User talk:Dayakudari

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Daya Kudari works as a LEAD in an IT firm by the day and when in the mood writes poems, haiku and short stories. He has had 2 books published, first a short story collection and second a novel with the social networking theme. He runs an informative website - and tweets via tweekiedoks. Below are his quotes which cover aspects like inspiration, sarcasm, pun and lots of philosophy.

A humble respect - Please quote 'Daya Kudari' while using the following quotes

Twitter is an intellectual way of passing time - Daya Kudari

Too much love and too little love will eventually spoil a relationship - Daya Kudari

Intelligence is a compilation of laws of common sense which we see lacking in others - Daya Kudari

You don’t need wings to fly, you need faith - Daya Kudari

‘Religion is a way of life,’ the problem arises when people shorten the notion to ‘religion is life’ - Daya Kudari

You can’t hide anything from an angry mob - Daya Kudari

Protestors, who don’t know what they want, just make for an interesting story - Daya Kudari

Sex is a shrewd man’s way of defining practicality - Daya Kudari

A marriage function is a happy chaos - Daya Kudari

Life is an unplanned comedy - Daya Kudari

Photography is writing poems with a camera - Daya Kudari

God and religion are 2 different things - Daya Kudari

Sex is the best fruit when it has evolved from the seed called love - Daya Kudari

I owe a better part of my life to my inability to take decisions in life, leaving destiny to take over - Daya Kudari

The problem of a mediocre man is that he will take pride in being busy - Daya Kudari

Sex is overrated - Daya Kudari

Half the problems of this world directly or indirectly are because of United States and the rest are because liquor is sold cheap - Daya Kudari

Our minds have a mechanism wherein we cannot take easily the advice of not-so-successful people - Daya Kudari

99 % of people are born mediocre and stay mediocre all their life, the problem arises when they suddenly realise this fact - Daya Kudari

Choose easy options, get an ordinary life - Daya Kudari

The best in this world is exclusively reserved for the best in this world - Daya Kudari

A mobile phone will keep a person stuck in the lower middle class strata - Daya Kudari

Half the rumours are true - Daya Kudari

God fearing and opportunists, same words, different spellings - Daya Kudari

Sex is an art for some and for some; it’s just a weekend exercise for those parts of the body which didn’t get much exercise during the week - Daya Kudari

Vintage porn, classic movies, genuine poetry and childhood sweethearts; some things are capable of producing mass hysteria at will - Daya Kudari

Why are better men and women single? God has stopped making people like Abraham Lincoln and Shabana Azmi - Daya Kudari

I hate slow internet more than my enemies - Daya Kudari

Indian parents teach their children some very wonderful things and also some very shitty things - Daya Kudari

Religion and money, both are known to unite cowards - Daya Kudari

A man speaks more truth jokingly as compared to any other time - Daya Kudari

Man, the species which resists the ways that would guide him towards what he wants

Love is what is left after the sex is over

Everything is fair (read complexion) in love and marriages in India

Whenever hearts and hands have met, destinies have changed

If you say I will sing for the rest of my life, for you, for you, for you

Youth – more the talent, more the frustration - Daya Kudari

The best thing about life is that it comes one day at a time - Daya Kudari

It took me 28 years to differentiate love from sex - Daya Kudari

It doesn’t matter if people don’t think highly of you, what does affect is the fact that you start believing in them - Daya Kudari

Sex is more physical for a man, while it is more mental for a woman. May be that’s why we perform sex and they feel it - Daya Kudari

It’s not the cancer or aids which a person fights, its destiny that we are pitted against - Daya Kudari

Atheists are either intellectually stimulated to ask for explanations or the other kind which holds grudge against destiny - Daya Kudari

What we become depends on what we want - Daya Kudari

Once a person knows what he wants from life, not only his but the life of people around him also becomes easier - Daya Kudari

Rich don’t need morality and the poor don’t need it - Daya Kudari

You gotcha be damn intelligent to make money by making stupid movies - Daya Kudari

You should not believe everything that you know - Daya Kudari

Some of my dreams are so big that they scare me as well - Daya Kudari

Wicketkeepers are some of the most optimistic people in this world - Daya Kudari

Show me one successful man who hasn’t seen failure and humiliation and I will show you that god resides in my cupboard - Daya Kudari

There are 2 occasions when people show interest in their country’s problems, first when they want to solve it and the second when they are frustrated - Daya Kudari

Most of our emotional problems are due to the fact that most people who should have matured with age, didn’t actually – Daya Kudari

True love is when you choose the person who wants to live with, not when destiny chooses for you - Daya Kudari

I don’t think success is about doing things differently, I feel success it doing the basics right consistently - Daya Kudari

