Werner von Blomberg

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Before 1938, the German generals were not opposed to Hitler because he produced the results they desired.

Werner Eduard Fritz von Blomberg (September 2, 1878March 14, 1946) was a leading member of the German Army until January 1938. In 1933, Blomberg rose to national prominence when he was appointed Minister of Defence and worked feverishly to expand the size and power of the army. In 1933 Blomberg was made a colonel-general for his services. In 1934, Blomberg encouraged Hitler to crack down on SA leader Ernst Röhm and his followers, whom he believed posed a serious threat to the army. As such, he condoned and participated in the Night of the Long Knives. Blomberg and his wife were exiled for a year to the isle of Capri. Spending World War II in obscurity, Blomberg was captured by the Allies in 1945, after which time he gave evidence at the Nuremberg Trials. Blomberg died while in detention at Nuremberg in 1946.


  • Before 1938, the German generals were not opposed to Hitler because he produced the results they desired.
    • Quoted in "Facts on File Yearbook" - 1941 - Page 2
  • Keitel is nobody but the man who runs my office.
    • To Adolf Hitler. Quoted in "Underground Humour in Nazi Germany" - Page 69 - by Fritz Karl Michael Hillenbrand - 1995
  • He became a willing tool in Hitler's hands for every one of his decisions.
    • About Wilhelm Keitel. Quoted in "Justice at Nuremberg" - Page 281 - by Robert E. Conot - History - 1993
  • Having been informed of events by Vice-Chancellor von Papen, President Hindenburg summoned General Goering, in his capacity of Chief of Police, and myself to Neudeck. Our instructions are to consult with you on the measures to be taken to ensure internal peace. If a complete relaxation of tension does not immediately take place (and to this end we must avoid any ministerial crisis), martial law will be proclaimed.
    • Quoted in "Hitler and I" - Page 186 - by Otto Strasser, Gwenda David, Eric Mosbacher - Germany - 1940
  • We Germans will never forget what the Soviet Army has accomplished for Germany during the past 10 years. I hope that in spite of all present existing difficulties our thanks will be expressed in deed. I drink a toast to the well-being and the future of the great and glorious Soviet Army and of loyal comradeship in arms for today and in the future.
    • Quoted in "Germany plots with the Kremlin" - Page 49 - by Tete Harens Tetens - 1953
  • While soldiers were winning victories, so-called labor leaders were engaged in high treason.
    • Quoted in "A History of Militarism: Civilian and Military" - Page 430 - by Alfred Vagts - History - 1967
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