13 Going on 30

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13 Going on 30 is a 2004 film in which a 13-year-old girl's birthday wish transforms her into her 30-year-old future self, and she learns that her dreams of popularity and high fashion may not lead where she expects.

Directed by Gary Winick. Written by Josh Goldsmith and Cathy Yuspa.
For some, 13 feels like it was just yesterday. For Jenna, it was. (Taglines)

Lucy Wyman

  • [after Jenna says she's 13] Jenna, if you're gonna start lying about your age, I'd go with 27.
  • [to Jenna] Okay, you can wipe the doe-eyed, Bambi-watching-her-mother-get-shot-and-strapped-to-the-back-of-the-van look from your face.

Matt Flamhaff

  • [to Jenna] You don't always get the dream house, but you get awfully close, you know?
  • It doesn't matter what Lucy said. I stopped trusting her after she stole my Pop Rocks in the third grade.

Jenna Rink

  • I wanna be thirty. Thirty and flirty and thriving.
  • [hearing her cell phone ring] Can you hear that, sir? Can you hear the music?
  • [dragging Matt to the dance floor] Oh for the love of Pete! You taught it to me!
  • [at a huge party] I'll have a Pina Colada, not virgin. Do you wanna see my ID? Totally have it!
  • [to Trish Sackett] You know what? You are rude and mean and sloppy and frizzy! I don't like you at all!
  • What is that attitude? We are young. Heartache to heartache, we stand. Love is a battlefield.


Young Matt: Hey, Jenna. [takes a picture of him and Jenna]
Young Jenna Rink: Matt, please. No more pictures.
Young Matt: Come on, it's your 13th birthday. We gotta document it.

[Jenna has invited the most popular girls in school to her 13th birthday party.]
Young Matt: You know, I can't believe you invited those clones.
Young Jenna Rink: They're my friends.
Young Matt: The Six Chicks are not your friends, okay?
Young Jenna Rink: Well, almost. And someday, I'm gonna BE a Sixth Chick.
Young Matt: There are six of them, Jenna, that's the whole point. There can't be a seventh Sixth Chick. It's just mathematically impossible. Besides you're way cooler than they are, they're totally unoriginal.
Young Jenna Rink: I don't want to be original, Matty, I want to be cool.

[repeated lines]
Matt: Arrivederci.
Jenna: Au revoir.

Beverly Rink: Just because you don't look like those girls in Poise magazine doesn't mean you're not beautiful in your own way.
Young Jenna Rink: I don't wanna be beautiful in my own way. I wanna look like these people!
Beverly Rink: Oh, those aren't people, honey. Those are models.
Young Jenna Rink: Look at this. [reads from magazine] "Thirty and flirty and thriving. Why the thirties are the best years of your life." I wanna be thirty.
Beverly Rink: [chuckles] Well, you will be, honey. But right now, you're my beautiful 13-year-old.

Lucy: Can you get in the car?
Jenna: I can't get in the car, I don't get in the car with strangers.
Lucy: Please get in the car, we're gonna be late.
Jenna: I can't get in the car, I don't know you.
Lucy: Just get in the car.
Jenna: I don't get in the car with strangers!
Lucy: You're being a little paranoid.

Lucy: Honey, I know I'm your best friend, but the slip-dress is a little '97... unless it's retro.
Jenna: [surprised] Are you really my best friend?
Lucy: [wondering why Jenna is acting so strange] You're pregnant.
Jenna: [horrified] Oh, no! Oh, my God, no!
Lucy: [relieved] Thank God. You scare me. What did you do last night?
Jenna: [nervous] See, that's just it. Something really strange is happening. I slept in an apartment I've never seen before... and there was a naked man in my shower and I saw his thingy.
Lucy: [sarcastically] Oh, God. Not his thingy. [to driver] Driver, could you please pull over, since we're here?

Lucy: [regarding security breaches at the company] Richard, we are hiring new printers, we're installing passwords. We're building firewalls on all the computers. Jenna fired Charlotte yesterday.
Richard: [to Jenna] Did you? Good, I guarantee she has friends at Sparkle. She was always taking notes.
Lucy: She was a secretary.
Richard: Yeah, whatever.

Jenna: [on the sidewalk, ringing the buzzer for an upstairs apartment] Hello? Yeah. Hi, this is Jenna and I'm looking for Matt. I don't know if you're him, but if you lived on Spruce Street and if your favorite shirt is a gray velour one, I need to speak to you.
Matt: [talking over speaker-system, poor reception] Hello? Hello? You know what? I got none of that. But if you're here from Ming Gardens food delivery, ring twice. If not, I really don't want it.
[Jenna walks upstairs and knocks on the door to apt. 2-B; Matt opens the door and sees Jenna.]
Matt: You're not Chinese.

