the middle of the hiking trails.
Allison: Well, that could narrow it down-- coyotes travel on fixed trails. [She turns to Scott] But, I think you're right about her not going back to the den. Coyotes don't like wolves, and they're really smart. If they don't want to be heard, they actually walk on their toes.
Stiles: [dumbfounded] Coyotes tip-toe?!
Allison: [rolls her eyes] They tip-toe.

[Kira is digging around in her bookbag for research she did on Bardo for Scott when her father comes up behind her]

Ken Yukimura: Kira! You forgot all the research you did for that boy you like.

Stiles: What the hell is happening to me?
Scott: We'll figure it out. You're going to be okay.
Stiles: Am I? Are you? Scott, you can't transform. Allison's being haunted by her dead aunt, and I'm straight-up losing my mind. We can't do this. We can't-we can't help Malia. We can't help anyone.
Scott: We can try. We can always try.

[Peter's severed finger is still on the floor of the cellar where he and Derek are being kept, and Peter eyes it while talking to one of the hunters]

Peter: I don't want to make it sound like we don't appreciate your hospitality, but do you think it would be possible to put that on ice? [The hunter side-eyes him] Maybe something for my hand? Extra-large bandaid? Perhaps some antibiotic ointment?

[Braeden has arrived and neutralized the Calaveras before she comes downstairs where Peter and Derek are being held]

Derek: [shocked] You're the one who saved Isaac.
Braeden: I'm the one who was hired to save Isaac.
Peter: Someone hired you to get us out of here?!
Braeden: Someone hired me to get Derek out of here. You? I'm totally fine leaving for dead.
Peter: Where did I get this reputation?

Derek: Who hired you?
Braeden: Deucalion.
Peter: Deucalion? The guy who did that to you? [He gestures toward the scars on her neck and face]
Braeden: [shrugs] Girl's gotta eat.

Stiles: [about Isaac] Okay, what is the point of him? Seriously. I mean, what is his purpose? Aside from his persistent negativity and the scarf? What's up with the scarf, anyway? It's 65 degrees out.

Stiles: We need a real Alpha. [Scott makes an offended face] You know what I mean. An Alpha who can do Alpha-things! You know, an Alpha who can get it going. You know, get it...
Isaac: ...Up?
Scott: [defeated] Great. I'm an Alpha with... performance issues?

Scott: What if I can't control it? What if I can't turn back?
Ethan: Then it takes over. You become Malia. You get further and further away from being human. You turn into an animal. Or worse--
Aiden: --You turn into Peter.

Allison: How am I supposed to help anyone if I'm like this? What am I supposed to do?
Isaac: Allison. Let me help you. Show me what to do.

Lydia: Anyone else think we might be doing more harm than good?
Scott: We're trying to keep a father from killing his own daughter.
Isaac: Actually, we're trying to keep a guy from killing a coyote, who is actually his daughter, who we don't know how to change from a coyote back into his daughter...
Stiles: And again with the not helping.
[Isaac side-eyes Stiles]:

[Lydia is giving Stiles a pep-talk to help him get her out of an animal trap in the woods, despite him not being able to read the instructions]

Lydia: [anxiously] You don't need the instructions. When was the last time you've ever used instructions, am I right? You don't need them because you're too smart to waste your time with them, okay? You can figure it out. Stiles, you're the one who always figures it out. So, you can do it. Figure. It. Out.

[Stiles and Lydia hear Scott's alpha roar all the way across the woods]

Stiles: Oh, that's what I'm talking about!

Galvanize [3.15]

Ethan: You seriously want to go back to high school? Is this about Lydia?
Aiden: This about getting Scott to change his mind. We're not just Betas anymore, we're Omegas. The bitches, remember? When everyone we've screwed over finds out that we don't have a pack anymore, what do you think's going to happen? We're dead on our own.
Ethan: That's still better than being back in high school.

Stiles: Scott, I don't think you get it, yet. You're an Alpha. You're the apex predator! Everyone wants you. You're like the hot girl that every guy wants.
Scott: [confused] The hot girl?
Stiles: You are the hottest girl! [Stiles leaves just as Isaac joins them]
Isaac: [confused] ...What?
Scott: I'm the hot girl?
Isaac: Yes, you are! [Scott and Isaac both smile like angels]

Isaac: Barrow went after kids with glowing eyes? He said those exact words?
Stiles: Yeah, and no one knows how he woke up from anesthesia. Just that when they opened him up, they found a tumor of live flies. Which, in any other circumstance, would be all kinds of awesome.

Mr. Yukimura: "Try again. Fail again. Fail better."
Kira: Are you quoting Samuel Beckett to me?
Mr. Yukimura: I thought that was Yoda?

Mr. Yukimura: Someone will show an interest. You're a beautiful girl. How could they not?
Kira: The only one who's shown any interest in me is a rabid coyote.
Mr. Yukimura: Well, maybe you could date the coyote?

Stiles: [about Lydia] She has a feeling, a supernatural feeling!
Sheriff: [confused] Lydia wasn't on the chessboard!
Stiles: Well, she is now.
Sheriff: [sighs] Kanima?
Stiles: Um, banshee.
Sheriff: Oh, god.

Isaac: [about the twins] So, this is how it's gonna be now? We trust them?
Scott: Just because I'm letting them help, doesn't mean I trust them.
Isaac: Yeah, well, I don't trust them, either. Or like them. In fact, I hate them, and I kinda just want them to die.

Peter: [to Derek] You know, there's always an element of danger to rituals like this. I'm not particularly fond of them! ...Unless they somehow benefit me in some way.
Derek: [rolls eyes] What do you want?
Peter: I want to keep them. [Derek side-eyes him] Sentimental value. [Derek side-eyes him harder] She was your mother, but she was also my sister! [Derek gives him an even stronger side-eye] What? Am I not allowed a little bit of sentiment?

Coach: If I were four years younger, I'd punch you!
Stiles: What? Coach, that doesn't make sense.
Coach: Oh. Well, it does to me.

