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Hrafnkels saga

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Hrafnkels saga or Hrafnkels saga Freysgoða is one of the Icelanders sagas. It tells of struggles between chieftains and farmers in the east of Iceland in the 10th century.

  • Ek hygg þat hégóma at trúa á goð.
    • Translation: "I think it is folly to have faith in gods. - Hrafnkell Freysgoði
  • Mörgum mundi betr þykkja skjótr dauði en slíkar hrakningar, en mér mun fara sem mörgum öðrum, at lífit mun ek kjósa, ef kostr er. - Hrafnkell Freysgoði
    • Translation: Many would prefer a quick death to such misfortune but I will do as many others and choose life if it is an option.
  • Eigi mun ek flýja undan þeim mönnum, er ek hefi ekki til miska gört. - Eyvindr Bjarnason
    • Translation: I will not run away from men to whom I have done no harm.
  • Því verðr engi uppreist yðar ungra manna, at yðr vex allt í augu. - Þorbjörn
    • Translation: "The reason you young men don't get anywhere is that everything seems like such a big deal to you.
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