Some people avoid accidents because they drive carefully; some avoid accidents because others drive carefully - Daya Kudari

A spade can be a spade, a cup, a condom, a pen, whatever. It depends on who is calling the shots - Daya Kudari

However successful, champion and wise you may be, you have to wait for old age to be respected – Daya Kudari

Passing time doing nothing is like telling destiny that you don’t need anything - Daya Kudari

God is but an example of the placebo effect – Daya Kudari

Dont know why, but eating chocolates makes me more approachable; may be people assume chocolate eaters are good-hearted – Daya Kudari

Unfortunately whatever your chemistry is, for the world, a couple will be judged by their physical chemistry – Daya Kudari

Credibility is inversely proportional to the number of times you will be interrupted while speaking – Daya Kudari

When life is dancing with you, don’t try to increase the volume, just dance – Daya Kudari

Success depends on what a man does when he is not supposed to do anything - Daya Kudari

I don’t know what is impossible, but man is more capable that what he thinks, more than what his friends think of him - Daya Kudari

Religion is the longest route to reach god, kindness is the shortest - Daya Kudari

Betting is like handing over your money to someone you hate - Daya Kudari

I admire people who speak truth, but not those who speak the truth once in a while – Daya Kudari

Instead of teaching kids to earn money, educational institutions should teach them how to dream – Daya Kudari

Drunk people have this wonderful ability to strike the non-drunk with their cars – Daya Kudari

Unfortunately there are many pigs moving around wearing a man’s mask – Daya Kudari

Even an inch makes a mile longer – Daya Kudari

Life treats you the same way you treat people who work under you – Daya Kudari

10 minutes just fly in 2 minutes - Daya Kudari

Believing in miracles and believing that miracles will happen for you are 2 different things - Daya Kudari

Love is when even someone’s silence is music to you – Daya Kudari

Give life a tough fight mate – Daya Kudari

Tons of intelligence is being wasted every day due to mobile phones- Daya Kudari

We fail to utilize our true potential because we are too busy separating possibilities from impossibilities – Daya Kudari

Society needs heroes, not superstars! – Daya Kudari

A mobile phone will keep you stuck in the lower middle class category – Daya Kudari

Marriages are quite tiresome, more so if its our own – Daya Kudari

Life takes everything from you, to give you everything – Daya Kudari

You need to have the courage to sacrifice big things in life, to get big things in life– Daya Kudari

Life will treat you exactly how you treat people working for you– Daya Kudari

Don't say no when the BUS of OPPORTUNITIES comes around dressed as a bullock cart to pick you up– Daya Kudari

There is only one true classification of human beings, the first group for whom how people would react doesn’t matter and the other for whom peoples’ reaction matters a lot – Daya Kudari

Whatever, there would always be some people who would easily get, for which you have been struggling for ages – Daya Kudari

The problem of this world is that people try to understand life and live movies, which actually should be done the other way round – Daya Kudari

Just like with average leaders, it is difficult to work with the best leaders; the former doesn't have standards and the latter sets them high

Life beats you black & blue and dips you in many colors before letting you enjoy your purple patch - Daya Kudari

Routine jobs take years from a man and gives him days which get lost in minutes– Daya Kudari

The only conclusion about life is – it is a chaos and the best thing we could do is, not to increase the chaos - Daya Kudari

In the end, man will play second fiddle to nature - Daya Kudari

Being busy is a fool's sense of productivity while productivity is a wise man's way of being busy - Daya Kudari

Ignorants have this marvelous capacity to lie to themselves - Daya Kudari

The problem with knowledge is not that people aren't keen to share; people are eager to share but not many are keen to learn - Daya Kudari

God if you keep me poor, please increase my sense of humor at least – Daya Kudari

The most agonizing part of life nowadays is that everyone you call is in a meeting – Daya Kudari

Men of honor have the capacity to appreciate beauty without falling for her - Daya Kudari

The answer to most of our troubles is the God's question: Why didn't you choose peace when I offered it to you as an option? - Daya Kudari

Silence is often the biggest form of arrogance and of flattery and fear as well - Daya Kudari

The biggest mistake in life is: not to accept mistakes when you know you are wrong; justifying is just a natural instinct we inherited since ages - Daya Kudari

Life has this very bad habit of showing a happy trailer of an awful movie; trust your gut, not the trailer - Daya Kudari

The problem with choosing a life partner is that someone who will make you happy and someone your heart wants can actually be different - Daya Kudari

One of the biggest challenges in life is to make ignorant people believe that you really want to help them; fooling them is actually easy - Daya Kudari

