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The Rescuers Down Under

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The Rescuers Down Under is a 1990 American animated film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and first Disney sequel released by Walt Disney Pictures and Buena Vista Distribution on November 16, 1990. The film is the sequel to the 1977 film The Rescuers, which was based on the novels of Margery Sharp.

Directed by Hendel Butoy and Mike Gabriel. Written by Jim Cox, Karey Kirkpatrick, Byron Simpson and Joe Ranft.


Miss Bianca: [whilst Wilbur drinks from a can of cream soda] We must leave tonight.
Wilbur: [spit takes] Tonight?! [coughs and laughs. Bernard is covered in cream soda] Come on. You're kiddin' me, right? [laughs; lifts poster to reveal the weather outside] Have ya looked outside? It's suicide out there! [laughs; lets go of poster covering window] Oh, no. Ohhhhhhh, no! I'm afraid your jolly little holiday will have to wait. [laughs] What a bunch of jokers!
Miss Bianca: But you don't understand. A boy needs our help. He's in trouble!
Wilbur: Boy? You mean, "little kid" kinda boy?
Miss Bianca: He was kidnapped!
Wilbur: Kidnapped? Oh! That-that's awful! Lockin' up a little kid... Kids should be free! Free to run wild through the house on Saturday mornings, free to have cookies and milk, and get those little white mustaches, you know, the- Nobody's gonna take a kid's freedom while I'm around! Nobody ain't! Hear me?!
Bianca: Does that mean you'll take us?
Wilbur: Storm or no storm, Albatross Airlines, [salutes] at your service!

Bianca: Captain, is this a non-stop flight to Australia?
Wilbur: Well, uh, not exactly, no. Uh... I can definitely say no. We're gonna have to make connections with a bigger bird. Non-stop? What do I look like, Charles Lindbergh?

[first lines]
Radio: Random
Mrs. B: (O.S.) Cody?!
Cody: Yeah, mom?

Wilbur: [over radio] Mugwump tower! Mugwump tower, this is Albatross 1-3, requesting permission to land, over!
Jake: Albatross? Let's see. [examines size chart of different birds] Finch, wren, scrub-bird, lorikeet, freckled duck, galah, kookaburra, parrot, cockatoo, albatro– Alb-albatross?! It's a jumbo! [to Wilbur] Negative, 1-3! You'll have to turn back! Our runway isn't long enough for a bird your size!
Wilbur: Not long enough?! Look, pal! I can land this thing on a dime!
Bernard: Uh, Wilbur, if the runway isn't long enough-
Wilbur: Listen! You can't let these radar jockeys push you around! Just leave it to me, all right?
Jake: I say again, mate, our runway is too short!
Wilbur: And I say again, "mate", I'm comin' in!
Jake: [notices Wilbur approaching the tower] Crazy Yank!

Jake: So, um, which way are we takin’, uh, Suicide Trail through Nightmare Canyon, or the shortcut at Satan's Ridge?
Bernard: Suicide Trail?
Jake: Good choice! More snakes, less quicksand. Then once you cross Bloodworm Creek, you're scot free, that is until, um... Dead Dingo Pass.

