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Trolls Band Together

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Trolls Band Together is a 2023 American computer-animated musical comedy film, produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by Universal Pictures. It is the sequel to Trolls World Tour. The film's plot follows Poppy and Branch, who are officially a couple, attempting to rescue Floyd while reuniting Branch's brothers after the boyband phenomenon, BroZone, was disbanded.

Directed by Walt Dohrn. Written by Jonathan Aibel, Glenn Berger, Elizabeth Tippet, Maya Forbes and Wallace Wolodarsky.


  • But no one's ever hit the "perfect family harmony" before. Is it true it can shatter diamonds?
  • Correction. Used to be my brother. Not anymore.
  • Oh, that's so sweet. He realized I was still alive. 20 years too late!
  • [sing-song voice] Annnnnddd a falsetto made of gold. Not that anyone cared. But that’s all in the past. Because they stopped being my brothers the day they walked out on me and never came back!
  • If there was a brother that I might do this for, and I'm not saying there is, it-it would be Floyd.
  • Oh, I'm sorry. The clue board? You mean my clue board that I made? We like the clue board now?
  • Listen. We don't want any clown related trouble, OK? We're just here looking for our brother, Clay.
  • Viva, look, I used to be just like you. I built a bunker, and I lived in it for years because I knew it was safe. And, sure, it kept me alive. And I never had to wear pants. But I was living without pants. Does that make sense?
  • If this diaper was any smaller, I could taste it.
  • Oh. I’m sorry. Is that funny to you? That I might want us to actually be a family again?
  • You're mad at him but you guys do the exact same thing to me. You all still treat me like the baby of the family. But guess what?! I stopped being a baby the day you guys walked out on me because I had to. Then Grandma got eaten and there was no one else to take care of me. This time I'm walking out on you!
  • Oh, I love how you say HVAC.
  • Guys, Poppy said something earlier and she was right. We don’t have to be perfect to be in harmony. We just have to be as we are. Together.


  • A brother is a friend who can never leave you. It's the strongest bond in the world. I would kill to have a sibling to sing with.
  • That's my point, Branch. You are so lucky to have a brother to fight for. I mean, if I had a sister it would be so perfect. We'd be best friends and we'd teach each other things and we'd never fight and we'd have each other's back and we wouldn't even have to talk cuz we'd think all the same thoughts. Everyone would ask us if we were twins and we'd laugh and we'd be like well not technically but, if she were ever in trouble, I would do everything I could to help her. I would show up.
  • We're going to have the best family reunion ever! BroZone 2.0. BroZone reunion. BroZone, here we bro again. BroZone where did they bro? I don't know. We're going to find them!
  • I'm gonna need copies of that pic. [whispering] Wallet size.
  • Looks like your band days aren’t behind you. [flirty growl]
  • Wow! Too much hustling is a thing.
  • This is your chance with your brothers, Branch.
  • I know you think it's risky, and maybe it is, but it'll all be worth it. Family's always worth it.
  • Did you just braid my hair?
  • My what?
  • I can't... I can't believe this. I've always dreamt of having a sister. I was just saying this. Wasn't I just saying this?
  • I'm not going anywhere.... Unless it's with you, to save Floyd!
  • You’re stealing BroZone's talent because you have none of your own, you big...oh, you big PHONIES!


  • No, no, Branch, this is not your fault. We’re not in sync. We've gone from boys to men and now there's only one direction to go: the backstreets.
  • No, please! I barely have any talent left to give. I mean maybe like a desperate Christmas album or a one-off national anthem performance, but that is it!
  • Yeah, sure, dying sucks, but at least it's for some sweet 'bling a ding' and some boho chic home furnishings.
  • Don't you see what you're doing? You’re literally sucking the life out of me.
  • Your ukulele skills are improving.
  • Please, Veneer. Just let me run past you. Pretend like you never saw me. It'll be our little secret.
  • I know. Velvet would kill you, but just because she's your sister doesn't mean you should let her treat you like garbage.
  • No. Sibling or not, you deserve to be treated with kindness, and to be around people who would never try to change the you that you are.
  • Wow. You’ve really grown into that vest. You're.... a man now.

