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*All the things Martin Luther King, Jr. was fighting against were inflicted by the Democratic Party. When King was put in jail, who do you think put him in there? Democrats. Black people had been so successful disenfranchised by the Democratic Party that John F. Kennedy, a northern senator who opposed civil rights, mind you, had Martin Luther King released from jail, and the black community was then so happy with him that they forgot that Democrats jailed Martin Luther King in the first place.
*All the things Martin Luther King, Jr. was fighting against were inflicted by the Democratic Party. When King was put in jail, who do you think put him in there? Democrats. Black people had been so successful disenfranchised by the Democratic Party that John F. Kennedy, a northern senator who opposed civil rights, mind you, had Martin Luther King released from jail, and the black community was then so happy with him that they forgot that Democrats jailed Martin Luther King in the first place.
**[[w:Alfonzo Rachel|Alfonzo Rachel]], as quoted in [ ''Weapon of A.S.S. Destruction''].
**[[w:Alfonzo Rachel|Alfonzo Rachel]], as quoted in [ ''Weapon of A.S.S. Destruction''].

*We love freedom more, vastly more, than slavery. Consequently, we hope to keep clear of the Democrats!
**[[w:Joseph Hayne Rainey|Joseph Hayne Rainey]], as quoted in [ speech] (1871).

*Our nation's top historians reveal that the Democratic Party gave us the Ku Klux Klan, Black Codes, Jim Crow Laws and other repressive legislation which resulted in the multitude of murders, lynchings, mutilations, and intimidations, of thousands of black and white Republicans. On the issue of slavery, historians say the Democrats gave their lives to expand it, the Republicans gave their lives to ban it.
*Our nation's top historians reveal that the Democratic Party gave us the Ku Klux Klan, Black Codes, Jim Crow Laws and other repressive legislation which resulted in the multitude of murders, lynchings, mutilations, and intimidations, of thousands of black and white Republicans. On the issue of slavery, historians say the Democrats gave their lives to expand it, the Republicans gave their lives to ban it.

Revision as of 07:23, 12 August 2015

You've got to be optimist to be a Democrat, and you've got to be a humorist to stay one. ~ Will Rogers

The Democratic Party (DNC) is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States of America, along with the Republican Party. Founded in the early 19th century, it is the oldest political party in the world that is still in existence. Members of the party are referred to as Democrats. The first U.S. president who was a Democrat was Andrew Jackson, a slave-owner and former military officer who fought against the British in the War of 1812. The most recent U.S. president who was a Democrat is the current one, Barack H. Obama II, a former Illinoisan senator.



The Democratic Party is a party of principle. It will sacrifice anybody to remain the principal party. ~ Russell Baker
I am not a member of any organized party; I am a Democrat. ~ Will Rogers
The Democratic Party is a vast body of confusion. ~ Russell Baker
We can make this thing into a party, instead of a memory. ~ Will Rogers
Democrats are in the saddle! ~ John Jacob Rogers
Democrats must tag along as best they may, no matter what ill may betide. ~ John Jacob Rogers
What would happen to the Democratic Party if they were to lose the election this year? The same thing that happened to it the last time it lost. It would sit in the wings. ~ Russell Baker
When Democrats rush up to me at events and insist that we live in the worst of political times, that a creeping fascism is closing its grip around our throats, I may mention the internment of Japanese Americans under FDR, the Alien and Sedition Acts under John Adams, or a hundred years of lynching under several dozen administrations as having been possibly worse, and suggest we all take a deep breath. ~ Barack H. Obama II
I'm starting to wonder if the Democratic Party isn't a party of liars, but a party of people so abysmally ignorant of basic history that they don't even know that they're lying anymore. ~ Daniel Greenfield
The anti-war movement in America evaporated because Democrats, inspired to protest by their anti-Republican feelings, stopped protesting once the Democratic Party achieved success. ~ Linton Weeks
The Democrats in the last elections proved themselves to be a bunch of dithering pussies. ~ John Perry Barlow
The Democrats just never learn. Americans don't really care which side of an issue you're on as long as you don't act like pussies. ~ Bill Maher
What amazes me even more is how successful the Democrats have been at rewriting their own sordid past; blaming the GOP for the crimes they themselves are guilty of. ~ Brent Parrish
Let's not forget who has run Baltimore and Maryland for nearly all of the last forty years. The men and women in charge have been Democrats, and their governing ideas are 'progressive'. This model, with its reliance on government and public unions, has dominated urban America as once-vibrant cities such as Baltimore became shells of their former selves. ~ The Wall Street Journal
The Democrats have never apologized for slavery, segregation, or the destruction of the black family. When an individual becomes utterly dependent on another person or group to provide all of their emotional, spiritual and physical needs, that individual has given away all of their power. They are allowing another person or persons the ability to pull the proverbial rug out from under them at any given moment. It is a form of slavery, plain and simple. Furthermore, the dependent individual is held down, unable to rise above the level of the person or persons to which they have become dependent upon. I call that evil. ~ Brent Parrish
Democrats have been running black communities for the past fifty-plus years, and the socialist policies of the Democrats have turned those communities into economic and social wastelands. ~ Frances P. Rice
Look no further than the devastated black communities that Democrats have run for the past fifty years and destroyed. ~ Frances P. Rice
We have got to end the Democratic Party. Its history is so interwoven with starting, keeping, trying to push slavery on beyond anything that it should have been through. ~ Louis Gohmert
Efforts of the abolitionists or others made to induce congress to interfere with questions of slavery, or to take incipient steps in relation thereto, are calculated to lead to the most alarming and dangerous consequences. ~ Democratic Party Platform of 1852
Prevent further importation or immigration of the Mongolian race! ~ Democratic Party Platform of 1876
Do you really feel yourselves justified to break up this government unless such a court decision as yours is, shall be at once submitted to as a conclusive and final rule of political action? But you will not abide the election of a Republican president! In that supposed event, you say, you will destroy the Union, and then, you say, the great crime of having destroyed it will be upon us! That is cool. ~ Abraham Lincoln
Every Democrat must feel honor bound to control the vote of at least one Negro, by intimidation. ~ Martin Witherspoon Gary
Democrats by a kind of tortured reasoning, sometimes accused Negroes and Republicans of attacking each other so that the crimes would be blamed on the Democrats; investigations revealed that Democrats had committed the acts themselves. ~ Allen W. Trelease
Talk is abroad about removing statues of 'Confederates', meaning prominent Democrats, from the U.S. Capitol and some state capitols. The statue of Democrat Jefferson Davis, the ex-president of the Confederacy who also served as a Democratic Congressman, U.S. Senator, and Secretary of War in a Democratic administration, has been mentioned for possible removal from its place in Kentucky’s state capitol. Interesting. A growing mass call to remove the names of one prominent Democrat after another from the public. ~ Jeffrey Lord
May my hand forget its cunning and my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth if ever I raise my voice or give my vote to the nominee of the Democratic Party. ~ Frederick Douglass
On the issue of slavery, Democrats fought for and gave their lives to expand it while Republicans fought and gave their lives to ban it. ~ Wayne Perryman
Look up the history of the Democratic Party. It's one of oppressing African-Americans. It's one of supporting slavery and the horrors that occurred. ~ Louis Gohmert
The national Democratic Party and its southern affiliates labored mightily to re-subjugate the newly free blacks, eventually succeeding by implementing Jim Crow laws, motivating the birth of the Klan and then protecting it, establishing separate-but-equal schools and public facilities, and enacting codes of lawful segregation, all of which Democrats defended in a fight to the death until the 1960s. ~ Michael Scheuer
The Democratic Party has been consistently racist, endorsing slavery and opposing civil rights. ~ Alfonzo Rachel
It was the Democratic Party that fought to keep slavery legal and that worked to impose the Jim Crow laws and Dred Scott decision. They were Democrats who founded the KKK as a terrorist fraternity against the abolitionist Republicans and the blacks they stood for. Democrats revoked federal office positions held by blacks. Go ahead and look up the policies of Democrats like Woodrow Wilson. ~ Alfonzo Rachel
They were Democrats who fought for segregation in the schools and in the military. They were Democrats who bombed the churches that had a noticeable amount of black members. They were Democrats who hosed peaceful civil rights assemblies and released dogs on them. You'll probably recognize Bull 'KKK' Connor out there. Yes, he was a Democrat and a member of the Ku Klux Klan. ~ Alfonzo Rachel
Democrats are no longer satisfied with keeping blacks enslaved. Today they want everybody enslaved, and the Democrats have gotten much, much better at convincing those in slavery that they really are not in slavery. ~ Mike Jensen
Democrats are still doing everything they can to keep people enslaved. ~ Mike Jensen
The politicians who fought for segregation in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s were uniformly Democrats like George Wallace, who won his last election in 1982, as a Democrat, Orval Faubus, and Strom Thurmond. ~ Dan McLaughlin
Democrats seem to think that they were fighting for civil rights while supporting slavery. ~ Daniel Greenfield
The Democrats have switched states, but they haven't switched states of mind. The Democratic Party's history is an endless parade of bigotry and treason. ~ Daniel Greenfield
The civil rights revolution of the 1960s was fought entirely against Democrats. Every southern bigot who was excluding, terrifying, assaulting, murdering blacks was a Democrat. The Democrat party is the party of race-baiting. It uses racism as a political strategy. And Democrats have no scruples whatsoever about telling astonishing lies about the history of their party. How could the party of slavery and the KKK and Jim Crow and Bull Connor get away with lying so shamelessly? ~ M. Regnor
Democrats, who claim that they care about diversity, use despicable racial stereotypes, just as Democrats did during the days of slavery and Jim Crow, to slur black professionals. ~ Frances P. Rice
Jackson then is a sturdy obstacle to the Democrats' ongoing and increasingly frenzied campaign to erase from America's history all the unsavory things their party has championed for most of its existence, namely, slavery, secession, civil war, segregation, socialism, and, most recently the slaughter of infants. ~ Michael Scheuer
I do not regard the Negro as my equal, and positively deny that he is my brother, or any kin to me whatever. ~ Stephen A. Douglas
This government was established on the white basis. It was made by white men, for the benefit of white men and their posterity forever, and never should be administered by any except white men. I declare that a Negro ought not to be a citizen, whether his parents were imported into this country as slaves or not, or whether or not he was born here. It does not depend upon the place a Negro's parents were born, or whether they were slaves or not, but upon the fact that he is a Negro, belonging to a race incapable of self-government, and for that reason ought not to be on an equality with white men. ~ Stephen A. Douglas
The Democratic Party holds the honor bestowed to bigotry, hatred and racism. The Ku Klux Klan was a part of the Democratic Party. ~ Jones F. Gallagher
The North Carolina Democratic Party engineered and executed a state-wide white supremacy campaign in order to win the 1900 elections that was viscous, polarizing, and defamatory toward African Americans and that encouraged racial violence. ~ North Carolina Democratic Party State Executive Committee
In U.S. history, from the ratification of the Constitution to the economic devastation wrought by Obama on contemporary black Americans, the men and women who run Democratic Party, from Jefferson and Jackson forward, have been the ferocious enemy of black Americans entering the mainstream of American life, to this day bending every tool of political power to keep them angry, unemployed, mired in poverty, and politically and economically dependent in a manner that approaches quite near to re-enslavement. ~ Michael Scheuer
Democrats in the north were called 'copperheads' like the poisonous snake. The 'copperheads' wanted to appease the south and accept a negotiated peace, thereby, creating an independent Confederacy where blacks were kept in slavery. They also showed their deep opposition to the Civil War military conscription by verbally attacking Republican President Abraham Lincoln and taking their anger out on blacks, murdering and maiming blacks in virtually every northern state. Anti-Civil War Democrats in New York engaged in 'Four Days of Terror' against the city's black population. ~ Frances P. Rice
The Democratic electorate contains people who hate others. ~ Gerard Alexander
The history of the Democratic Party can be concisely captured by referring to its steadfast allegiance to the four Ss. Slavery, secession, segregation, and socialism. ~ Michael Scheuer
I knew that however bad the Republican Party was, the Democratic Party was much worse. The elements of which the Republican party was composed gave better ground for the ultimate hope of the success of the colored man's cause than those of the Democratic Party. ~ Frederick Douglass
Pro-slavery impulse still governs the Democratic Party, the party of government sinecures. It is the party that wants to use political power to tax us not for any common good, but to eat while we work. ~ Harry Victor Jaffa
Herman Cain, as a successful, articulate, and aggressive black businessman, deeply frightened the Democrats. From their bag of tricks they produced the sort of thing familiar from the treatment of Clarence Thomas, namely old charges of sexual harassment. ~ Kelley L. Ross
The Democratic Party was incensed and bitter over the fact that slavery was abolished in America. Since the Democrats could no longer keep blacks in literal chains as slaves, they invented virtual chains to enslave black Americans. Welfare and the ghetto; the liberal plantation. ~ Brent Parrish
Having hanged black men during segregation, often for bogus rape charges, Democrats now are content to smear their political prospects with harassment charges. ~ Kelley L. Ross
Neither West Point nor the Democratic Party have been good schools in which to learn justice and fair play to the negro. ~ Frederick Douglass
We reorganized the Democratic Party with one plank and only one plank, namely, that this is a white man's country and the white men must govern it. ~ Benjamin Tillman
With us the two great divisions of society are not the rich and the poor, but white and black, and all the former, the poor as well as the rich, belong to the upper class, and are respected. ~ John C. Calhoun
Support for slavery remains ingrained into the DNA of at least some in the Democrat party. ~ Greg Conterio
The Democrats are still the party of slavery. They are still the party of Jim Crow. They are still the party of racism. They just changed their rhetoric, and their policies to appear to be something they're not. ~ Matt Bruce
What are you here for, if not to maintain white supremacy? ~ Will T. Smith
It is the manifest intention of this convention to secure to the State of Mississippi, white supremacy. ~ George P. Melchior
The Democrats have moved to the right and the Republicans have moved to a mental hospital. ~ Bill Maher
We deny... that all men are created equal. It is not true. ~ Benjamin Tillman
Rioters were mostly Irish Catholic immigrants and their children. They mainly attacked the members of New York's small black population. For a year, Democratic leaders had been telling their Irish-American constituents that the wicked Black Republicans were waging the war to free the slaves who would come north and take away the jobs of Irish workers. ~ James M. McPherson
Southerners, supported vociferously by the Democratic Party of the north, were deeply opposed to any equality for the former slaves. ~ Eric Foner
The whole Democratic press... thought it horrible to keep U.S. troops stationed in the southern states, and when they were called upon to protect the lives of negroes, as much citizens under the constitution as if their skins were white, the country was scarcely large enough to hold the sound of indignation belched forth by them. ~ Ulysses S. Grant
The northern and southern Democratic Party command you to suffer. ~ Thomas Nast
Activists don't really object to police brutality or to the kinds of practices that now disgrace American law enforcement. They simply want the brutal police to be on their side rather than on the side of capitalism and America. The final proof of this was that all the misconduct and the corruption of the police was perfectly all right when the Democrats controlled Congress and the Presidency from 2009 to 2011. Nothing was done about it. ~ Kelley L. Ross
Dixiecrats accepted white privilege, because to them, that was their birthright. ~ Brad Matthews
For one hundred years the Democrats didn't want civil rights for black Americans to pass. But, they sure want to make you think they did! ~ Brent Parrish
Democrats gave us the KKK, Jim Crow, lynchings, poll taxes, literacy tests, and failed policies. ~ Allen Bernard West
The history of the Democrat party is one of slavery, secession, segregation, and now socialism. ~ Allen Bernard West
The idea that citizens do not automatically belong to the militia, and that they do not have the right to keep and bear arms, unless they belong to the National Guard, passed seamlessly from the segregationist Democrats to the gun control Democrats, and so continues. ~ Kelley L. Ross
Democrats encourage bigotry and have re-institutionalized segregation. If race hate disappeared tomorrow, the Democrats would never win another national election. The Democrats supported slavery. The Democrats concocted the Trail of Tears. The Democrats created Jim Crow. The Democrats founded the KKK. The Democrats fought civil rights and integration tooth and nail; and the Democrats never apologized for any of it. ~ Lawrence D.
Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this. ~ Lyndon B. Johnson
The most appropriate apologist would be the Democratic Party, which was always the key supporter of slavery, secession, and segregation. So it would make more sense for it to apologize than the United States itself; which put an end to slavery at the cost of much blood and treasure. ~ Roger Clegg
The party of lynching. The party of the Ku Klux Klan. The party of Jim Crow. The party of Bull Connor. The party of segregation. ~ Charles M. Phipps
The Democrats certainly have a lot to apologize for. No party did more to defend slavery, create Jim Crow, fight lynching legislation, and promote disfranchisement. ~ David T. Beito
Will the Democratic Party finally apologize for supporting slavery, segregation, lynching, and the Ku Klux Klan? ~ Jeffrey Lord
Democrats, once the party of racism, always the party of racism. ~ Rand Simberg
Songs such as 'Nigger Doodle Dandy' reflect the racist tone of the Democrats' presidential campaign in 1864. How did Republicans counter? In part, they sought white votes by being anti-racist. The Republican campaign, boosted by military victories in the fall of 1864, proved effective. The Democrats' overt appeals to racism failed, and anti-racist Republicans triumphed almost everywhere. ~ James W. Loewen
I'll have them niggers voting Democratic for two hundred years. ~ Lyndon Baines Johnson
Sorted alphabetically by author or source


  • Are DemoKKKrats determined to wreck the USA to get revenge for losing the Civil War? Democrats started the KKK. They lynched blacks, established segregation, and filibustered civil rights legislation, and they did not switch parties, Robert 'KKK Kleagle' Byrd was still an old time DemoKKKrat the day he died in 2010. Today, after every one of their racist policies failed, DemoKKKrats are out for revenge for losing their slaves after the Civil War. Is that why DemoKKKrats are still trying to wreck the USA, the way Reconstruction wrecked their beloved old antebellum south?


