Thongbotho Mogatle

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Thongbotho Mogatle, famously known as ‘Mmaboroso’ was born in Serowe.

I am a girl who has been mistaken for a boy throughout my life – perhaps because I almost look like a boy or maybe because growing up, I copied what my brothers were doing, including their dressing style. [1]


  • Growing up I was always the funny kid; back in my junior and senior school days, I was the class clown.
  • I just focus on giving a hundred percent on my content and making sure it’s clean because one of the days I know I am going to be a role model to the younger generation coming after me, so I have to lead by example.
  • I have always loved Boroso; it’s just that having stayed in Gaborone, where Beef is expensive, it was hard for me to eat it as much as I wanted.
  • I’m also good at being a mother to my siblings and I play football.
  • I am currently the captain of FC Ambassadors ladies football team in Gaborone.
  • I just hope this year comes with growth especially content.
  • I hope my content becomes international and that it attracts big brands locally who will want to work with me.
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