The ClueFinders 6th Grade Adventures: Empire of the Plant People

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The ClueFinders 6th grade Adventures: The Empire of the Plant People is a personal computer game in The ClueFinders series of educational software.


Joni: Not bad, Santiago, but let me show you how to really throw this thing. (she tosses it close to fence, and Owen catches it)
Owen: Whoa! Hey, Joni! Chill out!
Ms. Rose: And what are you youngsters up to today?
Owen: Yo, Ms. Rose!
Leslie: We're exploring the aerodynamics of this projectile.
Owen: She means we're tossing a Frisbee. How 'bout you?
Ms. Rose: Oh, I'm taking care of my children.
Owen and Leslie: Children?
Ms. Rose: My plants; my dear, sweet plants. They need a lot of, well, care, especially on a hot day like this. See you darlings later.
Owen and Leslie: Bye.
Leslie: What an endearing neighborhood personality.
Owen: Yeah, she reminds me of my grandma.
Joni: All right, Santiago, I'll show you how to put a little zip on it.
Santiago: Take it easy, Joni. The yard isn't that big.
Joni: Oh yeah? Watch this! [tosses the Frisbee over Ms. Rose's fence]
Owen: A little too much zip, eh, Jonsi? (Joni's mouth hangs open)
Santiago: Come on, Joni; we'd better go get it. I hope it didn't hurt anything. [while walking through Ms. Rose's yard] Wow, this place is creepy!
Joni: I wonder what she feeds these plants?
Santiago: Uh, maybe we should ask Ms. Rose before we look anymore.
Joni: Oh come on, it's just a bunch of plants. What's there to be afraid of? (pointing to the frisbee) There it is!
Santiago: Alright, let's grab it and get out of here. (he and Joni fall into the hole beneath them, screaming)

Leslie: [after hearing Santiago and Joni's screams] What could have that been?
Owen: (peering over Ms. Rose's fence) Santiago? Joni? Where'd you dudes go? (seeing the Frisbee still inside) Hey, the Frisbee's still there! What's going on?
Leslie: It's as if they dematerialized, vanished! Maybe we can establish communication with them on the red video phone.
LapTrap: (carrying a pitcher of pink lemonade) Ah, it's so nice and quiet around here lately. No bothersome adventures! Hey, everyone! The lemonade is on me! Heh heh heh! Uh oh! They're gone! Great, something's happened again. I knew it! I go away for two minutes and-
Leslie: (in Ms. Rose's yard) LapTrap, over here!
Owen: Hey, like, where are you guys?
Joni: (on the phone) I don't know. We fell through a hole next to the Frisbee. I think we're in some kind of chamber. It's dark and musty, but we're okay.
Leslie: If we can reach you electronically, we can reach you physically.
Owen: Don't worry, we'll find you wherever you are, and you're coming with us, dude.
LapTrap: (sarcastically) Oh great. An underground rescue mission. Just what I need!
Joni: And anytime you can't figure what to do, use Owen's red video phone to call us for help.
Leslie: Check. And we can use my backpack to store anything we need.
LapTrap: This may be dangerous, but I'll help, too.I can keep track of our progress and location.
Owen: Let's jam; we got a problem to fix!

Owen and Leslie: Whoa! (discovering the Plant People Empire)
Leslie: This is incredible!
Plant soldier: Humans! Seize them!
Owen: Let's get out of here!
Leslie: Which way? (Ficus sneaks up and muffles their cries) Hey!
Owen: (muffled) Help, it's got me!
Ficus: Shh! Don't say a word; I'm on your side.
Owen: Who are you, dude?
Ficus: My name is Ficus, I live here.
Leslie: An underground civilization of intelligent plants. Phenomenal!
Ficus: We've been down here for centuries, and no humans have ever known about us... until now. Something's gone wrong; our soldiers are acting crazy. They've taken human captives, and are preparing to attack the town!
Owen: Whoa!
Ficus: My friends and I have been trying to talk some sense into everyone, but no one will listen. You gotta help us! Please?
Leslie: Absolutely, but our companions have disappeared down here. Do you know where they are?
Ficus: I don't, but our leader will. You've got to get to the Throne Room, but you can't go through the main gate; the guards will capture you! You'll have to go the back way, and that means building bridges over the Bottomless Pits.
Owen: Bottomless Pits?
Ficus: Don't worry. If you use the Petrified Wood Planks, the bridge will hold, but the planks are scattered all over the kingdom, and some of them are even guarded by soldiers.
Leslie: We can overcome any obstacle. Where do we begin?
Ficus: Look around. Now I gotta get out of here before they notice I'm gone.

Ms. Rose: Farewell, Heroic Cluefinders! Farewell!
(The ground closes and the game ends)