  • The Democratic Party was born in 1932. It gave the country four deals. These were the New Deal; the Fair Deal, which was the New Deal with hardened arteries; the New Frontier, which was the New Deal with a face lift; and the Great Society, which was the New Deal with hardened arteries, a fallen face lift and a Vietnamese accent. … The Democratic Party is a party of principle. It will sacrifice anybody to remain the principal party of the United States.
  • What would happen to the Democratic Party if they were to lose the election this year? The same thing that happened to it the last time it lost. It would sit in the wings until the Republican Party wiped itself out again and the return with the New Deal. As long as nobody cuts the cards, it can go on forever.
  • When Republicans call something a lie, Democrats object that this is the sort of incivility that leads to political violence and terrorism. When Democrats call something a lie, this may well mean that Republicans have been accurately quoting Democrats, often extensively.
  • There is little doubt that the Democrats have sewn-up the anti-American and the 'blame America first' vote, and that, as Ann Coulter has said, they have made the 'treason lobby' feel at home. They should, of course, be ashamed of this; and since they are not, we should realize that this says a lot about them. Fawning visits to the Castros by Democrat politicians, culminating in Obama's 'normalization' of relations with Cuba, only provide more evidence. Liberal guilt grows into liberal self-hatred, and this grows into the hatred of America that is now part of school curricula all over the country. The United States may become the first country in history to destroy itself over lies told about it by its own elites, embodied in a political party, the Democrats, who actually have this purpose.
  • The Democrats supported and defended slavery. They created, supported, and defended segregation. And they created, support, and defend the welfare state. Frankly, I don't see much difference.
  • My first political memory is of my aunt telling my mother that someone had vandalized her 'I Like Ike' bumper sticker while she was parked at the beach. That must have been in 1956. Unfortunately, this sort of thing has turned out to be all too characteristic of the shameless conduct of Democrats and the left. Schools for such acts are, indeed, American universities, where theft, vandalism, disruptions, and even assaults are generally tolerated by administrators, as long as the targets are conservatives or libertarians. Far more outrage is expressed over outrages by the right, which not uncommonly turn out to have been faked by leftist radicals.
  • I was always raised to think that Republicans were about limited government, about individual liberty, about fiscal responsibility, about balanced budgets, about a wariness of military adventures abroad, about responsible encouragement to business. There's a whole list of things I thought the Republican Party was all about, and these guys that presently occupy the White House, are categorically against every single one of those things. So if they're Republicans, I'm not. But I'm really not a very comfortable Democrat. I mean the Democrats in the last elections proved themselves to be a bunch of dithering pussies... and it was pathetic. So I'm just waiting until one party or the other actually gets a moral compass and a backbone.
  • I began studying the political history of race in America. Having worked in Congress and at the White House, I have some familiarity with the nature of politics and how politiicans think. I thought I could use this knowledge to illuminate this one aspect of the race problem in America in ways that might help us better deal with its long, sordid history. What quickly jumped out at me is a fact that seems obvious in retrospect, but which I had never really thought about. Virtually every significant racist in American political history was a Democrat. Before the Civil War, the Democratic Party was the party of slavery. It was based largely in the south and almost all of its leaders were slave owners, including Andrew Jackson and Thomas Jefferson, considered by Democrats to be co-founders of their party.
  • McCarthy was a Republican. The Democrats, however, have skeletons in their own closet and it's worth remembering them, too. For example, Democrat Woodrow Wilson's Attorney General, A. Mitchell Palmer, who was just as rabid an anti-Communist as McCarthy, did far more to repress free speech and political freedom than McCarthy ever attempted. It wasn't a Republican president who locked up thousands of loyal Americans of Japanese descent in concentration camps for years. It was Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt. And it wasn't a Republican who wiretapped and snooped on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but Democrats John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert, who signed the order as Attorney General.
  • The Democratic Party was the party of slavery and Jim Crow, and the 'Solid South' was solidly Democratic for one hundred years. All of the racism that we associate with that region originated with and was enforced by elected Democrats. It could not have been otherwise, there were virtually no Republicans in power in the south for a century after the end of Reconstruction.
  • Redress a larger historical imbalance in the way people perceive the two major political parties. Democrats have been effectively cleansed of their racist past, their sins implicitly transferred to the Republicans.
  • It would be much better for everyone if the black vote was 'in play' and both major parities had to compete for it. As virtual captives of the Democrats since 1936, blacks have ended up being taken for granted by them and mostly ignored by Republicans.
  • The public school system, that systematically fails to educate everyone, but especially minorities, is little more than a vassal of the Democratic Party, and serviced by the teachers union. In spite of the overwhelming evidence, both the Democrats and the unions steadfastly refuse any attempts to reform it, as that would mean removing their control of it. Now, why would they so vehemently resist changing it?
  • I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side.
    • Robert C. Byrd, letter to Senator Theodore Bilbo (1946), as quoted in When Affirmative Action Was White: An Untold History Of Racial Inequality In Twentieth-century America (2005), by Ira Katznelson, Norton. p. 81. Also quoted in "A Senator's Shame: Byrd, in His New Book, Again Confronts Early Ties to KKK" (19 June 2005), by Eric Pianin, The Washington Post, pp. A01.
  • It is necessary that the order be promoted immediately and in every state of the Union. Will you please inform me as to the possibilities of rebuilding the Klan in the Realm of West Virginia. I hope that you will find it convenient to answer my letter in regards to future possibilities.


  • With us the two great divisions of society are not the rich and the poor, but white and black, and all the former, the poor as well as the rich, belong to the upper class, and are respected.
  • We can trust white men to do right by the inferior race, but we cannot trust the inferior race with power over the white man.
  • If every negro in Mississippi was a class graduate of Harvard, and had been elected class orator ... he would not be as well fitted to exercise the rights of suffrage as the Anglo-Saxon farm laborer.
  • The most appropriate apologist would be the Democratic Party, which was always the key supporter of slavery, secession, and segregation. So it would make more sense for it to apologize than the United States itself; which put an end to slavery at the cost of much blood and treasure.
  • Every Democrat once voted 'No' on Fourteenth Amendment; now they want to twist it to make Obama our king? Democrats have no shame, but this is a new low even for them. Recent talk from Democrats, especially Congressional Black Caucus members about having Barack Obama cite imaginary powers they find in the Fourteenth Amendment as a way to rule by fiat are just flat out hypocritical. CBC member Representative James Clyburn of South Carolina clearly laid out the Democrats case for dumping our democracy and crowning Obama king so he can spend every last dollar we have.
  • Every black person in America should get a gun and join the National Rifle Association, America's oldest and most august civil rights organization. Apparently this has occurred to no one because our excellent public education system ensures that no American under the age of sixty has the slightest notion of this country's history. Gun control laws were originally promulgated by Democrats to keep guns out of the hands of blacks. This allowed the Democratic policy of slavery to proceed with fewer bumps and, after the Civil War, allowed the Democratic Ku Klux Klan to menace and murder black Americans with little resistance. Contrary to what illiterates believe, the KKK was an outgrowth of the Democratic Party, with overlapping membership rolls. The Klan was to the Democrats what the American Civil Liberties Union is today. Not every Democrat is an ACLU'er, but every ACLU'er is a Democrat. Same with the Klan.
  • Democrats spent the first century of this country's existence refusing to treat black people like human beings, and the second refusing to treat them like adults. After fighting the Civil War to continue enslaving black people and then subjecting newly freed black Americans to vicious, humiliating Jim Crow laws, and Ku Klux Klan violence, Democrats set about frantically rewriting their own ugly history.
  • The wealthy slaveholders who controlled the federal government. Democrats acting on their behalf insisted that America's primary principle was the constitution's protection of property, and they pushed legislation to let planters monopolize the country’s resources at the expense of the working.
  • If one were to listen only to contemporary civil rights leaders in this country, one would come away with the impression that slavery was a uniquely American sin. You also would get the clear impression that it was eradicated by the Democrats over the ongoing objection of the Republicans, but that is another story for another day. Slavery as an institution still exists today, although it's practice is mostly restricted to Islamic cultures. It also has taken many forms throughout history. In czarist Russia for example, serfs were regarded as being 'part of the land'. If a parcel of land or an estate changed hands between owners, the serfs who lived-upon and worked that land went with it. They were not legally allowed to leave and go elsewhere, and rarely permitted to seek other occupations. Regardless of the details of how slavery was legally managed from one culture to the next, the defining principle was always the same: as a slave, your labor belongs to someone else, and can be compelled. This recalls the very definition of liberty. Does your labor belong to you, or does someone else have the 'right' to either take the product of that labor, or compel you to perform it? There may be varying degrees of this claim to your labor, but the crucial point is this, if it is the right of someone else to decide how much of your labor they own, they effectively own all of it. How much of your labor they avail themselves of is entirely up to them. During the escalating conflict over slavery that preceded the Civil War, slavery was the driving political influence of the major political parties of the south, with the southern branches of both the Whigs and the Democrats vying for who was the better defender of the 'peculiar institution', and both demanding absolute control over the national party when it came to matters involving slavery. But while the Whigs disintegrated as a party in the mid-1850s, the southern Democrats cemented their influence over the party nationally, and the Democrat party unequivocally became the pro-slavery party, with its northern members deferring to the south on all such matters. While many northern Democrats were not actively pro-slavery, their views were articulated by their party plank in the 1864 election which called for withdrawal from the 'failed' war and the implicit accommodation of slavery. Fast forward to today, and apparently support for slavery remains ingrained into the DNA of at least some in the Democrat party.
  • Like it or not, health care, education, housing, and food are all either services or tangible items which come from the labor of real people, people who many Democrats believe should be compelled to toil without compensation to provide for the 'rights' of others. To put it more simply, people like Harris-Perry are calling for certain people to be forced to work without compensation for the benefit of others. Anytime you designate a good or service that must be produced by someone to be a right, you make the producer a slave. There are no two ways about it. Either your labor, and the proceeds therefrom belong to you, for you to decide how to use, or they belong to someone else, and they decide what, if anything, you are allowed to keep. You are either free, or you are effectively a slave. Harris-Perry and the Democrats are clear where they stand on the question.
  • There are parallels between the 1890s and today in voter suppression laws motivated by white conservatives' fears of growing minority strength at the ballot box. In the 1890s, the suppressors were Democrats.
  • African Americans still supported the Republicans, the party of Lincoln and liberty. Slavery, which almost all Democrats supported before the Civil War, was gone. But, the Democrats were still the party of white supremacy.


  • Congress has no power, under the Constitution, to interfere with or control the domestic institutions of the several States; and that such States are the sole and proper judges of everything pertaining to their own affairs, not prohibited by the Constitution; that all efforts, by abolitionists or others, made to induce Congress to interfere with questions of slavery, or to take incipient steps in relation thereto, are calculated to lead to the most alarming and dangerous consequences, and that all such efforts have an inevitable tendency to diminish the happiness of the people and endanger the stability and permanency of the Union, and ought not to be countenanced by any friend to our Political Institutions.
  • Congress has no power under the constitution to interfere with or control the domestic institutions of the several States, and that such States are the sole and proper judges of everything appertaining to their own affairs not prohibited by the constitution; that all efforts of the abolitionists or others made to induce Congress to interfere with questions of slavery, or to take incipient steps in relation thereto, are calculated to lead to the most alarming and dangerous consequences; and that all such efforts have an inevitable tendency to diminish the happiness of the people and endanger the stability and permanency of the Union, and ought not to be countenanced by any friend of our political institutions.
  • Demand the abolition of the Freedmen's Bureau and all political instrumentalities designed to secure negro supremacy.
  • No, today's Democrats are no different from the Democrat party that has remained intact since about 1830. Claiming the parties switched names at some point is imbecility. Democrats encourage bigotry and have re-institutionalized segregation. If race hate disappeared tomorrow, the Democrats would never win another national election. The Democrats supported slavery. The Democrats concocted the Trail of Tears. The Democrats created Jim Crow. The Democrats founded the KKK. The Democrats fought civil rights and integration tooth and nail. And the Democrats never apologized for any of it. You joined that organization. You opted to be associated with such a long and sordid history of violent racism. That says a lot about you.
  • I don't believe you, Kyle. Non-Democrats don't go to such lengths to defend Democrats. For instance, I don't much care what you claim about Republicans. The narrative you espouse is ludicrous, that the parties switched names. A six year old wouldn't buy it. History is quite clear. You have chosen to associate with an organization that has openly supported slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynchings, rapes, church bombings, etc., etc., and that is still dependent upon race hate for its very existence. The fact that you have made such a choice is very telling. I know I'd never join such a group.
  • Congress could require federal troops to supervise the registration of voters, but Negroes were waylaid and butchered on the roads to the registration office.
  • In relation to the policy to be pursued toward the free negroes, we have said that they shall not vote; whilst Maine, on the other hand, has said that they shall vote. Maine is a sovereign State, and has the power to regulate the qualifications of voters within her limits. I would never consent to confer the right of voting and of citizenship upon a negro; but still I am not going to quarrel with Maine for differing from me in opinion. Let Maine take care of her own negroes and fix the qualifications of her own voters to suit herself, without interfering with Illinois, and Illinois will not interfere with Maine.
  • This government was established on the white basis. It was made by white men, for the benefit of white men and their posterity forever, and never should be administered by any except white men. I declare that a negro ought not to be a citizen, whether his parents were imported into this country as slaves or not, or whether or not he was born here. It does not depend upon the place a negro’s parents were born, or whether they were slaves or not, but upon the fact that he is a negro, belonging to a race incapable of self-government, and for that reason ought not to be on an equality with white men.
  • Each colored voter of the state should say in scripture phrase, 'may my hand forget its cunning and my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth' if ever I raise my voice or give my vote to the nominee of the Democratic Party.
    • Frederick Douglass, "The Lesson of Emancipation to the New York Generation: An Address Delivered in Elmira, New York" (3 August 1880), as quoted in The Frederick Douglass Papers, Volume 4, p. 581. Douglass is referring to Psalm 137:5-6.
  • I knew that however bad the Republican party was, the Democratic party was much worse. The elements of which the Republican party was composed gave better ground for the ultimate hope of the success of the colored man's cause than those of the Democratic party.
    • Frederick Douglass, as quoted in Life and Times of Frederick Douglass (1941), chapter 47, p. 579.
  • No, sir, th' dimmycratic party ain't on speakin' terms with itsilf. Whin ye see two men with white neckties go into a sthreet car an' set in opposite corners while wan mutthers Thraiter an' th' other hisses Miscreent ye can bet they're two dimmycratic leaders thryin' to reunite th' gran' ol' party.


  • The vast majority of white southerners, supported vociferously by the Democratic Party of the north, were deeply opposed to any equality for the former slaves.