[Lydia is laying on Stiles' bed and watching him as he works on the crime board he's set up in his bedroom]

Lydia: What do the different colored strings mean?
Stiles: Oh, just different stages of the investigation. So, green is "solved," yellow is "to be determined," blue's just pretty...
Lydia: What does red mean?
Stiles: "Unsolved."
Lydia: ...You only have red on the board.
Stiles: [sarcastically] Yes, I'm aware. Thank you.

Stiles: Hey, Lydia, you've been right every time something like this has happened, okay? So, don't start doubting yourself now.
Lydia: [discouraged] No scent? No bomb? And I got you in trouble.
Stiles: Okay, look, Barrow was there, alright? You knew it. You felt it. And, look, if you wanted to, I'd go back to that school right now and search all night just to prove it.

Isaac: Alright, maybe I was trying to kiss you.
[Allison smiles, then realizes what she's doing, and jumps to her feet]
Allison: Are you completely, totally out of your mind? You actually think that I would want to kiss you? Or, any other werewolf ever again? Because trust me on this, I would never kiss you. Ever.
Isaac: ...Never?
Allison: Never.
Isaac: Okay. Alright, fine. I won't kiss you either. [Isaac takes off his shirt. Allison stares at him and takes off her own shirt]

[Chris walks in on Allison and Isaac with their shirts off]

Chris: [scowling] Allison, can I see you in my office? [He glares at Isaac] Where I keep my guns?
[Allison quickly puts her shirt on and scurries out of the room. Isaac looks terrified, especially when he hears Chris yell from in the hall]

Scott: What do you hear now?
Lydia: [discouraged] Nothing. I feel like I can do this, but I don't know what to do. It's like it's on the tip of my tongue, and I don't know how to trigger it! I just... I swear to God, it literally makes me want to scream!
Stiles: Okay, then scream, Lydia. Scream.
[Lydia screams like a banshee]

William Barrow: [to Kira] Oh, did you ever see a movie called Village of the Damned? The original, not the remake. Nobody cares about crappy remakes. I'm talking about the 1960 black-and-white masterpiece. Huh? It's about this group of children; blonde-haired, beautiful children who make their eyes glow. And they do terrible, terrible things. The tag-line on the poster read, "Beware the stare that will paralyze the will of the world." Now, when I told everyone that I saw children with glowing eyes, they wouldn't believe me! I tried to get them to do something. They wouldn't budge! They wouldn't move. As if they had been paralyzed. I am going to shake them out of their paralysis. I'm going to get them moving. [He holds up a stripped wire that is sparking] I am going to galvanize them.

Illuminated [3.16]

Agent McCall: You believe this?
Sheriff: To be honest, I haven't believed a word Stiles has said he he learned how to speak.

Stiles: [about Kira] No, you need to remember someone left a coded message telling Barrow to kill her.
Scott: Which is why I need to talk to her.
Stiles: Scott, no way. Until we figure out if she's just another psychotic monster that's gonna start murdering everybody, I vote against any and all interaction.
Scott: [stares at Kira] What if she's like me?
Stiles: That girl walked through 1.21 jiggawatts of electricity. She's not like you.

Ethan: [to Aiden] You don't get it, do you? Scott doesn't care about power. He cares about people. You want to be a wolf in his pack? Try being a human in high school.

Mrs. Martin: Sweetheart, since this is my first class and I haven't taught in five years, I just wanted to remind you of one thing-- try not to embarrass me.
Lydia: You should have thought about that before wearing those shoes! ...Love you!

Lydia: [to Aiden] The other night, I helped save someone's life. That felt really good. And, I look at you, and all I can think is that you helped kill Boyd. You're not just a bad boy, Aiden. You're a bad guy. And I don't want to be with the bad guys.

[Stiles gives Scott and Kira the various keycards needed to get into the various doors of the Sheriff's station]

Scott: ...You didn't steal these, did you?
Stiles: No, I cloned them, using an RFID emulator.
Scott: [baffled] Is that worse than stealing?
Stiles: ...It's smarter.

[Stiles is trying to stall Agent McCall to prevent him from catching Scott and Kira as they delete photos off of her phone in evidence]

Stiles: I was just... I was thinking, on the case. I was thinking, I should clue you in on my thinking. Here's my thinking. I was thinking this-- I was thinking that Barrow, right? I was thinking that Barrow received the information about who to kill at the school, right, you know that? So, I was thinking, maybe the person who gave him the information-- check this out-- might actually be someone at the school. And, that's, uh, my thinking.

Allison: I'm frustrated
Isaac: Sexually?

Allison: Do you wanna talk about Scott, or do you wanna paint my body?
[Isaac stares at Allison, who is only wearing a bra and a skirt]
Isaac: I wanna paint your body.

Stiles: I thought you liked girls
Caitlin: I do like girls. Do you?
Stiles: Absolutely.
Caitlin: Great!
Stiles: So you also like boys?
Caitlin: Absolutely. Do you?
[Stiles looks alarmed]

Kira: How are you so okay with all of this? I showed up a picture that would send anybody else running the other way.
Scott: It didn't look that bad to me.
Kira: [skeptically] I look like a demon from hell.
Scott: I guess I saw something different. It kind of looks like it's, uh, protecting you. Kind of like armor. And it doesn't look like a demon to me.
Kira: What do you think it looks like?
Scott: [hesitates] It looks like a fox.

[Derek has returned to his loft to discover a large party raging. He approaches the DJ's table, but is stopped by the bouncer]
Bouncer: Bro, sorry, but the Bloody Beetroots doesn't take requests. [Derek nods and tries to continue past the bouncer, who stops him again] Bro seriously, I said the DJ doesnt... [Derek grabs the bouncer by the throat]
Derek: He'll take mine. [tosses the bouncer aside]
[Derek grabs the DJ's table and overturns it, stopping the music and bringing the party to a halt. The guests turn to stare at Derek, and some of them start booing]
Derek: [werewolf range voice] GET OUT!!!
[After a moment of stunned silence, everyone begins quickly scurrying for the exits]

Silverfinger [3.17]

Scott: What was behind the mask?
Argent: Darkness. Absolute darkness.