The best romance is when the woman is horny and the man knows it - Daya Kudari

Life doesn't give direct hints, and that increases the chaos - Daya Kudari

Enemies are friends with whom you didn't get a chance to have a wholehearted conversation - Daya Kudari

It’s not victory but defeat which puts on display how much of a champion you are – Daya Kudari

All good thing first take time to happen and then to happen for you - Daya Kudari

When you are determined to find your inspiration outside, you miss out on a lot of treasures that are inside you - Daya Kudari : Less noise, more knowledge

There are only 2 types of people, first for whom, how people react doesn’t matter and the second type for whom peoples’ reaction matters – Daya Kudari

For people who lie to themselves and fail to realize, lying to other people isn't a big deal - Daya Kudari

The most beautiful surprise is when life suddenly takes interest in you - Daya Kudari

Life started as a stranger; I saw it as foe, then it became a colleague and now a friend - Daya Kudari

Whatever be the reason, there would always be some people who would easily get things for which you have struggled for years – Daya Kudari

A small mind thinks of himself & his family; an average mind thinks of people working for him, a great mind thinks of everyone - Daya Kudari

Man is that animal who will be happy with what he gets if you convince him that his competitors received less - Daya Kudari

However desired and beautiful actresses may be, a man will always be mesmerized by his school/college sweetheart - Daya Kudari

A person matures when he truly understands the difference between enjoyment and happiness - Daya Kudari

For many, failures create as much expectations as success - Daya Kudari

One way to know if someone is stupid or not is to give him\her a mike - Daya Kudari

Failure stops some people; success stops some people - Daya Kudari

Good coffee and knowledge, both are priceless - Daya Kudari

Birds of the same feather share a common line of humor - Daya Kudari

Not all famous are heroes, not all heroes are famous – Daya Kudari

Life is more dramatic than movies – Daya Kudari

More the people you hate, more the time you waste in unnecessary things - Daya Kudari

For success, you need to believe in 4 things: god, yourself, your reporting manager and miracles - Daya Kudari

On the roads, honking leads to more honking, nothing else – Daya Kudari

I know one important thing in life which doesn't require hardwork - LOVE, you just need sincerity for that - Daya

In the end, it’s not about how much you won, but what you won - Daya Kudari

You require 2 childhoods to understand innocence - Daya Kudari

Believe the words, not the man - Daya Kudari

Inspiration lives in a boarding school, so to meet it you have to make efforts, its mostly not the other way round - Daya Kudari

A woman: man's best friend he never had - Daya Kudari

Small minds are interested in who committed the mistakes, average minds about the loss while great minds have already started resolving issues - Daya Kudari

Good people bitch more, though they don't back bite. Bad ones back bite but don't bitch much as they have a problem with trusting people -Daya Kudari

There are 2 things in which politics is played; things which people like and things which people don't like - Daya Kudari

Small minds differentiate people, great mind bring them closer - Daya Kudari

I repeat most of the young generation is good for nothing, hyped, overrated and confused souls - Daya Kudari

Life is like a game of chess; at times, even a single piece is enough to draw (tie) the game - Daya Kudari

Your version of god and mine are different - Daya Kudari

Being silent is on par with lying - Daya Kudari

A lion doesn't need to wear a lion's mask - Daya Kudari

Let someone else differentiate the colors of the rainbow after you are gone; donate eyes - Daya Kudari

A leader busy for his folks is as good as a corrupt leader - Daya Kudari

The desire to be accepted for what a person pretends to be is more than the desire of being accepted for what one actually is - Daya Kudari

If we exclude beer, a get-together with friends is nothing but an office meeting - Daya Kudari

Indian men might not be the most flamboyant, but they have this uncanny capacity of pleasantly surprising the women they love - Daya Kudari

It’s actually quite difficult to hate stupid people - Daya Kudari

If you don't value happiness you won't be able to enjoy it - Daya Kudari

31st December is not a date; it’s an event - Daya Kudari

You see the cunning side of a man when he doesn't have options, and you see an even more cunning side of him when he has many options - Daya Kudari

If journalists knew whom to interview or to ask the right questions, there would be a lot more peace - Daya Kudari

Success inspires, failure teaches, routine bores, marriage tests - Daya Kudari

Pakistan is a religion not a country - Daya Kudari

Unlike what is perceived, courage and strength are 2 different things - Daya Kudari

Man will choose his problems but will ask suggestions while choosing the solutions - Daya Kudari

I have so much to say that at times, I just don't listen - Daya Kudari

Photography is not about the camera, its about the guy behind it – Daya Kudari

Not every Bill can be a Gates - Daya Kudari

Doubting your capabilities is the first step to shorten your reach - Daya Kudari

All vegetarians are my masters - Daya Kudari

A hero will fall for a heroine and vice versa, nothing less – Daya Kudari

The canvas of a big city is huge; everything gets multiplied here, success, failure, thrill and what not - Daya kudari