Matt: Jenna, what are you... Why are you here?
Jenna: Matty, I told you - something really weird is happening. Yesterday was my 13th birthday, and then today I woke up and I'm this, and you, I mean - you're that! You get it?
Matt: [long pause] Are you high? You been smoking pot? Doing X? Fallen into a K-Hole? You doing drugs?

Jenna: [panicked] I want a fluffy pillow!
Matt: A fluffy pillow, coming right up.

Becky: Why are you talking to me?
Jenna: Why not? We are neighbors, right?
Becky: But you usually ignore me.
Jenna: I like your shoes.
Becky: Thanks. I like your dress.
Jenna: That's because I have these incredible boobs to fill it out!

Becky: I like your bag.
Jenna: Thanks, but you should come by sometime. I got like a zillion of them.
Becky: [suddenly surprised] Really?
Jenna: Yeah, it would be totally cool. Becky, can I ask you something?
Becky: Yeah, sure.
Jenna: Can you tell I'm wearing underwear? 'Cause I totally am.
Becky: I think that kinda the point!

Lucy: [at a huge party] Speaking of disasters, what is she doing here?
Jenna: Who?
Lucy: Sparkle's editor-in-chief, Trish Sackett. Twelve o'clock and headed our way.
Trish: [smugly] Hi, girls. Our J. Lo issue is selling like hotcakes. How's yours doing?
Lucy: [sarcastically] My God, Trish, are things so bad you had to come to our party to eat free food? Please, put some crab in your purse for later.
Trish: You might want to keep some of that biting wit for your magazine. Or you could change the name to something more appropriate...like Poison or Pitiful. Whatever's more pathetic.
Jenna: You know what? You are rude and mean and sloppy and frizzy. I don't like you at all.
Trish: Well, fortunately, I don't care about being liked. I care about winning.

Arlene: I have your urgent messages.
Jenna: Let's hear them.
Arlene: Well, okay. Emily Pratt called and wanted me to tell you, "I can't believe you scooped my story on Vivienne Tam, you backbiting bitch. That was a new level of sleaze, even for you. I hope you die in one of her casual pantsuits."
Jenna: Oh, my God, that was so mean.
Arlene: Miss Lewis called. She said, "I hope you choke on your own bile, you pretentious, conniving snake."
Jenna: Maybe I should read them myself.

Jenna: What happened?
Matt: I don't know. I can pretty much peg it to your 13th birthday, when you were in the closet playing that game. Spin the Rapist?
Jenna: [suddenly remembers] Seven Minutes in Heaven. Everybody ditched. And that is the last thing I remembered.

Beverly Rink: Well, Jenna, I know I made a lot of mistakes, but I don't regret making any of them.
Jenna: How come?
Beverly Rink: Because if I hadn't have made them, I wouldn't have learned how to make things right.

Jenny: I don't know what Lucy said to you about me. But I want you to know that whoever she was talking about wasn't me.
Matt: It doesn't matter what Lucy said. I stopped trusting her after she stole my Pop Rocks in the third grade.

Jenna: I love you, Matt. You're my best friend.
Matt: Jenna... I've always loved you.

[Jenna returns to 1987, and has a second chance as "Crazy for You" by Madonna plays in the background.]
Young Lucy: [to Matt; snobbishly] Jenna's waiting for you in the closet.
[Young Lucy goes upstairs; Young Matt goes to closet, and opens door.]
Young Jenna: [happily] Matty! [pounces on Young Matt and passionately kisses him]
Young Matt: [impressed] Wow. You really know what you're doing.
Young Jenna: Come on.
Young Lucy: [takes scarf; snobbishly] Sorry, I forgot my scarf.
Young Jenna: [angrily snatches Lucy's homework, and rips it up] You know what? You can be the pot and kettle all by yourself from now on, [splashes Young Lucy's drink on her dress] biatch. [to Matt] Come on, Matt.
Young Lucy: [to Young Jenna; incensed and confused] What did you call me?!
Young Jenna: We're gonna be late.
Young Matt: For what?
Young Jenna: You'll see.

[last lines]
Jenna: A Razzle, Mr. Flamhaff?
Matt: Thank you, Mrs. Flamhaff.


  • Jenna Rink made a wish and went from 13 to 30 overnight. Now everyone needs her. Everyone knows her. But no one knows the truth about her.
  • Jenna Rink made a wish and got the life she always dreamed of. But having it all is not nearly enough. Now she will do whatever it takes to find her way home.
  • When Jenna Rink woke up this morning, she wasn't quite herself. Now she can't explain it. But she's loving every minute of it.
  • On her thirteenth birthday, Jenna Rink's wish came true. Now she can't explain it. But she's loving every minute of it.
  • Jenna Rink had one wish. Now she's living the life she always dreamed of.
  • For most people, being a kid feels like it was just yesterday. For Jenna, it was!
  • For some, 13 feels like it was just yesterday. For Jenna, it was.
  • A comedy for the kid in all of us.


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