Jiri Lev

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Jiri Lev (1979) is a Czech-Australian architect and urbanist, working in the field of sustainable residential, sacred and public architecture, disaster recovery and humanitarian development.

Lev's works are known for their highly varied, regionally specific architectural style, often but not always inspired in traditional architecture, and prolific use of natural, raw and locally sourced construction materials. Lev teaches on sustainable and resilient architecture in lectures, workshops and writing.

Lev first opened his practice Atelier Jiri Lev in 2014.


  • Like healthcare and legal representation, sustainable, resilient, healthy and beautiful living environment is not a luxury but a pragmatic necessity and a human right.
  • [Architecture's] economy, in the natural, evolutionary meaning of the word [means] obtaining best outcomes with minimum possible outlay of energy and resources. Like in nature, this fine-tuned balance usually also leads to aesthetically pleasing results.
    • Interview for The Hobart Magazine, 2024 (Issue 61 p. 40)
  • At the end of its life, if allowed, a home should be able to decompose into uncontaminated soil, or at least become a beautiful ruin.
    • Interview for The Hobart Magazine, 2024 (Issue 61 p. 40)
  • I'm not reinventing the wheel, I'm reminding people of what the wheel is.
  • A building must come from the site, not to it.[citation needed]
  • To be truly sustainable, buildings need to be beautiful and timeless so that future generations see value in restoring and preserving them. Abrupt fashion trends and striving for uniqueness at any cost should be avoided.
  • I consider self experimentation an architect’s obligation and duty.
  • We don’t need natural disasters. We’re building our own. [...] Unfortunately, it takes large scale disasters to expose the failures and negligence in design and construction. [...] A real change towards a better environment can only begin with better design available for everyone, everywhere.