One extremely important quality where even greats failed yet many ordinary people succeeded is: loyalty to one's spouse - Daya Kudari

The less you talk about yourself more the respect people will have for you - Daya Kudari

Your personality is influenced greatly by the people you choose to compete with - Daya Kudari

Most of mankind's conflicts like caste, religion, racism etc. are a man's playground, women can be jealous but they normally don't steep so low - Daya Kudari

When you carry a burden in your heart, the rains can't irritate you - Daya Kudari

It is as easy to appreciate god, your parents or a beautiful woman as it is difficult to appreciate a competitor - Daya Kudari

The desire for money, most times helps an individual to achieve his/her full potential - Daya Kudari

Not every smoker is bad, but every cigarette is - Daya Kudari

Many brilliant people didn't reach their full potential as they overestimated the role of destiny in their lives - Daya Kudari

Concentrate on the rhyme, not the audience - Daya Kudari

Believe in the news, not the newspapers - Daya Kudari

Small amounts of initial frictions take away many wonderful friendships - Daya Kudari

Even without an audience, the symphony doesn't lose its charm - Daya Kudari

Your physical fitness and your personality put on display a shade of your character - Daya Kudari

In the end, hard work will beat destiny and her ways - Daya Kudari

Strength is not in length, but depth - Daya Kudari

Some people are not made for marriage, some people I said – Daya Kudari

Quotes, thoughts and proverbs are either made to differentiate people or to group them - Daya Kudari

I am still the same half cunning, half big-hearted child collecting pebbles at the seashore - Daya Kudari

In newspapers, I check the details which come in inverted commas for its almost half true. Rest is the imagination of journalists -Daya Kudari

Honesty doesn't promise riches, luck or heaven in the future, may be loneliness, even stress & challenges. But, it’s the only way to live & die with dignity – Daya Kudari

Be creative to find reasons to be happy; even if we want success, money or fame, what we actually mean is happiness - Daya Kudari

Indian TV serials either revolve around cute problems of cute people or take 6 episodes to portray 15 minutes of someone's life- Daya Kudari

Humor is like walking a tight rope, a word less or a word more and you increase the list of people hating you - Daya Kudari

Humor is the art of making people laugh, not making people laugh at other people - Daya Kudari

More than anything, colleagues' political correctness & more importantly the Air Conditioning that stopped me from giving my 100% to the IT sector- Daya Kudari

Love makes you capable of many great things, but it also never let's you understand the importance of these great things - Daya Kudari

The day I start caring about what people think of me, I will start living a frog's life - Daya Kudari

I am not a fickle minded wannabe to remind everyone that I am super busy - Daya Kudari

I have never feared the fearless for they don't stab in the back, it is the fearful that I am scared off - Daya Kudari

Staying fit inspite of working in an IT company is as difficult as a frog winning an oscar - Daya Kudari

Twitter inspires, transpires, teaches and helps us pass time, but unfortunately I was here for laughter - Daya Kudari

Maturity is the art of knowing when and why to get angry - Daya Kudari

Being happy is not as difficult like what the statistics and the newspapers want you to believe - Daya Kudari

Being happy and believing in oneself are the 2 biggest responsibilities which most of the mankind manages to overlook - Daya Kudari

I wish earning respect was as easy as being rich - Daya Kudari

It takes courage to laugh on ourselves; it takes even more courage to join everybody in laughing on ourselves - Daya Kudari

I wish people understand the importance of today, today and not some years down the line - Daya Kudari

Today is the set of ordinary daily routine activities which will become cherished memories of tomorrow - Daya Kudari

Being friends with great people who don't respect you is nothing but being disrespectful to yourself - Daya Kudari

Some people avoid accidents because they are good drivers while some avoid accidents because others are good drivers - Daya Kudari

Unfortunately even success cannot substitute happiness - Daya Kudari

It’s mostly when you try to show that you are different that your ordinariness is put on display - Daya Kudari

Life is never busy; it’s the people who are busy - Daya Kudari

Talent will defeat marketing any day - Daya Kudari

Gandhis will eat India one day - Daya Kudari

Height plays an important role in sports, but not more than faith and perseverance - Daya Kudari

First impression is how you smell - Daya Kudari

Dollar dreams are for ordinary people - Daya Kudari

The fact that not many believe we have the potential doesn't affect much, what affects is that we start believing them - Daya Kudari