  • The Democratic Party holds the honor bestowed to bigotry, hatred and racism. The Ku Klux Klan was a part of the Democratic Party. The Republican Party ended slavery. Most blacks were Republican. Democrats gave us Jim Crow laws. Republicans introduced civil rights legislation time and again; Democrats opposed it. Democrats opposed passage of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth amendments, which gave equality to black Americans. The Reconstruction Act, the Civil Rights Acts of 1866, 1875, 1957 and 1960 and the Enforcement Act of 1870 also were opposed by Democrats. Republican President Dwight Eisenhower created the Civil Rights Commission. He sent federal troops into the south to desegregate the schools. Republicans created the Historically Black Colleges and University Program and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Martin Luther King organized the March on Washington with a black Republican, A. Philip Randolph. Democratic President Woodrow Wilson's Cabinet segregated government offices. Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed KKK member Hugo Black to the Supreme Court. Roosevelt opposed federal lynching laws. Lester Maddox, George Wallace and Orval Faubus, all Democratic governors, were fervent racists. Democratic Attorney General Robert Kennedy had Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. wiretapped, much like we do today to suspected terrorists and criminals. The Democratic Party keeps black Americans and all minority groups in poverty with 'entitlement' programs and policies preventing advancement.
  • Every Democrat must be on the alert on the day of Election to see that negroes under age do not vote and that those who are properly entitled to vote do not repeat, and if they should discover that squads should leave the precincts and go in the direction of another precinct, they must follow them and challenge their vote at the next precinct.
  • Many participants in the anti-war movement, people who went to rallies or gave money or were involved in some other way, were Democrats, and once they saw Democrats in power they felt the job was done, and that a Democratic-led government would end the war without such a need for outside pressure.
  • Many leaders of the anti-war movement were Democrats and were not well positioned or strongly inclined to battle with those Democrats in government who were continuing the war.
  • The anti-war movement was too closely tied to the Democratic Party and that it would've been better to have more of an independent identity.
  • The political parties here in America have been around for a while now. They may not be now what they once were. The parties as they were set up to be was 'the Democratic Platform is for the white man and the Republican Platform was for the Negro'. In order to escape their truly wretched past, modern Democrats have adopted as an article of faith the bedtime story that, thanks to Tricky Dick Nixon's 'southern strategy', the racists who had been the backbone of their party for the better part of a century suddenly switched to the GOP en masse some time around 1968, with the happy result that now all the racists are on the right. Presto, instant virtuousness and a clean slate! It's a lie, of course.
  • Fact. The Republican Party was founded primarily to oppose slavery, and Republicans eventually abolished slavery. The Democratic Party fought them and tried to maintain and expand slavery. The 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery, passed in 1865 with 100% Republican support but only 23% Democrat support in congress. Fact. During the Civil War era, the 'Radical Republicans' were given that name because they wanted to not only end slavery but also to endow the freed slaves with full citizenship, equality, and rights. Fact. Lincoln's Vice President, Andrew Johnson, was a strongly pro-Union, but also pro-slavery, Democrat who had been chosen by Lincoln as a compromise running mate to attract Democrats. After Lincoln was assassinated, Johnson thwarted Republican efforts in Congress to recognize the civil rights of the freed slaves, and Southern Democrats continued to thwart any such efforts for close to a century. Fact: The 14th Amendment, giving full citizenship to freed slaves, passed in 1868 with 94% Republican support and 0% Democrat support in congress. The 15th Amendment, giving freed slaves the right to vote, passed in 1870 with 100% Republican support and 0% Democrat support in congress. Fact: The Ku Klux Klan was originally and primarily an arm of the Southern Democratic Party. Its mission was to terrorize freed slaves and 'nigger-loving', their words, Republicans who sympathized with them. Fact: In the 1950s, President Eisenhower, a Republican, integrated the U.S. military and promoted civil rights for minorities. Eisenhower pushed through the Civil Rights Act of 1957. One of Eisenhower’s primary political opponents on civil rights prior to 1957 was none other than Lyndon Johnson, then the Democratic Senate Majority Leader. LBJ had voted the straight segregationist line until he changed his position and supported the 1957 Act. Fact: The historic Civil Rights Act of 1964 was supported by a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats in both houses of Congress. In the House, 80 percent of the Republicans and 63 percent of the Democrats voted in favor. In the Senate, 82 percent of the Republicans and 69 percent of the Democrats voted for it. Fact: Contrary to popular misconception, the parties never 'switched' on racism. The Democrats just switched from overt racism to a subversive strategy of getting blacks as dependent as possible on government to secure their votes. At the same time, they began a cynical smear campaign to label anyone who opposes their devious strategy as greedy racists.
  • Following the epic civil rights struggles of the 1960s, the south began a major demographic shift from Democratic to Republican dominance. Many believe that this shift was motivated by racism. While it is certainly true that many southern racists abandoned the Democratic Party over its new support for racial equality and integration, the notion that they would flock to the Republican Party, which was a century ahead of the Democrats on those issues, makes no sense whatsoever. Yet virtually every liberal, when pressed on the matter, will inevitably claim that the parties 'switched', and most racist Democrats became Republicans! In their minds, this historical ju jitsu maneuver apparently transfers all the past sins of the Democrats, slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow laws, et cetera, onto the Republicans and all the past virtues of the Republicans, e.g., ending slavery, onto the Democrats! That's quite a feat! It is true that Barry Goldwater's opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 probably attracted some racist Democrats to the Republican Party. However, Goldwater was not a racist, at least not an overt racist like so many southern Democrats of the time, such as George Wallace and Bull Connor. He publicly professed racial equality, and his opposition to the 1964 Act was based on principled grounds of states' rights. In any case, his libertarian views were out of step with the mainstream, and he lost the 1964 Presidential election to LBJ in a landslide. But Goldwater's opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Act provided liberals an opening to tar the Republican Party as racist, and they have tenaciously repeated that label so often over the years that it is now the conventional wisdom among liberals. But it is really nothing more than an unsubstantiated myth, a convenient political lie. If the Republican Party was any more racist than the Democratic Party even in 1964, why did a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats in both houses of Congress vote for the 1964 Civil Rights Act? The idea that Goldwater's vote on the 1964 Civil Rights Act trumps a century of history of the Republican Party is ridiculous, to say the least. Every political party has its racists, but the notion that Republicans are more racist than Democrats or any other party is based on nothing more than a constant drumbeat of unsubstantiated innuendo and assertions by Leftists, constantly echoed by the liberal media. It is a classic example of a Big Lie that becomes “true” simply by virtue of being repeated so many times.
  • In the 1960s the Democratic Party changed its strategy for dealing with African Americans. Thanks to earlier Republican initiatives on civil rights, blatant racial oppression was no longer a viable political option. Whereas before that time southern Democrats had overtly and proudly segregated and terrorized blacks, the national Democratic Party decided instead to be more subtle and get them as dependent on government as possible.
  • At the same time, the Democrats started a persistent campaign of lies and innuendo, falsely equating any opposition to their welfare state with racism. From a purely cynical political perspective, the Democratic strategy of black dependence has been extremely effective. LBJ knew exactly what he was doing. African Americans routinely vote well over 90 percent Democratic for fear that Republicans will cut their government benefits and welfare programs. And what is the result? Before LBJ’s Great Society welfare programs, the black illegitimacy rate was as low as 23 percent, but now it has more than tripled to 72 percent. Most major American city governments have been run by liberal Democrats for decades, and most of those cities have large black sections that are essentially dysfunctional anarchies. Cities like Detroit are overrun by gangs and drug dealers, with burned out homes on every block in some areas. The land values are so low due to crime, blight, and lack of economic opportunity that condemned homes are not even worth rebuilding. Who wants to build a home in an urban war zone? Yet they keep electing liberal Democrats — and blaming “racist” Republicans for their problems! Washington DC is another city that has been dominated by liberal Democrats for decades. It spends more per capita on students than almost any other city in the world, yet it has some of the worst academic achievement anywhere and is a drug-infested hellhole. Barack Obama would not dream of sending his own precious daughters to the DC public schools, of course — but he assures us that those schools are good enough for everyone else. In fact, Obama was instrumental in killing a popular and effective school voucher program in DC, effectively killing hopes for many poor black families trapped in those dysfunctional public schools. His allegiance to the teachers unions apparently trumps his concern for poor black families. A strong argument could also be made that Democratic support for perpetual affirmative action is racist. It is, after all, the antithesis of Martin Luther King’s dream of a color-blind society. Not only is it 'reverse racism', but it is based on the premise that African Americans are incapable of competing in the free market on a level playing field. In other words, it is based on the notion of white supremacy, albeit 'benevolent' white supremacy rather than the openly hostile white supremacy of the pre-1960s Democratic Party. The next time someone claims that Republicans are racist and Democrats are not, don't fall for it.
  • I think it's time, not for the Washington Redskins to change their name but for the Democratic Party to change its name. Because all you have to do is go online and look up the history of the Democratic Party. It's one of oppressing African-Americans. It's one of supporting slavery and the horrors that occurred in the United States.
  • One thing has struck me as a bit queer. During my two terms of office, the whole Democratic press, and the morbidly honest and 'reformatory' portion of the Republican press, thought it horrible to keep U.S. troops stationed in the southern states, and when they were called upon to protect the lives of negroes, as much citizens under the constitution as if their skins were white, the country was scarcely large enough to hold the sound of indignation belched forth by them for some years. Now, however, there is no hesitation about exhausting the whole power of the government to suppress a strike on the slightest intimation that danger threatens.
  • Now, the Democrats have a different plan. The Democrats say that, 'If you have health insurance, we're going to make it better. If you don't have health insurance, we going to provide it to you. If you can’t afford health insurance, then we'll help you afford health insurance'. So America gets to decide. Do you want the Democratic plan, or do you want the Republican plan? Remember, the Republican plan. 'Don't get sick. And if you do get sick, die quickly'.
  • The Democrats seem to think that they were fighting for civil rights while supporting slavery. Perhaps they mean this notable support for civil rights from the Democratic Party Platform of 1868. That was only 144 years ago. I could go back to 1840, that's not quite 200 years ago, but it's close enough.
  • While it's tempting to pretend that the Democratic Party of slavery had nothing to do with the same party of today, that's a convenient myth. The Democratic Party platform of 1856 denounced opposition to immigration.
  • Why did the Democratic Party demand equal rights for immigrants, but not black slaves? Due to the three-fifths compromise, they already had the black vote.
  • Jackson and others had presented the alternative to slavery as a one percent tyranny of big Wall Street banks. The entire Occupy Wall Street narrative dates back to the left's attempt to preserve its monopoly on the black vote through slavery while building a utopian agrarian society immune from economics. And not that much has changed. The plantations are big blocks of urban housing. The left is less interested in agrarian utopias, though the theme recurs in recent times from hippie communes to locally grown agriculture today, but still exploits a monopoly on the black vote as leverage for fanatically pursuing its utopian experiments. The Democrats have switched states, but they haven't switched states of mind. The Democratic Party's history is an endless parade of bigotry and treason.
  • The Democrats and Republicans did not mysteriously switch sides, as liberals like to believe. The Democrats stood for most of the same things they stand now.
  • Why did the Democrats spend fifty years denouncing Asians? As always the answer is votes. Playing the class warfare game had put the Democrats in the strange position of supporting immigration in the East as a boon to their political machines and opposing it in the West as a tool of big business.
  • The Democratic Party's treasonous position during the Civil War was an attempt at settling the issue on terms that would once again lock in a Democratic majority. Slavery then and constant cries of racism today served the same purpose of protecting the power and patronage of Democrats. The Obama years are an extension of cynical racism by a party that does its best work pitting groups against each other. The conflicts of identity politics and class warfare follow the old pattern of trying to undermine Republicans while manufacturing Democratic majorities that free the party to pursue its ideological obsessions with creating utopias. The Democrats have been willing to see the country burn to protect their pathway to utopia. And during the Civil War and the seventies, it really did burn. Now it's burning all over again.


  • Democrats were a major constituency in the anti-war movement during 2007 and 2008, during which time between 37 percent and 54 percent of anti-war protesters thought of themselves as Democrats. In contrast, members of third parties were relatively less common in the movement, falling between 7 percent and 13 percent of participants. However, after Obama’s election as president, Democratic participation in anti-war activities plunged, falling from 37 percent in January 2009 to a low of 19 percent in November 2009, and registering 22 percent in December 2009. In contrast, members of third parties became proportionately more prevalent in the movement, rising from 16 percent in January 2009 to a high of 34 percent in November 2009, and registering 24 percent in December 2009. Since Democrats are more numerous in the population at large than are members of third parties, the withdrawal of Democrats from the movement in 2009 appears to be a significant explanation for the falling size of anti-war protests.
  • The antiwar movement aspired to create a transgressive politics that challenged the institutions that generate war and imperialism. Yet, because it depended so heavily on the party in the street to mobilize support, it found itself caught up in the institutional, party-driven system that many activists saw as the cause of the problems that it mobilized to solve. In 2001, the antiwar movement began with an eye toward becoming an independent political force, yet it lived in the shadow of the Democratic Party. The Democrats and the antiwar movement struck a useful alliance from 2003 to 2006. The antiwar movement helped to demonstrate grassroots support for a key party issue and the party helped to provide activists, resources, and legitimacy for the movement. By early 2009, however, it was abundantly clear that Democrats were no longer interested in this alliance. Abandonment by the Democrats gave the movement the independence it desired, but also stripped it of its capacity for political influence. While Obama's election was heralded as a victory for the antiwar movement, Obama’s election, in fact, thwarted the ability of the movement to achieve critical mass.
  • Who is the party of slavery? Democrats. Who is the party of segregation? Democrats. Who was the party of lynchings? Democrats. Who was the party of racist Woodrow Wilson? Democrats. Who is the party of Jim Crow in the south? Democrats. Who is the party poll taxes? Democrats. Who is the party of grandfather clauses? Democrats. Who is the party of literacy tests? Democrats. Who is the party of the KKK? Democrats.
  • Who was the party of Margaret Sanger and her racist self? Democrats. Who is the party of Robert Byrd, the last head Dragon Klansman in the Congress? That would be the Democrats. Who is the party of Bull Connor? Democrats, who turned the firehose on black people. Who is the party of the opponents of the Civil Rights Act of 1957? Democrats. Who is the party of opponents of the Civil Rights Act of 1960? Democrats. Who is the party of opponents of the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Democrats. Who is the party Orval Faubus? Democrats. Who is the party of socialism that holds black people down? Democrats. Who is the party of the welfare state? Democrats. Who is the party of Planned Parenthood, that's murdered far more blacks than the KKK could ever have dreamed of, and continues to support them? Democrats.
  • Surveying the fall in support for the governments of Barack Obama, New York City's progressive Mayor Bill de Blasio, and France's Socialist President François Hollande, a diagnosis of the current crisis begins to emerge. The political left can win elections but it's unable to govern. Once in office, the left stumbles from fiasco to fiasco. ObamaCare, enacted without a single vote from the opposition party, is an impossible labyrinth of endless complexity. Bill de Blasio's war on charter schools degenerated into an unseemly attack on poor New York minority children. François Hollande's first act in 2012, like a character in a medieval fable, was to order that more tax revenue be squeezed from the French turnip. Mr. Obama's approval rating is about 43%. Mr. de Blasio's has sunk to 45% after just two months in office, and Mr. Hollande hit the lowest approvals even recorded in the modern French presidency. The left inevitably says their leaders failed them. The failure looks self-inflicted.
  • Rather than resolve the complexities of public policy in the world we inhabit, the left's default is to simply acquire power, then cram down what they want to do with one-party votes or by fiat, figuring they can muddle through the wreckage later.
  • Making the unworkable work by executive degree or court-ordered obedience is one way to rule, and maybe they like it that way. But it isn't governing.
  • To those who say, 'My friends, to those who say that we are rushing this issue of civil rights', I say to them we are 172 years late. To those who say? To those who say that, 'this civil-rights program is an infringement on states' rights'? I say this, The time has arrived in America for the Democratic Party to get out of the shadow of states' rights and to walk forthrightly into the bright sunshine of human rights.


  • Pro-slavery impulse still governs the Democratic Party, the party of government sinecures. It is the party that wants to use political power to tax us not for any common good, but to eat while we work.
  • The Democratic Party was, and still is, a pro-slavery political party. Now we simply need to help those in slavery understand that they are in slavery.
  • Near the end of the Civil War and after his re-election, Abraham Lincoln made the abolition of slavery in America his top priority. During the 1864 presidential campaign, the Republican Party platform resolved to abolish slavery by constitutional amendment. The Republicans had gained a large number of seats in both the House and the Senate in the 1864 election, and party leaders felt they had a mandate for abolishing slavery. However, Democrats in both houses of Congress fought this amendment ferociously.
  • Democrats are no longer satisfied with keeping blacks enslaved. Today they want everybody enslaved, and the Democrats have gotten much, much better at convincing those in slavery that they really are not in slavery.
  • I'll have them niggers voting Democratic for two hundred years.
    • Lyndon Baines Johnson, said to two governors regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1964, according to then-Air Force One steward Robert MacMillan. As quoted in Inside the White House (1996), by Ronald Kessler, New York: Simon and Schuster, p. 33.
  • These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don't move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there'll be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there'll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It'll be Reconstruction all over again.
  • I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your President.


  • The party's long and troubled history with race, literally leaping from the '200 years' phrase to 1920, when the women’s suffrage amendment was enacted. The web history mentions the leadership of President Woodrow Wilson in helping pass the 19th Amendment, without noting that he was a racist or that he repressed civil liberties, even to the point of jailing one of his rivals for the presidency in 1914, socialist Eugene Debs. The history also highlights the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Certainly President Lyndon Johnson, a Texas Democrat, played an essential role, but it is worth remembering that 80 percent of the 'no' votes in the senate came from Democrats, including the late Robert Byrd and Albert Gore, father of the future vice president. Republican votes, in fact, were essential in winning final passage of the bill. Of course, a quick little web history does not give much space for such details. A more unvarnished perspective was presented in the 1992 book, Of the People, which Democrats distributed at the convention that nominated Bill Clinton. That book, written by real historians, obviously has a slant, but it found the space to mention such historical blemishes. For instance, it acknowledged that before the Civil War the party 'played both sides of the slavery issue' and after the Civil War, the party 'reached out a welcoming hand to returning Confederates, not to blacks'. The highly sanitized web version looks silly by failing to mention such unpleasant facts.


  • Do you really feel yourselves justified to break up this government unless such a court decision as yours is, shall be at once submitted to as a conclusive and final rule of political action? But you will not abide the election of a Republican president! In that supposed event, you say, you will destroy the Union, and then, you say, the great crime of having destroyed it will be upon us! That is cool. A highwayman holds a pistol to my ear, and mutters through his teeth, 'Stand and deliver, or I shall kill you, and then you will be a murderer!' To be sure, what the robber demanded of me, my money, was my own, and I had a clear right to keep it, but it was no more my own than my vote is my own, and the threat of death to me, to extort my money, and the threat of destruction to the Union, to extort my vote, can scarcely be distinguished in principle.
  • You think slavery is right and should be extended; while we think slavery is wrong and ought to be restricted. That I suppose is the rub. It certainly is the only substantial difference between us.
  • Songs such as 'Nigger Doodle Dandy' reflect the racist tone of the Democrats' presidential campaign in 1864. How did Republicans counter? In part, they sought white votes by being anti-racist. The Republican campaign, boosted by military victories in the fall of 1864, proved effective. The Democrats' overt appeals to racism failed, and anti-racist Republicans triumphed almost everywhere. One New York Republican wrote 'The change of opinion on this slavery question ... is a great and historic fact. Who could have predicted ... this great and blessed revolution?' People around the world supported the Union because of its ideology.
  • As Democrats prepare to nominate Senator Barack Obama to be the first black president, the Democratic National Committee and its chairman, Howard Dean, have whitewashed the party’s horrific and lengthy record of racism. The omission is in the section of the DNC Web site that describes the party's history. The missing history raises the obvious question of whether the Democrats, unable or simply unwilling to put their party on record as taking direct responsibility for one of the worst racial crimes of the ages, will be able to run a campaign free of the racial animosities it has regularly brought both to American presidential campaigns and American political and social life in general. What else to make of the official party history as presented by the DNC on its website? It is a history so sanitized of historical reality it makes Stalin look like David McCullough. The DNC website section labeled 'Party History', linked here, is in fact scrubbed clean of the not-so-little dirty secret that fueled Democrats' political successes for over a century and a half and made American life a hell on earth for black Americans. Literally, the DNC official history, which begins with the creation of the party in 1800, gets to the creation of the DNC itself in 1848 and then? Poof! The next sentence says, 'As the 19th Century came to a close, the American electorate changed more and more rapidly'. It quickly heads into a riff on poor immigrants coming to America.
  • Will President Obama, the leader of the Democratic Party, formally apologize for his party's role in slavery and Jim Crow? Will the Republicans now controlling both the House and Senate pass resolutions calling on the president to apologize for his party's role in slavery and Jim Crow?
  • Contrary to the frequent presentations by modern liberals, the 'three-fifths clause' of the Constitution was the anti-slavery movement's response to slave owners who wanted their slaves as property, except when it came to counting population for representation in the U.S. House of Representatives. In which case the slave owners wanted them counted as people. Thus the move to block slave owners’ power by reducing a slave to “three-fifths” of a person, with the objective of eventually phasing out slavery altogether. Alas, the birth of political factions, parties, took place rapidly, to the chagrin of President George Washington. In the battles between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton the Democratic-Republican Party, the ancestor of today’s Democrats was born. And the pro-slavery, judge-people-by-skin-color faction became the central, and as it played out, perpetual, driving force of the Democratic Party.
  • In political platform after political platform, the Democratic Party made clear its support for slavery. With the end of the Civil War, the brand new Republican Party, which came to be as a fervent opponent of slavery, passed the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments to the Constitution over the fierce opposition of Democrats. The 13th and 14th amendments successively ended slavery, provided rights of citizenship and due process to ex-slaves, while the 15th gave black Americans the right to vote. The response of angry Democrats was blunt. First came the creation of the Ku Klux Klan as what Columbia University historian Eric Foner describes as 'a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party' and University of North Carolina historian Allen Trelease calls 'the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party'. Next up was the creation of Jim Crow laws, the deliberate segregation of Americans based on skin color. On down through the decades until the 1960s, an entire century after slavery was ended, the Democratic Party thrived on adapting to the end of its pro-slavery politics by substituting appeals to skin color, racism, and class warfare. It was, and remains, a politically potent one-two punch. Millions of Americans on Social Security or whose children eat a federally funded school lunch or who scan the headlines to scrutinize the latest doings of the Federal Reserve have no idea that these very institutions were created by progressive Democrats who held office after the most blatant appeals to race.
  • One of the most vivid examples of how the game was played was Mississippian progressive Theodore Bilbo, who was elected repeatedly to the U.S. Senate as both a member of the Ku Klux Klan and a staunch supporter of the New Deal, the creation of Social Security, the National Labor Relations Board and FDR’s attempt to pack the Supreme Court with liberal judges. Georgia Senator Richard Russell, a lifelong Democrat who was a staunch segregationist and one of the supporters of the so-called 'Southern Manifesto' that opposed the civil rights movement, was the author of the legislation creating the federal school lunch program. Senate Democrats later arranged to rename the Old Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill after Russell. And the driving force behind the creation of the Federal Reserve was the virulent Virginia segregationist and Democratic Congressman Carter Glass, later the Secretary of the Treasury for fellow segregationist and progressive Woodrow Wilson.
  • President Obama, it's one thing to try and hang slavery and Jim Crow around the neck of Christianity. But heaven forbid that the leader of the Democratic Party admit not only that to the extent Christians supported slavery in America they were card-carrying leaders and members of his own party. Nor can he admit that his party still uses race and class warfare to get and keep political power so they can enact all their progressive ideals. Once Mister Obama owns up to this there would doubtless be demands for an apology from Democratic Party leaders at a minimum to demands that the party empty their coffers to pay reparations to every black American in the country. In fact, just such a lawsuit was filed in 2011 naming President Obama in a class action suit blaming the Democratic Party for slavery and demanding reparations. Even worse than reparations by the party? An Obama apology would undermine the still on-going game of race-plus-class warfare that Democrat leaders depend on to this day to get and maintain political power. This formula of race-plus-class warfare is the stock-in-trade today of the likes of Al Sharpton, the Theodore Bilbo of today minus only the fact that Sharpton has never held elective office. It is exactly the formula that allows liberal Democrats to get ninety percent of the black vote and target, as well, the Latino vote on the immigration issue. To illustrate just how sensitive Democrats are to this point is a new story making the rounds from ex-Obama aide David Axelrod.
  • Alexander Stephens was, but of course, a Democrat. Stephens, a longtime member of the House from Georgia, left the splintering Whig Party to join the Democrats precisely because of his views on race. After getting out of federal prison in the post-Civil War era, imprisoned for his role in the rebellion, Stephens went back to Congress as a Democrat and later was elected governor of Georgia.
  • Will the Democratic Party itself pay reparations to black Americans? Reparations for those party platforms that supported slavery? Not to mention for passing all those segregationist laws that were deliberately designed to evade the 14th and 15th amendments of the Constitution? Reparations for using the Ku Klux Klan as the 'terrorist arm of the Democratic Party', with that terror directly targeting black Americans?
  • Talk is abroad about removing statues of 'Confederates', meaning prominent Democrats, from the U.S. Capitol and some state capitols. The statue of Democrat Jefferson Davis, the ex-president of the Confederacy who also served as a Democratic Congressman, U.S. Senator, and Secretary of War in a Democratic administration, has been mentioned for possible removal from its place in Kentucky’s state capitol. Interesting. A growing mass call to remove the names of one prominent Democrat after another from the public square. One has to ask? Is it time to rename the Woodrow Wilson Bridge that crosses the Potomac from Virginia to Washington, the latter a majority black city? If so, may I suggest the name of Hiram Rhodes Revels, the first black U.S. Senator, in 1870? Oh, yes. Senator Revels was also a Republican.
  • In 2008, the Democratic National Committee, on the eve of the Obama nomination, went out of its way to deliberately erase a full fifty years of Democratic Party history from the official DNC website. What was erased? All reference.
  • Those platforms that supported slavery, mentioned above? The number of Democrats who occupied the White House while owning slaves? The platforms that supported segregation — and the Democratic presidents, senators, governors and more who supported segregation? The tie between Democrats and the Klan? All of this and more was simply gone.
  • Deliberately and willfully hidden from voters while trying to leave the impression that your party was a historically enthusiastic supporter of civil rights. Which, to understate, is not true.


