Allister Heath

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Allister Heath

Allister Georges Freund Heath OBE (born 1977), is a French-born British business journalist, author and commentator. He was appointed editor of The Sunday Telegraph in April 2017.


  • Politics still matters, as does leadership, vision and statecraft. By sheer will-power, Boris Johnson and his advisers have delivered a radically better deal for Britain, forcing the EU's technocratic juggernaut into a screeching u-turn. It can't be done, we were told, ad nauseam, and yet Johnson delivered, proving that he is, in fact, a statesman.
  • There is a new nasty party, and it isn’t the Tories. Our declinist-Remainer class has outdone itself, demonising and dismissing Liz Truss, and working itself up into a frenzy of self-righteous rage and indignation at the supposed incompetence of her new Government. Even for those inured to the extreme tribalism and coarseness of modern political discourse, the insults, double-standards and prejudice have been something to behold.
    I'm optimistic about the Truss Government. Yes, of course, nobody can possibly know how well it will do – whether it will outwit the Blob to push through genuine improvements. But it is absurd to state, almost as self-evident fact, that it is bound to collapse, that it cannot last even two years [until the next general election.]
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