Teen Wolf (Season 6)

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Teen Wolf was an American television series which aired on MTV. It is a supernatural drama series about a teenager named Scott McCall, who is bitten by a werewolf and must cope with how it affects his life and the lives of those closest to him.

Season 6

Memory Lost [6.01]

Stiles: Okay, what-what does your Banshee intuition say this is?
Lydia: [sighs] That you don't have to figure it out right this second?
Stiles: But this kid-- this kid's got no one, you know? And... There's a reason. There's gotta be.
[Suddenly, Lydia begins to get another Banshee premonition similar to those she experienced several times earlier in the day; she can hear the sound of thunder rumbling and rain falling heavily, along with an unknown feminine voice singing through the sounds of the storm]
Feminine Voice: ...Killer on the road...
[Lydia listens to the premonition for a long moment before muttering to herself under her breath]
Lydia: "Give this man a ride, sweet family will die... Killer on the road..."
[Stiles frowns in confusion]
Stiles: Riders on the Storm?
[Lydia suddenly snaps out of her trance]
Lydia: What?
Stiles: That's the song-- Riders on the Storm.
[Lydia's eyes widen as she gets a dawning realization]
Lydia: That's it!
Stiles: What's it?
Lydia: The Ghost Riders. The Wild Hunt! They come by storm, riding horses, and they take people.
[Stiles looks at her in awe]
Stiles: Lydia, you're so smart, I could kiss you right now.
Lydia: [sternly] Do not kiss me.
[Stiles quickly leans in and kisses her on the cheek before running away and shouting behind him]
Stiles: Did it anyway!
[Lydia smiles despite herself]

[Stiles has just rushed away from Natalie and runs into Liam, Mason, and Hayden, which causes him to be relieved as he addresses Liam and Hayden due to their encounter with the Riders the previous evening]
Stiles: You two, you two have to listen to me right now-- Alex is gone, just like his parents, okay? The Ghost Riders took him, so you guys, you can't be alone. You gotta stick with Scott or with me, because I can see them.
[Liam, Mason, and Hayden all look at Stiles as though he is crazy, and Stiles' is clearly impatient with them]
Stiles: Why the hell are you looking at me like that?
[Hayden turns to whisper in Liam's ear]
Hayden: Do we even know him?
Liam: [whispers back] I don't even know if he goes here...
[Mason looks at Stiles with a kind and patient expression]
Mason: Do you go to this school? What's your name?

[Stiles and Lydia, both of whom have been running around looking for each other, finally find one another outside of the school near the parking lot]
Lydia: [frantically] Stiles!
Stiles: Lydia? You know me. Oh, thank God. You know me!
Lydia: [nods quickly] I know you! But I think everybody else is forgetting...

[Lydia and Stiles are in the Jeep, and when she sees that he has decided not to turn on the car, she looks at him in alarm]
Lydia: What are you doing? We need to go!
Stiles: [grimly] There's no time. Lydia, I'm going to be erased, okay? Just like Alex. You're gonna forget me.
Lydia: [frantically shakes her head] I won't! No, I won't! I won't!
Stiles: [sadly] Lydia, you will. Just try to find some way to remember me, okay? Remember how you were the first girl I ever danced with? Or how I had a crush on you freshman year... sophomore year... junior year. Remember how you saved my life?
Lydia: You saved my life, too.
Stiles: Just remember... Remember I love you.
[The Ghost Riders yank Stiles out of the Jeep before they all disappear, and Lydia gasps in horror. After a moment, she struggles to hang on to her memories of Stiles]
Lydia: Remember... Remember... Remember...

[The next day, Lydia walks into the school, but after a moment, she stops in the middle of the hall and frowns as she starts to search her mind for something. Seconds later, Malia sees her standing silently and walks over to look at her with concern]
Malia: You okay?
Lydia: I have this feeling that I was supposed to do something.
Malia: [confused] Do what?
Lydia: I don't remember....

Superposition [6.02]

[Liam and Scott are practicing lacrosse on the field late at night and are unable to sense the invisible Ghost Riders riding their horses nearby]
Scott: All right, let's keep going.
Liam: [impatiently] Or we could call it.
Scott: We gotta work on your backshots.
Liam: [balks] Why?
Scott: Liam, they suck.
Liam: [offended] What are you talking about?
[Scott gives him a look]
Scott: Your backshots... which suck.
[Liam, eager to prove him wrong, makes nearly a dozen backshots that fly right past Scott and into the goal, and Scott frowns in confusion for a moment before he speaks, not knowing that he's missing memories of Stiles]
Scott: I must've been thinking of someone else.