John Dory

  • Oh, that's not an option. If we can't hit the perfect family harmony, we aren't perfect. And if we aren't perfect, we're nothing.
  • Hey. At least we didn’t fall. [ropes snap] We fell.
  • I don't need this. I'm out. I'm done. I'm sorry. I'm going to go hike the Neverglade Trail by myself. Bro-lone. Yeah, that's right. Bro-bro going solo. YOLO. Goodbye forever!
  • You're right. Totally rude of me. Didn't introduce myself. I'm Branch's brother.
  • That's not fair, Branch. I did come back but no one was there. And it wasn't until I heard about you saving the world from the Rock Apocalypse that I realized you were even still alive.
  • Branch, our brother is being held captive in a diamond prison.
  • Branch, it's time we find the rest of our brothers and get the band back together.
  • Liking that optimism, Poppyseed. Branch, one word. Keeper!
  • [repeated line] Wha—?


  • Oh, my gosh! Hello! My name is Viva. It is so "fantastamazing" to see other trolls.
  • So, "fantastamazing" is my own personal word. It means, "fantastic" and "amazing". I used to say "amastic", but then I was like, "That's not good."
  • That's different, but that works too. Way to make it your own.
  • Am I being a lot? Sometimes I can be a lot.
  • Yeah, I'm the fun side of the operation and Mr. Clay takes care of the boring stuff.
  • Yeah, we try not to use that word around here. It’s just that "burger" sounds a little too much like, uh, "Bergens."
  • That's better. Now I finally have some energy!
  • You can’t leave now. You just got here.
  • Poppy, it's me, Viva. I'm your sister.
  • You don't understand. I just got my sister back. I'm not gonna lose you. For anything.
  • I think I made a huge mistake.
  • Viva la viva, baby.

Tiny Diamond

  • Not to worry, fellow grownup. I have procured my learner's permit. [Poppy: Who is Adulty McManface?] The better question is: “Are you a narc?”
  • Grownup stuff. Am I right?
  • Oh. 🤬.
  • Okay. Either they just made that up or I have not been paying attention.
  • Hey, man. Am I the only one without a long lost sibling?
  • We're huh? Doing what? When?
  • I'm tired. Carry me. [Poppy: You have to walk on your own, Tiny. You have to be a big boy] But my feet hurt! I don't wanna!
  • Ooh, we brought cupcakes?
  • Okay? Now whose sibling is this now?


  • My biggest inspiration? Hm. I'd have to go with also me.
  • We are dying out there! What we need is more troll!
  • If we're gonna make it through the Rage Dome show, we’re gonna need more troll!
  • Ugh! I cannot with her! Well, time for a spritz.
  • I want to be famous, but l'm not going to work for it. Ewww.
  • Oh, really? You don't wanna? Okay, that's fine. We'll just kiss our careers goodbye and focus our efforts on charity.
  • It’s called lying, Primp. Deal with me.
  • I really don’t see why you’re so upset. At least we're putting your talent to good use. I mean, "you're welcome".
  • What’s up, Mount Rageous?! You didn't think we were just gonna give you a boring, old stage show, did you?
  • We’re taking this show on...the...road!


  • Secret? [nervous laugh] We don’t have a secret! [hyperventilating] WHO SAID WE HAVE A SECRET?!
  • Well, be a good little assistant and GO STAND IN THE CORNER!
  • I have an idea. We could practice.
  • I don’t want to kill the little guy. They’re kinda cute when they’re up and about. Banging on the walls. Yelling to go home.
  • Girl, we grew up in the suburbs. Our parents were dentists.
  • He's dead?! Oh man, what have we done?! What do we do?!
  • [after Floyd pushes against his diamond prison and throws himself off of his hand before making his escape] Wow. I thought ghosts just floated away.
  • I just love my sister. And all my fame. And money. And things I bought.
  • Doesn't it?
  • You mispronounced Thanks for not letting our talents go to waste, Velvet and Veneer.
  • Listen up, Mount Rageons. We are… FRAUDS! And we've been literally torturing little trolls. We just wanted to be famous. Honestly, my sister wanted to be famous, and, truly, I was too afraid to stand up to her.
  • I was just saying I had a change of heart.
  • Fair enough. Prison it is!


  • You know what? I'm done playing the heartthrob. My exquisitely chiseled rock hard abs and I quit!
  • I am happy to give you an autograph or whatever, but can you please be discreet about it?
  • Yeah. I wanted to put the whole boy band thing behind me now that I'm a dad.
  • Oh. Well, yeah, you need the "perfect family harmony" for that.
  • Oh, I was in a band. I was in the band.
  • These fries are amazing. They'd really go great with a burger. [everyone screams, confusing him] Whaaaaat is happening?
  • You love bossing us around. Just admit it.
  • Don't be a baby, Branch.


