Tomier and Palaizi

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Tomier and Palaizi were two knights and troubadours from Tarascon, possibly brothers, and frequent comrades and co-composers (fl. 1199–1226).


  • De chantar farai
    Una esdemessa,
    Que temps ven e vai,
    E reman promessa,
    E de gran esmai
    Fai deus tost esdessa.
    Segur estem, seignors,
    E ferms de ric socors.
    •   I'll make a song shall utter forth
          My full and free complaint,
        To see the heavy hours pass on,
          And witness to the feint
      Of coward souls, whose vows were made
      In falsehood, and are yet unpaid.
          Yet, noble sirs, we will not fear,
          Strong in the hope of succours near.
    • Chanson, st. 1, as translated by Edgar Taylor, Lays of the Minnesingers and Troubadours (1825), p. 254
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