Valiant (2005 film)
Valiant is a 2005 computer-animated film starring Ewan McGregor, Ricky Gervais, Tim Curry, John Cleese, John Hurt, Jim Broadbent, Hugh Laurie and Rik Mayall. Set in May 1944, it tells the story of a group of war pigeons during World War II. The film was produced by John H. Williams and co-produced by Vanguard Animation and Odyssey Entertainment. Reviews toward Valiant were mixed and largely poor. The film is based on a story by Jordan Katz, George Webster, and George Melrod, and inspired by true stories of hundreds of pigeons that helped the soldiers in the war. At the end of the film, it says that of the 54 Dickin Medals awarded to animals, 32 of them went to pigeons.
[edit]- Who is this Gutsy geezer anyway?
Wing Commander Gustsy
[edit]- Let's make wind!
- [sighs] If we don't find more birds fast, our goose is going to be cooked!
[edit]- [to his comrades] Steady lads! Were almost home. Just a few flaps more, we be over the White Cliffs of Dover!
[edit]- Valiant: Come on! Chin up, Valiant! Stiff upper-beak.
- Gutsy: Gentlemen, get ready to drop!
- Tailfeather: Are you ready to drop?
- Toughwood: I think I dropped already!
- Gutsy: It's okay to be scared! I'd be worried if you weren't. It won't get better, but you'll get used to it! Go! Go! Go! It's jammed!
- Valiant: Sir, let me help you!
- Gutsy: NO! Go now! That's an order!
- Valiant: Yes, sir. Come on Gutsy, get out of there! (groans) Oh, come on.
- Messenger: Wing Commander Gutsy, this just in from a seagull near Dover: None of them made it back alive!
- Gutsy: None of them? But those were some of our top fliers.
- Messenger: I'm sorry, Sir. I'm just the messenger pigeon.
- Gutsy: [sighs] If we don't find some more birds fast, our goose is going to be cooked.
- Elsa: Listen to your mother! You can't go!
- Valiant: Mum, there's a war going on, and I want to do my bit.
- Elsa: Why, why, why?
- Valiant: Oh, Mum! Goodbye. (Before Valiant can leave, Elsa grabs his tail)
- Elsa: Those falcons are going to tear you apart!
- Valiant: Oh, Mum!
- Elsa: My dear little baby!
- Valiant: Mum! Mother, that's not helping! (Elsa lets go of Valiant and he crashes) Mother, honestly I'm going to be fine.
- Elsa: (Shows him a picture of an egg) You were such a cute little egg.
- Valiant: Oh, Mum. I'm not an egg anymore. It's time I left the nest. No one thinks I can do this, and it may be my only chance to show them and myself that they're wrong.
- Elsa: Well, at least have some breakfast before you go. (Spits out a bug.)
- Valiant: Oh, Mum. Ugh! No, thanks.
- Elsa: Oh, Valiant.
- Valiant: Right, then. I love you. Goodbye!
- Felix: So, what's the news from the front?
- Gutsy: Can't say of course. Classified. But danger is our business.
- Valiant: [grunts] Let me through. Got to get to Wing Comman- [slips; crowd laughs] Excuse me, Wing Commander?
- Gutsy: Yes?
- Valiant: Sir, where do I sign up?
- Unnamed Pigeon: Are you a bit on the wee side? (crowd laughs)
- Gutsy: [clears throat] There always a place for a few valiant birds. Sign up is tomorrow in London. Love to stay and chat but duty calls and we must answer. Beaks up, boys [drinks juice] Let's make wind.
- Valiant: We’re all a bit thirsty. If we could have some cold drinks, that would be nice.
- Monty: Of course. That can certainly be arranged. [Yells at him] RIGHT AFTER I SPROUT FEET FEATHERS AND TURN INTO A FLAMINGO!!!
- Monty: [Pulls down a curtain of a pigeon] Friend or foe?
- Pigeons: Foe!
- Monty: No! You idiots! It's a pigeon! [Pulls down another curtain of a falcon] Friend or foe?
- Pigeons: Foe! No, friend. Friend, or maybe...
- Monty: No, it's a foe!
- Pigeon: Ah, yes.
- Monty: [Pulls down a curtain of ink splats] Friend or Foe?
About Valiant (2005 film)
[edit]- George Webster, our screen writer, saw an article in his morning paper about animals in war, and the carrier pigeon's role. This got him to put pen to page, and we ended up with Valiant.
- Gary Chapman, "Interview: Curtis Augspurger – Co-Producer on Valiant" Skwigly: Online Animation Magazine, April 1st, 2005.
[edit]- Ewan McGregor as Valiant
- Ricky Gervais as Bugsy
- Tim Curry as General Von Talon
- Jim Broadbent as Sergeant Monty
- Hugh Laurie as Gutsy
- John Cleese as Mercury
- John Hurt as Felix
- Pip Torrens as Lofty
- Rik Mayall as Cufflingk
- Michael Schlingmann as Underlingk
- Olivia Williams as Nurse Victoria
- Sharon Horgan as Charles de Girl
- Brian Lonsdale as Toughwood
- Dan Roberts as Tailfeather
- Jonathan Ross as Big Thug
- Mike Harbour as Little Thug