  • I'm more than just the fun one. I’m in a Sad Book Club. Did you know that? A sad book club. I’m gonna find Trolls who take me seriously.
  • We call burgers “meat circles”.
  • [John Dory: Clay!!] Hm. John. [John Dory: Wha—?]
  • If I was still fun, would I have chosen the admin building as my bedroom? [cut to said admin building, a crow caws in the background] Huh? Huh? Asking the tough questions, guys. Asking the tough questions.
  • It's just that "Fun Boy" Clay is dead. "Serious Boy" Clay only does the well oiled robot and it is no [DJ sounds] fun.
  • Guilty!
  • Like I said, she's got some stuff going on man. If we don’t want to get caught, we should sneak out now.
  • Really great note, John Dory. Super helpful. Thanks. Thanks. Now I have a creative note for you. Stop being bossy!
  • Yeah. We've all changed. Bruce settled down, Branch is slightly taller with zero glasses and I'm a licensed CPA. Put some respect on my name, fool!
  • Wait, Grandma got eaten?
  • And tax evasion. I'm going to have to repossess your yacht.
  • I'm sorry we didn’t get to see you grow up, but I’m excited to get to hang out with you now.
  • Now, these guys know how to flex the drip.


  • My WiFi doesn't work great in the closet.
  • Uh, I'm standing?
  • Oh, by the way, you know that thing you asked me for?
  • You said it was for smoothies.
  • If you use too much, you'll kill him. The plum that I tested turned into a prune!
  • You also engaged in trollnapping, Troll torture, fraud.


King Peppy: What would I know about secret family members? [looks away and sighs nervously]


Young Branch: It's my fault. I ruined everything.
Young Floyd: No, no, Branch, this is not your fault. We're not in sync. We've gone from boys to men and now there's only one direction for us to go: the backstreets.
Young Branch: But not you, Floyd. You're not leaving too.
Young Floyd: Not forever. I'Il be back. I promise. But right now I... I have to follow my heart. It's telling me that it's time to start a solo career.
Young Branch: But what am I gonna do?
Young Floyd: Branch, you are gonna do the most important thing of all. You're gonna... take care of Grandma.
Grandma Rosiepuff: Oh, come on, Branch. Let's play some rummy. But I won't let you win, because I play for the money.
Young Floyd: You might have to let her win. Occasionally.
[Branch nods]
Young Floyd: When you miss me, you can wear this. [takes his vest off and puts it on Branch] It’ll be like I'm right here with you.
Young Branch: And when you come back, we'll make our hideout. [hands Floyd a drawing]
Young Floyd: Definitely. [looks down at the drawing] Wow. Is that a ten story water slide?
Young Branch: Yeah. That's how we shower.
Young Floyd: Well, we better keep this in a safe place. [tucks the drawing into Branch’s vest before opening his arms for a hug] I'll see you soon, Baby Branch.
Young Branch: Bye. See you later.

Branch: Oh, hey, look at the time. We’re going to be late to the royal wedding. Let’s go get married.
Poppy: Branch!
Branch: What? I-I mean let’s get Bridget and Gristle married.
Poppy: Yeah. Oh, 'cause it would be weird if we got married.
Branch: Yeah, weird.
Poppy: Wow. It’s weird that we’re still talking about how weird it was like 15 seconds later.

Guy Diamond: Look at you, Tiny Diamond. You make the cutest little flower boy!
Tiny Diamond: Come on, Daddy. I’m not a baby anymore. I'm the cutest little flower man!
Guy Diamond: But, Tiny, you're only a month old.

[the crowd of wedding guests gasps]
King Gristle: Uh, Bridget, do you know this guy?
Bridget: I can't remember all my suitors, Grissy.

Poppy: Remember when I said you should open up to me and be real....
Branch: Well....
Branch: Former brother.

