SCP – Containment Breach

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You look afraid. Don't be afraid. This is a dream. The last dream you may ever have, for nightmares are coming.

SCP – Containment Breach is a 2012 independent survival horror game based on the SCP Foundation. In it, the player takes control of a human test subject at one of the Foundation’s containment centers, attempting to survive and escape after the titular “containment breach” lets the various monsters held in the facility loose.


  • [about player] Oh my, yet another victim of the disease.
  • Do not be afraid, I am the cure.


  • Human, listen carefully. You need my help. And I need your help. You have disabled the remote door control system. Now, I am unable to operate the doors. This makes it significantly harder for me to stay in control of this facility. It also means your way out of here is locked. Your only feasible way of escaping is through Gate B, which is currently locked down. I, however, could unlock the doors to Gate B, if you re-enable the door control system. If you want out of here, go back to the electrical room, and put it back on. Until then, I have no business speaking to you.


  • You look afraid. Don't be afraid. This is a dream. The last dream you may ever have, for nightmares are coming.
  • I wouldn't want to wake up, but unfortunately, you must.

Agent Ulgrin

  • Huh, I'm actually kinda disappointed you didn't put up a fight. I was looking forward to punching you in the face.
  • The only reason I still come here is for the pizza. I don't know what it is about that pizza, but it's delicious. Tuna casserole, on the other hand, is a disgusting abomination, and it should be locked up in here with the rest of these freaks.
  • Somebody should make a video game based on this place.

Radio announcer

  • You're listening to SCP Foundation On-site Radio! Your 24/7 source for prerecorded messages.
  • A reminder, in the event of a XK-class end-of-the-world scenario, don't panic! It won't help. Nothing at all will help. However, panicking will help probably the least.
  • Report all suspect behaviour to your supervisors immediately. If you haven't noticed any unusual activity recently, you're not looking hard enough. A threat to security can originate from anywhere and no one is above suspicion. Not even you. Stay paranoid. Stay vigilant.
  • Should you hear a different voice announcing for SCP Foundation On-site Radio, disregard it entirely. He is not a foundation employee! He is trying to trick you and cannot be trusted. Any advice he gives can only inevitably lead to destruction, death, and utter chaos. You are immeasurably better off listening to me."
  • In the extremely unlikely event of a catastrophic power failure and subsequent facility-wide containment breach, just remember the crisis ABCs. A for Armaments. B for Blinking, come the lack of. And C for Cardiovascular fortitude. As they say, shoot, stare and sprint! Or feed the incoming monster one of your friends. Stay alive, stay vigilant.
  • Don't forget! Wednesday is pizza day! So head on down to the cafeteria and grab yourself a hot slice! -The SCP Foundation holds no liability for any injuries or illnesses sustained or contracted through the attendance of pizza day.
  • When dining at the facility cafeteria, always remember to check your ration for the deadly seven. Strychnine, Arsenic Trioxide, Nitrobenzene, Mercury, Epichlorohydrin, Acetone Thiosemicarbazone, and spiders. Stay healthy! Stay vigilant.

Mysterious voice on the radio

  • Every single thing he says is a lie. Every single one. Don't listen to him. You can trust me. I can get you out of this. I can get you away from all of this. Just listen to me.


Ulgrin: So, uh, how's it going?
Guard: Uh, a-are you talking to me?
Ulgrin: Well, yeah, who do you think I'm talking to, this guy with the punchable face? ‘Course I'm talking to you.
Guard: Oh, I'm just a little surprised. I think this is the first time you've ever spoken to me.
Ulgrin: Well, yeah. It's your first day working here.
Guard: Uh, actually, we've worked together now for about five months.
Ulgrin: Really? Wow. That's weird.

Ulgrin:Uh, so you see any good movies lately?
Guard: Uh, I don't really watch movies. I mostly just read books.
Ulgrin: Yeah? What kind of books?
Guard: Uh, horror, science fiction, anything like that.
Ulgrin: You're kidding me.
Guard: What?
Ulgrin: Your whole job revolves around horror and science fiction, except, you know, it's not actually fiction.
Guard: Well, actually, I'm planning on writing a book about my exper—
Ulgrin: Yeah, look, no offense, but I've already lost interest in what you're talking about.

Ulgrin: Let me guess. You don't have a girlfriend, do you?
Guard: Uh, a-are you talking to me?
Ulgrin: Course I'm talking to you.
Guard: Is it that obvious?
Ulgrin: Well I'm definitely not a mind reader, otherwise I'd be locked up in this place, so, yeah. I'd say it's pretty damn obvious.
Guard: Well, how am I supposed to get a girlfriend anyway when I have this job? I mean, I can't tell her about it, so what am I supposed to do?
Ulgrin: Just lie to her. Tell her you work at some coffee shop or something.
Guard: Well, what if I accidentally forgot to wash my hands here at work, and I came home and there was blood on my hands? What would I say to her then?
Ulgrin: Uh, I don't know, tell her it's, uh, ketchup.
Guard: Ketchup? Why would I have ketchup on my hands if I worked at a coffee shop?
Ulgrin: Ugh, j-just forget it.

MTF soldier 1: Man. I wish we still had some of that 420-J. It was so awesome.
MTF soldier 2: I still keep a plant somewhere, man.
MTF soldier 1: Hey man, what if we gave some 420-J to that freaky statue thing?
MTF soldier 2: Why, he's like, already stoned.
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