Enjoyment is impromptu!! - Daya Kudari

Sex is over rated - Daya Kudari

Crisis often gifts some great ideas - Daya Kudari

The common man is damn common, but he still remains the toughest nut to crack when it comes marketing - Daya Kudari

The problem with beautiful women is whatever they do, they would be judged as per their beauty - Daya Kudari

Often tons of talent is hidden beneath layers of arrogance - Daya Kudari

Stories like Pulp fiction, Life is Beautiful, Nayagan, Titanic, Hamlet etc. are in the heads of people busy eating burgers & drinking coffee at roadside stalls -Daya Kudari

Sorry for my arrogance, but I somehow get inspired the most by the thought that I am better than these millions of common people - Daya Kudari

Rapes are indirectly related to the portrayal of women as objects instead of characters in movies, newspapers and biographies - Daya Kudari

That extra mile differentiates the best from the rest - Daya Kudari

It’s not about the man in your life, but the life in your man - Daya Kudari

It’s not the shape of your body but the shape of your heart that counts- Daya Kudari

A single good photograph doesn't make someone beautiful - Daya Kudari

Half the rumors are true at some point of time - Daya Kudari

You decide if you are happy or not and let the world decide if you are successful or not; celebrities do it the other way round -Daya Kudari

Celebrities who are stupid and know this fact are less entertaining than those who are stupid and aren't aware - Daya Kudari

Destiny was with the hardworkers yesterday, it’s still with the hardworkers today and it will be tomorrow as well – Daya Kudari

Unlike what is perceived, women like good men who look like bad men, not those who are actually bad – Daya Kudari

The height of poor time management is when you miss out showing gratitude – Daya Kudari

Courage doesn't guarantee success nor happiness but it prepares you for a bigger fight; some people call this bigger fight as LIFE – Daya Kudari

Love and sex is all luck. Believe me before you get the same answer 25 years down the line– Daya Kudari

The common man has always fascinated me; even when things are going great guns, he will start feeling uneasy– Daya Kudari

There shouldn't come a day when destiny is the only hope of the talented – Daya Kudari

Twitter- A place where celebrities have become philosophers, philosophers have become celebrities but wannabes have remained wannabes– Daya Kudari

Twitter is an intelligent man's Facebook– Daya Kudari

The art of justification has stopped many a people from giving their full potential– Daya Kudari

Just because a great man said something, that doesn't mean it will work for everyone. Make your own ways, fly mate fly– Daya Kudari

Many of us fail to achieve our full potential because most of the important lessons in life are to be learned from people we don't get along– Daya Kudari

Lack of listening skills has eluded many deserved people of what they should have achieved otherwise– Daya Kudari

Most people end up becoming a type of person they hated at one point of time– Daya Kudari

This tweet is exclusively sponsored by happiness. Be happy, make people happy, spread happiness!! – Daya Kudari

Winners and ordinary men use the same dictionary; but they read it differently - – Daya Kudari

You can be busy for a day or a month but not years, if you are either you feel being busy boasts your ego or you really need time management lessons– Daya Kudari

Courage is worth a dozen in words and a ton in action – Daya Kudari

American humor is sarcasm and sex for the rest of the world– Daya Kudari

People are concerned about their country's problem on 2 occasions, first when they really want to do something, second when they are frustrated – Daya Kudari

The worst thing in life is when someone has to use money to show that he or she is happy– Daya Kudari Interviews often portray the stupid side of a celebrity – Daya Kudari

The art of answering the phone is an art which not many people possess – Daya Kudari

People who compare men and women can never understand the greatness of either– Daya Kudari

If you love someone, don't try to find the reasons, or else the magic may fade away – Daya Kudari

Every Indian swears that his father is so honest, principled and what not. Then how come India is corrupt? – Daya Kudari

Fools are offered diamonds and they go ga-ga over colored peanuts – Daya Kudari

Love flies away when one of the lovers chooses to listen to his or her mind, and the other follows his or her heart. – Daya Kudari

Just because the word 'celebrity' is not well defined, people like Kardashians, Mallika, Shoethrower Zaidi, Poonam Pandey etc. are taking people for a ride – Daya Kudari

Age is just a number for celebrities, for everyone else age is a phase– Daya Kudari

Whatever one may say, most people have this urge to marry a film star. Somehow, movie stars have a bigger impact than movies– Daya Kudari

Some of the Hollywood and bollywood celebrities on twitter seem to be on a mission - I am stupid – Daya Kudari

You might have an Iphone 5G, 6G, Blackberry, Whiteberry, but what matters is whether you pick the phone when someone calls – Daya Kudari

Just for the sake of being different, you cannot justify something which is ethically wrong in the name of practicality– Daya Kudari

