User:B-ball boy1234

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Bethany Hartgerink

Bethany Hartgerink was born on April 21. 1992 in a little hospital called Grace. Her parents Peter and Doris Hartgerink have already had three other boys and wanted a girl really badly. They got their wish. Bethany grew up in the country and loved it there, untill her parents (who are REALLY religious) made her move ALL the way to the city, just so they could go to a church there.

As a child Bethany was home schooled, but had lots and lots of friends. She was liked by everybody and she wasn't a pain in the ass like most children were to her parents. When she moved to the city, she made new friends who were also homeschooled, ans started going to "Quizzes" where they participated in learning BIbiley thinghy. AND THAT is where she met David Sangali.

Now David Sangali wasn't a bad kid. He in fact really liked this girl Bethany very much. And he didn't know it but she liked him also ;) They started hanging out and liking each other even more and more until it got to the point where they decided to find out if each other liked each other. Turns out they went to their friends instead of talking to each other.

When they found out they liked each other they were exstatic. And celebrated by messaging each other on Face book ALL the FREAKING TIME!!!!!

Now they liked each other for a while, but then suddenly things changed. You must know that they had this converstaion that they would tell each other if one of them stopped likeing the other. David thought that that would never happen, and EVEN told Bethany that he Fucking loved HER!!!! Boy was she happy she didn't say it back, because soon after that, David stopped talking to her altogether.

Bethany didn't know what was wrong until her friend had to tell her that Dave didn't like her any more. Well she was heart broken! and cried for weeks and weeks. And the thing was that Dave never had the BALLS to say he was sorry for any of it.

Well Dave has a girlfriend now who is FUCKING HOT AS FUCK!!!!!! and Bethany has this other dude, but it will always be known by everyone that DAVE has NO BALLS since he won't even apologize for breaking Bethany's heart.