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Helen McGregor

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Dr. Helen McGregor in 2011

Helen McGregor is an Australian geologist and climate change researcher. She is currently a Fellow with the Research School of Earth Sciences at the Australian National University. McGregor completed secondary school in 1992 and from there was awarded a scholarship to study geology at James Cook University, and graduated with a 1st class BSc(Hons) in 1995. After working as a geologist in the mining industry she decided to return to university and complete a PhD.


  • "Australia is the land of drought and flooding rains, and in a recent paper we’ve shown that’s been the case for more than 500 years."
  • "Even as people change the climate by adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, variability will continue to play a large role in Australia’s climate."
  • "Trees and corals are sensitive to their environments. For example, trees grow less in dry years and more in wet years."
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