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--beanie 21:36, 15 March 2008 (UTC) == My Private Suffering Hell"

Recognize the good things that come from my inner pain, darkness, and isolation; knowing that darkness, there is a shadow of light.

Inner pain comes with the strenghth-- that if you had not endured it, you would never know just how strong you really are.

With isolation comes my creativity. Artistic, my writings, deep, deep soul searching,,,,,,,,,,that can only come from heart that no matter what, has love, not hate or bitterness. Mental illness to me is a very deep and interesting disease. Being Bipolar 1 manic-depressive: Positive results are amazing. I am never in the same mood long, one emotion followed by another. Learning I have emotions never knew existed, so I'm blessed, in more ways than one. To me, I'm not mentally disabled, I'm mentally learning, helping others, sharing my trageties. Above all, knowledge, understanding and patience for all is a matter of life or death. I choose life. I have to accept the events in my life as gifts. of growth that continue to make me eager to learn, create strength of character, love, and faith. I'm lucky to be me.

From the heart & soul of: Gina Ann Coon/Jorden 3-15-2008