WordGirl (season 3)

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WordGirl is an American animated television series produced by the Soup2Nuts animation unit of Scholastic Entertainment for PBS Kids. The series stars WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.


Bummertime/The Homerun King [3.01]

WordGirl: Tobey, what are you-- What are you wearing?
Tobey: Oh, this outfit? It's cruise-wear. Pretty spiffy, huh?
WordGirl: Heh. Uh, well, it's--it's something. Is that your robot?
Tobey: Chronos! You were going to be my first mate!
WordGirl: Your robot almost destroyed the whole city!
Claire: [pops up] That's it! You're grounded for a week!
Tobey: A week?!
WordGirl: You know, for someone who calls himself "The World's Most Formidable Boy Genius," your plans seem to go away a lot.
Tobey: Fine. I admit, the robot didn't quite work as expected. I programmed him to stop time, but there must have been some glitch. All I wanted was to prolong summer. You know, forever?
WordGirl: Prolong summer?
Tobey: Yes. If you don't know what prolong means I would happily define it for--
WordGirl: Prolong means to increase or extend. So if you tried to prolong summer vacation it means you wanted it to last longer, and I can't blame you for that.
Tobey: You can't? You mean, you understand what I'm feeling?
WordGirl: I-I guess I do.
Tobey: Since we're getting along so well, perhaps you'd like to come by for a little game of shuffleboard.
WordGirl: Wow, that sounds like a great time, but we've really got a lot to do. See you! [she and Huggy leave]
Tobey: Call me! [Claire grabs Tobey by the ear and storms off with him]

Bent It Like Becky/Questionable Behavior [3.08]

Dr. Two-Brains: [getting his picture taken] Cheese! Photo please! How's it look? Wow, that's good, put that one on a mousepad. [suddenly lurches toward Becky, laughing maniacally] MOUSEPAD!!!

Bampy Battles Bots/Truth, Revision, and the Lexicon Way [3.11]

TJ: That was amazing, Bampy! You defeated a robot with just a screwdriver!
Bampy: Well, ha! That wasn't invincible after all, was it? Kind of exciting.
Becky: What did I miss?
TJ: What did you miss? Bampy defeated a giant robot, Becky! and all this time, you thought his story was fictional, huh? Now, do you believe me?
Bampy: T.J., here's your present back? [Bampy hands T.J. his screwdriver back]
T.J.: Awesome! A robot-defeating screwdriver!
[Huggy drags Tobey and lets go of him as Mrs. McCallister pops up]
Tobey: Well, let's just get over with. [his mom grabs his ear] Ow, ow, ow, ow! Ooh, next time, WordGirl and sprightly old man-- Oh, ow! Don't! Ow!
Sally: We're glad you're okay, Bampy. Fighting giant robots can be dangerous.

Meat-Life Crisis/Mobot Knows Best [3.12]

Claire: [reading a letter from the front door] "Mrs. McCaliister, there is no need to attend the upcoming parent-teacher conference because Tobey is a boy genius and a perfect student. But you will still need to pick up Tobey up at the end of the school day. Thank you. Robots forever." Good job, Tobey!

Ms. Davis: Tobey, have you finally learned your lesson about robots?
Tobey: I sure did, Ms. Davis. Next time, make sure robot mom get less peeved when insulted.
Claire: [offscreen] I HEARD THAT!
Tobey: [looks at his mom] MOTHER!
Claire: [grabs Tobey's ear and leaves] You're coming with me young man!