The glorious 50s & 60s in Asia, unfortunately was just about survival, its only people born after 1970 who starting living their dreams – Daya Kudari

If ladies in the glamour industry are as pretty as their pictures in magazines and newspapers, then Osama is a motivational speaker– Daya Kudari

Democracy is a chaos of opinions– Daya Kudari

The beauty of a woman is not in her beauty, but in her– Daya Kudari The movies you choose to see often portray a picture of how your mind functions– Daya Kudari

Can't blame d younger lot for a spate of bad films, for these youngsters are blind even with eyes. The older lot screwed movies, big time – Daya Kudari

Movies are projects, cinema is sheer poetry– Daya Kudari

Never believe a person when he is very happy and never listen to him when he is sad – Daya Kudari

Rags-to-riches story spreads frustration more than inspiration. – Daya Kudari

When you try to inspire, you may fail. Inspiration, like advice finds itself and is more receiver oriented– Daya Kudari

The lottery ticket and bollywood has proved time and again that anything is possible – Daya Kudari

It’s the actions that define a man, not the words, or else you would have met millions of Picassos, Gates and Federrers at the local bar– Daya Kudari

Apple's business formula - IPod in the price of a mobile, mobile in the price of a laptop and a laptop in the price of a small car. And they say Microsoft ruined business ethics– Daya Kudari

At any given point of time, more things are possible than what newspapers portray– Daya Kudari

At any given point of time, more things are possible than what your mind wants you to believe– Daya Kudari

Best thing about life - she gives great options to choose from. Worst thing about life - she manages to persuade us not to choose the best option– Daya Kudari

A movie sequel is like a condom, you can use it inside out without any issue, but the other party is getting conned – Daya Kudari

Film making is entertainment for the audience, but it is passion for film makers. The problem is when it is entertainment for both parties– Daya Kudari

Like love, there is no 'why' a film maker makes a movie. It just happens!! – Daya Kudari

Success gives you many chances to get even with your detractors. Those who give it back just remain successful, those who don't become LEGENDaya Kudari – Daya Kudari

The problem with marriages, is that lovers (heroes) tend to become ordinary human beings (actors) after a due course of time– Daya Kudari

Most of the times, it’s not the issue, but the reactions which rub each others' ego and cause clashes– Daya Kudari

Truth saves a lot of time– Daya Kudari

The 3 essentials of a successful life -People management, time management and financial management in that order– Daya Kudari

Modesty is actually one of the most underrated but one of the most important qualities of a champion– Daya Kudari

The words father and mother have more credibility than the words uncle and aunt– Daya Kudari

Judging actors by their dressing sense is like judging chickens by their singing abilities– Daya Kudari

The best way of not to make a fool of yourself is to stay away from twitter when drunk– Daya Kudari

Confident people often confuse more people than what confused people are capable of - Daya Kudari

A film maker who tries to prove something will end up making a fool of himself - Daya Kudari

It’s not the partner in your life, but the life in your partner that counts- Daya Kudari

One of the biggest failures of our generation is our inability to be humble and modest; this actually makes the achievement look half baked- Daya Kudari

Fame & success are like a jigsaw puzzle, many pieces are of the right shape; it’s just that mostly the pieces nearer, get fitted- Daya Kudari

One of the greatest achievements of mankind is the ability to love truly- Daya Kudari

If time is money, I am a billionaire- Daya Kudari

Perfection in work, not necessary on body- Daya Kudari

Frustration is similar to slow motion pictures, both make you look more stupid that what you actually are- Daya Kudari

Newspapers are full of depressing news and events, only Rahul Gandhi and Pakistan provide some comical respite- Daya Kudari

You don't need strength but courage to fight- Daya Kudari

Character is often wrapped under a shade of laziness, and at times ignorance as well- Daya Kudari

Twitter is great, it proves that many great, successful and intelligent people can act dumb, unknowingly- Daya Kudari

It’s not the Cancer or Aids that kills you, it’s the drop in enthusiasm which kills you even before you die- Daya Kudari

I wish I get a woman who loves me as much as I love myself – Daya Kudari

Temptations - If you fall for them, you would make all possible justifications; if you resist them, you actually gain a lot of confidence – Daya Kudari

Honesty actually gives you a lot of strength and character, while dishonesty strengthens others’ – Daya Kudari

Praying is as easy; donating money is difficult – Daya Kudari

More than Tendulkars and Ambanis, India needs Mother Teresas and Baba Amtes – Daya Kudari

The number of lies told during an interview is more than what a person manages in an entire decade – Daya Kudari

Apart from being stubborn, there are many other ways to fight, and these ways yield better results as well – Daya Kudari