Scott: Is this about being in my pack?
Aiden: This is about you being the target of demonic ninjas.
Ethan: You mean, the demonic ninjas that pulled swords out of their chests and completely kicked our asses?
Aiden: [smiles fakely] Yeah, those demonic ninjas.

Scott: [to the twins] I'm a true alpha. You have no idea what I can do.

[Melissa McCall interviews Stiles at the hospital about his symptoms]

Stiles: Blackouts, but not for that long... And sleepwalking, which I used to do a lot as a kid. Um, also having some really bad anxiety.
Melissa: Panic attacks?
Stiles: Yeah, a couple. Oh, and I temporarily lost the ability to read. But, that might have had more to do with this giant magic tree and the whole human-sacrifice thing...
Melissa: [smiles] I recall something vaguely about that, yes.

Melissa: Been feeling irritable?
Stiles: Yeah, possibly to the point of homicide.
Melissa: Inability to focus?
Stiles: No, the Adderall's not working.
Melissa: Impulsive behavior?
Stiles: More than my usual? Hard to tell.
Melissa: Vivid dreams during the day?
Stiles: Okay, basically all of the above.

Melissa: Get some rest.
[Stiles, who is about to fall asleep, grabs her hand before she can leave]
Stiles: Thanks, Mom.

Isaac: [to Allison and Chris] Guys, this isn't going to work. I look ridiculous. I mean, I look like I just stepped out of the last period of a Catholic prep school! And there is no way that I'm going to be able to remember all this. I mean, what does this even mean? [He reads off of the card] "Revolving over and under barrels?"

Allison: You can do this. You're not a boy if you walk in there acting like a man. Okay? Go in there with confidence, and all they'll see is a boyish looking man.
Isaac: Or, a stupid teenager pretending to be a man. I'm going to get my head blown off by a bunch of Japanese fingerless mobsters...

Kira: I don't wanna sound pessimistic or anything, but do you really think that's going to keep them out?
Scott: Actually, we have a kind of security system. Things happened a couple weeks ago, a lot of things, and we had my boss help make a few changes to the house.
Kira: Your boss? Do you work for a security company or something?
Scott: No, he's a veterinarian.

Kincaid: [to Isaac] You don't know the whole story behind this gun, do you? There was no duel between brothers. That was the cover story. The real one involves an encounter in the woods with a vicious animal. Its bite caused one of the men to change into something... monstrous. By his family's Code, the brother of this man killed him with this very gun.

Scott: Go get a warrant.
Agent McCall: I don't need a warrant, I'm your father.
Scott: No, you're a gene donor. I got my hair color from you, and that's all I got. So, you're not allowed to play tough dad with me.

Chris: Starting to remember? It was twenty-four years ago. You know what they are, don't you?
Katashi: They're called oni. They are demons, and they're unstoppable.

Scott: Where the hell did you come from?!
Derek: I've been following you.
Scott: [confused] For how long?
Derek: [shrugs] All day.

[Aiden and Ethan see that Kira can't cross the mountain ash]

Aiden: [to Kira] So, what are you?
Derek: She's a kitsune, idiot. Use your eyes, you can see it all around her. The younger ones give off an aura. She just hasn't learned how to conceal it yet. She probably doesn't know what kind she is, either.

Katashi: There are thirteen kinds of kitsune; celestial, wild, ocean, thunder. But there is one, a dark kitsune. They call it void, or nogitsune. [...] Nogitsune draws its power from pain and tragedy, strife and chaos.

Aiden: Why do you think we're here, Derek? For study group? We're here to protect Scott.
Ethan: We're trying to fight for him.
Derek: I'm sure you are. I'm sure you'd kill for him. But, are you willing to die for him?

Riddled [3.18]

Aiden: Are we even allowed to be here this late? What if security catches us?
Lydia: [scoffs] There is no security. The number of homicides in this school has seen to it that no sane person will ever take a night job here again.

Lydia: You didn't hear that?
Aiden: [sighs] Lydia, I'm not sure anyone hears what you hear.

Nogitsune: Everyone has it, but no one can lose it. What is it, Stiles?

Aiden: So, do you think he was just sleepwalking? Or is there something more to it?
Derek: In this town, there's always something more.

Derek: [to Aiden] You think Stiles-- skinny defenseless Stiles-- is the nogitsune? A powerful dark spirit?

Stiles: You know what they're looking for, right? It's called frontotemporal dementia. Areas of your brain start to shrink. It's what my mother had. It's the only form of dementia that can hit teenagers... and there's no cure.
Scott: Stiles, if you have it we'll do something. I'll do something.

Kira: I'm not sure if I should go in. You're going to tell Scott that Barrow might have used foxfire-- created by me-- to jumpstart the nogitsune's power inside Stiles?
Derek: Yeah.
Kira: ...Basically, that I helped a dark spirit take control of his best friend?
Derek: ...You should probably wait here...

[Derek explains to Scott that he had the opportunity to talk to his mother recently]

Derek: She told me something that changed my perspective on a lot of things. She said that my family didn't just live in Beacon Hills-- they protected it. This town needs someone to protect it. Someone like you.

Noshiko Yukimura: You know me. [Nogitsune/Stiles nods] Then you know that I won't be deterred by your choice of host. Even if it's an innocent boy.
Nogitsune/Stiles: Are you threatening us?
[Noshiko suddenly summons two oni, who flank her on either side]
Noshiko: Now I'm threatening you.
Nogitsune/Stiles: We're not really afraid of your little fireflies.
Noshiko: If the oni can't defeat you, I know someone who will.

Letharia Vulpina [3.19]

Deaton: There's a fox hiding inside a teenage boy... and I'm going to poison it.

[Scott and Melissa arrive at the hospital to visit Isaac. They find Allison waiting outside his room]

Scott: Have you been here all night?
Allison: Yeah. They won't let me see him because I'm not family. I told them he doesn't have any.
Melissa: He's got us. And, I have a key-card.

