The Problem Solverz
The Problem Solverz is an American animated television series that aired on Cartoon Network. Created by Ben Jones, it follows Alfe, Roba, and Horace, a group of detectives in their troubled town, Farboro.
[edit]- Oh, and remember, you have three lives. If you lose them all, then you lose a life in real life. Which means you gain a death. A real death. You die.
[edit]- Horace: Well, I learned a very valuable lesson today about the danger of video games. They're awesome, but if you play them too much—
- Roba: Sorry, Horace, he's right.
- Lidget: I just wanna say, there's three people I need to thank. Because without them, I never would have solved this problem.
- Alfe: Hey guys, we're about to be famous...
- Lidget: They are the mayor and his two deputy mayors!
- Alfe: What the—
- Roba: Hold on!
- Lidget: And I should also mention... the Problem Solverz. Hahahahaha! You guys are pathetic! From now on, stay out of zoo police business!
- Alfe: Look, I got a theory, well, it's more of a single word yelled loudly. It's pretty cool, I think you should hear it.
- Roba: Is it "Alfeeeee"?
- Alfe: No—wait, that might work! ALFEEEEEE!
- Horace: Why would an ice cream factory have a butt?
- Roba: More things are getting butts. Butts are becoming mainstream. I'm thinkin' about growin' mine bigger and decorating it with stickers!
- Alfe: Hey, Roba, we should put a butt on our house, that way we won't wake up the landlord when we come home late.
[edit]- Alfe and Roba (Ben Jones)
- Horace (Kyle Kaplan)