  • The Democrats just never learn: Americans don't really care which side of an issue you're on as long as you don't act like pussies. When Van Jones called the Republicans assholes, he was paying them a compliment. He was talking about how they can get things done even when they're in the minority, as opposed to the Democrats, who can't seem to get anything done even when they control both houses of Congress, the presidency, and Bruce Springsteen.
  • If today's Democrats had a shred of integrity and intellectual honesty, they would have some humility about their own history, rather than offering up the egregiously false claim that they have been on the side of the angels continuously for 200 years. 200 years ago, in 1814, our president was James Madison, a Democrat, a great man in other ways, but a slave-owner. At least four other Democratic presidents between then and the Civil War owned slaves, and the Democrats were the locus of national political support for slavery throughout that period. The Civil War was launched by Democrats who refused to accept the election in 1860 of an anti-slavery Republican president, for a variety of reasons but mainly due to slavery. Democrats reasserted control of southern politics at the end of Reconstruction through a heavy application of terrorism by the Ku Klux Klan, in Mississippi in the 1870s, they basically murdered anyone suspected of voting Republican. For nearly a century after that, the supporters of Jim Crow were uniformly lockstep Democrats, many of them progressives, Woodrow Wilson, the only former citizen of the Confederacy to serve as President and the first progressive Democrat, introduced segregation throughout the federal government, and Franklin Roosevelt regularly received as high as 95% of the vote in Southern states. The 1924 Democratic Convention, in the race against the arch-conservative, pro-civil-rights reform Calvin Coolidge, was popularly known as the 'Klanbake' for the heavy and vocal KKK presence; their nominee that year would go on to argue the losing, pro-segregation side in Brown v. Board of Education. And that's before we discuss the federal role in housing discrimination, instituted by a New Deal agency in the 1930s and finally undone by Republican Richard Nixon and his HUD secretary George Romney in the late 1960s. Or the Davis-Bacon Act.
  • The politicians who fought for segregation in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s were uniformly Democrats like George Wallace, who won his last election in 1982, as a Democrat, Orval Faubus, and Strom Thurmond, who left the Democrats when he gave up supporting segregation. Former KKK members in national life included Democratic Senator and Supreme Court Justice, appointed by FDR, Hugo Black, who sat on the Court until the 1970s, and Senator Robert Byrd, who was still in the Senate until his death in Barack Obama's second year in office.
  • If you want to put these facts in some historical context, of course, we can talk about history and context. But the Democrats’ official campaign website doesn't do that; it never apologizes to African-Americans for the party's history of supporting slavery and segregation, and actively celebrates the last 200 years of the party's history as an unbroken record of virtue in which 'our party has led the fight for civil rights'. The only possible justification for this is the Democrats' confidence that their own voters are completely ignorant of history. Which is a sad comment on their good faith in dealing with these issues. If this history is leadership on civil rights, what would resistance look like? If they won’t tell the truth about their own past, why should we trust them to tell the truth about any issue regarding the past and present of race in America?
  • The Alabama Democratic convention [instructed] its delegates to walk out of the national convention if the party refused to adopt a platform pledging a federal slave code for the territories. Other lower-South Democratic organizations followed suit. In February, Jefferson Davis presented the substance of southern demands to the Senate in resolutions affirming that neither Congress nor a territorial legislature could 'impair the constitutional right of any citizen of the United States to take his slave property into the common territories.
  • Rioters were mostly Irish Catholic immigrants and their children. They mainly attacked the members of New York's small black population. For a year, Democratic leaders had been telling their Irish-American constituents that the wicked 'Black Republicans' were waging the war to free the slaves who would come north and take away the jobs of Irish workers. The use of black stevedores as scabs in a recent strike by Irish dockworkers made this charge seem plausible. The prospect of being drafted to fight to free the slaves made the Irish even more receptive to demogogic rhetoric.
  • Black Americans, in that era, were in solid support of the Republican Party. This was the party that fought the northern and southern Democrats to pass the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Although President Andrew Johnson tried to bamboozle Frederick Douglass to the Democrat side by making false or empty promises, he did not succeed. Douglass was no fool and was not going to let Johnson use him to gain the support of the Negroes in his effort to be 'elected' president. Frederick Douglass and other prominent Blacks threw their support to Ulysses S. Grant for president.


  • If the Democrats had left blacks alone at this moment in history, our nation would not be faced with racial divisiveness today. Instead, Democrats set for themselves the horrendous task of keeping blacks in virtual slavery.
  • To their eternal shame, Democrats and the media used the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina to perpetuate the falsehood that Republicans do not care about blacks. In fact, it was the Democrats in charge of Louisiana and New Orleans who failed to act to protect black citizens. Democrat officials refused to implement the emergency evacuation plan and did not preposition emergency supplies and personnel in the Super Dome. Over 1,000 buses were allowed to become ruined by the flood, and the Red Cross was prevented from bringing in truck loads of food and supplies into the city.
  • The core socialist philosophy of the Democrats is to give a man a fish, so he can eat for a day. Socialism uses welfare, giving a man a fish, to keep blacks in poverty. The core enterprise philosophy of the Republicans is to teach a man how to fish so he can feed himself for a lifetime.
  • The roots of modern-day racism are planted firmly in the Democratic Party. For partisan political gain, Democrats fan the flames of racism, as they have done for over 200 years.
  • If we, as a nation, are to heal our racial wounds, move beyond racial divisiveness and assure economic prosperity for blacks, we must first hold the Democratic Party accountable and demand an apology for the harm that party has inflicted on black Americans.
  • We've had three instances in almost as many convention days of Democrat officials hurling Nazi references at Republicans. We had a sitting vice president tell a crowd filled with many black Americans that Mitt Romney would put them in chains. We had a sitting president light a stick of racial dynamite under the body of a dead teenager, and we've had the media scream racism at every serious criticism of Obama, ranging from the record number of people currently on food stamps to his gutting of welfare reform. But on a less shrill and more subtle and disturbing scale, what we see almost every day in the media and from Democrats is unceasing chatter about how Romney can't win enough of the minority vote to win the election, how he can't appeal to these groups and how that somehow proves there's something wrong with him.
  • The double standard here is shameless. But what we're seeing in ways that are subtle, the rewriting of history, and not-so-subtle, 'chains', is a reprehensible campaign of racial division that the media is complicit in, unless you want to argue that NBC News choosing not to broadcast a single speech made by a minority speaker at the Republican convention that first night was just an accident. Moreover, do you think it was an accident that Chuck Todd, NBC's Chief White House Correspondent, walked the floor of the RNC convention hall and dismissed the presence of non-white faces before the cameras as nothing more than token window dressing? Because he's failed so miserably, Obama can' win on his record, so he and his media minions have launched a campaign of resentment and part of that campaign is to, if you'll pardon the expression, whitewash Romney, the Republican Party, and the convention in Tampa into something it's not, lily-white and without a proud history on the front lines of the civil rights movement. Worse still, this campaign of resentment is determined to make Romney and those of us who support him look racist and maybe even feel racist for making what we believe is the best decision for our country. Sometimes you have to pull your head out of the news cycle and take a 30,000 foot look over the landscape to see the big picture of what’s really going on. And what I see are not isolated events or 'gaffes', but rather pieces of a vicious game-plan methodically being rolled out by a desperate and divisive president.
  • Like many failed cities, Detroit comes to mind, and every city besieged recently by rioting, Democrats and their union pals have had carte blanche to inflict their ideas and policies on Baltimore since 1967, the last time there was a Republican mayor. In 2012, after four years of his own failed policies, President Obama won a whopping 87.4% of the Baltimore city vote. Democrats run the city of Baltimore, the unions, the schools, and, yes, the police force. Since 1969, there have only been only been two Republican governors of the State of Maryland. Elijah Cummings has represented Baltimore in the U.S. Congress for more than thirty years.
  • As I write this, despite his objectively disastrous reign, the Democrat-infested mainstream media is treating the Democrat like a local folk hero, not the obvious and glaring failure he really is. Every single member of the Baltimore city council is a Democrat.
  • Toxic government dependence and cronyism and union corruption and failed schools that comes along with it, has run amok in Baltimore for a half-century, and that is Baltimore's problem. It is the free people of Baltimore who elect and then re-elect those who institute policies that have so spectacularly failed that once-great city. It is the free people of Baltimore who elected Mayor 'Space-to-Destroy'.
  • Poverty has nothing to do with it. This madness and chaos and anarchy is a Democrat-driven culture that starts at the top with a racially-divisive White House heart-breakingly effective at ginning up hate and violence. Where I currently reside here in Watauga County, North Carolina, the poverty level is 31.3%. Median income is only $34,293. In both of those areas we are much worse off than Baltimore, that has a poverty rate of only 23.8% and a median income of $41,385. Despite all that, we don't riot here in Watauga County. Thankfully, we have not been poisoned by the same left-wing culture that is rotting Baltimore, and so many other cities like it, from the inside out. We get along remarkably well. We are neighbors. We are people who help out one another. We take pride in our community, and are grateful for what we do have. We are far from perfect, but we work out our many differences in civilized ways. Solutions are our goal, not cronyism, narcissistic victimhood, and the blaming of others.


  • When Democrats rush up to me at events and insist that we live in the worst of political times, that a creeping fascism is closing its grip around our throats, I may mention the internment of Japanese Americans under FDR, the Alien and Sedition Acts under John Adams, or a hundred years of lynching under several dozen administrations as having been possibly worse, and suggest we all take a deep breath. When people at dinner parties ask me how I can possibly operate in the current political environment, with all the negative campaigning and personal attacks, I may mention Nelson Mandela, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, or some guy in a Chinese or Egyptian prison somewhere. In truth, being called names is not such a bad deal.
  • Democrats and Republicans are far apart on a lot of issues. And I recognize there are folks on the other side who think that my policies are misguided. That's putting it mildly. That's OK. That's democracy. That's how it works. We can debate those differences vigorously, passionately, in good faith, through the normal democratic process. And sometimes we'll be just too far apart to forge an agreement. But that should not hold back our efforts in areas where we do agree. We shouldn't fail to act on areas that we do agree or could agree just because we don't think it's good politics, just because the extremes in our party don't like the word "compromise." I will look for willing partners wherever I can to get important work done. And there's no good reason why we can't govern responsibly, despite our differences, without lurching from manufactured crisis to manufactured crisis.
  • The difference between American parties is actually simple. Democrats are in favor of higher taxes to pay for greater spending, while Republicans are in favor of greater spending, for which the taxpayers will pay. In foreign policy, Republicans intend to pursue the war in Iraq but to do so with a minimal number of troops on the ground. This is not to be confused with the disastrous Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld policy of using a minimal number of troops on the ground to pursue the war in Iraq. Democrats intend to end the war, but they don't know when. Democrats are making the 'high school sex promise', I'll pull out in time, honest!


