2024 Bangladesh quota reform movement

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"Bangla Blockade" of quota reform movement in Bangladesh in 2024, 6 July 2024
Quota (×) Merit (√)

The 2024 Bangladesh quota reform movement is an ongoing anti-government protest in Bangladesh, spearheaded primarily by the students of public and private universities. Initially focused on restructuring discriminatory traditional and quota-based system for government job recruitment, the movement expanded against what many perceive as an authoritarian government when hundreds of protestors and civilians, most of whom were students, were killed. The majority of the fatalities were caused by gunshots fired by the police and other forces against unarmed protestors and non-protester civilians including children and pedestrians using lethal weapons.

It began when a Supreme Court of Bangladesh ruling in June 2024 revived a 30% quota for descendants of freedom fighters, reversing a 2018 reform movement. Students began to feel like they have a limited opportunity based on merit. The protest, which initially began as a response to the reestablished quota system, quickly spread throughout the entire country because of the government's violent response, as well as the public's dissatisfaction stemming from enduring oppression under what many perceive as an authoritarian government. The situation was further complicated by many other ongoing issues, like the government's inability to manage a prolonged economic downturn and the absence of democratic channels for initiating changes.

The government attempted to end the protests by closing all educational institutions, using their student wing, the Chhatra League, against the anti-quota protestors. The government also deployed Police, Bangladesh Military and border guards, declaring a nationwide shoot-at-sight curfew. The army was deployed across the country amid chaos and an unprecedented nationwide internet and mobile connectivity blackout ordered by the government that has effectively been able isolate Bangladesh from the rest of the world. The government also blocked social media in Bangladesh, including Facebook, TikTok, and WhatsApp. The movement remains ongoing as it has expanded its demands to include accountability for violence, resignation of certain government officials, and a reform of student unions.


  • ‘Who's Razakar (traitor), Who's Razakar You're Razakar, You're Razakar, Sheikh Hasina's statement must be withdrawn [1]
  • ‘(We) wanted rights, (but instead) (we) became (tagged as) rajakar' [2]
  • ‘Quota or merit, merit merit [3]
  • Who are you, who am I, rajakar rajakar, who said (it), who said (it), government government/autocrat autocrat [4]
  • What is needed at this point is the army government/Right now (we) need, military government [5]
  • Bought in the blood of lakhs of martyrs
    The country does not belong to anyone's father. [6]
  • Dofa Ek, Dabi Ek, Sheikh Hasinar Podotyag [One point, one demand, the resignation of Sheikh Hasina] [7]
  • Step down Hasina [8]

Quotes about 2024 Bangladesh quota reform movement



  • To all my Bangladesh followers, I hear you and I also pray for you.




