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This template is used to cite sources in Wikiquote. It is specifically for maps.




  1. {{Cite map | publisher = Skelly Oil Company | title = Highway Map of Oklahoma | cartography = Diversified Map Co | year = 1966 | section = 11C }}
  2. {{Cite map | publisher = Rand McNally | title = Discovery Atlas of the United States | year = 1993 | page = 7 | section = 7G }}
  3. {{Cite map | publisher = Stanley Maps | title = Mt. Rainier National Park | scale = 1 : 30,000 | year = 2000 | edition = Centennial | cartography = Charles B. Kitterman / Kulshan Cartographic Services | isbn = 0-9662209-4-3 }}
  4. {{Cite map | publisher = Kansas Department of Transportation | title = Official State Transportation Map | url = http://www.ksdot.org/burtransplan/maps/state-pdf/kansas0708.pdf | edition = 2005-2006 | section = F9 | accessdate = 2007-03-30 }}
  5. {{Cite map | publisher = [[w:New Zealand Department of Conservation|]] | title = Kepker Track | series = Parkmap | scale = 1 : 50,000 | edition = 3rd | year = 2003 | cartography = GeoSmart (NZ) Ltd }}
  6. {{Cite map | publisher = [[w:Ordnance Survey Ireland|]] | title = Kerry | series = Discovery Series | scale = 1 : 60,000 | edition = 2nd | year = 2000 | isbn = 1-901496-59-7 }}
  7. {{Cite map | publisher = [[w:United States Geological Survey|]] | title = Mount Adams East Quadrangle - Washington - Yakima Co. | year = 1998 | scale = 1 : 24,000 | series = 7,5 Minute Series (Topographic) | isbn = 0-607-92088-2 }}

Looks like...

  1. Skelly Oil Company. Highway Map of Oklahoma [map]. Cartography by Diversified Map Co. (1966) Section 11C.
  2. Rand McNally. Discovery Atlas of the United States [map]. (1993) Page 7, section 7G.
  3. Stanley Maps. Mt. Rainier National Park [map], Centennial edition, 1 : 30,000. Cartography by Charles B. Kitterman / Kulshan Cartographic Services. (2000) ISBN 0-9662209-4-3.
  4. Kansas Department of Transportation. Official State Transportation Map [map], 2005-2006 edition. Section F9. Retrieved on 2007-03-30.
  5. New Zealand Department of Conservation. Kepker Track [map], 3rd edition, 1 : 60,000, Parkmap. Cartography by GeoSmart (NZ) Ltd. (2003)
  6. Ordnance Survey Ireland. Kerry [map], 2nd edition, 1 : 50,000, Discovery Series. (2000) ISBN 1-901496-59-7.
  7. United States Geological Survey. Mount Adams East Quadrangle - Washington - Yakima Co. [map], 1 : 24,000, 7,5 Minute Series (Topographic). (1998) ISBN 0-607-92088-2.



All fields must be lowercase.

Copy a blank version to use. Remember to use the "|" (pipe) character between each field. Please delete any unused fields to avoid clutter in the edit window.

Horizontal list
{{cite map |publisher= |title= |url= |edition= |year= |cartography= |scale= |series= |page= |section= |accessdate=2025-02-13 |isbn= |id= }}
Vertical list Prerequisites *
{{cite map
| publisher =
| title =
| url =
| edition =
| year =
| cartography =
| scale =
| series =
| page =
| section =
| accessdate =
| accessmonth =
| accessyear =
| isbn =
| id =
* The field listed below is a prerequisite for the field to the left. For example title is a prerequisite to url meaning url will NOT be displayed even if it has a value unless title also has a value.

Description of fields




Nested fields either rely on their parent fields, or replace them:

  • parent
    • child — may be used with parent (and is ignored if parent is not used)


  • publisher: The distributor/branding of the map.
  • title: The title of the map as given on the front of the map.
    • url: If the map is available online, link to it.
  • edition: The edition name or number or the year or range of years of publication of the map (e.g. "2nd", "1989'", "2006-2007", etc). Note: the word "edition" will be placed after this field therefore you don't need to put it in this field, i.e. write "2nd", not "2nd edition'".
  • year: Year of publication edition being referenced. This is not necessary if the edition contains the year.
  • cartography: If the cartography was prepared by a company other than the publisher (e.g. Rand McNally, H.M. Gousha, etc), include it here.
  • scale: The scale of the map (e.g. "1 : 20,000" or "1/4" = 1 mile").
  • series: The series this map is part of.
  • page: If the map is in an atlas, include the page number here. Do NOT use for standard (i.e. one-sheet) maps.
  • section: The map coordinate of the feature you're referencing (e.g. 6A, 9B, 11L, etc).
  • accessdate: Full date when map was accessed (if online), in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format, eg. 2006-02-17 (February 17, 2006). Must not be wikilinked.
    • OR: accessyear: Year of access, and accessmonth: Name of the month of access. If you also have the day, use accessdate instead. Must not be wikilinked.
  • isbn: International Standard Book Number such as 0-9662209-4-3.
    • OR: id: A unique identifier, used if isbn is not applicable. In this case, you need to specify the kind of identifier you are using for example issn.