Percival C. McLeach: Well, Joanna, what did we get today? A dingo, a fat old razorback, or a nice big... boy? [Percival C. McLeach frowns, turns to look at Joanna and kicks her in the side] JOANNA, YOU BEEN DIGGING HOLES OUT HERE AGAIN?! Darn lizard's always try-na bury squirrels out here.
Cody: Uh-uh. It's a trap, and poachin’s against the law.
Percival C. McLeach: Trap? Where'd you get an idea like that, boy? I think you've been down in that hole for too long. [points gun barrel directly at Cody's chest] Well, come on, grab a hold. [Cody gulps and grabs the gun, and Percival C. McLeach pulls him out of the hole] We'll just get you outta this old lizard-hole, then you can just run on home.
[Joanna notices the baitmouse in Cody's backpack and snarls]
Cody: This is a poacher's trap, and you're a poacher! [Joanna attacks. Percival C. McLeach screams while he falls into his own pit, his gun going off in the process] Let go! Hey, get off me! Stop it! I said, stop it!
Percival C. McLeach: [climbing out] I'm gonna kill her...I'M GONNA KILL THAT DUMB SLIMY EGG-SUCKIN’ SALAMANDER!
Cody: Cut it out, get off of me! Drop that gun! [Percival C. McLeach angrily aims his gun at Joanna and Cody's backpack, until he notices Marahute's feather sticking out of the backpack]
Percival C. McLeach: Hmmmm... Good girl, Joanna. [Joanna pants happily] Say, where'd you get this pretty feather, boy?
Cody: It was a present.
Percival C. McLeach: Oh, that's real nice. Who gave it to ya?
Cody': It's a...secret.
Percival C. McLeach: That's no secret, boy. You see, I already got the father. [performs a throat-slitting gesture with a battered eagle feather] Hah, hah, hah! Now you just tell me where mama and those little eggs are. [let himself go the boy]
Cody: [retreats] No!
Percival C. McLeach: Joanna, sic 'em! [Joanna chases Cody to the edge of Crocodile Falls and Percival C. McLeach stomps on Cody's hand, stoppin' him from using his knife] You're comin’ with me, boy.
Cody: My Mom'll call the Rangers!
Percival C. McLeach: [mockingly, feigning fear] Oh, no! Not the Rangers, what'll I do? What'll I do?! Don't let your ma call the Rangers, please! [Joanna laughs; Percival C. McLeach flings Cody's backpack into the water, where the crocodiles attack it] "My poor baby boy got eaten by the crocodiles, boo-hoo-hoo!" [chuckles, as he grabs Cody] Let's go, boy!
Cody: [gets locked in the cage on Percival C. McLeach's truck] Help! Help!

Cody: [Locked in Percival C. McLeach's truck, throwing traps around] Let me out of here! Let me go!? You can't do this! Help! HELP! HELP!
Percival C. McLeach: [over the speaker] Breaker, breaker, little mate! I forgot to tell ya, ‘round here, you need to be QUIET! Or the Rangers might hear. Now sit down and relax and enjoy the view. Nothin’ but abandoned opal mines, far as the eye can see! And dead ahead, is home sweet home.

Percival C. McLeach: Well, Joanna, it looks like lady luck has finally decided to smile on us. Everything's goin’ our way. [laughs to himself]
Cody: [screaming] You can't do this! You're gonna get in big trouble! I'll tell the Rangers where you are!? [Joanna closes the opens window on Cody]
Percival C. McLeach: [groans] Oops! I almost forgot...we got a loose end to tie up, haven't we girl? [Cody and Joanna blows raspberries in a windows]

Jake: I'll force for you, Twister, not today! There!
Bernard: M-Ms. Bianca?!
Jake: I'll been looking all over for you. Now, look. I've got a long way to go. You're gonna take us thing, and you're not gonna give me any trouble about it. Good. Now git.

Doctor: Forceps!
Nurse Mouse: Forceps!
Wilbur: Oh no... What now?
Doctor: Spinal streculator!
Wilbur: Ohh! That's gonna hurt!
Doctor: Artery router!
Wilbur: Mother!
Doctor: [examines a boot spur] This is rusted tight. I wouldn't dream of using such a tool. Bring me the epidermal tissue disruptor!
[The nurses rev up a chainsaw]

[Cody is tied up in front of a map, while Percival C. McLeach is across the room sharpening several knives]
Percival C. McLeach: Let's see if we can't refresh that rusty old memory of yours. Is she on Satan's Ridge?! [throws knife which embeds in map on "Satan's Ridge" and very close to Cody] Or Nightmare Canyon?! [throws another knife] What do you think, Joanna? [Joanna, in a tub, breaks a cracker in half] Yeah, that's it. Right smack dab in the middle of Croc Falls…Zap! [knife embeds into "Croc Falls" and very close to Cody's head] Am I gettin' warm?
Cody: I told you, I don't remember!
Percival C. McLeach: [walks toward Cody with a knife] Don't you realize a bird that size is worth a fortune?! [stabs knife into map next to Cody and gets nose to nose with him] I'll split the money with ya, 50-50. You can’t get a better offer than that, boy!
Cody: [sulky] You won't have any money after the Rangers get through with you.
Percival C. McLeach: [growls] Grrr... [kicks over a pot of boiling water]

Bernard: [angry; to Percival C. McLeach] McLeach, your lost of job and you did NOT tell a lie for Cody again, YOU PYTHON SCUM!