Poppy: Oh my gosh, I was being so rude. I've never met anyone from Branch's family before. I'm Poppy, Branch's girlfriend. Should we hug? Fist bumps? Smile and wave for now and see where the night takes us?
John Dory: All of the above.
Poppy: Wait! I know you. You're the guy... from BroZone. We were just listening to them.
Cooper: Yeah! BroZone!
Poppy: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, don’t tell me. Um, okay, well, you're not the heartthrob.
John Dory: Well, that's your opinion-
Poppy: Fun one? No. You're kind of uptight.
John Dory: Uptight?
Poppy: You’re not the sensitive one either.
John Dory: Okay, a lot of assumptions for someone you just met 30 seconds ago.
Poppy: Oh, oh, I've got it! You're John Dory!
John Dory: The leader.
Poppy: The old one!
King Gristle: Uh, sorry to interrupt but we lose the venue at eleven so---
Bridget: Shh, I’m trying to listen. Very hot gossip.
Poppy: So, if you're Branch's bro, then that means all the BroZone bros are Branch's bros too! [gasps and turns] Branch! How come you never told me?!
Branch: Because it's complicated.
Poppy: Oh sweetie [pats Branch on the back] Cuz you weren't in the band.
John Dory: [laughs] Branch was in the band alright.
Poppy: What?! No way! Which one was he?
John Dory: Bitty B.
Poppy: Bitty B?! No. That’s impossible. Bitty B had glasses.
John Dory: Oh, and a diaper.
Branch: [sing-song voice] Annnnnddd a falsetto made of gold. Not that anyone cared. But that’s all in the past. Because they stopped being my brothers the day they walked out on me and never came back!

Poppy: Branch, what's going on with you?
Branch: The question we should be asking is: What's going on with him? I bet you he's only here because he needs something.
Poppy: That's not true! He's your brother!
John Dory: Branch, I'm going to be straight to you: I need something.
Branch: And there it is!
Poppy: [to John Dory] Come on, man, I'm trying here!”
John Dory: Wait-- Wait. Hold up, Branch. It's about Floyd.
Branch: What do you mean?
John Dory: He's in danger, man.
John Dory: [voice over] I hadn't heard from him since the band broke up. -Until... [a thud] I got a letter from him.
John Dory: [reading] “Dear John Dory, I'm being held against my will by superstars Velvet and Veneer. Come to Mount Rageous at once and bring our brothers. Love, Floyd."
John Dory: I didn't know where any of you were, so I went to Mount Rageous alone. I found where this Velvet and Veneer were performing that night. And there was Floyd.
John Dory: [falls face down onto the table the diamond bottle Floyd is sitting in and picks himself up] Yo, Floyd.
Floyd: John Dory? [he stands up, moving to the front of his prison and putting his hands on the inside of it] I can't believe it. I never thought l'd see any of my brothers again.
John Dory: I'm gonna get you out of here, bro.
Floyd: No, you've gotta get out of here. You don't understand. Velvet and Veneer are giant, pop-obsessed succubi with no talent, and they've been stealing mine. And they'll be back any minute for more.
John Dory: What? That's even worse than lip-synching. Not my brother. Not today. [John turns and walks away then he turns back to Floyd, trying different methods to try and get him out: running straight at the bottle and slamming into it face first, taking out candy like ninja stars and throwing them straight at the diamond bottle and using the spikes of his fingerless glove to draw a circle into the front of the diamond bottle and punching it. Floyd is getting more and more unimpressed and annoyed with each attempt]
Floyd: John. John. Stop. The bottle is made of diamond. And there's only one thing that's powerful enough to shatter diamond.
John Dory: Right. A diamond-shattering diamond hammer. Where can we get one of those?
Floyd: No, John. It's the perfect family harmony.
John Dory: [gasps] Of course. The perfect family harmony.
Velvet, in the distance: Our voices sound like garbage. We are dying out there. What we need is more troll.
Floyd, in a panic: Run, John Dory. Save yourself.
John Dory: Don't worry, Floyd. I'll be back with the bros. You have my word.
Branch: Floyd.

Tiny Diamond: Alright. Alright. Tiny, Branch, Poppy, and this random dude [John Dory: Wha—?] on another musical adventure filled with heart, hilarity and happiness.
Poppy: Tiny, what are you doing here?
Tiny Diamond: Well, Aunt Poppy, for your information, I am no longer a baby. I am a big boy now and I'm on a man-sized rite of passage to learn lessons of life, courage and maybe love.
Poppy: Awww.
John Dory: Should we be letting a baby drive?
Tiny Diamond: Not to worry, fellow grownup. I have procured my learner's permit. [holds it out]
Poppy: [leaning over to read it] Who is Adulty McManface?
Tiny Diamond: [puts his learner's permit away] The better question is, "Are you a narc?"
Poppy: What? No! Why? Are---are you?
John Dory: Enough chitchat, Adulty McManface. Step on it!

