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Thunderball (film)

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Thunderball is a 1965 film in the James Bond series. Agent Bond heads to the Bahamas to recover two nuclear warheads stolen by SPECTRE agent Emilio Largo in an international extortion scheme.

Directed by Terence Young. Written by Richard Maibaum and John Hopkins, based on the novel by Ian Fleming.
Look Up! Look Down! Look Out! Here Comes The Biggest Bond Of All!

James Bond

  • [at Col Jacques Bouvar's funeral] Madame, I've, er, come to offer my... sincere condolences. [punches the "widow" in the face]
  • [placing Fiona's body in a chair after her assassins accidentally shoot her; to other guests] Do you mind if my friend sits this one out? She's just dead.


[Emilio Largo has arrived at a SPECTRE board meeting. Throughout the meeting, Blofeld is seated in a glass box covered in shutter blinds.]
Ernst Stavro Blofeld/Number 1: Sit down, Number 2. We will discuss your NATO project later. [Largo bows and takes a seat amongst 12 men] I regret to inform you all of the death of SPECTRE Number 6. Colonel Jacques Bouvar was killed by an unknown assassin. His services will be greatly missed. [dims the boardroom lights and shows a map of Earth, with a pulsating light blue pentagram over Japan, on the screen opposite his box] We will now proceed with the area financial reports. Number 7.
SPECTRE Number 7: Blackmail of the double agent, Matsou Fujiwa. Unfortunately, only 40 million yen, all the man had.
Blofeld/Number 1: Number 10. [the star on the map has settled over France]
SPECTRE Number 10: Assassination of Perringe, the French anti-matter specialist who went over to the Russians...three million francs from the Special Department of the Qui d'Orsay.
Blofeld/Number 1: Number 5. [the star on the map has settled over the United Kingdom]
SPECTRE Number 5: Our consultation fee for the British train robbery, £250,000.
Blofeld/Number 1: Number 11.
SPECTRE Number 11: Distribution of Red China narcotics in the United States. $2,300,000. Collected by Number 9 and myself.
Blofeld/Number 1: Two million three? Our expectations were considerably...higher, Number 11.
SPECTRE Number 11: Competition from Latin America. Prices are down.
Blofeld/Number 1: I anticipated that factor. Are you quite sure all monies have been accounted for, by yourself and Number 9?
SPECTRE Number 11: To the penny, Number 1.
Blofeld/Number 1: On the contrary, I have satisfied myself that one of you is clearly guilty of embezzlement. SPECTRE is a dedicated fraternity whose strength lies in the absolute integrity of its members. The culprit is known to me. I have decided on the appropriate action. [Number 11 is nervous that he would be punished, but is surprised when Number 9 is electrocuted and immediately disposed of; the seat moves back up with burn marks on the upholstery] Let us now proceed with new business. We will hear from Number Two, who is in charge of our NATO project, the most ambitious SPECTRE has ever undertaken. Your report, Number Two.
Emilio Largo/SPECTRE Number 2: Thank you, Number One. Our intention is to demand a ransom from the North Atlantic Treaty powers of 280 million dollars. A hundred million pounds. I have sent SPECTRE agent Count Lippe to the South of England where he is making the necessary preparations. He is at a health clinic, conveniently located near the NATO air base.

Pat Fearing: What exactly do you do?
Bond: Oh, I travel... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.

Miss Moneypenny: In the conference room. Something pretty big. Every Double-0 man in Europe has been rushed in. And the Home Secretary too.
Bond; His wife probably lost her dog.

[All MI6 00 agents are sent to an ornate conference room to attend a meeting with the Home Secretary, his right-hand man Kenniston, M, and two RAF officers. Bond arrives late, and M catches him trying to nonchalantly walk to his seat]
M: Well, now that we're all here, the Prime Minister has asked the Home Secretary to come and represent him here today. Home Secretary?
Home Secretary: Ah, gentlemen. The tape that you are about to hear was received at 10 Downing Street this morning.
[M presses the play button on a reel-to-reel tape player in front of him. The SPECTRE message begins to play.]
Ernst Stavro Blofeld/Number 1: [on tape] My dear Prime Minister, two atomic bombs, numbers 456 and 457, which were aboard NATO flight 759, are now in the possession of SPECTRE. Unless within the next seven days, your government pays to us one hundred million pounds Sterling, in a manner to be designated by us, we shall destroy a major city in England or the United States of America. Please signal your acceptance of our terms by arranging for Big Ben to strike seven times at 6:00pm tomorrow.
[M presses the stop button.]
Home Secretary: The Prime Minister and the President have talked together over the hotline, and have agreed that unless the bombs are recovered, payment will have to be made. To avoid general panic, complete secrecy will be maintained, and no press announcements. [To M] The Prime Minister has asked that your department take charge of the operation.
M: Thank you sir. [To Air Marshal Sir John] Sir John?
[A technician unveils a map behind one painting - a map of Europe, Africa and part of North America, with a large hollow red circle on it.]
Air Marshal Sir John: [At the map; pointing] This circle represents the full flying range of the Vulcan. Extensive search has failed to locate any evidence of either a crash or landing, and worldwide reports have proved negative on all airfields large enough to handle the Vulcan. [To M] That's all we have, sir.
M: Thank you, Sir John.
Home Secretary: Well, I'll leave you to carry on. We'll keep you in touch from Number 10.
M: Thank you, sir. [The Home Secretary and Kenniston leave; to the 00 agents] You may now open the folders in front of you. [The 00 agents do so, looking at the papers in them.] Codename... Thunderball. As you can see, we've very little to go on. All the members of the crew had top security clearance. You'll find their photographs and service records in your files. You'll be working with NATO, CIA and all Allied intelligence units. Well, that's all, until you discuss your individual assignments with me.

[Bond shows M a picture of Dominique Derval, the Vulcan pilot's sister]
M: Do we know where she is now?
Bond: Nassau.
M: Do you think she's worth going after?
Bond: Well, I wouldn't put it quite like that, sir...

[As Q is showing Bond new gadgets]
Q: It is to be handled with special care!
Bond: Everything you give me...
Q: ...is treated with equal contempt. Yes, I know.

Domino: Vargas's behind you.
James Bond: Really?
Domino: He must have followed us.
[Bond shoots Vargas with a spear gun, pinning him to a coconut tree and killing him]
Bond: I think he got the point.
Domino: It should have been Largo.

[Domino shoots Largo in the back, just as he is about to kill Bond]
Domino: I'm glad I killed him.
Bond: You're glad...

[Bond, Domino and Kutze are about to jump from the Disco Volante as it's about to hit the rocks]
Bond: Come on! Jump!
Kutze: I didn't learn to swim!
Bond: Never too late to learn. [he thrusts the Disco Volante's life ring into Kutze's hands]
[They all jump]


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