1 thing where men (except managers) can beat women is sense of humor. Men actually pull punches where you have to laugh, on the joke, not the speaker – Daya Kudari

There is nothing spectacular about the young generation but hype; all progress, successes, records, inventions have been done by the middle aged – Daya Kudari

Love finds you, you never find love. At the most, you can find a wife or a husband, that's it – Daya Kudari

Unlike what is perceived, Hollywood follows the same - '2 good movies and 8 craps out of every 10' formula like bollywood does – Daya Kudari

Our lives are unpredictable, magical, and imperfect; maybe that's the reason people and movie critics expect movies to be perfect. Irony!! – Daya Kudari

People do terrible, strange and even comedy things when they are bored – Daya Kudari

Destiny has never been kind to true love – Daya Kudari

US diplomacy - if you can't convince, confuse. US military - if you can't make it, fake it – Daya Kudari

Democracy actually leaves a lot of questions unanswered but dictatorship\monarchy is worse, their dictionary doesn't have the word – question – Daya Kudari

Only the most learned can say, “yes it was my mistake." Other so called knowledgeable guns are just well informed and not learned – Daya Kudari

An entire generation of wonderful scripts\stories were lost because of the over confidence of directors in their writing abilities – Daya Kudari

A film-maker makes movies because he has a story to tell; every other reason will help a film to fail – Daya Kudari

A woman doesn't fall in love with a penis, she falls in love with a man – Daya Kudari

Live the days, not the years – Daya Kudari

You don't need a full fuel tank 2 last d journey, you just need enough fuel 2 reach d next fuel station. You=you, fuel =enthusiasm, journey=dreams – Daya Kudari

Everyone has a story; that's the real problem – Daya Kudari

Some people are so stupid that they just cannot be selfish – Daya Kudari

Everyone is busy; it’s not a big deal – Daya Kudari

I wish common people who display courage get more support from god and destiny – Daya Kudari

Hard work provides a certain confidence which tweeting, talking on the phone, making plans, resolutions etc cannot provide – Daya Kudari

Filmmakers can blame anything, absolutely anything, even usual suspects like USA & jihad, but they can’t blame the audience for the film's failure – Daya Kudari We may be PHDs, Harvard graduates, IIM pass outs, rich, famous and what not, but we fail to understand that 5 minutes is only 300 seconds – Daya Kudari

I am optimistic because I actually don't have many options – Daya Kudari

Burkha is a thought process of the insecure man, levied on women – Daya Kudari

Politicians are peoples' servants. More than the politicians, people should take this definition seriously – Daya Kudari

How humbly magnificent of a mother - "Steven may be rich, but he has no class" ......Mother Leah Spielberg on son Steven Spielberg

Boys are out, MEN are BACK !!! – Daya Kudari

Destiny has her ways to differentiate men from the boys – Daya Kudari

Development and construction are cousins – Daya Kudari

I will be successful because I have never rated myself very highly – Daya Kudari

I have never understood life, may be that is the secret of my happiness and my stupidity as well – Daya Kudari

I started using my brains at 27, nevertheless no regrets – Daya Kudari

A movie critic is a cynic, who wants the world in a 10 dollar movie ticket – Daya Kudari

Religion, nuclear experiments or natural disasters - a combination of any 2 of these will destroy the earth before its expiry date – Daya Kudari

We all have a hero in us, but we are so busy securing our lives that we never realize the fact – Daya Kudari

Give me 10 practical reasons to wear a burkha and I will give you 1 million reasons not to wear – Daya Kudari

Why should burkha be banned? Because you can't take your religion and roam the streets – Daya Kudari

Most alcoholics are potential rapists and molesters, if you assure them that they might escape through – Daya Kudari

Blame it on the media and movies that men think women as an object. Women are more than WAGs, fair & lovely, fitness, Poonam Pandey etc etc – Daya Kudari

I have always hated words like little, much, big, some time etc. These words just don't give out a clear picture – Daya Kudari

People say I am a fool and I believe them at times – Daya Kudari

I have faith in my abilities, it’s just that I tend to forget this at times – Daya Kudari

On the field you play for your country, your club and not for your fans or sponsors – Daya Kudari

Organization or home, keep the women happy, everything else will fall in place - Daya Kudari

Let us fight for small things and bigger issues will automatically fall apiece – Daya Kudari

Yeh sab public ka paise hain, public ke pass hi jayega – Daya Kudari

Corruption is mass suicide in slow motion. Indians, please stand up for INDIA – Daya Kudari

Most people fail to achieve their capability because they are busy, in spite of not doing anything worthwhile – Daya Kudari

Winners and champions, twins with different set of DNA – Daya Kudari

Doing for country in sports\films is boosting your male ego, doing for religion\god is insuring your future. It’s doing for people, that matters – Daya Kudari