Poppy: Wow. Look at your old outfits. Puffy jackets. Pukka shell necklaces. Denim tuxedos? Branch, did you have frosted tips?
Branch: Yeah. It was an era.
John Dory: Don't forget his perm.
Poppy: No way! Pictures or it didn't happen. [John Dory holds out a picture which she grabs] Look at you! You were so cute. I love it.
John Dory: But we had to pull the plug when he tried to frost his perm.
Branch: It was an era!
John Dory: Tragic.

Velvet: It's all going to change as soon as we have BroZone.
Floyd: BroZone?
Velvet: Yup, I forged a letter begging for them to come and save you. I love me.
Floyd: No! You leave my brothers alone!

John Dory: [pointing at the “hustle” button] Tiny, you see that button?
Tiny Diamond: Uh, yeah!
John Dory: The beautiful, shiny button?!
Tiny Diamond: Oh, you mean the button that's taking every fiber of my being not to press? Yeah, I see it!
John Dory: Press it!

Floyd: Please, Veneer. Just let me run past you. You can pretend you never saw me. It'll be our little secret.
Veneer: I can't.
Floyd: I know. Velvet would kill you. But just because she’s your sister doesn't mean you should let her treat you like garbage.
Veneer: Doesn't it?
Floyd: No. Sibling or not, you deserve to be treated with kindness and to be around people who would never try to change the you that you are.

Veneer: I don't want to kill the little guy. They're kinda cute when they're up and about. Banging on the walls. Yelling to go home.
Velvet: Do you wanna lose all this and go back to the dark place where we had NOTHING?!
[Cut to an imaginary Oliver Twist-esque imagination spot]
Young Veneer: Please sir. I want some more.
[Back in the present]
Veneer: Girl, we grew up in the suburbs. Our parents were dentists.
[Cut to a flashback of young Velvet and Veneer sitting at a dinner table that’s filled with unhealthy snacks, eating cereal for dinner]
Velvet and Veneer's father, offscreen: So, how was school today?
Young Velvet: [angrily slams a fist against the table] STOP ATTACKING ME! [flips the table]

Bruce: Oh, my kids love these guys. We’re a total Veneer household.
John Dory: They’re the ones who have Floyd!
Bruce: Ugh. It's gonna be hard to separate the art from the artist.

Viva: Oh, my gosh. Hello! My name is Viva! It is so "fantastamazing" to see other trolls.
[Viva rushes around, hugging John Dory then Bruce then Branch and finally Poppy]
Viva: Hi! Ha! [puts Poppy down] So, "fantastamazing" is my own personal word. It means, um, fantastic and amazing. I used to say "amastic," but then I was like, "Hmm, that's not as good."
Poppy: "Fantastamawesome."
Viva: That's different, but that works too. Way to make it your own.
Poppy: [whispering, to Branch] Is this how people feel when they meet me?
Branch: [whispers back] Yes.
Viva: Am I being a lot? Sometimes I can be a lot.
Branch: I'm not sure we're in the right place.
Viva: Course you're in the right place. Any troll is welcome here with us.

Viva: Hug time!
[John Dory opens his arms, expecting a hug]
Bruce: Uhhh……
Clay: Yeah... no...
Viva: Aw, so cute. Where'd you get that hug time bracelet?
Poppy: My dad gave it to me.
Viva: Okay, this is so totally random, but I used to have one just like it. Can I see that?
Poppy: [takes her bracelet off and puts it on Viva's wrist] Wow. It fits you perfectly.
Viva: [examines it] Yeah. [traces a circle around it with a finger and it shimmers a little]
Poppy: Whoa.
Viva: [soft chuckle] I'm sorry. What did you say your name was again?
Poppy: I'm Poppy. [extends her hand out towards Viva]
Viva: Poppy?
Viva: Okay, um, another totally random, weird question, but is your dad King Peppy?
Poppy: Uh, yeah?
Viva: You're.... you're---you're alive!
Poppy: [confused] I'm alive!
Viva: This is unbelievable! I never thought I’d see you again.
Poppy: [still confused] Again?
Viva: Poppy, it's me. Viva.
Poppy: Uh....
Viva: I'm your sister.
Poppy: My... my what?
Viva: Your sister. Your hermana.
Branch: Woah.
Tiny Diamond: Come on, man! Am I the only one without a long-lost sibling?

