WordGirl (season 8)

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Seasons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | Main

WordGirl is an American animated television series produced by the Soup2Nuts animation unit of Scholastic Entertainment for PBS Kids. The series stars WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.


Patch Game/Girls Night Out Throws Chuck [8.05]

Tobey: Three! I earned three badges, Scout Leader Botsford. The go fly a kite badge, the sticky s'mores badge, and the card house replica badge. Oh, I'm winning!
Mrs. Botsford: This kite is made out of metal so it can't fly.
Tobey: What?
Mrs. Botsford: And I can't give you a sticky s'mores badge. They're made out of mud and glue.
Tobey: That's a McCallister secret recipe.
Mrs. Botsford: Only one badge for now. [she pins a red badge on his sash and walks away]
Tobey: If I fall behind now, I'll never be able to catch up. I have to win this award!
Mrs. Botsford: Don't worry. If you work hard, you'll be able to catch up eventually.
Tobey: [shouts] Eventually? Eventually?!
Becky: Oh, I can define that. The word eventually means after a while, or in the end. Like right now, you've earned the least amount of scout badges, but with some hard work, eventually you'll earn as much as the rest of us. Well, except me that is.
Tobey: I know what eventually means. I was remarking on how absurd this whole contest is. I just need... Oh, I need... I need more room. Scout Leader Botsford, can I move my workstation somewhere where I can... Concentrate?
Mrs. Botsford: Tobey, you can go work where you'd like. Go where your scout senses lead you.

Becky: Tobey, I know you're cheating. You're using your robots to help win this award.
Tobey: Becky Botsford, you don't know the first thing about this award, or any other award, so shoo.
Becky: I know that an award is a prize a person wins for being the best at something.
Tobey: Yes, like me at badges.
Becky: No, not like you. Like the fastest runner in a race. He or she might win an award, say, a gold medal for being the best runner. But someone who cheats isn't the best, and they don't deserve an award.
Tobey: This award was meant for me, and besides, I made those robots so in a way I'm earning those badges myself. Now, if you'll excuse me.

WordGirl: I said, stop right there, Tobey. Hello?
Tobey: WordGirl. Just the person I was thinking of... I mean, boo, it's word girl. I'm not really, really happy to see you. How have you been, by the way?
WordGirl: I'm here to tell you that your robots ruined another scout's tree, so I'm not going to let you win a key to the city by cheating.
Tobey: [sighs] Oh! This is a little hard for me to do, given my motivation for winning this award, but ROBOTS ATTACK!
[A robot hand reaches from the water and grabs WordGirl and Huggy, a group of robots jump on top of the heroes and pull them underwater]

Tobey: Scout Leader Botsford, there has to have been an error. My robots worked... I mean, I worked tirelessly. And Violet, she was playing in a field somewhere.
Mrs. Botsford: Getting her stop and smell the roses badge.
Tobey: And then I saw her tickling a chipmunk.
Mrs. Botsford: And that's the coveted tickling a chipmunk badge. Very difficult.
Tobey: Oh, WordGirl was going to see me.
Mrs. Botsford: Oh, I'm sorry, Tobey. There will be another chance to win the key to the city eventually.
Tobey: [angrily] Eventually? Eventually?! [he pulls out his controller] Robots attack!
Mrs. Botsford: [gasps] Oh, my!
Tobey: [presses his controller] Robots attack! Robots attack! [nothing happens and he looks around confused.] Well, congratulations, Violet. Much deserved. Got to be going. Ta ta. [he walks off as Mrs. McCallister pops up from a tree and grabs Tobey by the ear]

Trustworthy Tobey/The Tooth Hurts [8.07]

Tobey: Is this the line for checking out books or complaining? Because I would like to check out this ten book series on complicated robot repairs. I don't think Tobey should be allowed to check out ten books when he lost one of mine. I did not lose it! I returned it to Becky's backpack yesterday.
Becky: So he says, but I haven't found it.
Miss Dewey: Tobey, in this case, it's hard not to believe Becky. After all, she's always been trustworthy.
Becky: You know, Dependable, reliable, you can Trust what I say. Trustworthy.
Tobey: Name one time when I failed to be trustworthy?
Miss Dewey: Two weeks ago, Your robot broke one of our windows and you blamed it on a squirrel.
Tobey: Those squirrels are up to no good. They stare at me sideways and show no fear.
Miss Dewey: Tobey?
Tobey: Okay, yes, I fibbed about who broke the window, but in this case, I'm telling the truth!
Miss Dewey: I'm afraid I can't let you check out your robot books until you bring back Becky's book.
Tobey: What? No, this is an outrage!
Miss Dewey: [hands Becky a stack of books] Here you go, Becky. Book four is my favorite. Enjoy.

Miss Dewey: Oh, I'm also sorry I didn't believe you, Tobey.
Tobey: Apology accepted. Now, if you have a spare moment, I'd like to check out that ten volume series on super advanced robotic engineering.
Miss Dewey: I'll be happy to loan you those books.
Tobey: Splendid.
Miss Dewey: Once you put back each and every one of these books where they belong.
Tobey: That would take all day! Tell you what, if you give me the rest of the weekend, I can program my robot to do the work for me.
Miss Dewey: You will be doing it without the help of a robot. The only helper you'll have is... Becky.
Becky: [shocked] Me? What did I do?
Miss Dewey: Says you accused Tobey of losing your book without any evidence, so you can help him clean up. Now, get to it, you two. And please be quiet, this is a library. [leaves]

Rhyme and Reason [8.12]

[last scene changes back to school playground, the next day. Becky and Huggy sit sadly on the swings, TJ and Johnson run by again. Suddenly, Violet walks up.]
Violet: Oh, hello, girl I don’t know! My name is Violet! Is this swing taken? [Becky looks stunned and Bob invites Violet to sit.] Thank you kind monkey, sir! [sits next to Becky on the empty swing.]
Becky: Uh, Violet? What are you doing?
Violet: Well… I just thought maybe it would be nice if you and I started over. So… I’m Violet. What is your name?
Becky: I’m Becky! [Violet gives her a look, expecting more.] But… sometimes, I fight crime as WordGirl!
Violet: Wow! That’s some pretty amazing info to give someone you just met!
Becky: [jumping up from the swing] What can I say? I have a feeling you and I are going to be best friends! [Violet gets up from the swing, and gives Becky a big hug.] Ahh… Are we really going to start our friendship over from the beginning?
Violet: Nah… but people always say that in the movies, and I just wanted to see how it sounded!
Narrator: And so… once again, chaos is averted, and our hero is no longer forlorn. [Bob joins the two of them.] Anyway… gather up your best friends, and join us next time for another amazing, colossal adventure of… WordGirl!
[A five-headed robot shows up. On top of it are Chuck, Granny May, Tobey, Dr. Two-Brains, and The Butcher. Becky looks over at Violet, and she gives her a nod. Becky changes into WordGirl and goes after the robot. Violet puts her hand onto Bob’s shoulder.]
Violet: [last lines] Since we’re coming clean, I always knew you were a monkey.