Argent: So, I don't suppose you have any idea why Stiles would frame us for murder.
Derek: I didn't think Stiles was smart enough to frame us for murder.

Peter: [to Lydia] Do you actually think I was trying to kill you when I bit you? You were my back-up plan, remember? Not to mention, the bite is what brought out your latent abilities. You think power like that was going to come out on its own? [He clicks his tongue] I'm the spark that lit your fire, sweetheart.

Peter: You want the truth, Lydia? It's not the scream that gives you power. All the scream does is help drown out the noise, allowing you to hear what you really need to. I can help you focus your hearing.
Allison: [skeptically] But you want something in return.
Peter: [sarcastic] No, I'm dedicating my life to helping out narcissistic teenage girls. Of course I want something in return.

[Derek and Argent are still handcuffed to a bench at the Sheriff's station. Derek jiggles his wrist against his cuffs, trying to break free]

Derek: I could easily get out of these, you know.
Argent: So could I. But I'm not interested in being a fugitive from the law.
Derek: Well, I'm not interested in being a victim to a seventeen-year-old possessed by a psychotic fox.
Argent: Just give me a few more minutes. [Derek continues to rattle his handcuffed wrist] Derek!
Derek: Okay, fine. But, if something happens, don't expect me to risk my life trying to save yours.

Noshiko Yukimura: [about her tails] You hid them in a book? Couldn't you find something more secure?
Ken Yukimura: How many high school students do you know who would willingly open a book?

Ken: You still haven't talked to Kira, have you?
Noshiko: Barely a word since the hospital.
Ken: You need to tell her. Especially about this. You've already sacrificed five. Three of the oni are gone. How many more tails are you willing to sacrifice?
Noshiko: If I have to? All of them.

Lydia: [to Peter] I said, I don't know. I don't know its name, if it's a boy or a girl, or if it's some mutated wolf-baby.

Allison: Peter and Malia?
Lydia: ...Father and daughter.

Nogitsune/Stiles: [to Scott] Does it hurt? Hey, look at me. You should have done your reading, Scott. See, a nogitsune feeds off chaos, strife, and pain. This morning, you took it from Isaac, then you took it from Coach, and then, from a dying deputy. All that pain-- you took it all. Now, give it to me.

Nogitsune/Stiles: You really have to learn, Scott. You really have to learn not to trust a fox. Hmm-mmm. Know why? 'Cause they're tricksters. They'll fool you. They'll fool everyone.
[Suddenly, Deaton comes up behind Nogitsune/Stiles and injects him with a syringe full of letharia vulpina]
Deaton: Not everyone.

Echo House [3.20]

[Scott has just learned that Stiles plans on entering treatment at Eichen House]

Scott: I can't help you if you're in here
Stiles: And I can't hurt you.

Oliver: There was a suicide, huh?
Stiles: Yeah...
Oliver: Is it Monday? There's a much higher rate of suicide on Mondays.

[Stiles and Oliver watch as Meredith speaks to someone on the pay phone, which is currently shut off]

Meredith: No. No, I think you're wrong. I really think I should tell them. They're going to want to know the story. The whole story. I really think they should know. Yes, I do. One of them is standing right behind me.

Derek: You know, if all of this is true... people are dead because of Stiles.
Argent: But, is it really Stiles? Remember, we've had this problem before.
Derek: But, we got lucky with Jackson. What happens when you don't get lucky?
Argent: I guess it depends on how much or how little of Stiles is left.

Argent: You ever heard of the berserkers?
Derek: Germanic warriors. They wore the skins of bears to channel their ferocity.
Argent: They didn't just wear them. They became them. You know, a couple years ago, a family came to use for help with their son. This group of teenagers, they were doing all sorts of rituals with animal skins. Somehow, they tapped into it. But, with berserkers, the human side doesn't last long. They're not tempered by the moon.

[Marin Morrell examines the marks that have appeared on Stiles' neck and back]

Marin: It's called a Lichtenberg figure. They appear on lightning strike victims. The fact that they're appearing on you after a shot of wolf lichen is both significant and strange.
Stiles: ...by "significant and strange," do you mean, "hopeful and optimistic?"

Stiles: So, when the nogitsune takes over, you're going to kill me?
Marin: I'm going to do what I've always done-- maintain the balance.
Stiles: [sighs] Okay, then. I've missed our talks. Thanks for the illicit drugs.

Stiles: I was kind of wondering why you punched me...
Malia: Did you think I was going to thank you?
Stiles: No... [She stares at him skeptically] ...Maybe. We did kind of save your life?
Malia: [sarcastically] You're right, Stiles. Thank you. Thanks for invading my home, for putting me on the run. For turning me back to human, so that I could look at my father every day and try to figure out how to explain to him that the reason my sister and mother are dead is because I almost ate them on a full moon. Thank you so very much.

Scott: This is a really bad plan.
Lydia: ... It's not that bad.
Ethan: [exasperatedly] It's not that good.
Lydia: [sighs] None of us knows the route they're going to take. If Allison can get one of her dad's GPS trackers on the armored car, then we can follow it. So, when it gets here... [She points to a spot on the map]
Aiden: We attack them?
Lydia: No. Your bikes will be in the middle of the road, looking like you guys got into an accident. And when the driver gets out to help...
Aiden: [hopefully] We attack him?
Lydia & Allison: [in unison] NO.
Lydia: You distract him. And Scott will break open the back door--
Scott: [nervously] --I hope--
Lydia: [ignores him] --And you'll get Katashi's finger.
Ethan: [alarmed] It's not his actual finger, is it?
Lydia: [sighs in frustration] You're so out of our league.

Araya: [to Argent] I don't fish, mijo. I hunt.

Scott: [to Kincaid] Give me the finger. [Kindcaid looks at him in amusement and confusion, and Scott sighs] You know what I mean.