  • So the next time any Democrat claims they've been supportive of civil rights in America, and been so all along, ask them to explain their past. 'We've grown' is not gonna cut it, considering they continue to lie about their past to this day, only someone lacking in common sense would believe two distinct political parties could juxtaposition their stances on civil rights seemingly overnight.
  • How did the Democratic Party, which historically advocated slavery and segregation, and which in 1964 opposed voting rights for African-Americans, become the party of preference for the very people whom it long attempted to suppress? Anyone searching the web for 'The DNC's Bold Lies' will find a detailed article by Jeffrey Lord offering a partial explanation. On the Democratic National Convention site, follow the links 'About' to 'Our History' and read the first sentence. 'For more than 200 years, our party has led the fight for civil rights, health care, Social Security, workers' rights and women's rights'. Follow the link 'Issues' to 'Civil Rights', and read the first sentence: 'Democrats have a long and proud history of defending civil rights and expanding opportunity for all Americans'. Both statements are demonstrably untrue. The Democrats advocated slavery in all six party platforms between 1840 and 1860. They advocated racial segregation in most of their party platforms from 1868 to 1948. They opposed the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth amendments to the Constitution, which officially ended slavery and gave legal and voting rights to black Americans. Later, in response to increasing violence against blacks by the KKK, Republican congresses and presidents enacted several civil rights laws. These made it a federal crime to prevent blacks from holding office, serving on juries, or voting, and prohibited discrimination against blacks in public accommodations. After gaining control of both Congress and the presidency in 1892, the Democrats repealed all of these laws. Lincoln's preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, issued September 22, 1862, was openly opposed by most Democrats. A century later, President Lyndon Johnson received the support of Senate Republicans to break a Democratic filibuster, led by a former KKK leader, of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The claim of 200 years of Democratic civil rights leadership completely ignores its 'long and proud history' of active racial discrimination. The Democratic Party possibly could have claimed it had learned its lesson in 1964, and subsequently reformed itself. But the quotations on the DNC site ignore more than a century and a half of its overt racism. Any argument which begins with lies is almost certainly nothing but propaganda. A party truly championing civil rights would not need to resort to this revision of its history.
  • It has always floored me how the Republican Party seemingly allows the Democrats and the left to paint them as racists. What amazes me even more is how successful the Democrats have been at rewriting their own sordid past; blaming the GOP for the crimes they themselves are guilty of. But that's an old leftist tactic; always blame the enemy for the very same crimes they themselves are guilty of. This tried-and true tactic puts the other side on the defensive.
  • It has always appeared to me that the Democratic Party was incensed and bitter over the fact that slavery was abolished in America. So, since the Democrats could no longer keep blacks in literal chains as slaves, they invented virtual chains to enslave black Americans. Welfare and the ghetto; the liberal plantation.
  • For one hundred years the Democrats didn't want civil rights for black Americans to pass. But, they sure want to make you think they did! The Democrats have never apologized for slavery, segregation, or the destruction of the black family. When an individual becomes utterly dependent on another person or group to provide all of their emotional, spiritual and physical needs, that individual has given away all of their power. They are allowing another person or persons the ability to pull the proverbial rug out from under them at any given moment. It is a form of slavery, plain and simple. Furthermore, the dependent individual is held down, unable to rise above the level of the person or persons to which they have become dependent upon. I call that evil.
  • Despite what Obama says, racism is not passed along in DNA through the generations. If that were the case, America wouldn't be the tolerant, multi-racial country it is today. Yes, America, like the vast majority of the rest of the world, at one time participated in slavery. While the sin of slavery is not justified, it is important to acknowledge that the sin of slavery isn't a uniquely American sin, but rather one of mankind throughout the course of history. Further, owning slaves is not a sin unique to white people; in fact, black Africans sold other blacks into slavery, and still do today. Slavery is uniquely human, but societies and countries that respect human dignity, like America, have stopped the horrifying practice. America had the dignity to end slavery through a civil war and has since moved forward to correct wrongs with the civil rights movement, affirmative action, legislation, popular culture and much more. Institutional racism is no longer prevalent in the ways the left claims. Obama, elected twice by American voters, is black, as is former Attorney General Eric Holder and current Attorney General Loretta Lynch. There are a number of blacks serving in the U.S. Congress, including Republican Senator Tim Scott and Congresswoman Mia Love, Utah. The likes of Oprah Winfrey and Beyoncé are business and pop culture icons. Look around the world and you'll find that America is the most tolerant and open society on earth. The World Values Survey shows India, not the United States, is in fact the most racist country with a class system. The same survey has shown for years that Americans are among the least racist in the world and therefore are the most tolerant. Do racists exist in this country? Of course they do. Is their racism sanctioned by the government and celebrated by fellow citizens? Absolutely not. In fact, the Charleston shooter, who I refuse to name, told friends he felt isolated and alone in his evil, racist views. That's a silver lining. As a society we have corrected many of the wrongs of slavery and racism, the individuals who have not corrected their racist views are an innumerable minority roundly and strongly condemned by the rest of society. The Charleston shooter’s feelings about race are the exception, not the rule, in this country. This is demonstrated by the response in Charleston of blacks and whites holding hands and coming together, not apart, to honor the memory of those who were killed. America isn't a racist country, not even close, and it certainly isn't a 'white supremacist' society. The left falsely saying so promotes not progress but division. American history includes slavery and racism, but its current status and future as a whole does not. The people who lost loved ones at Emanuel AME Church have forgiven their killer. It's time the left does the same with America for her long past sins.
  • Chronicles of history and Congressional Records show that from 1792 up to the 1960s the Democratic Party and their members engaged in the following racist practices. On the issue of slavery, Democrats fought for and gave their lives to expand it while Republicans fought and gave their lives to ban it. Some called it the Civil War, others called it the 'War Between the States'. But to African Americans and President Lincoln it was the war between the Democrats and Republicans concerning the states' rights to maintain the institution of slavery.
  • Democrats opposed the Freedman’s Bureau and other social programs to help the newly freed slaves. Democrats passed Fugitive Slave Laws, Jim Crow laws, Black Codes and other repressive pieces of legislation to deny blacks their rights as citizens.
  • Democrats used every means possible to destroy Reconstruction including lynching, whippings, murder, intimidation, assassinations and mutilations.
  • Democrats murdered blacks who attempted to vote Republican and banned many from participating in primaries. Democrats established rigid testing requirements in southern communities to discourage, disqualify and disfranchise black voters. In 1866, Democrats murdered forty blacks in the process of driving out every black elected official in Louisiana's state legislature. Democrats fought for the Dred Scott decision and celebrated after the court issued its ruling that Blacks would be classified as property. Democrats formed several terrorist organizations including the Ku Klux Klan to terrorize blacks. During the Congressional debates on the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, it was revealed that the Klan was the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party. Democrats praised the court's decision in Plessy v. Ferguson which legally established segregation. Democrats opposed and fought against anti-lynching laws. Democrats sued and fought to have the 1875 Civil Rights Act declared unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court. When Democrats regained control of Congress in 1892, they passed the Repeal Act of 1894 to repeal portions of laws that were designed to help African Americans.
  • Democrats debated against and voted against the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Political experts agree that had the Democrats attempted to pass these same types of laws in 1864 (that certain members of their party decided to support in 1964), the laws of 1964 would not have been necessary. Instead (prior to 1964), they chose to pass Jim Crow Laws and other repressive legislation to deny Blacks their rights as citizens. Entire black communities were destroyed in democratically controlled states including Wilmington, North Carolina, Rosewood, Florida, and the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma, to name a few. Under Democratic rule, an estimated 200 black farmers were massacred in Elaine, Arkansas, 1919. In regions controlled by Democrats, hundred of thousands of African Americans were used as free labor by placing them in inhumane prison labor camps. Some called this the new form of slavery. Under the New Deal, Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt refused to assist Black sharecroppers who had difficulty in obtaining relief benefits through the Department of Agriculture and refused to assist Blacks that had problems getting loans to purchase land and build homes. Black newspapers were banned from the military, and lynchings and other forms of racial violence continued during his Administration. Democrats fought against quality education for African Americans in the 1954 case of Brown v The Board of Education, and prior to this case they had a history of murdering our teachers and burning down Black schools and churches. Under Democratic rule, according to Associated Press in 2001, African American land ownership in the south decreased from 15 million acres in 1910 to less than two million today. AP reported that the land was lost through fraud, murder and the deliberate destruction of court records. In 1995, while the Clinton Administration proudly supported a group of White janitors in their “reverse discrimination” lawsuit against Illinois State University, his Administration refused to support a group of Black, Hispanic and female Longshore Workers in their discrimination lawsuit against 100 shipping companies and their unions. The workers won their lawsuits without the support of the Clinton Administration and collectively walked away with several million dollars.
  • From 1792 to 2004, the Democratic Party, the oldest political party in America, has never elected a black man to the United States Senate. Many African Americans agree with those psychologists who believe that the horrors of institutional racism established in part by the racist legislation of the Democrats, still haunt African Americans today. Despite these factual truths, the Democratic Party has never issued or offered an apology to African Americans in its 212-year history. Some have argued that the Republicans also owe African Americans an apology for abandoning them when they reached a compromise, with the Democrats, to remove federal troops from the South, in exchange for giving Rutherford B. Hayes the presidency. History notes that the compromise did indeed take place and troops were removed from the South. However experts say that like the problems facing today’s American troops in the Reconstruction of Iraq, it was impossible to have enough federal troops to cover the entire region (13 states) during the Reconstruction of the South.
  • History reveals that from 1866 to 1877 Democrats and their Klan supporters launched a multitude of terrorist attacks against African Americans while federal troops were stationed in the region.
  • Troops' presence had little affect on the reign of terror initiated by Democrats and their Klan supporters. When it comes to offering apologies, the one factor that may excuse Republicans is the fact that unlike the Democrats, Republicans have always had abolitionists and “Radical” members like Senator Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens to consistently and effectively challenge racist individuals within their party (racist Republicans like President Abraham Lincoln). Professor James McPherson of Princeton said, “The abolitionists became the respected spokesmen of the radical wing of the Republican Party.” From 1792 to 1960, the “radicals” in the Democratic Party weren’t spokespersons for African Americans they were the assassins that brought terror and death to African Americans. After giving the Democratic Party support for the past 40 years, many African Americans believe that an apology for the role that the Democratic Party played in establishing the institution of racism during the past 168 years is the least that the party can do.
  • An apology is one of the only ways that modern day Democrats can distant themselves from the party’s racist past while bringing some closure to the African American community. On May 16, 1997, President Clinton issued a formal apology to African Americans and to those who were victimized by the Tuskegee Experiment; a government sponsored program that allowed Blacks to die from syphilis. Clinton’s apology came after the 25,000 Black members of the National Medical Association requested such. I pray that the DNC will do the same. If not for the living, the Party should do it for the millions of Blacks that lost their lives during this horrible period of history.
  • Long before Lincoln took office in 1861, whites had outlawed slavery in Rhode Island, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Maine, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, Kansas, Oregon, California, and Illinois. The only states that remained slave states were those under Democrat control.
  • Obama merely perpetuated the myth and lie that our nation endorsed or approved of slavery and Jim Crow. He should have made clear that it wasn't. It was primarly the white supporters of the Democratic Party. The party that became known as the 'Party of White Supremacy'.
  • In order to foster a better understanding of the roots of racism, Obama should've told his audience that the roots of racism rested in the soil of the Democratic Party, not in our nation as a whole. He should have informed Americans that without the political backing of those who made up and formed the powerful Democratic, a party whose members gave their lives and spent billions to preserve the instituiton of slavery and Jim Crow, slavery would have ended one hundred years earlier, and Jim Crow would have died in the womb of those who conceived it. Contrary to public opinion, racism was not something the whole white race engaged in. Racism was the political agenda of a powerful political party, made up of individuals who chose to use this deadly disease to cover their own insecurities in the quest for wealth and power. For years we have been led to believe that the racist party was the Republican Party. But from 1787 to 2009, historians tell a different story.
  • During the Constitutional Convention of 1787, the pro-slavery members, who eventually became the Democratic Party five years later, argued that slaves should be counted as citizens when considering the number of congressional seats their state would receive. They made this argument even though they had no intentions of giving the slaves the same rights afforded to the white citizens of their states. The anti-slavery members, who eventually became the Republican Party, strongly opposed this racist proposal. To finalize the constitution and not give in totally to the pro-slavery members, they reached a compromise with a three-fifths clause. Under the new clause, the pro-slavery states could only count the slaves three-fifths of a person when determining how many congressional seats their state would receive. Shortly after this matter was settled, Pierce Butler, a representative from the slave state of South Carolina argued that the document should include a Fugitive Slave Clause. Under his proposed recommendation, runaway slaves would be classified as criminals and treated as such. To avoid any further delays in finalizing the constitution, the constitutional convention approved the clause but stated the federal government would not enforce this clause, enforcement would be the responsibility of the individual slave state.
  • One year after the formation of the Democratic Party, 1792, Democrats introduced the Fugitive Slave Law of 1793. This law included a clause to impose fines on anyone, abolitionists, infetering with the slave mater's right to re-claim his slave. Northern states countered by passing Personal Liberty Laws to protect free blacks from being kidnapped of mistaken as slave. The Democrats were furious.
  • When Missouri petitioned to join the union, the pro-slavery Democrats rushed to make it a slave state. Their goal was to expand slavery and gain a majority in Congress. A compromise was reached when Maine applied for statehood. The Missouri Compromise as it came to be known permitted Missouri to join the union as a slave state and Maine as a free state.
  • Pro-slavery Democrats fought for and passed a modified version of the Fugitive Slave Law of 1793. Under the new modified law, slaves weren't permitted to testify on their behalf, and federal commissioners would be assigned to every county in the country to conduct hearings. These commissioners would receive five dollars if they decided that the black person on trial was not a slave and ten dollars if they decided that he was a slave. Under this new law some nine hundred slaves were returned to their master. Democrats claimed that over eleven thousand had escaped between 1850 and 1861.
  • In 1852, Harriet Beecher Stowe released Uncle Tom's Cabin, exposing the horrors of the institution of slavery, the institution that the Democrats swore to protect and defend in their 1852 platform. Stowe sold three hundred thousand copies and reignited the abolitionist movement to end slavery.
  • The Defendants' 210 years of racist practices and cover ups not only negatively affected the entire black race; but these practices infected our entire nation with the most contagious and debilitating social disease known to mankind, racism.
  • The Democratic Party; two centuries of slavery, secession, segregation, and socialism.
  • After the Civil War, there was a period of heavy violence in the South. White Democrats attacked blacks and white Republicans. Military historian Stephen Budiansky's book The Bloody Shirt details the violence and the guerrilla war waged by Southerners desperate to assert white supremacy. Southern newspapers waged war on Republican Party officials. 'Upstanding' citizens aided the Ku Klux Klan and other insurgents who burned black schoolhouses, incited riots, assassinated public officials and beat and whipped blacks who tried to take part in civil society. It was a period of partisan political violence. After this period, from the 1870s on, violence in the South continued. In Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana, and Florida, the Democratic Party relied on groups such as the White Camelia to terrorize, intimidate and murder blacks and white Republicans in an effort to regain power. The campaign worked and Democrats were swept into power in the state legislatures. White Democrats then passed laws making voter registration more complicated; a move to further exclude black voters from the polls. In Mississippi, Democrats passed the Mississippi Plan to control the 1876 election and used armed militias to murder political leaders, hunt down community members, and to intimidate and turn away voters, successfully suppressing black suffrage and civil rights. More than 85 percent of the post Civil War period lynchings occurred in the South. After the creation of the Jim Crow laws in the 1890s terror and lynching were used to enforce these laws and a variety of unwritten rules meant to control blacks and assert white domination.
  • The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People organized support from white and black Americans and ran a national campaign to get a federal anti-lynching law passed. In 1920, the Republican Party promised at its national convention to support an anti-lynching law. Representative Leonidas Dyer, a Missourian Republican, sponsored an anti-lynching bill in 1921 and it was passed in the U.S. House of Representatives in January 1922. A Senate filibuster by southern white Democrats defeated the bill in December 1922. With the NAACP's help, Representative Dyer spoke across the country in support of his bill in 1923, but the Southern Democrats filibustered it again. From 1882 to 1968 nearly 200 anti-lynching bills were introduced in Congress and three passed the House. Seven presidents between 1880 and 1952 petitioned Congress to pass a federal anti-lynching law. No bill was approved by the Senate because of the strong opposition from the Southern Democrats. In 1934 Senators Robert Wagner and Edward Costigan drafted the Wagner-Costigan bill to require local authorities to protect prisoners from lynch mobs. Like Dyer’s bill, it made lynching a federal crime. Virtually all southern Democrat senators blocked the Wagner-Costigan bill by using a filibuster to prevent a vote on the bill. There are many other examples that could be given to show that the white southern Democrats were the driving force behind lynching and disenfranchisement of blacks. The Civil War may have ended in 1865 but the war against Republicans and blacks continued, even intensified in guerrilla fashion. Whenever an effort was made to put a stop to the lynching, that effort was always thwarted by white Southern Democrats.
  • Carson says the Tea Party would love to see 'you and me' hanging on a tree. Saying that at the Congressional Black Caucus Job Tour leaves no doubt he was meaning other black people. Carson is either completely ignorant of his own party's history or he decided long ago to sell himself and black people out to the party of lynching. The party of the Ku Klux Klan. The party of Jim Crow. The party of Bull Connor. The party of segregation.
  • Can the Democrats claim 200 years' support of civil rights? Absolutely not. To claim this is beyond mere lying, and reaches Orwellian proportions as an effort to re-write history. It is also blatant misinformation, clearly designed for the uneducated, the historically ignorant, the gullible or the stupid, you know, most people, or it was written and approved by members of this group who built the DNC site. Let's be unequivocal. The Democratic Party did not lead the fight for civil rights for 'more than 200 years'. No historian believes this or has written this. It is a complete, nonsensical, made-up, silly piece of dishonest puffery. The modern Democratic party didn't exist 200 years ago. It came into existence with the election of Andrew Jackson, who defeated the candidate of Thomas Jefferson's soon to be absorbed party, President John Quincy Adams, in 1832. Jackson's civil rights record included the brutal persecution of Native Americans, while the most prominent Democrat in the senate, John C. Calhoun, was fighting tooth and nail to defend slavery against growing opposition. Andy was the undisputed leader of the Democrats, and to call him, of all people, a civil rights advocate is a bad and tasteless joke. The party that built itself on civil rights issues was the Republican Party, begun by abolitionists, and opposed by most Democrats. Abraham Lincoln, was, after all, a Republican. It was the Democratic Party in the South that built and maintained the Jim Crow laws. The so-called 'stolen election' of 1876 resolved itself when the Democrats agreed to let the Republican Rutherford B. Hayes become President in exchange for troops being removed from the South, giving the green light for the discrimination against blacks at the ballot box and elsewhere to be institutionalized throughout the former Confederacy. President Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican, was the first President to invite a black man, Booker T. Washington, to the White House. His cautious initiatives toward civil rights were sharply reversed by Democratic icon Woodrow Wilson, who was an open, enthusiastic supporter of the Klu Klux Klan, and a virulent racist. Under President Franklin Roosevelt’s leadership, Japanese-Americans were imprisoned during World War II in so-called 'internment centers' in grotesque violation of their civil rights. Racial segregation was built and supported by Southern Democratic governors and legislators until President Lyndon Johnson's Civil Rights Act in 1964, which was passed with overwhelming support from Republicans. Gradually, after that, the roles of the parties reversed, to the undying shame of the Republican Party. It would be fair and accurate to credit Democrats with leading the way on civil rights for half a century, and that's an impressive record itself. The 200 year claim, however, is inexcusable, politically, educationally, historically, and ethically. Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler is getting accolades for criticizing the DNC about this. His critique is far too mild.
  • 'For more than 200 years, our party has led the fight for civil rights'? That is one of the most massive lies ever told to the American public. During the first half of the nineteenth century, the Democratic Party was the party of racism, oppression and, slavery. This is not a debatable assertion, it’s simply a fact. The Democrats were divided over slavery, between those who accommodated it and those who actively supported it. Their party officially supported slavery in its six platforms from 1840 to 1860. They opposed the constitutional amendments that wiped out slavery and set the freed slaves on the path to full voting citizenship. They repealed a Republican-passed civil rights law in 1892. Again, not debatable. Simply a fact.
  • In 1854, the Whig Party collapsed and the Republican Party was born. The Republicans were the anti-slavery party. Neither party could at the time claim the mantle of truly supporting equality and civil rights, but of the two, the Republicans were clearly the party that sought to abolish slavery. The Democrats have no claim at all to supporting civil rights at that time. The election of Republican abolition supporter Abraham Lincoln in 1860 was met by the southern Democrats with secession. The Democrats started a war to divide the country in order to preserve slavery. After the Civil War and Reconstruction, the Democrats became the party of Jim Crow and segregation. Again, not debatable. Simply a fact. The Democrats controlled the south from Reconstruction to the 1960s and on into the 1980s for some southern states. During that time, up until 1964, Democrats opposed civil rights and were far more likely to stand on the side of segregation, if not outright population control among races that certain Democrat elites deemed 'undesirable'. Republicans were more likely to vote for the 1964 act than Democrats, and it would not have passed without GOP support. Planned Parenthood stands today as the legacy of racist eugenicist Margaret Sanger. In Texas, the Democratic Party pioneered what it called 'white primaries' in which non-whites could not participate. Democratic President Woodrow Wilson was a member of the Ku Klux Klan, as was President Harry Truman and former Democratic icon Senator Robert Byrd. Democrats lionize all of these figures today and happily accept the Margaret Sanger Award from Planned Parenthood. The Klan itself was regarded for decades as the Democratic Party’s paramilitary wing. None of this is debatable. They are just facts. The Democrats' view of their own history and of American history is monstrously dishonest. The media and educational establishment, however, cooperate in propagating the lie. The media will not call the Democrats out for lying on their website, and the educational establishment is in thrall to the teachers unions, which support the Democrats. The lie mainly works because most Americans don’t know much about history, and the Democrat-media-educational establishment makes sure they never will.