Poppy: So, I was thinking about getting more into, like, reading short stories and essays instead of full novels.
Viva: Ooh, I love that for you.
Poppy: Yeah. But, um.... but just to circle back real quick. I still have a million questions about what happened.
Viva: I used to live at the troll tree. I was there when you were born. And you were so cute, kinda like you are now, only teensier and weensier and.... [changes the subject] Oh. Do you want to make candy necklaces that we never finish because we eat all the candy?
Poppy: Obviously! [changes the subject] But, Veev, I'm just gonna need you to focus here and-and tell me everything. Why am I only learning about you now? What happened?
Viva: [funny voice] We got---accidentally---separated. [normal voice] And I've lived here ever since. The end. Want to do candy toe rings next?
Poppy: Uh, accidentally separated?
Poppy: Viva, are you talking about the night the trolls escaped Bergen Town?
Viva: Oh, yeah. Yeah, I guess it was that night.
Viva: I thought so many times about leaving, you know, to look for you and Dad, but it’s not safe out there.
Poppy: Okay. Obviously this is a lot, and you should be able to open up about this on your own time. But we'll have plenty of time to work through this on the way to Mount Rageous.
Viva: Whoa! I am not going to Mount Rageous. And neither are you, silly. You’re never going to leave again.
Poppy: Wait, what was the —— What was that last thing?

Clay: Viva doesn't like to talk about it. It’s too painful for her. But she’s been here ever since the night of the great Bergen attack.
Clay: Not everyone made it out of that tree. Some of them got trapped by Bergens. They were this close to getting eaten until Viva and some of the other trolls fought them off. But, by then, the tunnels had collapsed and they were cut off from the rest.
Clay: Viva found this old, abandoned Bergen golf course and transformed it into this troll utopia. We formed this little sanctuary of survivors. I added fire exits. She added her heart and soul.

King Peppy: I kept screaming, "No troll left behind!", but when I went back in, the tunnels had collapsed. That's when I found Viva's hug time bracelet.
King Peppy: I know I should have told Poppy, but my heart was broken. I felt like a failure. Not just as a king, but as a father. I feel so guilty. What do you think I should do?
Mr. Dinkles: [in a deep voice] I'm afraid that’s our time for today.
King Peppy: But I just revealed a major trauma.
Mr. Dinkles: Mew!

John Dory: Stop. Stop. Time-out. Let's do it again from the top. Spruce, I want some smolder in those eyes. Clay, you're being too stiff. We need some sillier robot. Bitty B, maybe a smaller diaper.
Branch: If this diaper was any smaller, I could taste it.
Tiny Diamond: That's why I don't wear one of those. It's a hard fit to pull off.
Clay: Really great note, John Dory. Super helpful. Thanks. Thanks. Now I have a creative note for you. Stop being bossy!
John Dory: What? I'm not being bossy. I'm helping us be better.
Clay: No. No, dude, you're forcing us to be perfect, just like you always have, so we can hit the perfect family harmony.
John Dory: Yeah, for Floyd!
Bruce: Is it? Or is this all just so you can tell people what to do again?
John Dory: Wh-What?
Poppy: Guys, guys, this really isn't helpful right now. Let's all maybe take five, huh?
Bruce: This isn't gonna work if you keep on being the same old John Dory.
Clay: Yeah. We've all changed. Bruce settled down, Branch is slightly taller with zero glasses and I'm a licensed CPA. Put some respect on my name, fool!
John Dory: Well, I'm not allowed to change. I'm the oldest. I had to be the leader.
Bruce: You love bossing us around. Just admit it.
John Dory: Why do you think I moved to the middle of nowhere? So I didn't have to be in charge of anyone. Four little brothers is a lot of responsibility!
Bruce: Why do you think I left? So no one would treat me like you did.
John Dory: You know what, Spruce...
Clay: It's Bruce!
Bruce: Thank you, Clay!
Branch: Guys, we can't forget about Floyd.
John Dory: Look, Branch is right. We're here for Floyd. Let's just get this done, and we can go our separate ways.
Clay: Fine.
Branch: Wait. What?
John Dory: What? The mission's the mission. You didn't think we'd all live together when this was all over, did you? Singing songs and roasting marshmallows?
Branch: Oh. I’m sorry. Is that funny to you? That I might want us to actually be a family again? [takes out his bunker plans and looks down at them] Tiny Diamond, pull over now.
Bruce: Don't be a baby, Branch.
Branch: You're mad at him but you guys do the exact same thing to me. You all still treat me like the baby of the family. But guess what?! I stopped being a baby the day you guys walked out on me because I had to. Then Grandma got eaten and there was no one else to take care of me. [crumples his bunker plans up and throws them on the floor] This time I'm walking out on you!
Poppy: [walks over and picks up the paper before straightening it out and looks down at it] This is Branch’s bunker. He built this for you guys.
John Dory: I didn’t know.
Poppy: I guess you never asked.