[Stiles and Malia have just kissed when Stiles pulls away]

Stiles: Was that your first kiss? [Malia nods] was it okay? You want to try it again?
[Malia nods and they kiss again]

[The twins have just finished neutralizing Kincaid and are about to make the killing blow when Scott stops them]

Aiden: You want him to come after us?
Ethan: Scott, we've seen guys like this. Trust us, he's dangerous.
Scott: So are we. And he looks smart enough to remember that. We're here to save a life, not end one.

[Scott has brought the Shugendu scroll to Deaton, who is reading it for answers on how to help Stiles]

Scott: Does it say anything?
Deaton: My Japanese isn't great... but, it appears to say that one method of expelling a nogitsune is to change the body of the host.
Scott: [confused] Change the body?
Deaton: Which begs the question... how do we change Stiles' body?
Scott: ...By turning him into a werewolf.

The Fox and the Wolf [3.21]

Nogitsune/Stiles: No. No, I'd like to talk to you. The older the tail, the stronger the oni. Am I right? I know there's one tail left. I know it's the strongest.
Ken Yukimura: Unfortunately, I don't know what you're referring to.
Nogitsune/Stiles: [sighs] You'll talk.
[One of the nogitsune's flies forces itself down Ken's throat]
Nogitsune/Stiles: They always talk.

[Kira and Scott have just rushed to the school to meet Noshiko, who is helping Ken recover from the nogitsune fly. Kira hands her mother a small vial, the contents of which she feeds to Ken]

Kira: You going to tell me what it is?
Noshiko: Reishi.
Kira: [incredulously] You're not seriously giving Dad magic mushrooms?

[Scott has given Noshiko the picture of her from 1943 that Malia and Stiles found in Eichen House]

Scott: If that's you, then you'd have to be like, ninety years old.
Noshiko: [smiles] Closer to nine hundred.
Kira: [stunned] Okay. Sure. Why not? [She turns to Ken] Dad, how old are you?
Ken: Forty-three. But, I've been told I look mid-thirties.

Scott: All this, it's all happened before, hasn't it?
Noshiko: Yes.
Ken: Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

[Noshiko and Satomi are talking in their barracks of Oak Creek internment camp in a flashback to 1943]

Satomi: I know what you think of me, Noshiko. You think I am weak because I follow the rules. You think rules are for the obedience of fools and cowards. The young fox always knows the rules so she can break them. The older, wiser animal learns the exceptions to the rules.

Noshiko: [to Scott] Wolves and foxes tend not to get along. And not just in fables and stories.
Ken: [to Noshiko] But allies, however unlikely, should be welcomed. Especially in times of war.

[At the Sheriff's station, Deputy Parrish is signing Argent and Derek out of jail. Parrish holds up Chris' cattle-prod taser]

Deputy Parrish: Sorry, but I can't let you walk out with this. It's way above the legal voltage limit.
Argent: [glances at Derek] I only use it for hunting.
[Derek shoots Chris an unamused look]
Deputy Parrish: Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure you could use it to jump-start a 747.

Deputy Parrish: Sheriff, I'm not kidding. This thing is a few watts from being a lightsaber!

Argent: That's the problem. We're all trying to out-fox the fox.
Sheriff: [sighs] Listen, I'll understand if anyone backs out.
Derek: [shrugs] I'm not going to be the first wolf to run from a fox.
Argent: Apparently, I'm carrying a lightsaber.

[Noshiko recounts her memory of when she first learned that Satomi was a werewolf]

Noshiko: Now I knew why Satomi was always trying to keep quiet. Why she got migraines once a month, and why she was always at the game of Go. It kept her calm.
Scott: [shocked] She was bitten.
Noshiko: Bitten werewolves have a harder time suppressing their anger. One unexpected flare-up, and they could lose all control.

Sheriff: You know what? I don't know how you guys do it. You're all so strong. You're fearless. Hell, you even manage to keep your grades up!
Allison: ...I'm failing Econ.

Allison: I'm not... fearless. I'm terrified. [She starts to cry] I'm always terrified. I-I act like I know what I'm doing, but I don't. I don't know if Isaac is dying right now. I don't know if I made a mistake with Scott. I don't know what my dad is thinking. I don't know if we should trust Derek. I don't know... I don't know anything!
[She starts to sob, and Sheriff gives her a comforting hug]
Sheriff: [smiles] You know what's funny? You sound just like a cop.

Noshiko: The gunfire nearly killed me. I don't know how many bullets made their way into my body, but I fought every one of them. It left my body so weak, my heartbeat so slow, it appeared as though I was dead. But, even then, I was still better off than Rhys. His screams could be heard throughout Eichen House, echoing through every room, every hallway. He died in agony. The doctor, it seems, had also sold the morphine.

Noshiko: But, I could not die knowing they would get away. So, I called out to our ancestors for kitsune-tsuki-- possession by a fox spirit. For a powerful nogitsune, one that feeds off chaos, strife, and pain, to take control of my weakened body, imbue it with power, and use it as a weapon. But, calling on a trickster spirit is a dangerous thing. They can have a very dark sense of humor. Because, while the nogitsune did come to possess someone, it wasn't me.

Noshiko: Coup de foudre. The literal translation is "a bolt of lightning." In French, it can also mean, "love at first sight." But, a bolt of lightning happens to be exactly what we need right now.
Kira: For what?
Noshiko: Excising the nogitsune from Rhys' body shattered the katana. But, you can put it back together.
Kira: Why don't you just do it yourself?
Noshiko: Because I'm not a thunder kitsune. Do you trust me?
Kira: I just found out you're nine hundred years old. I don't think I'm ever gonna trust you again.
Noshiko: Trust me on this.

[Noshiko gives Kira the repaired katana. When she takes it, her hand immediately begins to spin it of its own accord]

Noshiko: You see? It gives you balance. My power is yours, now, Kira. If the oni can't stop Stiles, you have to. The same as I did.

Scott: [to Noshiko and Ken about Stiles] There's a way to save him. There has to be.

[After Kira and Scott have left to find Stiles, Noshiko holds up her last kaiken and shows it to Ken]

Noshiko: I'll take it somewhere safe.
Ken: That's not what I'm worried about. History has not done well with making children into killers.
Noshiko: These children played their part in it long before we came back to Beacon Hills. I buried the jar deep within the roots of the Nemeton. It was their sacrifice that brought its power back. They let the demon out of its cage.