[Mason and Corey have just met up in the school library to discuss their encounter with the Ghost Riders the previous night]
Mason: I've read everything about the Wild Hunt. You know, how they come in by storm, collecting souls, riding lightning... But, I just don't know why they're here. You know, they're Ghost Riders-- what were they doing in a school library? What are they doing here?
[Mason suddenly gets an idea]
Mason: I just had a feeling.
Corey: [frowns] About what?
Mason: We only saw them because of your power. What if you have some kind of special ability no one knows about?
[Corey looks alarmed by this theory]
Mason: So, what do you feel?
Corey: [sighs] When the Ghost Riders were up there... I think they were holding something. Why can't we remember what happened?
Mason: What if they weren't holding something... But someone.

[Scott is sitting on a bench in the locker room when Liam walks in, looking guilty and apologetic]
Liam: I blew it, didn't I?
Scott: [sighs] You blew it off. You'd have to be trying in order to blow it.
Liam: [anxiously] Maybe someone else can be captain. With all of the schoolwork-- [He lowers his voice]-- and all the other stuff we have to deal with...
Scott: Devenford Prep started practice three week before us. Riverside, two weeks. We're behind before we even start. Half our team can't even cradle the ball, let alone score.
Liam: Why can't you stay captain?
Scott: I'm graduating. You know, I'm not gonna be here next year. Someone's gotta step up and fill the gap. It should be you.
Liam: [bitterly] Yeah? Well, Coach doesn't want me. I don't know if the team wants me.
Scott: [firmly] It's not up to them-- it's up to you. You have to want this, because they're gonna keep coming at you. They're gonna keep knocking you down. And you have to get back up. You have to show them that you can get back up. Leaders don't run!

[Mason and Corey are in the administrative office of the high school, attempting to look at the list of absent students, when Natalie catches them and pulls the clipboard out of their hands]
Natalie: You want to see the absentee list?
Mason: Yes...
Natalie: May I ask why?
[Mason makes a face and hesitates for a moment before replying]
Mason: ...Werewolf stuff.
[Natalie's eyes widen in frustration and annoyance]
Natalie: I thought I made it clear that Beacon Hills High School is a dedicated safe space? I had to convince twenty-three students that what they saw in the library last semester was a large bear, and that the fangs on Scott McCall were the result of acute teenage hallucination syndrome.
Corey: [confused] What is teenage hallucination syndrome?
Natalie: I have no idea!

[After failing to get answers from Natalie, Mason and Corey have gone to the Sheriff's station, where they're talking to Parrish as he puts away files]
Mason: No one's unaccounted for?
Parrish: [impatiently] You can reword the question as much as you like-- the answer's still "No."
Mason: [sighs] Does your Hellhound intuition sense something wrong with the supernatural?
Parrish: [rolls his eyes] I'm a harbinger of death, not a harbinger of kidnapping. I'm also a Sheriff's deputy working on an unsolved murder that, for once, doesn't involve shapeshifters, resurrected 18th-century serial killers, or me. It's just a straightforward robbery-homicide.
[Mason and Corey both look appalled by this assessment]
Mason: "Straightforward?" He was bludgeoned to death and stuffed in a high school air duct!
Parrish: [sarcastically] And I already have your statement. Have a great day, Mason. You, too, Corey.

== Sundowning [6.03]

lydia : stiles is real i know iit

Relics [6.04]

Radio Silence [6.05]

Ghosted [6.06]

Heartless [6.07]

Blitzkrieg [6.08]

Memory Found [6.09]

lydia : i never said it back

Riders on the Storm [6.10]

TBA [6.11]

TBA [6.12]

TBA [6.13]

TBA [6.14]

TBA [6.15]

TBA [6.16]

TBA [6.17]

TBA [6.18]

Broken Glass [6.19]

[Speaking about a mass murder of werevolves]

Police Captain: We started an investigation, bringing in every available man to find the killers. But we weren't the only ones looking. Someone else wanted to know who had done this. Someone who wanted to find the killers more than we did. Someone angry... very angry. He came in broad daylight. Attacking in silence. They said he moved with impossible speed. His teeth as sharp as razors. He stood more than eight feet tall.
Chris Argent: Eight feet!
Police Captain: Small towns, big superstitions.
Chris Argent: What happened next?
Police Captain: It came at them with incredible strength. And what happened then, was desumano. They said his eyes glowed.
Chris Argent: Blue?
Police Captain: You've seen them?
Chris Argent: Up close.
Police Captain: So you believe it, too? You believe in werewolves?
Chris Argent: I believe, in Derek Hale.

[While teaching Malia and Scott how to fight blind]

Deucalion: Yeah. I didn't think it was possible but I'm...I'm actually starting to wish I was blind again.

TBA [6.20]