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See Me on Wikipedia. I won't be contributing here nearly as much as Wikipedia, however I would still like to contribute here. D-Lord welcomes you to... oh, forget it.

Favorite Quotes

   Dodongo dislikes smoke.     

-- Old Man, The Legend of Zelda

   The future of video games doesn't lie in the next PlayStation 10 or Xbox 7.
   The answer lies in Lilly. A little blind girl who loves to play Pokémon.     

-- Host, The Video Game Revolution 2004

   The flow of time is always cruel... its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it...
   A thing that does not change with time is a memory of younger days...     

-- Sheik, Ocarina of Time

   I HAVE FURY!     

-- Fawful, Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga

   I drizzled rage dressing on the country next door. Rage dressing on a salad of evil!     

-- Fawful, Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time

   I have scattered the seeds of the future.     

-- King of Hyrule, The Wind Waker

   The last metroid is in captivity. The galaxy is at peace...     

-- Narrator, Super Metroid

   I have defied Gods and Demons.
   I am your shield; I am your sword.
   I know you: your past, your future.
   This is the way the world ends.     

-- Cortana, Halo 3 trailer

   Those stubborn apes don't know when they're beat.
   But even they will have to admit defeat.
   After they've tangled with my fiery little pet.     

-- King K. Rool, Donkey Kong 64

   You must realise that you cannot hope to stop me with your limited power.     

-- Mephiles the Dark, Sonic the Hedgehog