Cody: There must be a way outta here!
Krebbs: Oh, there's a way out, all right.
Red and Cody: There is?
Krebbs: [to Red] Absolutely! You'll go as a wallet, [to platypus] you'll go as a belt, and our dear Frank...
Frank: No, no, no! I don't wanna hear it!
Krebbs: Frank will go as...
Frank: I can't hear you! [covers ears while singing nonsense; stops to see if Krebbs is done]
Krebbs: A purse.
Frank: [shrieks hysterically]
Krebbs: Oh, a lovely lady's purse!
Frank: I DON'T WANNA GO AS A PURSE! Please, please don't let him do it!

Krebbs: Oh, there he goes again...
Red: Take it easy, mate. You don't wanna hurt yourself again.

[Bianca, Jake, Marahute and Cody are in the cage of Percival C. McLeach’s truck]
Bianca: Now, now, Cody. We mustn't lose hope. Bernard is still out there.
Jake: That's right! If anyone can get us out of this, it's old Berno! [under his breath] Nice bluff, Miss B.
Bianca: I wasn't bluffing. You don't know Bernard like I do. He'll never give up. [Camera pulls out]

Bianca: Oh, Bernard, you were magnificent! You're absolutely the hero of the day!
Bernard: Miss Bianca, before anything else happens... [drops to one knee and pulls out the ring] Will you marry me?
Bianca: Bernard... Of course I will!
Jake: [thumbs up] Well done, mate.

Bernard: Wilbur?!
Wilbur: Whoa! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!! [pauses for a few 2nds; Bernard emerges from under Marahute’s nest and scares him causing him to fall over the edges and gets Percival C. McLeach] You know what, McLeach, don’t ever do that to me again! Oh, boy. I lost a lot of feathers on that 1.
Bernard: Wilbur, am I glad to see you! [pushes Marahute’s eggs out from the hiding place] Give me a hand with these eggs, will ya?
Wilbur: Yeah, sure. Wait a minute. What the heck are you doin’ up here, anyway?
Bernard: The kidnapper took the boy and Jake... and Miss Bianca.
Wilbur: Miss Bianca? Miss Bianca's in trouble?! [picks up the egg Bernard is on] Woah! Hey! That's terrible! We gotta do somethin’! Bernard, I'm disappointed in you. Hidin’ under a nest while poor Miss Bianca needs our help. I gotta talk to you, mister...
Bernard: Wilbur...
Wilbur: [fumbling] You-you-you start searchin' the desert for her, and [fumbling] I'll scan the coastline!
Bernard: Wilbur...
Wilbur: That's what I'll do. I'll ask the chicks on the beach.
Bernard: Wilbur!
Wilbur: Huh? What?!
Bernard Now, listen! There’s some chicks right here that need your help.
Wilbur: Really?
[Bernard sits on Marahute's eggs. He pats one and smiles]
Wilbur: Oh, no... Wait a minute. Hold it. I know what you're thinkin’, and you're wrong. Don't even- No...
[Bernard scowls]
Wilbur: Don't look at me like that! You're gettin’ "no" from me! You understand? No! I will not ever sit on those eggs!
[Cut to Wilbur sitting on eggs]
Wilbur: Aw, nuts. I gotta learn to be more assertive. No is no is no. Hey - quit moving in there.

Deluxe Edition (2003 release)

Cody: Let’s sing the song together. [sings "Billy Joe McGuffery" plays the guitar]

Bonus Episodes from The Rescuers Down Under 2015 DVD

Wikipedia has an article about:

  CREATORS     Kevin Eastman · Peter Laird  
  COMICS     Mirage comic series  (1984–2010) · Tales  (1987–2010) · Adventures  (1988–1995) · Mighty Mutanimals  (1991 spin-off) · Daily comic strip  (1990–1997) · Dreamwave comics
 (2003) · IDW comic series  (2011–present)
  TELEVISION     Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue  (1990) · Turtles Forever  (2009)  
  SERIES     1987–1996 series · Mutant Turtles: Superman Legend  (1996) · Next Mutation  (1997–1998) · 2003–2010 series · 2012–2017 series · 2018–2020 series · Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles  (2024-present)    
  FILMS     Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles  (1990) · Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze  (1991) · Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III  (1993) · TMNT  (2007) · Turtles Forever  (2009) · Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles  (2014) · Out of the Shadows  (2016) · Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles  (2019) · Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie  (2022) · Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem  (2023)  
  FAN-MADE     Casey Jones  (2011)  
  DOCUMENTARY     Turtle Power: The Definitive History of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles  (2014)  
  VIDEO GAMES     Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles  (2003) · Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus  (2004)  
  SEE ALSO     Leonardo da Vinci · Donatello · Michelangelo · Raphael