Branch: How do you know which wires to cut?
Poppy: I don’t. I’m just blasting everything until something turns off.

Branch: Floyd!
Floyd: Branch?! Is it really you?
Branch: Yeah, it's really me.
Floyd: [stands up] Wow. You’ve really grown into that vest. You're.... a man now.
Branch: [presses his face against the outside of Floyd’s diamond prison and touches it] Oh, finally. Somebody gets me.
[Poppy smiles as Floyd does the same]
Floyd: But you need to leave. Right now.
Poppy: No, Floyd. It’s okay. We’re here to rescue you.
Floyd: No. This is a trap. Velvet and Veneer, they- they lured you here. You gotta leave before they come back. Hurry!
Branch: No. I’m not leaving here without you.
Floyd: Branch, please. Do it for me.

Branch: I built the hideout, Floyd. Except for the ten story water slide.
Floyd: [waking up] But.... how will we shower?

Veneer: Listen up, Mount Rageons. We are...frauds! [the crowd gasps] And we've been literally torturing little trolls. [the crowd gasps again] [Veneer grabs and holds a camera] We just wanted to be famous. Honestly, my sister wanted to be famous and, truly, I was too afraid to stand up to her.
Velvet: It's like I don't even know who you are!
Veneer: Yeah you do! And you asked me to change anyway, which isn't okay. Family or not.

Poppy: So, how you feeling?
Branch: Happy, grateful and really sorry it's taken me this long to open up to you.
Poppy: Whoa, TMI. Boundaries, my man. That is a lot of feelings.
[Poppy and Branch both laugh, then go in for their first kiss. Watching, Bruce and Clay both sport proud looks on their faces as they do a congratulatory handshake and Floyd sheds a tear of pride whilst John Dory hugs him]

Branch: What's up? You got the pre-show jitters?
Floyd: I can't believe that we almost missed out on all this. We may not be the new kids on the block anymore, but I'm loving this new edition of us.
Clay: You know, I'm really glad those 98 degrees of separation are behind us.
John Dory: Just as long as we're together.
Bruce: [eating soup] Mm. Hey. You guys got to try this menudo.

Branch: You didn't think that BroZone was the only band I've ever been in, did you? Please.
Clay: Now, these guys know how to flex the drip.
John Dory: Wow. You guys are so in sync.
[Everybody laughs along with one of Branch’s other bandmates saying ‘hear what he said’]
Boom: I don't get it.
Poppy: Hey, Branch, it’s almost showtime and I was thinking that maybe we should— [stops and zeroes in on Branch with his other band, all of whom have turned to look at her] WHAAAAAAAA-

Branch: Poppy, I have a small proposal. Will you...
Poppy: Join the band?! Of course I will! I thought you would never ask.
Branch: You know me too well. Now get up here and sing with us.
Poppy: [jumps up excitedly] Ahhh! Viva! Viva! Get up here! We're in the band!
Viva: [squeals excitedly] This is my dream life!

[mid credits scene, Tiny Diamond is seen having a sort of therapy session]
Tiny Diamond: So the nachos was good. That was a lot of fun. And then I got to drive the van. So then we got locked in the mini golf course, and there was a giant clown head that started talking to us, man. Whew. Too crazy. But yeah, I'm enjoying the journey. I'm enjoying the journey. I'm growing. I'm developing. I feel strong every day. But, uh, you know, I thought I was ready to be a man, but I'm gonna keep it baby for a while. How much I owe you? This is covered by insurance, right?
[the screen pans to show that Mr. Dinkles is the acting therapist]
Mr. Dinkles: [deep voice] No, I'm out of network.


  • There are some new trolls on the block.
  • Triple the Trolls, Triple the Music!

Voice Cast

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