  • It was the Democratic Party that fought to keep slavery legal and that worked to impose the Jim Crow laws and Dred Scott decision. They were Democrats who founded the KKK as a terrorist fraternity against the abolitionist Republicans and the blacks they stood for. Democrats revoked federal office positions held by blacks. Go ahead and look up the policies of Democrats like Woodrow Wilson.
  • They were Democrats who fought for segregation in the schools and in the military. They were Democrats who bombed the churches that had a noticeable amount of black members. They were Democrats who hosed peaceful civil rights assemblies and released dogs on them. You'll probably recognize Bull 'KKK' Connor out there. Yes, he was a Democrat and a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
  • All the things Martin Luther King, Jr. was fighting against were inflicted by the Democratic Party. When King was put in jail, who do you think put him in there? Democrats. Black people had been so successful disenfranchised by the Democratic Party that John F. Kennedy, a northern senator who opposed civil rights, mind you, had Martin Luther King released from jail, and the black community was then so happy with him that they forgot that Democrats jailed Martin Luther King in the first place.
  • We love freedom more, vastly more, than slavery. Consequently, we hope to keep clear of the Democrats!
  • Our nation's top historians reveal that the Democratic Party gave us the Ku Klux Klan, Black Codes, Jim Crow Laws and other repressive legislation which resulted in the multitude of murders, lynchings, mutilations, and intimidations, of thousands of black and white Republicans. On the issue of slavery, historians say the Democrats gave their lives to expand it, the Republicans gave their lives to ban it.
  • Democrats fought to expand slavery while Republicans fought to end it. Democrats passed those discriminatory Black Codes and Jim Crow laws. Democrats supported and passed the Missouri Compromise to protect slavery. Democrats supported and passed the Kansas Nebraska Act to expand slavery. Democrats supported and backed the Dred Scott Decision. Democrats opposed educating blacks and murdered our teachers. Democrats fought against anti-lynching laws. Democrat Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, is well known for having been a 'Kleagle' in the Ku Klux Klan. Democrat Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, personally filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for 14 straight hours to keep it from passage. Democrats passed the Repeal Act of 1894 that overturned civil right laws enacted by Republicans. Democrats declared that they would rather vote for a “yellow dog” than vote for a Republican, because the Republican Party was known as the party for blacks. Democrat President Woodrow Wilson, reintroduced segregation throughout the federal government immediately upon taking office in 1913. Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt's first appointment to the Supreme Court was a life member of the Ku Klux Klan, Senator Hugo Black, Democrat of Alabama. Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s choice for vice president in 1944 was Harry Truman, who had joined the Ku Klux Klan in Kansas City in 1922. Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt resisted Republican efforts to pass a federal law against lynching. Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt opposed integration of the armed forces. Democrat Senators Sam Ervin, Albert Gore, Sr. and Robert Byrd were the chief opponents of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Democrats supported and backed Judge John Ferguson in the case of Plessy v. Ferguson. Democrats supported the School Board of Topeka, Kansas in the case of Brown v. The Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. Democrat public safety commissioner Eugene “Bull” Connor, in Birmingham, Ala., unleashed vicious dogs and turned fire hoses on black civil rights demonstrators. Democrats were who Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. and the other protesters were fighting. Democrat Georgia Governor Lester Maddox brandished an ax hammer to prevent blacks from patronizing his restaurant. Democrat Governor George Wallace stood in front of the Alabama schoolhouse in 1963, declaring there would be segregation forever. Democrat Arkansas Governor Faubus tried to prevent desegregation of Little Rock public schools. Democrat Senator John F. Kennedy voted against the 1957 Civil rights Act. Democrat President John F. Kennedy opposed the 1963 March on Washington by Doctor King. Democrat President John F. Kennedy, had Dr. King wiretapped and investigated by the FBI. Democrat President Bill Clinton’s mentor was U.S. Senator J. William Fulbright, an Arkansas Democrat and a supporter of racial segregation. Democrat President Bill Clinton interned for J. William Fulbright in 1966-67. Democrat Senator J. William Fulbright signed the Southern Manifesto opposing the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education decision. Democrat Senator J. William Fulbright joined with the Dixiecrats in filibustering the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1964. Democrat Senator J. William Fulbright voted against the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Southern Democrats opposed desegregation and integration.
  • Democrats opposed the Emancipation Proclamation, the 13th Amendment, the 14th Amendment, the 15th Amendment, the Reconstruction Act of 1867, the Civil Rights of 1866, the Enforcement Act of 1870, the Force Act of 1871, the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, the Civil Rights Act of 1875, the Freedmen's Bureau, the Civil Rights Act of 1957, the Civil Rights Act of 1960, the United States Civil Rights Commission.
  • Republicans enacted civil rights laws in the 1950s and 1960s, over the objection of Democrats. Republicans founded the HBCUs, Historical Black College's and Universities, and started the NAACP to counter the racist practices of the Democrats.
  • The 1964 Civil Rights Act Roll Call Vote. In the House, only 64 percent of the Democrats. 153 yes, 91 no, but 80 percent of the Republicans, 136 yes, 35 no, voted for it. In the Senate, while only 68 percent of the Democrats endorsed the bill. 46 yes, 21 no, 82 percent of the Republicans voted to enact it. 27 yes, 6 no.
  • During the Senate debates on the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, it was revealed that members of the Democratic Party formed many terrorist organizations like the Ku Klux Klan to murder and intimidate African Americans voters. The Ku Klux Klan Act was a bill introduced by a Republican Congress to stop Klan Activities. History reveals that Democrats lynched, burned, mutilated and murdered thousands of blacks and completely destroyed entire towns and communities occupied by middle class blacks, including Rosewood, Florida, the Greenwood District in Tulsa Oklahoma, and Wilmington, North Carolina to name a few.
  • History reveals that it was abolitionists and Radical Republicans such as Henry L. Morehouse and General Oliver Howard that started many of the traditional black colleges, while Democrats fought to keep them closed. Many of our traditional black colleges are named after white Republicans. After exclusively giving the Democrats their votes for the past 25 years, the average African American cannot point to one piece of civil rights legislation sponsored solely by the Democratic Party that was specifically designed to eradicate the unique problems that African Americans face today. As of 2004, the Democrat party, the oldest political party in America, has never elected a black man to the United States Senate, the Republicans have elected three.
  • The civil rights revolution of the 1960s was fought entirely against Democrats. Every southern bigot who was excluding, terrifying, assaulting, murdering blacks was a Democrat. The Democrat party is the party of race-baiting. It uses racism as a political strategy. And Democrats have no scruples whatsoever about telling astonishing lies about the history of their party. How could the party of slavery and the KKK and Jim Crow and Bull Connor get away with lying so shamelessly? Democrats know that the people to whom they are lying have been educated in a Democrat-monopolized public school system and are informed by a Democrat-fawning mainstream media. Their lies are safe, and they know it.
  • We have a dear family friend who is a retired teacher. She's a very intelligent and well-informed woman, and she's a passionate Democrat. One evening after dinner our discussion ran to Republicans and Democrats, and of course I defended Republicans from bizarre charges of racism. I pointed out to her that slavery was a Democrat institution, that Jim Crow laws were Democrat laws, that the KKK was an arm of the Democratic Party. She was incredulous. She was sure that slavery and Jim Crow and the KKK were Republican in origin; the Democrat Party is always against racism. I had to Google it to show her. Keep in mind that she is a very well-educated Democrat. Imagine what the dumb ones believe.
  • I think it is much easier to be a good member of the Church and a Democrat than a good member of the Church and a Republican.
  • When this country belatedly recognized the wrongs of slavery, there were those who dug in their heels and said, slow down, it's too early. Let's wait. Things aren't bad enough. When women spoke up for the right to speak up, they wanted to vote, some insisted slow down, there will be a better day to do that. The day isn't quite right. When this body was on the verge of guaranteeing equal civil rights to everyone, regardless of the color of their skin, some senators resorted to the same filibuster threats that we hear today.
  • We assert that during the last twenty years, leaders of the government of the United States under successive Democrat administrations, and especially under this present administration, have failed to perform these several basic duties; but, on the contrary, that they have evaded them, flouted them, and by a long succession of vicious acts, so undermined the foundations of our republic as to threaten its existence. We charge that they have arrogantly deprived our citizens of precious liberties by seizing powers never granted. We charge that they work unceasingly to achieve their goal of national socialism. We charge that they have disrupted internal tranquillity by fostering class strife for venal political purposes. We charge that they have choked opportunity and hampered progress by unnecessary and crushing taxation. They claim prosperity but the appearance of economic health is created by war expenditures, waste and extravagance, planned emergencies, and war crises. They have debauched our money by cutting in half the purchasing power of our dollar. We charge that they have weakened local self-government which is the cornerstone of the freedom of men. We charge that they have shielded traitors to the nation in high places, and that they have created enemies abroad where we should have friends. We charge that they have violated our liberties by turning loose upon the country a swarm of arrogant bureaucrats and their agents who meddle intolerably in the lives and occupations of our citizens. We charge that there has been corruption in high places, and that examples of dishonesty and dishonor have shamed the moral standards of the American people. We charge that they have plunged us into war in Korea without the consent of our citizens through their authorized representatives in the Congress, and have carried on that war without will to victory.
  • Bigotry is un-American and a danger to the republic. We deplore the duplicity and insincerity of the party in power in racial and religious matters. Although they have been in office as a 'Majority Party' for many years, they have not kept nor do they intend to keep their promises.
  • We challenge as unwise the course the Democrats have charted; we challenge as dangerous the steps they plan along the way; and we deplore as self-defeating and harmful many of the moves already taken. Dominant in their council are leaders whose words extol human liberty, but whose deeds have persistently delimited the scope of liberty and sapped its vitality. Year after year, in the name of benevolence, these leaders have sought the enlargement of federal power. Year after year, in the guise of concern for others, they have lavishly expended the resources of their fellow citizens. And year after year freedom, diversity and individual, local and state responsibility have given way to regimentation, conformity and subservience to central power.
  • Democrats, who claim that they care about diversity, use despicable racial stereotypes, just as Democrats did during the days of slavery and Jim Crow, to slur black professionals, such as Doctor Condoleezza Rice and Maryland Lieutenant Governor Michael Steele. Oreo cookies were thrown by Democrats at Mister Steele.
  • Democrats feel free to display such blatant racism because they know that they can take the black vote for granted. Black Americans need to wake up, think for themselves and get off of the Democratic Party's plantation
  • Democrats remain what American history shows they always have been, the party of "four S's": Slavery, Secession. Segregation, and Socialism.
  • t was Republicans, not Democrats, who championed civil rights for blacks. The Republican Party was started as the anti-slavery party and fought to free blacks from slavery, while the Democrats fought to keep blacks in slavery. Republicans pushed to amend the constitution to grant blacks freedom (13th Amendment), citizenship (14th Amendment) and the right to vote (15th Amendment). Republicans pushed to pass civil rights legislation from the 1860's to the 1960's, while the Democrats fought against every piece of civil rights legislation from the 1860's to the 1960's.
  • The Ku Klux Klan was started by Democrats and served as the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party to lynch Republicans, black and white. The recent sham apology made by the Democrats behind the curtain of Congress made no acknowledgement of the fact that it was the Democrats, not Republicans, who fought anti-lynching legislation.
  • Democrats, who are howling about the much-changed south today voting largely for Republicans, seemed perfectly happy when the then-segregated South voted solidly for the Democrats. Contrary to claims by Democrats, the 'Dixiecrats' remained Democrats and declared that they would rather vote for a 'yellow dog' than vote for a Republican because the Republican Party was known as the party for blacks. The racist Democrats that Republicans Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was fighting died as Democrats. The over 30-year odyssey of the south switching to the Republican Party began in the late 1970s with President Richard Nixon's 'Southern Strategy' designed to convince fair-minded people to stop supporting the Democratic Party that was denying blacks their civil rights and start supporting the Republican Party that was fighting to grant civil rights to blacks. The Republican Party has never turned its back on blacks. Democrats use the biased media to distort the news and create a false image of Republicans. A prime example is the Willie Horton story. It was former Vice President Al Gore who first dug up Willie Horton to use against his rival, Michael Dukakis, during the 1988 presidential primary. Al Gore is given a pass for using Willie Horton against Dukakis during the primary, but George H. W. Bush is bashed for using Willie Horton against Dukakis during the general election. Inner-city minister, Rev. Wayne Perryman, wrote a book, Unfounded Loyalty, based on his five years of research and sued the Democratic Party, demanding an apology for their 150-year history of racism based on the Democratic Party' States Rights claims. The Democrats admitted their racist past under oath in court, but refused to apologize because they know that they can take the black vote for granted. Today, the failed socialist policies of the Democrats (who have been running our inner-cities for the past 30-40 years) have turned our inner cities into economic and social wastelands. In an effort to keep blacks poor, angry and voting for Democrats, Democrats are fighting every effort of the Republicans to help blacks out of poverty. Democrats opposed welfare reform in the 1990's, then blocked extension of federal welfare reform in April 2004. It took Republicans until 2005 to finally get welfare reform re-enacted. Democrats are opposed to school choice opportunity scholarships that would help black children get out of failing schools. Democrats are opposed to Social Security reform even though blacks on average lose $10,000 in the system because blacks on average have a five-year shorter life expectancy than whites. Democrats are crying loudly for an increase in the minimum wage, yet the Democrats, using bogus excuses, blocked the minimum wage bill passed by House Republicans in 2006. Democrats are more interested in keeping the minimum issue alive as a political hammer than they are in making life better for poor black people.
  • The Democrats not long ago used the Ku Klux Klan, the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party, to intimidate and terrorize Republican voters, black and white. Democratic Party racism is precisely what Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., a Republican, was fighting against. In Obama's world, the civil rights accomplishments of Doctor King have been abandoned, and we are now encouraged to judge people by the color of their skin, not the content of their character.
  • The reason why civil rights laws were necessary in the first place? Democratic Party racism. In his new book, Whites, Blacks, and Racist Democrats, Wayne Perryman provides startling details about racism in the Democratic Party from 1792 to 2009. Perryman describes how the Democratic Party became known as the "Party of White Supremacy" that fought to preserve slavery and enacted discriminatory laws to deny civil rights to blacks. Included in Perryman's book are facts about how the Republican Party that was founded in 1854 as the anti-slavery party became the party of freedom and equality for blacks. Republicans fought to end slavery; amended the U.S. Constitution to grant blacks freedom, citizenship and the right to vote; and pushed to enact every piece of civil rights legislation from the 1860's to the 1960's over the objection of the Democrats. Perryman brought to light the 1875 Civil Rights Act, the first law that dealt with accommodations and equality and was passed by a Republican-dominated Congress. To their eternal shame, Democrats in 1883 convinced the United States Supreme Court to declare the 1875 Civil Rights Act as 'unconstitutional'. Eleven years later in 1894, Democrats passed the 1894 Repeal Act to overturn the previous civil rights legislation passed during Reconstruction by Republicans.
  • Jim Crow laws were enacted by Democrats to force private businesses to refuse services to blacks. Those Jim Crow laws were in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
  • It is rank hypocrisy for the liberal press to give Democrats, including former Klansman Democrat Senator Robert Byrd, a pass for their real racism, while attacking Rand Paul, labeling him as a racist for his theoretical musings.
  • In essence, Paul, who said he detested racism in any form, wondered whether other means, such as boycotts, may have been effective in forcing an end to non-governmental racial discrimination. Paul focused on the fact that the Fourteenth Amendment to U.S. Constitution provides the federal government only with the power to stop racial discrimination by state and local governments. Our nation will continue to be divided along racial lines until we bring an end to the Democrats' despicable race-baiting by holding Democrats accountable for their racism - past and present.
  • Democrats formed the Confederacy, seceded from the Union and fought a civil war in order to keep blacks in slavery because Democrats had built their economic base on the backs of black slaves. Democrats enacted fugitive slave laws to keep blacks from escaping from plantations and instigated the 1856 Dred Scott decision which legally classified blacks as property. Democrats pushed to pass the Missouri Compromise to spread slavery into fifty percent of the new states. Democrats also pushed to achieve passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act that was designed to spread slavery into all new states. The anti-Civil War chant of the Democrats, as reported by one Pennsylvania newspaper, was: 'Willing to fight for Uncle Sam' but not for 'Uncle Sambo'. These anti-Civil War Democrats verbally attacked President Lincoln because he fought to free blacks and make his Emancipation Proclamation a reality, the source of Juneteenth celebrations in black communities today.
  • Democrats fought to end Reconstruction that was started by Republicans. The Hayes-Tilden Compromise of 1877 was an attempt by Republicans to get the Democrats to stop the lynchings and respect the rights of blacks. Democrats started the Ku Klux Klan in 1866 to lynch and terrorize Republicans, black and white, and drive them out of the south.
  • The KKK was founded by Democrats as a Tennessee social club. The KKK became a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party, the planter class, and all those who desired the restoration of white supremacy. The KKK spread into other southern states, launching a 'reign of terror' against Republican leaders, black and white.
  • Democrats fought to prevent the passage of every piece of civil rights legislation from the 1860s to the 1960s. Democrats enacted the discriminatory Black Codes and Jim Crow laws. Democrats wanted to keep blacks in virtual slavery and deny them the promised '40 acres and a mule'. After Democrats took control of Congress in 1892, they passed the Repeal Act of 1894 that overturned civil rights legislation, including the Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1875. It took Republicans nearly six decades to finally achieve passage of civil rights legislation in the 1950s and 1960s.
  • Democrats fought against civil rights in the 1950s and 1960s. In Birmingham, Democrat Public Safety Commissioner, Eugene 'Bull' Connor, let loose vicious dogs and turned skin-burning fire hoses on black civil rights demonstrators. Democrat Georgia Governor, Lester Maddox, famously brandished axe handles to prevent blacks from patronizing his restaurant. In 1954, Democrat Arkansas Governor, Orville Faubus, tried to prevent

desegregation of a Little Rock public school.