  • Sheikh Hasina and her younger sister Sheikh Rehana have moved to a safe place from Ganabhaban. Sheikh Hasina wanted to record a speech before leaving. He didn't get that chance.
    • News Agency AFP, 5 August 2024,[10]
  • I know the business must be kept running. That's why we need your help. Who did the damage? This time they will not be left so easily. Destroying the country by massive destructions? I want your cooperation so that the image of the country may remain intact. If the image does not remain intact, the business will be suffered.
    • Sheikh Hasina, 22 July 2024, in a meeting with businessmen [11]
  • They are more angry towards the liberation war and the families of the freedom fighters. How many days (they) protested about my words, what did I say? My words were distorted. What is their slogan? ``Who are you, who am I, Razakar Razakar. Your father, my father, Razakar Razakar'. That means they identified themselves as Razakars. I didn't call them Razakars, they themselves made themselves known as Razakars with slogans."
    • Sheikh Hasina, 27 July 2024, while inspecting the damage to the BTV building. [12]
  • I want your help too. If you know anything, let us know. Because, this kind of repeated violence in Bangladesh, it will not be allowed to happen again. This is why I want your help. Such beastly brutality can some do? A Muslim can hang the body of another Muslim? Those involved in these must be prosecuted. Otherwise people cannot be given security. I understand your pain. We have to live with the pain of losing our parents, brothers and sisters. I couldn't even see the body, I couldn't do the burial. I could not return to the country. They did not let me return to the country for six years. When I came to the country, I traveled all over the country. I want to put a smile on the face of the people of this country. I was trying that. But this type of incident will happen again and again, this terrorist incident will happen - it is not desirable. I will tell you only this, be patient. And call on Allah to save our country from the hands of all these killers and oppressors. I am with you, I am beside you. I also had to see your tears here. This is the most difficult.
    • Sheikh Hasina, 28 July 2024, during a meeting with the families of the students killed in the quota movement at Ganobhaban [13]
  • The government has shown considerable patience and tolerance since the beginning of this movement. Instead, the police cooperated in ensuring the security of the protesters. When the agitators expressed their desire to submit memorandums to His Excellency the President, they were given the opportunity and security arrangements were also made. It is a matter of great regret that some quarters took the opportunity of this movement to indulge in acts of terrorism to fulfill their undesired ambitions. As a result, all the events that have happened around the movement of these young students are very painful and sad. How many precious lives were lost unnecessarily. Who knows more than me how painful it is to lose someone.
    • Sheikh Hasina, July 17, in an address to the nation [14]
  • 'What this protest has started about on the street? Will you change the judgment of the High Court, the judgment of the Supreme Court with the pressure of the movement?
    • Obaidul Hasan, 4 July 2024, Chief Justice, High Court's judgment at the hearing of the Appellate Division [15]
  • Why so much anger against freedom fighters? The grandchildren of the freedom fighters will not get? So will Razakar's grandchildren get? My question is to the countrymen. Then will Razakar's grandchildren get jobs, not freedom fighters. What is the crime? By risking their life, they threw away everything and took part in the liberation war. Day and night without eating, breaking the clay, fighting sun-rain-storm brought victory to this country. Everyone is sitting in high position because they brought victory. Creating conflict is a strategy here. That means that the children-grandchildren of freedom fighters are not talented, but the children-grandchildren of Razakar are talented, right? It should not be forgotten that they are defeated by those who say no to genius. It should be remembered that the freedom fighters won the war against the Rajakars. Where is their talent? That is my question. How much merit is there in preliminary exam, written exam, then viva. At that time, if you are the child of a freedom fighter, you will get that reality. And not all quotas are filled all the time. What remains is given from the list. Many jobs are offered from merit list. This instruction is given. But freedom fighters must get priority there, it has to be given.
  • Those who are chanting "I am Razakar" in the quota reform movement will be shown the end.
    • Saddam Hossain, Central President, Bangladesh Chhatra League, 15 July 2024 [17]
  • What happened in the country today, it was supposed to happen. Mass uprisings can never be prevented. The student quota reform movement could have been easily resolved. But because of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's insistence, so many people died. The figure of loss of life that has appeared in the media, in reality this number is much more. How many more bodies are lying, how many mass graves, how many innocent people have lost their lives! She left. Who will answer now? People could not vote for 15 years. Votes have been stolen day after day. Long pent-up anger came to the fore. Sheikh Hasina should have understood how unpopular she and her party are. This is so much loss of life, who will answer? There is a serious lack of good governance in the country. He could not give good governance. Thousands of bullets were fired at students during the quota reform movement. Shots were fired from a helicopter. Earlier we all called HM Ershad a dictator. He was called a dictator because only six people died then. But how many people have lost their lives in the last 15 years. In 2009, 57 army officers died in the then BDR rebellion in Pilkhana. Who will answer now? Who is called the father of the nation, why will his family members be so tragic? We had to see his fate. All this happened because of his pride and arrogance. I said to the Prime Minister, ensure good governance in the country. I have said in various meetings and seminars. What is happening is dictatorship. Because of saying these things we were called agents of different parties. How can you blame the people for the fact that public buildings are being looted and vandalized? Hasina's government has not learned from Sri Lanka. She did not learn from Tunisia. The government has not learned from how Hosne Mubarak flew into a frenzy in Egypt. Such is the consequence if there is no government of the people. Sheikh Hasina left 100 times worse than Ershad. Ershad did not run away. She ran away. She escaped, but destroyed the Awami League party. Her violence, arrogance, pride destroyed the party (Awami League).
    • M Sakhawat Hossain, 5 August 2024, election analyst and former military officer[18]


  • The bodies had to be shot down, sir. I shot, one died, one was injured. Only one goes sir, the rest don't. This is the matter of greatest fear and anxiety, sir.
    • Iqbal, a policeman, is seen telling Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal during the quota agitation, in a viral Facebook video after 13 and 14 August 2024.[19] [20]
  • In view of the mass movement in 2018, the executive department cancelled the quota and issued the circular, today the quota was reinstated by the judicial department. It is a farce with the students. Students have nothing to do with this lack of coordination and infighting within the state apparatus. Let them coordinate among themselves and consider the demands of the students and fulfill them at the earliest.'
    • Nahid Islam, 4th July, coordinator of anti-discrimination student movement, speech given at Shahbag crossing blockade program [21]


  • Those who identify themselves as Razakars, they have no right to march with the blood-bathed red and green flag of the martyrs of the Liberation War in their hands or with that flag tied on their forehead.
  • Giving India a one-way corridor in the name of rail transit will undermine the country's sovereignty. Attempts to bring back the pre-'71 Pakistani discrimination by undermining the country's sovereignty and re-introducing discriminatory quotas will inevitably lead to another liberation war. This government unilaterally gave the rail corridor to India showing thumbs up to the country's independence, sovereignty. This dummy government has lost the original spirit of the liberation war and the goal of building a discrimination-free Bangladesh. They want to put a gun on the court's neck and start a new quota system. Awami League wants to prolong its power by giving corridors to India, benefiting the looters of people's wealth. Everyone should unite against the dummy government and free the country from the grip of these fascists by rescuing democracy.
    • Abdul Wahab Minar, 6th July 2024, Joint Convenor of AB Party, held a sit-in and protest march program at Vijayanagar's Vijay-71 Chattar for four-point demands including one-way rail corridor for transit, cancellation of quota re-introduction and resignation of dummy government.[23]
  • Brother, does anyone need water, water?