De-Void [3.22]

[Allison, Argent, Sheriff, and Derek are in a standoff with Nogitsune/Stiles. Argent has a gun aimed at Stiles' head and Sheriff has his gun aimed at Argent]

Allison: [whispers] Strife. [When nobody reacts, she speaks louder] Stop! Stop it! This is what he wants. This is exactly what he wants!
Nogitsune/Stiles: Not exactly. I was kind of hoping Scott would be here. But, I'm glad you all have your guns out, because you're not here to kill me. You're here to protect me.
[The sun goes down, and four oni materialize in the loft. The pack moves in front of Stiles/Nogitsune]

Nogitsune/Stiles: Why that kanji? Why "self?"
Noshiko: To signify that he died as himself. Because Rhys wasn't a monster. Not like you.
Nogitsune/Stiles: If I'm such a monster, why'd you call off the oni? What happened to the woman who called out for chaos, strife, and pain to descend upon everyone and everything? What happened?
Noshiko: I don't want that anymore.
Nogitsune/Stiles: I do.

[The nogitsune has disemboweled himself/Stiles with Noshiko's kaiken]

Noshiko: [horrified] What have you done?
Nogitsune/Stiles: Chaos has come again.
[The nogitsune's flies swarm out of his stab wounds and fly around Beacon Hills]

Allison: Were you really gonna pull the trigger on Stiles?
Argent: To be honest, I'm not sure.
Allison: ...I'd check the firing pin.
Argent: [confused] You removed it? [Allison smiles] That's why women are the leaders in our family.

[Derek is talking to Peter while he sets up a chess board with its pieces on a table at the loft]

Derek: Back in his room, Stiles had a board with my name on one of the pieces. If this is a game to him, then I need to figure out the plays.
Peter: Not so easy to do when it's a game without rules.
Derek: [frowns] What does that mean?
Peter: You're dealing with the kind of spirit that's lived too long to play by human rules. It's a fox spirit that chose to become human. And supposedly, that's something that can do only after about a hundred years. If a kitsune is an annoying pain in the ass, then a nogitsune, which is a dark kitsune, is a freaking disaster. Besides, chess is Stiles' game. It's not the game of a Japanese fox.

Nogitsune/Stiles: [to Scott] Oh, I hope he gets there in time. I like the twins. Short tempers, homicidal compulsions... they're a lot more fun than you bakemono trying to save the world every day.

[Nogitsune/Stiles has just tricked Melissa into untaping his mouth by pretending to cry]

Nogitsune/Stiles: Really, Melissa? I shed one tear, that's all it takes? Come on. You can't crumble that easily. How are you going to hold up when Scott knows the truth?
Melissa: [confused] What?
Nogitsune/Stiles: When he finds out why his dad really left? You know he overheard it, right? [beat] You had no idea! You called Stilinski right after it happened. You didn't tell Scott, but you told the Sheriff. Hmmm. But, Stiles overheard it, like he hears everything. But, you want to know why he never told Scott? Because he knew Scott would never forgive you. He knew how much he would hate you.
Melissa: [trying to hold back her fury] This isn't you, Stiles.
Nogitsune/Stiles: [smirks] It is now!

Peter: [about Nogitsune/Stiles] He doesn't look like he would survive a slap across the face, much less the bite of a werewolf.
Scott: You don't think it would work?
Peter: [shakes head] This is more a war of the mind than the body. There are better methods to winning this battle.
Deaton: [unsure] What kind of methods?
[Peter grabs Scott's arm and flicks out Scott's claws]
Peter: We're going to get into his head.

[Ethan and Aiden, who are both possessed by the nogitsune's flies, meet in the school and begin to fight]

Aiden: You have no idea what's going on right now, do you?
Ethan: Why should I care? Scott's never going to trust us anyway. You see the way he looks at us? Like the dogs that bit the neighbor. One more little incident, and he's either going to let us go, or put us down.
Aiden: [smiles fakely] I'm starting to think the same about you.
Ethan: See? That's what I'm talking about. I'd probably be in his pack by now if it wasn't for my psychotic brother. The one who has to kill everything in sight.
Aiden: Careful, Ethan. You're currently the only thing in my sight.

[Isaac, infected by the nogitsune's fly, has just tasered Ethan and Aiden and has knocked them both out]

Isaac: I guess this is the part where I say something witty. [beat] I'm not witty.

Deaton: So, do we have a plan?
Peter: Scott is going to try to dig through pale-and-sickly Evil-Stiles' mind to unearth pale-and-sickly Real-Stiles, then guide him back from the depths of his own subconscious. But, he's not going to do it alone.
Scott: What do you mean?
Peter': [looks at Lydia and smirks] Somebody needs to go in with you.

[Isaac, still infected by the nogitsune's fly, is holding an unlit Molotov cocktail in his hand while he searches Coach Finstock's desk]

Isaac: [mutters to himself] Come on, Coach, you gotta have a lighter. I'm gonna burn it down. For Erica. For Boyd. For everyone. I'm gonna burn it.

[Allison and Kira have just locked themselves in Coach's office to hide from the nogitsune-fly-possessed Isaac, Ethan, and Aiden]

Kira: They're not going to kill each other, are they?
Allison: ...I think they're going to try.

Scott: So, what do we do if we find him?
Peter: You're going to have to guide him out somehow. Try to give him back control of his mind, his body.
Lydia: [aggravated] Could you elaborate on the "somehow?" It's not feeling very specific at the moment.
Peter: [shrugs] Improvise!
Scott: What if this is another trick?
Peter: [offended] When are you people going to start trusting me?
Scott: ...I meant him. [gestures to Nogitsune/Stiles]
Peter: [awkward] Oh.