  • Democrats today ignore the pivotal role played by Senator Dirksen in obtaining passage of the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act, while heralding President Johnson as a civil rights advocate for signing the bill. The chief opponents of the 1964 Civil Rights Act were Democrat Senators Sam Ervin, Albert Gore, Sr., father of former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, and Robert Byrd who filibustered against the bill for 14 straight hours before the final vote.
  • Democrat President John F. Kennedy is lauded as a proponent of civil rights. However, Kennedy voted against the 1957 Civil rights Act while he was a senator, as did Democrat Senator Al Gore, Sr. After he became president, Kennedy was opposed to Dr. King's August 28, 1963 March on Washington that was organized by A. Phillip Randolph whowas a black Republican. Through his brother Attorney General Robert Kennedy, President Kennedy had Dr. King

wiretapped and investigated by the FBI on suspicion of being a Communist in order to undermine Dr. King. Contrary to popular belief, Harris Wolford, not President Kennedy, made the call that got Dr. King out of jail. Kennedy fumed at first, then took credit. The relentless disparagement of Dr. King by Democrats led to his being physically assaulted and ultimately to his tragic death. In March of 1968, while referring to Dr. King's leaving Memphis, Tennessee after riots broke out where a teenager was killed, Democrat Senator Robert Byrd called Dr. King a 'trouble-maker' who starts trouble, but runs like a coward after trouble is ignited. A few weeks later, Dr. King returned to Memphis and was assassinated on April 4, 1968.

  • Democrats condemn Republican President Richard Nixon for his so-called 'Southern Strategy'. These same Democrats expressed no concern when the racially segregated south voted solidly for Democrats for over 100 years. The 30-year odyssey of the switch of the South from Democrat to Republican began in the 1970s as an effort by Nixon to get fair-minded people to stop voting for Democrats who did not share their values and were discriminating against blacks.
  • The time is long overdue for the Democratic Party to apologize for that party's nearly 200-year history of racism and cease using racial politics for partisan political gain. Only then can we finally end the racial divisiveness that has torn our nation asunder. Etched in history is the fact that the Democratic Party, through its racist agenda and 'states' rights' claim to own slaves, sought to protect and preserve the institution of slavery from 1792 to 1865, thus keeping enslaved millions of blacks. The Democratic Party enacted fugitive slave laws to keep blacks from escaping from plantations, instigated the 1856 Dred Scott v. Standford decision which legally classified blacks as property, passed the Missouri Compromise to spread slavery into fifty percent of the new northern states, and passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act designed to spread slavery into all of the new states.
  • The Democratic Party is the party of the four Ss. Slavery, secession, segregation and now socialism. Clearly, then, it is the Democratic Party that owes black Americans an apology, not the Republican Party, nor the United States of America.
  • Democrats first used brutality and discriminatory laws to stop blacks from voting for Republicans. Democrats today use deception and government handouts to keep blacks from voting for Republicans. The dismal record of Democrat leaders in black communities is causing a shift in party identification among black Americans.
  • Reverend Wayne Perryman sued the Democratic Party for that party's 200-year history of racism; case number C-11-1503. The Democrats came into court and confessed since they could not lie under oath, but refused to apologize because they know they can take the black vote for granted. Reverend Perryman included a copy of the lawsuit in his book, Whites, Blacks, and Racist Democrats: The Untold History of Race & Politics Within The Democratic Party From 1792 – 2009. National Democratic Party leaders should follow the example set by the Democratic Party leaders in North Carolina, who, as a result of the 1898 Wilmington Race Riot Commission Report of May 31, 2006, issued a unanimous apology on January 20, 2007 for the Democratic Party's 1898 murderous rampage where dozens of black Americans were massacred.
  • Starting in 1861, anti-Civil War Democrats in the north were called 'copperheads' like the poisonous snake. The 'copperheads' wanted to appease the south and accept a negotiated peace, thereby, creating an independent Confederacy where blacks were kept in slavery. They also showed their deep opposition to the Civil War military conscription by verbally attacking Republican President Abraham Lincoln and taking their anger out on blacks, murdering and maiming blacks in virtually every northern state. Anti-Civil War Democrats in New York engaged in 'Four Days of Terror' against the city's black population from July 13 to 16 in 1863, and the anti-Civil War chant of the Democrats, as reported by one Pennsylvania newspaper, was, 'Willing to fight for Uncle Sam, but not for Uncle Sambo'.
  • As a result of unrelenting efforts by Democrats to shift their racist past onto the backs of Republicans, using the mantra, 'the parties switched sides', a lot of people have requested an article addressing this issue. It does not make sense to believe that racist Democrats suddenly rushed into the Republican Party, especially after Republicans spent nearly 150 years fighting for black civil rights. In fact, the racist Democrats declared they would rather vote for a 'yellow dog' than a Republican because the Republican Party was known as the party for blacks.
  • Democrats routinely engage in rank racism toward black Republicans, calling them 'sellouts', 'House Negroes' and worse. This racist name calling is the despicable tactic Democrats use to demean black Americans.
  • We Democrats believe that America can overcome any problem, including the dreaded disease called AIDS. We believe that America is still a country where there is more to life than just a constant struggle for money, and we believe that America must have leaders who show us that our struggles amount to something and contribute to something larger, leaders who want us to be all that we can be.
  • The southern Democrats are in the saddle and the northern Democrats must tag along as best they may, no matter what ill may betide.
    • John Jacob Rogers, remarks in the House (2 May 1913), Congressional Record, vol. 50, p. 42
  • I am not a member of any organized party; I am a Democrat.
    • Will Rogers, P. J. O'Brien, Will Rogers, Ambassador of Good Will, Prince of Wit and Wisdom (1935), chapter 9, p. 162. "Rogers was a lifelong Democrat but he studiously avoided partisanship. He contributed to the Democratic campaign funds, but at the same time he frequently appeared on benefit programs to raise money for the Republican treasury. Republican leaders sought his counsel in their campaigns as often as did the Democrats". Id., p. 162
  • We can make this thing into a party, instead of a memory.
    • Will Rogers, letter to Al Smith regarding the Democratic Party (January 19, 1929); in The Autobiography of Will Rogers, ed. Donald Day (1949), p. 197
  • You've got to be optimist to be a Democrat, and you've got to be a humorist to stay one.
    • Will Rogers, Good Gulf radio show (24 June 1934), Radio Broadcasts of Will Rogers, ed. Steven K. Gragert (1983), p. 92
  • The remembrance of the historic event that occurred at the Edmund Pettus Bridge, named after Edmund Pettus, Confederate general, and Grand Dragon of the Alabama Ku Klux Klan, is appropriate, but the truth behind it has been misrepresented for years. The Democrat narrative of racial beneficence is a fraud. The Democratic Party ruled exclusively over slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, Dred Scott, and the KKK. Their website reads, 'For more than 200 years, our Party has led the fight for civil rights'. It's an audacious lie, easily discredited by history. Rarely has a lie been so big or so widely believed. I await the Democrats accepting responsibility for Selma and other instances of the persecution of blacks, but I won't hold my breath.
  • In the 26 major civil rights votes after 1933, a majority of Democrats opposed civil rights legislation in over eighty percent of the votes. By contrast, the Republican majority favored civil rights in over 96 percent of the votes.
  • In order to break the racist ways of southern Democrats, it was Republican President Eisenhower who sponsored both Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act and it was an LBJ-led senate who fought tooth and nail against them. Ike finally signed a watered down civil rights bill.
  • Many like to hold FDR up as one of the more progressive presidents that helped champion the plight of the poor, one of the first to implement social justice for all. This social justice and equality excluded one of the poorest segments of the population at the time, discrimination in housing, transportation, public accommodations and the armed services went virtually unchecked by the Roosevelt administration. It was not until twenty some years later that a real effort was made to change this, but the efforts to do so may have led to the breakdown of the family unit and created even greater dependency on the government by those in the African American community. What it did, as LBJ pointed out, was ensure that African Americans would be compelled to vote Democratic for generations to come by not giving a hand up, but by giving a hand out! He did this through what is called the 'Great Society' and the war on poverty. As we know today though, that war has virtually been lost despite the billions thrown into the battle. Today we have some of the highest poverty rates in America, and we have one of the highest amount of citizens dependent on food assistance through programs such as food stamps. As a progressive program this has developed into an utter failure, even if it was perceived initially as a compassionate response to some of the ills that faced many in this community. Corruption and waste is rampant, along with abuse and increasing dependency.
  • Democrats want your money. Before Democrats came to dominate American politics in 1932, they had always been the party of local political machines and corrupt political patronage. They still operate the same way. They want your money to buy off their constituencies and make people dependent on government, them, for the necessities of life. They will say that they want to end poverty, provide health care, et cetera, but poverty declined from thirty percent to thirteen percent of Americans between 1950 and 1965. Since then, after the Democrats have spent something like five trillion dollars, estimates vary, the poverty level is virtually the same as it was in 1965! They have perpetuated poverty; and don't let anyone tell you that the Vietnam War drew off all the money that was needed for the 'War on Poverty'. The Vietnam War was winding down as the 'War on Poverty' was gearing up, and there was no lack of money. Don't let anyone tell you that we need a Marshall Plan for the cities. American cities, by this point, have suffered from many Marshall Plans, and all it has done is destroy them. Don't let anyone tell you that Ronald Reagan took away all the money we needed to end poverty. The federal budget ballooned under Reagan, and most of the increases went to social spending and entitlements, including public housing. The Democrats still controlled Congress under Reagan, and he went along with most of their spending. Everything the Democrats do gives them more power, you less, and does not help one bit the things they claim to be concerned about, unless being kept in poverty on the public dole is a life you prefer. Democrats cannot give any economic justification for their programs (like nationalizing health care) without parroting now discredited socialistic clichés. Democrats still love their glory day gimmicks of the New Deal, which only served to perpetuate the Great Depression, not end it. Democrats cannot acknowledge the tax-cut driven prosperity of the 1920s, 1960s, and 1980s, even when the tax cuts of the 1960s were proposed by John F. Kennedy and implemented by Lyndon Johnson! John Kenneth Galbraith, who advised John Kennedy not to cut taxes, and who has admitted that is is a socialist, still represents mainstream Democrat, and news media, opinion.
  • African Americans comprise the least number of left liberals and the highest number of libertarians. The result that African Americans comprised the least number of left liberals and the highest number of libertarians might raise some eyebrows, since it is commonly assumed, when they vote 80-90% Democratic, that black Americans are staunchly liberal, statist, and far from any kind of laissez-faire libertarianism. Of course, as historic and continuing victims of statism, African Americans should be libertarians, and perhaps they are, without realizing that the Democratic Party does not well serve their preferences.
  • The idea that citizens do not automatically belong to the militia, and that they do not have the right to keep and bear arms, unless they belong to the National Guard, passed seamlessly from the segregationist Democrats to the gun control Democrats, and so continues.
  • Buy a gun. They hate it. As Machiavelli said, 'There can be no proper relation between one who is armed and one who is not'. Statists know this instinctively. As I have noted, it is better that you be killed by criminals than that you should be able to defend yourself against the state. The left makes a big show of disliking the police, and I think that they do dislike actual policemen; but the existence of the police is absolutely essential to the leftist vision of political life. The SWAT teams that break into your house in the middle of the night, with a no-knock warrant, and shoot your dog, and perhaps you as well, are authorized, not just by Republican drug warriors, but by Democrat drug warriors and Democrat congresses also.
  • The best that Democrats could do with an example like Seung-Hui Cho is to try and use it to rebuild their case for 'gun control', meaning the disarming of the citizens, as in Britain. After devastating Supreme Court decisions against them, the 'gun control' movement pretty much fell into a shambles, until 2013. Nor was the Virginia Tech shooting hopeful material for rebuilding it. Incoherent laws had made it easier for Cho to buy guns, when he was not eligible to do so for psychiatric reasons. On the other hand, Virginia is a state where most citizens can get concealed carry permits. But Virginia Tech did not allow guns on campus, even for those licensed to carry them. Not even the ROTC. So Cho did not need to worry that any of his victims might shoot back. When it was proposed that a state law override the university prohibition, the university president sputtered that there might might a tragedy if guns were allowed on campus! Well, sir, the tragedy happened already. Mister Cho didn't care whether you had a prohibition or not.
  • Herman Cain, as a successful, articulate, and aggressive black businessman, deeply frightened the Democrats. From their bag of tricks they produced the sort of thing familiar from the treatment of Clarence Thomas, namely old charges of sexual harassment. Having hanged black men during segregation, often for bogus rape charges, Democrats now are content to smear their political prospects with harassment charges. The cases had all been settled, the women involved mostly seemed reluctant to say anything, and I was never clear exactly what Cain was supposed to have done. One example was him telling an employee in an elevator that she was the same height as his wife. I don't understand how that was sexual harassment. Perhaps there were more serious charges; and in any case it was enough to drive Cain out of the race. With Cain gone, the Democrats were able to return to their favorite smear of Republicans as racists. That the Democrats had just benefited from a classic racist stereotype of black men involved the kind of irony to which they are always deaf. The comic relief of the Democratic campaign, Vice President Joe Biden, upped the racial ante by telling a black audience that Republicans wanted to put them 'back in chains'. The Republicans, being Republicans, never thought to respond that the Democrats had already put black Americans back in chains. Obama had certainly done nothing to help black unemployment, or to improve black education, consenting instead to their continued use as hostages to the teachers unions in public schools, yet he continued to get away with all of his failures. Food stamps and free cell-phones seemed to be enough to win the black vote; confirming the motto of the Democratic Party, 'There's a sucker born every minute'.
  • What has happened to the Democrats is that they have become the Party of Government, where all of their purposes are to promote the interests of government, as opposed to the interests of citizens.
  • A man died over cigarettes because Bill de Blasio and his tax-and-spend Democrat friends wanted those taxes. In the aftermath of the Garner case, New York police have stopped enforcing the laws against the sale of untaxed and loose cigarettes, 'loosies', on the streets. It is not clear whether this lack of enforcement is the result of decisions of individual policemen, the police department, or even a quiet word from the mayor's office. Also, the new leftist campaign to stop arrests of low level, 'quality of life', or 'broken window' offenses may have something to do with it. This project reflects the desire of the left to roll back the policing policies of recent years, i.e. under Mayors Giuliani and Bloomberg, so that the city can return to the high crime and shooting-gallery regime that developed in the '60s and '70s. Crime, after all, is the protest of the oppressed against capitalism, and it doesn't matter that minorities, then and now, are disproportionately the victims of such crime. In other words, white New York liberals, with their security guards and fortified apartments, don't mind that gangsters gun down black people, or just the poor, on the streets. I mean it.
  • Activists don't really object to police brutality or to the kinds of practices that now disgrace American law enforcement. They simply want the brutal police to be on their side rather than on the side of capitalism and America. The final proof of this was that all the misconduct and the corruption of the police was perfectly all right when the Democrats controlled Congress and the Presidency from 2009 to 2011. Nothing was done about it, even as the Affordable Care Act, ObamaCare, added many more IRS agents to hunt down young people who had not signed up for government mandated health insurance, and incidentally to hassle conservative, or even pro-Israel, groups, who were applying for tax-exempt status, to the point of desiring the prosecution of such groups, apparently just for existing. Democrat senators wrote open letters endorsing and urging these practices. The poster-child for the level of insolence, arrogance, and irresponsibility involved is former IRS supervisor Lois Lerner. Now, Richard Nixon was going to be impeached for trying to suborn the IRS to political purposes; but today the actual use of the IRS by Obama and the Democrats for disgraceful political purposes earns no more than a shrug, with a perfunctory whitewash by the Justice Department. So obviously, the principle, as we have seen, is that when you do something, it is an abuse that is a threat to constitutional government, while when we do it, it is just fine. That is the problem at issue.
  • There are always a few questionable police shootings in the news, and every so often someone dies in police custody under suspicious circumstances. It has been a long time since riots have occurred over such things. So, why now? Well, my theory is that it is frustration with Barack Obama. After six years of an Obama administration, Obama has done next to nothing for black people. He has paid off various leftist constituencies, but things for African-Americans have only gotten worse. Worse unemployment. Worse poverty. Worse income. Worse education. Baltimore, like Detroit, dominated for decades by Democrats, has lost population, lost business, lost jobs, and sunk further into poverty, all in a state where the ruling class lives high on the hog in the counties around Washington, D.C.
  • No Democrat is going to say that Obama has done nothing to help black people, much less nothing but help them become more dependent on the government. And, to the extent that black voters are deceived by the Democrats, they may not even be prepared to say this themselves. But it's the truth. And the sense of frustration and failure 'in the community' is evident. After the riots, the Democrats, including the whole city government of Baltimore, and President Obama, had nothing they could say but that they just needed to spend more money, after they have now been spending trillions of dollars on 'anti-poverty' programs since 1964, all of them failures.
  • The victory of Barack Obama in 2008, with the Democrats seizing strong majorities in Congress, led to a fairly open program to begin building socialism in the United States.


