Antonio Staglianò

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Antonio Staglianò (born 14 June 1959) is an Italian prelate of the Catholic Church who is president of the Pontifical Academy of Theology. He was bishop of Noto in Sicily from 2009 to 2022. Before becoming a bishop he was a clergyman of the Archdiocese of Crotone-Santa Severina.


  • There is a conventional Catholicism that would do well to come to terms with Benedict XVI's statement in Regensburg: to act with violence is against the nature of God and the human soul. And Pope Francis always insists that to act with violence in the name of God is satanic.
  • That of the Great Architect is a heretical idea that originated in Enlightenment modernity. It lurks in the ancient Arian heresy: Arius does not recognise the divinity of Jesus the Saviour because he sees him only as the 'Greek demiurge' who moulds formless matter. The Council of Nicaea affirms the Christian truth: Jesus is God from God, light from light, true God from true God. The Great Architect knows nothing of the Christian God who is, from eternity, pro-existence, pro-affection, Love. Incarnate presence in the life of man, it makes the believer inhabited by the Holy Spirit and the Catholic Church sacramental...The Masonic brotherhood is abysmally different from the Christian-Catholic one, because the experience of the world (affections, feelings, emotions) of a Catholic is founded on the faith of the Christian hope of the God of Jesus Christ who saves us in death: "you will never die", this is the proclamation.
    • Quella del Grande Architetto è una idea eretica originatasi nella modernità illuministica. Alligna nell’antica eresia ariana: Ario non riconosce la divinità di Gesù Salvatore perché lo vede solo come il “demiurgo greco” che plasma la materia informe. Il Concilio di Nicea afferma la verità cristiana: Gesù è Dio da Dio, luce da luce, Dio vero da Dio vero. Il Grande Architetto non sa nulla del Dio cristiano che è, dall’eterno, pro-esistenza, pro-affezione, Amore. Presenza incarnata nella vita dell’uomo, rende il credente abitato dallo Spirito Santo e la Chiesa cattolica sacramentale...La fratellanza massonica è abissalmente diversa da quella cristiano-cattolica, perché l’esperienza del mondo (affetti, sentimenti, emozioni) di un cattolico è fondata sulla fede della speranza cristiana del Dio di Gesù Cristo che ci salva nella morte: “voi non morirete mai”, questo è l’annuncio.
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