  • The government has not stopped the internet in the country, the internet has been stopped (by itself).
    • Junaid Ahmed Palak, 27 July 2024, Minister of State for Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology, at the inauguration of 'Trees for Peace' programme.[27]


  • To answer the statements made by some leaders in the anti-quota student movement - self-confessed Razakars, who have revealed their arrogant mentality; Chhatra League is enough to answer them. Student affairs will be confined within the campus. We will see who comes out politically, then we will see. We are also ready to tackle.
  • Not all brave freedom fighters are backward, so keeping quota of freedom fighters in government jobs is not constitutional. If the freedom fighter quota is perpetuated on a large scale in the name of the spirit of the liberation war, the main purpose of freedom is destroyed.
    • GM Quader, Leader of Opposition, 3 July 2024, Concluding Address of the Budget Session in Parliament [29]
  • It "is" indeed a curfew. It will be as per rules and it will be shoot at sight.
    • Obaidul Quader, 20 July 2024, statement given to journalists after the meeting of 14 parties at Ganabhaban regarding the decision to impose curfew and deploy the army.[30]


  • Stop that fire. It is the government's responsibility to put out this fire. If possible, without delay, solve the problem by setting up a special court today. Time is very short. We were also in the government (during Ershad's tenure). We also neglected the movement like this. After Nur Hossain died, many people said, Tokai is dead, what will happen? But I said, no, this Nur Hossain is not a single person.
    • Kazi Feroze Rashid, 18 July 2024, Executive Chairman, Jatiya Party (Rowshan Ershad side) [31]
  • We did not voluntarily give the video statement of the six coordinators broadcast from the DB office calling off the movement. No decision on the anti-discrimination student movement can come from the DB office. No decision will be taken as final without the participation of all coordinators and agitating students across the country. In the DB office we were forced to give statement sitting on the dining table for recording of visual broadcast. Our families were called and held for 13 hours with assurances that we would be released and false statements were made to the media. When our teachers came to meet, they were not allowed to meet us.
    • 6 co-ordinators of Quota Reform Movement, 2 August 2024 [32]
  • The grief of losing the near ones, is how much painful, which more than me, who knows better? Modi you tell me, tell me Qader, you tell me. The damage of breaking monitor in metrorail, the deep pain of losing power, I will raise fear by killing more people, but now anymore I can't hold the way... The royal palace have been missed from my hand, how much scream has been piled in by heart, at the pain of losing power, can I laugh anymore? The grief of losing the near ones... The chair of power is elusive today, Who will comfort my pain? In search of peace and hope for power, how much pain accumulates in my heart, The grief of losing the near ones...
    • 17 August 2024, an amateur AI made fictional song mocking the mourning of Sheikh Hasina "The grief of losing the near ones, is how much painful, which more than me, who knows better?" which published in Facebook and gone viral in Bangladesh [33]


  • Hindus must be protected in Bangladesh. The Bangladesh government must not forget that thousands of Bangladeshis live in India. We request the government to provide land and security for them, and we will take care of their food and other requirements and won’t let the burden come on the government.
  • Throughout history, Bharat has consistently championed peace and righteousness. In these challenging times, it is crucial that all practitioners of Sanatana Dharma unite. We support all such endeavors. Bharat has never initiated an attack on any other country; if it has engaged in conflict, it has only been in self-defense. We offer our blessings to the Sanatanis who are suffering abroad, praying that they will soon overcome their hardships and lead good lives.
  • Such violence in Bangladesh is a conspiracy of China. Mosques are being destroyed in China, and Muslims are being expelled from the country. Now, China is using Bangladesh to destabilize India. If Bangladesh fails to understand this, its existence will crumble into dust in the coming days.” Nischalanand Saraswati called for an immediate cessation of violence and emphasized that peace is crucial for the safety of Hindus and the stability of the region.


  • All acts of violence and use of force, especially those involving loss of life, must be investigated and those responsible held accountable. Freedom of expression and peaceful assembly are basic human rights.
    • Volker Türk, 18 July 2024, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, X (ex-Twitter) handle [34]

See also
