Transformers: The Last Knight

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Earth will die. And your world will be reborn… Nemesis Prime

Transformers: The Last Knight is a 2017 action film by Michael Bay.


KAY: (to Arthur) Your magician Merlin cannot help us. We’re outnumbered 100 to 1. How are we going to get out of this?
ARTHUR: He promised a weapon: one of great power.
PALOMEDES: Arthur, you are my king, and I would lay down my life for you; but this Merlin is no wizard.
KAY: He’s a worthless drunkard.
NARRATOR: Magic does exist. It was found, long ago, inside a crashed alien ship.
MERLIN: Hello? Hello! It is I, Merlin! Conjurer of spirits! Master of the magic arts! Is anyone there? (takes a drink from a flask at his belt) It is I, Merlin. The wizard! Remember me?

[An immense RED GIANT emerges and swats Merlin aside, lets him stand, and turns to go.]

MERLIN: No! I kept your secret! Just as I promised! I told no one of your existence; no one! But you have to understand: we Britons are in a desperate fight. End-of-times sort of thing. I mean it. It’s happening down there now, as we speak. It’s awful! Big personalities just sort of clashing, all bloody. I hate to ask, but we need your help. But if I could, for one moment, change this world for the better, I would give up everything; everything! Money, drink;–– drinking-money. Look: good men will die without your help. Women. Children. I know your world was destroyed. I’m sorry. But please, don’t let ours die, too. I beg of you.

[The Giant considers; then hands Merlin a staff, which shrinks to Merlin’s size.]

RED GIANT: Guardian Knights: transform! The Dragon is yours to command.
MERLIN: O, yes. That would be just the thing. (accepts the staff)
RED GIANT: Protect this staff. One day a great evil will come for it.

Izabella: Your daughter, what would you say to her?
Cade Yeager: Brush your teeth, work hard, stay away from any boy in a band. Especially a drummer.

Quintessa: Optimus, it is time you knew the truth. The place you call Earth has another name: Unicron.
Optimus Prime: Earth… Unicron? Cybertron's ancient enemy?
Quintessa: Yes. You are going to kill him. With my staff, we will drain the very life from Unicron. Earth will die. And your world will be reborn… Nemesis Prime.”

General Quotes


Sir Edmund Burton

  • Without leaders, chaos reigns.

Vivian Webley

  • Only in America is having a higher education considered an insult.

William Lennox

  • [To Megatron] I can hear it in my nightmares...


  • Don't kill the messenger, or the messenger will kill you.