Islam and democracy cannot flourish in the same basket, hence Muslim countries are more prone to dictators – Daya Kudari

The partner you choose, the friends you choose and the words you choose: these 3 things decide your happiness - Daya Kudari

Our ability to justify multiplies when we are angry or being late - Daya Kudari

Everyone knows the solutions, implementation, not many - Daya Kudari

We are all born for a reason; until that reason gets done, we cannot die, irrespective of a train running you over, HIV, cancer, whatever – Daya Kudari

Life of Dictators- Pretty dumb wives, sons in USA, enjoying bars, cars & bikini; daughters are either confused or act as undercover Maoists – Daya Kudari

Japan deserves a lot of respect not only for rebuilding itself after tsunami, but for the character it showed while fighting for its destiny – Daya Kudari

It’s not enough to be a man, you got to act and live like a man – Daya Kudari

Religion is talk of the weak, while regionalism is talk of the frustrated – Daya Kudari

The problem of our generation is that they see life is in terms of money; people of the 60's were happier because for them money was just money – Daya Kudari

Everyone is born mediocre, most die mediocre. Some mediocre people think things could be done better; the world knows these people as legends – Daya Kudari

I have absolutely no idea about fame or success; please ask me 5 years from now – Daya Kudari, 18 Mar 2010

Instead of colors in festivals, it would be awesome if colors enter my life as well – Daya Kudari

Doing what I am best at: timepass – Daya Kudari

Not living your dream is a crime in the symphony called life – Daya Kudari

Fear of tomorrow will keep you ordinary – Daya Kudari

Intelligence doesn't guarantee success, nor does it guarantee riches. But it surely acts as a good ego booster – Daya Kudari

I don't know if I should laugh or should I be sad, but my life's achievements fit inside the 140 word limit on twitter – Daya Kudari

With so many policies, insurances, retirement plans etc, I believe the mankind fears poverty more than death – Daya Kudari

@ Middle aged corporate guys, with such a secured life I doubt your capabilities – Daya Kudari

The problem with dreams is that they come true in some of the most fascinating and unbelievable circumstances – Daya Kudari

Its fun being with stupid people at times – Daya Kudari

There will always be more respect for men and women who are true to their marriage. A big salute to marriage based fidelity – Daya Kudari

A tint of your personality can be known by checking who you follow on twitter – Daya Kudari

Love is in the air, love is here and there. Just turn around and see, you will always find me.... Someone is turning me into a poet – Daya Kudari

America - the country and its people just don't cease to astonish me – Daya Kudari

Trying my best to fit into routine life, but fate has different plans – Daya Kudari

If everyone in this world would have played safe, we would still be tribal – Daya Kudari

Courage often comes with maturity – Daya Kudari

Bitching is one stress buster method which works in every season – Daya Kudari

If you take hope out of me, only my skeleton will remain – Daya Kudari

Sex is 1 thing where 2 people enjoy 3 aspects of life (physical, emotional and spiritual) in 4 ways (exercise, biology, passtime and fun) – Daya Kudari

Those who don't accept their mistakes are destined to be ordinary all their life – Daya Kudari

Difference between a clever guy and a never guy is the same difference between listening and speaking – Daya Kudari

Hands, legs, heart, eyes, ears and what not, are all slaves of your mind - Daya S Kudari

Most youngsters rebel not due to frustration but to try to pretend to be someone else - Daya Kudari

It’s not the ideas that work but the effort behind that idea that works or doesn't work - Daya Kudari

I only like 2 things, ones that make me happy during the process and ones which trigger happiness after they occur - Daya Kudari

I am young now, life is interested in me, I am interested in life. Later, I don’t know if either has any interest left in the other - Daya Kudari

Wish people manage the level of creativity they use as justifications while finding solutions - Daya Kudari A major part of a man's character is how he treats people when he is angry - Daya Kudari

It is the birthright of the insecure to perceive change as negative - Daya Kudari

The problem with IT employees is that instead of the contents, they judge a book by the number of pages in it or its price- Daya Kudari

For any company to grow there has to be a plan where every employee has to be replaceable - Daya Kudari

Men are not supposed to be beautiful; just brave and big hearted - Daya Kudari

Between the clown and the vice president, I think the clown the definitely has more authority - Daya Kudari

Great things are nothing but doing small things done better with time - Daya Kudari

When hearts and hands combine, something inspirational will happen for sure - Daya Kudari

Understanding the importance of punctuality is as important as punctuality itself - Daya Kudari

People know the fact that money is not required to be happy, but they don't want to understand this fact - Daya Kudari

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