[Nogitsune-fly-possessed Derek pours lighter fluid all over Argent, who he has tied to a chair]

Argent: [frantically] Okay, listen. Listen to me. Whatever's gotten into your head, this isn't the way to deal with it.
Derek: You burn my family, I burn yours. In fact, I'll burn the whole building down around you.
Argent: That was Kate. You know I had nothing to do with that. I'm not your enemy, Derek. Not anymore.
Derek: Yeah, you are! You, and Allison. Which is why I'm not gonna light this yet. [He holds up a lighter] I'm not! We're going to wait until she gets home, and we're going to let her watch.

[Scott and Lydia awaken in Stiles' mind after using the memory ritual involving an Alpha's claws. They're in a room identical to the rooms at Eichen House, and each are bound to the bed in a five-point restraint]

Lydia: Do you actually need me to remind you that you're a werewolf?
Scott: ...We're in Stiles' head!
Lydia: And you're a supernatural creature with supernatural strength! Break. Free.

[The still-fly-possessed Derek is becoming increasingly anxious while a lighter-fluid-soaked Argent remains bound to a chair]

Derek: Why shouldn't I kill you? How many of us have you murdered? You're not my ally! You're not my ally. You're a hunter.
Argent: You're right. I am a hunter. Trained before I could even speak, and trained others. Do you know what the first lesson we teach is? We take our children, we bind them in a chair just like this. Then, we wait for them to get out. Most of them, it takes hours. Others? Seconds.
[He breaks free from the chair, grabs a gun hidden under the desk, and holds it under Derek's chin]
Argent: I don't want to kill you, Derek. Don't make me kill you. Please.

[Lydia and Scott find Stiles playing Go with the Nogitsune in his mind, but no matter how fast or far they run, they can't reach him. They're trying to figure out what to do when Lydia gets an idea]

Lydia: Stiles is part of your pack!
Scott: [confused] What? What do you mean?
Lydia: He's human. But, he's still part of the pack, right?
Scott: Yeah! Yeah, of course!
Lydia: [smiles] So, how do wolves signal their location to the rest of the pack?
Scott: [wolfs out] They howl.

[Lydia and Scott have just returned from Stiles' mind to find him still unconscious on the couch]

Lydia: Why didn't it work?
Peter: [impatiently] Because it's not science, Lydia. It's supernatural. I did my part. Now, give me the name.
Scott: [confused] What name? What are you talking about?
Peter: Lydia, a deal is a deal. Even with me.
Lydia: [whispers] Malia.

Insatiable [3.23]

Aiden: [talking about the nogitsune and Lydia] So, no one notices him just kidnapping her right out of the house?
Deaton: [annoyed] Most of us were concentrated on the bizarre sight of a creature materializing from out of the floor!

[Melissa has just finished giving Stiles a physical exam after the nogitsune created a new body for him]

Melissa: Well, medically, you seem okay. You're definitely a real person.
Stiles: Okay, so, I'm real, but am I really me?

Scott: What about Lydia? Why would he take her?
Noshiko: He would only take her for an advantage.
Scott: You mean her power?
Noshiko: [nods] The power of a banshee.

Void!Stiles: Can you hear them? Louder than usual, isn't it? Well, that's because a lot of bad things happened down here. What are the voices telling you? Are they saying Stiles is dying? [He sing-songs] He is, you know. He's dying.
Lydia: [shrieks] Then what do you need me for? You think I can tell you something?
Void!Stiles: Oh, I know you can.
Lydia: I'm not telling you anything!
Void!Stiles: You won't have to. You'll be screaming.

Sheriff: You're a good guy, Parrish. That's what they all said at your old station. Though, no one could tell me exactly why you left.
Deputy Parrish: Maybe I needed a change? I don't really know. I guess I kind of felt drawn here.

Derek: You had a gun pointed at my head. You could've pulled the trigger. Why didn't you?
Argent: Because you're not my enemy anymore, Derek. And I'm not yours.

Allison: Just out of curiosity, do you remember the other night?
Isaac: [confused] You mean the night before last?
Allison: That night before you weren't you.
Isaac: Yeah, I remember.
Allison: So, that night... were you you, or were you not you...?
Isaac: You mean, the night when we were us?
Allison: Yeah. I just wanna know if... if it was actually you with me.
Isaac: ...did you want it to be someone else?
Allison: [laughs nervously] No. No. No, of course not.
Isaac: Good. Because it was me. And, I do remember it. I really remember it.

Kira: [about Meredith] Coach, you can't let them take her back. It's hard to explain, but if you let her go back, then really, really bad things are going to happen to Lydia, to Scott, and Stiles, and maybe everyone, including you. So, please, please don't let them take her.
Coach Finstock: ...Who are you?
Kira: [awkwardly] Um... I'm Kira. I'm new?

Void!Stiles: The trickster stories are all about food, Lydia. The coyote, the raven, the fox. They're all hungry. I'm the same. I just crave something a little different. I eat what you feel. And I'm insatiable.

Allison: Dad, if something happens...
Argent: Hey, hey. You don't need to worry about me.
Allison: Well, yeah. I didn't get to say anything to Mom...
Argent: You didn't need to say anything. And I'm going to be around a long time, I promise.
Allison: Well, then take it as a reminder. Maybe you don't need to hear it, but I need to know that I said it. I love you. I'm proud of you. I'm... I'm proud of us.

Stiles: [about Meredith] Okay, will you just let me handle this, Isaac? Please? I just... I have more experience with banshees.
Isaac: Yeah, and mental patients.

Isaac: All right, I'll say it-- you look like you're dying. You're pale, and you're thin, and you look like you're getting worse. And we're all sitting here thinking it. When we find the other you, is he gonna look like he's getting better? What happens if he gets hurt?
Stiles: You mean, if he dies, do I die? I don't care. Just so long as no one else dies because of me. I remember everything I did, Scott. I remember pushing that sword into you. I remember twisting it.
Scott: It wasn't you.
Stiles: Yeah, but I remember it. You guys gotta promise me-- you can't let anyone else get hurt because of me.

