Vinko Vrbanić

Vinko Vrbanić (born 1951) is a Croatian writer known for his short, inter-connected narratives with a discernible beginning, climax, and resolution.
[edit]- Women should not feel obliged towards any men for eternity. They earned this privilege by gathering berries, digging roots, picking wild rice, and chewing the skin to make it soft for 999 thousand years, while the men were having fun in the open chasing deer and fighting among themselves.
- Mara Margetić from Slavonski Kobaš stands next to Marija Bursać from Kamenica, or even to Judith the daughter of Merari from Bethulia. What a moving example of love, perseverance and loyalty!
[edit]- Love is a vision, a firefly that majestically glows in the night for some time; then, it winks at you and swiftly disappears.
[edit]- The sieges of Gvozdansko (1578) and Alamo (1836) tell the true stories of the small bands of the heroes who stood against the massive armies to defend their homelands. They echo innate human devotion to the idea of fighting for freedom.
- Alamo has been a strong inspiration for nations striving for freedom all around the globe since 1836. Gvozdansko has not earned public reputation, but profoundly touched the heart of the bitter enemy Ferhat-paša alone in 1578. Croats have a duty and obligation to learn about Gvozdansko.
- Sloboda nije mjera žita da se na kantar stavlja, već onaj soko što leti iznad Polja Sinjskog.
- Freedom is not a measure of grain to be placed on the scale, but the falcon that soars above the field of Sinj.
- Furmani-Sokolov let, 2011, short story Hajduk Ivo
- Zar sloboda nij’ i ova koža svinjska što ‘vako zapečena lijepo pod zub’ma ‘ruska?
- Isn’t freedom even this pig skin, which roasted like this crunches so nicely under the teeth?
- Furmani-Sokolov let, 2011, concluding statement Sokolov let
[edit]- A good storyteller minces words to entertain or inspire the audience. The politicians and religious leaders do much the same, but for a different purpose - to turn otherwise normal people to nutcases.
[edit]- FATIMA (digne glavu, razvedri se i lijepo nasmiješi): Miriše kanun ludo, Huseine, sve misliš Taifska ruža miriše. Hajde bolan sagni se, pomiriši, neće te ujesti.
- FATIMA (raises her head, brightens up, and makes a beautiful smile): Husein, this qanoon scents like crazy, you would think a rose from Ta’if smells. C’mon, bend and get a sniff of it, it won’t bite you.
- Dvadeseto pjevanje, drama, 2nd shared prize, Act 3