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Philipp Jenninger

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Philipp Jenninger

Philipp Jenninger (10 June 1932 – 4 January 2018) was a German politician of the Christian Democratic Union and diplomat. He was the ninth president of the Bundestag from 1984 to 1988. He also served as Member of the German Parliament, the Bundestag (1969–1990), Minister of State at the German Chancellery (1982–1984), German Ambassador to Austria (1991–1995) and German Ambassador to the Holy See (1995–1997).


  • Für das Schicksal der deutschen und europäischen Juden noch verhängnisvoller als die Untaten und Verbrechen Hitlers waren vielleicht seine Erfolge. Die Jahre von 1933 bis 1938 sind selbst aus der distanzierten Rückschau und in Kenntnis des Folgenden noch heute ein Faszinosum insofern, als es in der Geschichte kaum eine Parallele zu dem politischen Triumphzug Hitlers während jener ersten Jahre gibt.
    • Perhaps even more disastrous for the fate of German and European Jews than Hitler's misdeeds and crimes were his successes. The years from 1933 to 1938 are still fascinating even when viewed from a distance and with knowledge of what followed, insofar as there is hardly a parallel in history to Hitler's political triumph during those first years.
    • Speech on 10 November 1988 in the German Bundestag on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Kristallnacht
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