Scott: We've done this before, guys. A couple of weeks ago, we were standing around just like this, and we saved Malia, remember? That was a total stranger. This is Lydia.
Allison: I'm here to save my best friend.
Scott: [looks at Stiles] I came to save mine.
Isaac: ... I just didn't feel like doing any homework.

[Allison has just been mortally wounded by the oni and is bleeding out in Scott's arms]

Allison: Did you find her? Is she okay? Is Lydia safe?
Scott: She's okay. [He tries to take her pain, but it doesn't work] I can't. I can't take your pain.
Allison: That's because it doesn't hurt.
Scott: No...
Allison: It's okay.
Scott: [cries] Allison...
Allison: It's okay. It's okay. It's perfect. I'm in the arms of my first love. The first person I ever loved. The person I'll always love. I love you, Scott. Scott McCall.
Scott: Don't, please. Don't. Allison, don't. Please.
Allison: [gasping] You have to tell my dad. You have to tell my dad. Tell him.
[Allison suddenly dies. Scott begins to sob. Kira, Noshiko, Isaac, and Argent are completely numb in despair]

The Divine Move [3.24]

[Stiles and Kira talk about Allison with Kira's parents]

Kira: But she did it. She killed one of them.
Stiles: Yeah, and then they killed her. Allison's dead. Now, I guess the only good thing is it looks like I'm dying, too.

Noshiko: He made a powerful move by splitting the two of you.
Kira: So, what's our move?
Ken: At this point, you need a divine move.

Argent: I appreciate the concern, but you don't have to stay. I'll be alright. I've dealt with this before. I have a capacity and an ability to compartmentalize my emotions.
Isaac: [turns to him, tears in his eyes] I don't.

[Aiden and Ethan have told Derek that they're leaving town, and Derek has just brought up their significant others, Lydia and Danny]

Derek: Are you gonna try to convince her to go with you?
Aiden: I'm gonna try and convince her to run and hide, like any sane person would do.
Derek: [to Ethan] And Danny?
Ethan: Allison's dead. Stiles is dying. What do you think?
Derek: I think Danny won't believe you. And Lydia would never run and hide.
Aiden: [sneers] Because of Stiles?
Derek: Because of Scott.

[Derek is talking to the twins about Scott]

Derek: You've been trying to find a way into his pack. Trying to earn his trust, trying to fight for him. But, you've had it wrong the whole time. You don't fight for a leader. You fight for a leader's cause.
Aiden: What cause?
Derek: Scott's always been about one thing-- saving his friends. He will do anything and everything to save the people he cares about. When there's no chance of winning, he keeps fighting. When all hope is lost, he finds another way. And, when he's beaten down, he stands up again. You want to earn a place in his pack? You want redemption? Find another way to stay and fight.

[Argent and Isaac have found the four spare silver arrowheads that Allison made before she was killed]

Argent: [confused] Why would she make four of these?
Isaac: [in realization] She didn't. She made five. She made the first one, and then she figured it out. She used the first arrowhead to kill one of the oni. We saw her do it.

Isaac: [about the oni] What if silver is like a poison to them? What if it needs to stay in the body? What if that's what she was trying to tell you, that she'd figured it out?
Argent: These four would still have been setting when she went off to meet Scott...
Isaac: We could stop them.
Argent: [determined] No. We can kill them.

Stiles: Scott, hold on. I know what you're all thinking. If this works, it might kill me, too. But, even if it does, you have to go through with it. Stick with the plan, okay?
Scott: The plan is to save you. That's the plan I'm going with.
[They walk into the school to find they're in the Japanese garden where the first nogitsune was killed by the oni. It's snowing, and everyone is confused]
Stiles: Oh, this is definitely not part of the plan.

Void!Stiles: I've heard of an Alpha pack, but not a pack of former Alphas. It's a little sad, isn't it?
Derek: I might not be an alpha anymore, but I can still fight like one.

Nogitsune: Do you know the ritual of seppuku, Stiles?
Stiles: No, and I don't want to.
Nogitsune: When a samurai disembowels himself with his own sword to maintain his honor. But, that's not the cut that kills him. The killing stroke is made by his kaishakunin, who beheads the samurai with his own katana. Scott... Scott is your kaishakunin. I'm going to make your best friend kill you, Stiles. And, you're going to let him, because, just like you, they're all going to die. Everyone touched by an oni's blade. [beat] Unless Scott kills you first.
Stiles: Why? Why are you doing this?
Nogitsune: To win the game.

[Scott and Kira are fighting the oni while Stiles and Lydia hide]

Scott: How is this happening? How are we in this place?
Kira: [hysterically] You're asking me? A month ago, I'd never even touched a sword!

Nogitsune: Give up the game. You have no moves left.
Stiles: [gives Kira back her katana] I do. A divine move.

Void!Stiles: This was my game. You think you can beat me at my own game? Divine move. Divine move? You think you have any moves at all? You can kill the oni, but me? Me? I'm a thousand years old, you can't kill me!
Lydia: [scared] But we can change you!
Void!Stiles: [stunned] What?
Stiles: You forgot about the scroll.
Lydia: The Shugendu scroll?
Void!Stiles/Nogitsune: [whispers] Change the host.
Stiles: You can't be a fox and a wolf.
[Scott bites Void!Stiles, and then Kira quickly stabs him in the back with her katana]

[Derek and Argent have rushed over to Aiden, who is dying of a stab wound from the oni]

Aiden: Lydia never believed I was one of the good guys anyway.
Derek: [sadly] She'll believe me.

Kira: I wish I could say something to him. I wish I could say something to all of them. But, I don't know how much space or how much time I'm supposed to give them. And, I know I'm still just the new girl in school.
Lydia: [sees Malia being shown around the school] Not for long.

Ethan: I'm sorry. I just don't think I can stay.
Danny: Actually, it's okay.
Ethan: [surprised] You're breaking up with me?
Danny: [laughs] I... I like you. A lot. You're incredibly good-looking, and smart, and sweet, and... I... I just don't think I can do it.
Ethan: [confused] Date me?
Danny: Date a werewolf.
Ethan: You knew?
Danny: Dude, it's Beacon Hills!