  • The history of the Democratic Party can be concisely captured by referring to its steadfast allegiance to the four 'Ss'. Slavery, secession, segregation, and socialism. During the Obama presidency we have seen how hard old habits die, even for a black man whose race was the long-time victim of Democratic Party's bone-deep authoritarianism. Under this Democratic president we have seen a war waged on several fronts against America's young. Indeed, the Democrats' historic taste for and belief in slavery have resurfaced with a vengeance and indiscriminately under the Obama administration, whether white, black, yellow, red, male, or female America's young are dying and being forced to work for Obama and his lieutenants as they seek to maintain their party's hold on political power. How so? Well, America has never had a president and administration so eager to kill unborn Americans. Even with post-1973 science having proved irrefutably that the unborn are human beings, and even though American law always has defined them as U.S. citizens, Obama and his colleagues have strengthened at every point they could the absurd notion that unborn humans are the chattel property of the woman who bears them, and so can be disposed of, that is, murdered, at her whim. And, in what must be considered a masterpiece of Orwellian language, Obama and his team, and most Democrats since 1973, describe this federal government-issued license to kill as a woman's 'right', a means by which she manifests her equality with men. They then damn any one who questions the logic, sanity, or justice of this argument as an 'extremist'. Only in an America in which a political entity as devoted to the four 'Ss' as the Democratic Party could opposition to the cold-blooded murder of fellow citizens unable defend themselves be identified by the country’s best-educated as 'extremism'. If this is indeed a right, it is a right gives each woman the right to be a slave-owner and a Nazi. Such a 'right' really is no different than the rights sanctioned by the Dred Scott decision and the Nuremberg laws, each of which legally defined certain categories of people out of the human race in order to enslave or kill them. Since 1973, the application of this 'right' has produced precisely the same results as Dred Scott and the Nuremberg laws, though in numbers so immense, 55 million and climbing, that they make those acts seem rather tame and minimally destructive of humans.
  • Next we have Obama's murderous use of America's military young for his and his party’s partisan political purposes. He kept U.S. soldiers in Iraq, a war which should never have been started, long after he had announced the war was un-winnable but just long enough to pile up heaps of dead and maimed American youngsters in order to make their withdrawal timely and useful for electoral purposes. Now we see Obama and his team keeping U.S. troops in Afghanistan long after he decided to surrender to the Islamists in that that war, and thereby knowingly enhance the strength, lethality, self-confidence, and ambitions of America’s most dangerous enemies by returning to them their key safe haven. Our troops are the cream of America's young and they ought not to be used by any president as if he was their owner. Obama, however, seems to regard them, as he does the unborn, as chattel to be disposed of as he and his advisers see fit to advance Democratic Party political prospects. Finally, we have Obama and his advisers seeking to financially enslave this generation of young Americans, and each generation that follows it, in order to pay for his health care program. Obama and his lieutenants are starting slow in this area, but the evidence of coming coercion, beyond the mandatory fine young people pay if they prove not to be servile, can be seen in West Virginia, where university students reportedly will not be allowed to matriculate unless they enroll in Obama Care This amounts to a 4-year term of indentured service for the privilege of paying extortionate tuition for a mediocre education offered by anti-American ideologues of Obama’s stripe. And make no mistake, these young people are not being threatened and ultimately coerced to forfeit their salary, savings, and future for the elderly and sick. They are being used to fund health care for the core groups, dare I say 'plantations', of the Democratic Party.
  • Those in the Ivy League, Hollywood, the media, the leftist rich, and most schools and universities who, like Obama, consider themselves superior intellectuals earmarked by some demented destiny to implement their pagan, socialist, and anti-human ideology in the United States. They first mean to destroy the Second Amendment, and then, safe to be tyrants, though cowards all, they intend remake in their own worthless image those Americans who still work hard, who believe in and are willing to fight to defend liberty, and who have learned the Founders' key lesson, namely, that the federal government must always be seen as an enemy of freedom and therefore must be kept in check and opposed to the hilt whenever necessary. Perhaps it would be best if Obama and his Ivy-League elite studied the words of a man they hail an icon of their party and with whom they share a liking for slavery, but who actually is a man they do not in the least understand.
  • And it is just as important for the Republicans to read Jefferson's words because they are as bad and perhaps worse than the Democrats. As the decades of Democratic abuse of America's young unfolded, the Republicans have been utterly craven, seeking to save the young, the Constitution, and the republic with words alone when in opposition, and doing virtually nothing substantive to arrest the republic's decline when they hold power. Today, the Republicans cower, mumble, and equivocate when called 'extremists' by those heroic Democratic champions of murdering the unborn, they follow like murmuring sheep the shrill martial words of Senators Graham and McCain and so get young Americans uselessly killed and maimed in wars that are either unnecessary or ones they have no intention of winning, and they are barely brave enough to raise economic points and words of I-told-you-so to oppose the coming, liberty-killing indentured servitude of America's young in the name of Obama Care. Indeed, the Republicans seem increasingly like those gassy, self-righteous, and hell-bound rhetoricians.
  • The national Democratic Party and its southern affiliates labored mightily to re-subjugate the newly free blacks, eventually succeeding by implementing Jim Crow laws, motivating the birth of the Klan and then protecting it, establishing separate-but-equal schools and public facilities, and enacting codes of lawful segregation, all of which Democrats defended in a fight to the death until the 1960s. In U.S. history, from the ratification of the Constitution to the economic devastation wrought by Obama on contemporary black Americans, the men and women who run Democratic Party, from Jefferson and Jackson forward, have been the ferocious enemy of black Americans entering the mainstream of American life, to this day bending every tool of political power to keep them angry, unemployed, mired in poverty, and politically and economically dependent in a manner that approaches quite near to re-enslavement.
  • The Army of Northern Virginia. Under the superb command of Marse Robert that army's battle flag came close to being a national flag of an independent Confederate States of America. Thank God it did not. But neither were those who fought under that banner executed, imprisoned, permanently disenfranchised, or exiled, as the losers in most other civil wars have been. As Lincoln advised, U.S. Grant, and William T. Sherman 'let 'em up easy'. Thereafter, the battle flag was flown for some bad purposes, as the emblem of the Klan and the Democratic Party's southern wing.
  • Jackson is one of those southern fellows, and so he is now a target for banishment from our currency and eventually our history because he did not treat slaves and Indians as if they were his equals and, indeed, inflicted pain on both. But he also was, along with Thomas Jefferson, another insensitive chap toward blacks and Indians, the longtime icon of the Democratic Party and its great self-praising and fund-raising feast, the annual 'Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner', which was, of course, a fervent tribute to those that General Jackson would have hanged without blinking.
  • Andrew Jackson then is a sturdy obstacle to the Democrats' ongoing and increasingly frenzied campaign to erase from America's history all the unsavory things their party has championed for most of its existence, namely, slavery, secession, civil war, segregation, socialism, and, most recently the slaughter of infants. And so their longtime hero Andrew Jackson has been, as Sam Spade once said, chosen to take the fall alongside the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia to help erase the Democrats’ consistently reprehensible behavior and policies from the history books.
  • If they want to play that game, put together a few thirty-second ads with history lessons about the Democrat Klan, and the Democrat Bull Connor, and the Democrat Lester Maddox, and the Democrat George Wallace. And a reminder that Lincoln was a Republican, and that the voting-rights act would not have been passed without Republicans.
  • Democrats, once the party of racism, always the party of racism.
  • The Democrats have always been the party of racism, right up to this day. They don't believe that blacks are even capable of getting a photo I.D.
  • This war against women started a long time ago with old Democrats who took over the Republican Party, which was, before that, the very first to support the Equal Rights Amendment. Even when the National Women's Political Caucus started, there was a whole Republican feminist entity. But beginning with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, right-wing Democrats like Jesse Helms began to leave the Democratic Party and gradually take over the GOP. So I always feel I have to apologize to my friends who are Republicans because they've basically lost their party.
  • I was 'born' into the Democrat party, most of my family members are Democrats! It was not until later on, after I joined the military, and was out on my own in the real world, that I began to hear things about the Republican Party and began to research who was actually for the black community, ending slavery, and the civil rights movement and who was not. I think it is very important that people expose themselves to and know accurate history, not just the stuff that you have been spoon fed from the left, other family members, and friends. If people would educate themselves, this country wouldn't be going down the drain so fast! I hope you enjoy the article and please share this with any and every liberal friend, black, white or any race, that you may have, so they might have a chance to learn accurate history and educate themselves as well!


  • For over a century and a half, Democrats often have taken a position that some human life is disposable, as they did in the Dred Scott decision. Today, Democrats have taken the same position on unborn human life. That an unborn human life is disposable property to do with as one wishes.
  • Democrats by a kind of tortured reasoning, sometimes accused Negroes and Republicans of attacking each other so that the crimes would be blamed on the Democrats; investigations revealed that Democrats had committed the acts themselves.
  • The whites have absolute control of the State government, and we intend at any and all hazards to retain it.
    • Benjamin Tillman, as quoted in Pitchfork Ben Tillman, South Carolinian (1967), by Francis Butler Simkins. Louisiana State University Press. OCLC 1877696, p. 144.
  • We deny, without regard to color, that 'all men are created equal'; it is not true now, and was not true when Jefferson wrote it.
    • Benjamin Tillman, as quoted in Pitchfork Ben Tillman, South Carolinian (1967), by Francis Butler Simkins. Louisiana State University Press. OCLC 1877696, p. 144.
  • How did we recover our liberty? By fraud and violence. We tried to overcome the thirty thousand majority by honest methods, which was a mathematical impossibility. After we had borne these indignities for eight years life became worthless under such conditions.
    • Benjamin Tillman, as quoted in "The Question of Race in the South Carolina Constitutional Convention of 1895" (July 1952), by George B. Tindall. The Journal of Negro History 37 (3): 277–303. JSTOR 2715494., p. 94.
  • We of the South have never recognized the right of the negro to govern white men, and we never will. We have never believed him to be the equal of the white man, and we will not submit to his gratifying his lust on our wives and daughters without lynching him.


  • There is no use to equivocate or lie about the matter. ... Mississippi's constitutional convention of 1890 was held for no other purpose than to eliminate the nigger from politics. Not the 'ignorant and vicious', as some of the apologists would have you believe, but the nigger. ... Let the world know it just as it is.
  • In Mississippi we have in our constitution legislated against the racial peculiarities of the Negro. ... When that device fails, we will resort to something else.
  • The only effect of Negro education is to spoil a good field hand and make an insolent cook.
    • James K. Vardaman, as quoted in The Warmth of Other Suns (2010), by Isabel Wilkerson, p. 40.


  • We shall continue to maintain segregation in Alabama completely and absolutely.
    • George Wallace, first gubernatorial campaign (14 February 1958), as quoted in George Wallace: American Populist (1995), by Stephen Lesher.
  • Segregation now, segregation tomorrow and segregation forever!
  • You're not supposed to say this in polite company, but what went up in flames in Baltimore Monday night was not businesses and police cars. Burning down was also the blue-city model of urban governance.
  • As order starts to return to the streets, and the usual political suspects lament the lack of economic prospects for the young men who rioted, let's not forget who has run Baltimore and Maryland for nearly all of the last forty years. The men and women in charge have been Democrats, and their governing ideas are 'progressive'. This model, with its reliance on government and public unions, has dominated urban America as once-vibrant cities such as Baltimore became shells of their former selves. In 1960, Baltimore was America's sixth largest city with 940,000 people. It has since shed nearly a third of its population and today isn't in the top 25. The dysfunctions of the blue-city model are many, but the main failures are three. High crime, low economic growth and failing public schools that serve primarily as jobs programs for teachers and administrators rather than places of learning.
  • Of late the progressives have been making a comeback, led by Bill de Blasio in New York and the challenge to sometime reform Mayor Rahm Emanuel in Chicago. This week's nightmare in Baltimore shows where this leads. It's time for a new urban renewal, this time built on the ideas of private economic development, personal responsibility, 'broken windows' policing, and education choice.
  • I never use the words Democrats and Republicans. It's liberals and Americans.
    • James G. Watt, in a statement of November 1981, quoted in New York Times (10 October 1983); also quoted in Energy and Environment : The Unfinished Business (1986) by Congressional Quarterly, Inc., p. 91
  • The anti-war movement in America evaporated because Democrats, inspired to protest by their anti-Republican feelings, stopped protesting once the Democratic Party achieved success in Congress in 2006 and then in the White House in 2008.
  • The Democrats, the party of collective subjugation and individual enslavement. Then physical, now economic. The first black members of the U.S. House and Senate were Republicans. The first civil rights legislation came from Republicans. Democrats gave us the KKK, Jim Crow, lynchings, poll taxes, literacy tests, and failed policies like the 'Great Society'. Republican President Eisenhower ordered troops to enforce school desegregation. Republican Senator Everett Dirksen enabled the 1964 civil rights legislation to pass, in opposition to Democrat senators Robert Byrd, a KKK Grand Wizard, and Al Gore, Sr.
  • Who are the real racists? So far, thanks to a Republican Party that is ignorant of its own history and gave up on the black community, Democrats have fifty of those two hundred years under their belt. The problem with today's Republican Party is that it has forgotten its own history and raison d'etre. Individual liberty. The party must come to realize that GOP also stands for 'Growth, Opportunity, Prosperity' and articulate how it stands, as its history and founding clearly demonstrate, for the individual pursuit of happiness as opposed to the progressive socialist Democrat lie of a collective guarantee of happiness. So, happy 160th birthday to my party, the Republican Party. I am a strong conservative and I hope Republicans recommit to those fundamental principles which established this party, the historical antithesis of the Democrats.
  • I was watching the news reports from Baltimore and hearing all the condemnations from some about being kept down and the lack of jobs, opportunity, good schools — then why do these blacks keep voting for the same people? And this isn't a phenomenon isolated to Baltimore. Every single major urban center in America is run by Democrats — more specifically, liberal progressives, black or white. The morass that became Detroit. The killing fields of Chicago. The depravity of Washington, D.C. The shame of South Dallas. And yes, even the place that was once my home, Atlanta, even with all the successful black entertainers. Now, I remember the first black mayor of Atlanta, Maynard Jackson. That guy was a leader and even spoke at my high school Baccalaureate. But today, Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed has done such a bang-up job that the Atlanta Braves are moving to Cobb County! Just do the assessment yourselves, who are the elected officials heading up the urban centers? And where does one find the most dire socio-economic statistics?
  • Rioters blame whites. Well, they need to make sure they're specifically blaming the correct whites. Those on the left. Blacks have been herded into these inner city clusters, a new economic plantation and in this fiftieth year of President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society, well, the unintended, or maybe intended, consequences are deplorable.
  • This is not about an American failure, it is about a Democrat failure. And ask yourself, who were the ones who developed the concept of urban economic empowerment zones — as opposed to the ones who have produced urban depraved enslavement zones?
  • It may be past time that black and inner-city residents rethink their strategy of putting all their eggs in the Democrats' basket. Because when it comes down to the come-down, they won’t be there.
  • Worse than the myth and the cliché is the outright lie, the utter fabrication with malice aforethought, and my nominee for the worst of them is the popular but indefensible belief that the two major U.S. political parties somehow 'switched places' vis-à-vis protecting the rights of black Americans, a development believed to be roughly concurrent with the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the rise of Richard Nixon. That Republicans have let Democrats get away with this mountebankery is a symptom of their political fecklessness, and in letting them get away with it the GOP has allowed itself to be cut off rhetorically from a pantheon of Republican political heroes, from Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass to Susan B. Anthony, who represent an expression of conservative ideals as true and relevant today as it was in the 19th century. Perhaps even worse, the Democrats have been allowed to rhetorically bury their Bull Connors, their longstanding affiliation with the Ku Klux Klan, and their pitiless opposition to practically every major piece of civil-rights legislation for a century. Republicans may not be able to make significant inroads among black voters in the coming elections, but they would do well to demolish this myth nonetheless.
  • Southerners who defected from the Democratic Party in the 1960s and thereafter did so to join a Republican Party that was far more enlightened on racial issues than were the Democrats of the era, and had been for a century. There is no radical break in the Republicans' civil rights history. From abolition to Reconstruction to the anti-lynching laws, from the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the Civil Rights Act of 1875 to the Civil Rights Acts of 1957, 1960, and 1964, there exists a line that is by no means perfectly straight or unwavering but that nonetheless connects the politics of Lincoln with those of Dwight D. Eisenhower. And from slavery and secession to remorseless opposition to everything from Reconstruction to the anti-lynching laws, the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, the Civil Rights Act of 1875, and the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960, there exists a similarly identifiable line connecting John Calhoun and Lyndon Baines Johnson. Supporting civil-rights reform was not a radical turnaround for congressional Republicans in 1964, but it was a radical turnaround for Johnson and the Democrats.
  • By 1940, Democrats for the first time won a majority of black votes in the north. This development was not lost on Lyndon Johnson, who crafted his Great Society with the goal of exploiting widespread dependency for the benefit of the Democratic Party. Unlike the New Deal, a flawed program that at least had the excuse of relying upon ideas that were at the time largely untested and enacted in the face of a worldwide economic emergency, Johnson's Great Society was pure politics. Johnson's 'War on Poverty' was declared at a time when poverty had been declining for decades, and the first Job Corps office opened when the unemployment rate was less than five percent. Congressional Republicans had long supported a program to assist the indigent elderly, but the Democrats insisted that the program cover all of the elderly, even though they were, then as now, the most affluent demographic, with 85 percent of them in households of above-average wealth. Democrats such as Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare Anthony J. Celebrezze argued that the Great Society would end 'dependency' among the elderly and the poor, but the programs were transparently designed merely to transfer dependency from private and local sources of support to federal agencies created and overseen by Johnson and his political heirs. In the context of the rest of his program, Johnson's unexpected civil-rights conversion looks less like an attempt to empower blacks and more like an attempt to make clients of them.
  • If the parties had in some meaningful way flipped on civil rights, one would expect that to show up in the electoral results in the years following the Democrats' 1964 about-face on the issue. Nothing of the sort happened. Of the 21 Democratic senators who opposed the 1964 act, only one would ever change parties. Nor did the segregationist constituencies that elected these Democrats throw them out in favor of Republicans. The remaining twenty continued to be elected as Democrats or were replaced by Democrats. It was, on average, nearly a quarter of a century before those seats went Republican. If southern rednecks ditched the Democrats because of a civil-rights law passed in 1964, it is strange that they waited until the late 1980s and early 1990s to do so. They say things move slower in the south, but not that slow.
  • In many cases segregationist Democrats were thrown out by southern voters in favor of civil-rights Republicans. One of the loudest Democratic segregationists in the House was Texas' John Dowdy.
  • Segregationist Democrat George Wallace, running as an independent, made a last stand in the old Confederacy but carried only five states, while Republican Richard Nixon, who had helped shepherd the 1957 Civil Rights Act through Congress, counted a number of former Confederate states among the 32 he carried. Democrat Hubert Humphrey was reduced to a northern fringe, plus Texas.
  • Republican ascendancy in Dixie is associated with the rise of the southern middle class, the increasingly trenchant conservative critique of communism and the welfare state, the Vietnam controversy and the rise of the counter-culture, law-and-order concerns rooted in the urban chaos that ran rampant from the late 1960s to the late 1980s, and the incorporation of the radical left into the Democratic Party. Individual events, especially the freak show that was the 1968 Democratic convention, helped solidify conservatives' affiliation with the Republican Party. Democrats might argue that some of these concerns, especially welfare and crime, are 'dog whistles' or 'code' for race and racism, but this criticism is shallow in light of the evidence and the real saliency of those issues among U.S. voters of all backgrounds and both parties for decades. Indeed, Democrats who argue that the best policies for black Americans are those that are soft on crime and generous with welfare are engaged in much the same sort of cynical racial calculation President Johnson was practicing when he informed skeptical southern governors that his plan for the Great Society was 'to have them niggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years'. Johnson's crude racism is, happily, largely a relic of the past, but his strategy endures.


  • The Thirteenth Amendment banning slavery, the Fourteenth Amendment extending the Bill of Rights to the states, and the Fifteenth Amendment according voting rights to blacks; all three were enacted by the much-maligned Radical Republicans in the face of fierce Democrat opposition. How many Americans know that? Again, very few.