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Lord Byron:...The making of fun where no real occasion for fun exists is essentially what comedy is about. Tragedy and comedy are, indeed, but two masks worn by the same character alternately, depending on the exigencies of the moment; that is, depending upon which mask best represents him in such a way as successfully to reduce the unacceptable tensions of his ambience....

Ambience, also spelled Ambiance means the character and atmosphere of a place, the mood, special quality, situation, etc.; environment; and milieu.


Robert Chazan:...noted changes from the period of Jesus’ lifetime to that of Paul in ambience and social composition of the Jesus movement; with implications for both core religious views and anti-Jewish polemical stances. As that movement evolved further, the changes in ambience and social composition of what became the Christian church were yet more pronounced.
Brian Eno:Ambient Music must be able to accommodate many levels of listening attention without enforcing one in particular; it must be as ignorable as it is interesting.
Indira Gandhi:The religious ethos of India was given flexibility, tolerance and strength by the absence of a single religious doctrine, based on a ‘Bible' or sacred dogma; by the multiplicity of forms and faiths that collectively formed India’s religious beliefs and the Vedic and beak-away traditions of our sages and seers. It was an inclusive attitude, drawing the alien heretical belief within a total ambience, extending and absorbing while respecting the beliefs of other religions.
Willa Roberson-Mitchell:Consider a colour scheme that inspires peace and tranquility. A colour palette in lighter hues of blue, lavender, green and rose will create an ambience of relaxation and repose. Define your colour scheme.
Willa Roberson-Mitchell:Install a dimmer switch to your lights to create serenity. If you are using a lamp, consider using a low-wattage or three way bulbs to set the mood. A Japanese lantern (table top or floor model) disperses a soft subdued ambience that is ideal for a yoga/meditation atmosphere....
J.Z.Smith:In Roman Catholic devotional writing [as] the piety, is the religious sensibility or insights of an individual, usually a saint. By extension it can refer to the traditional ambience of a Roman Catholic Religious Order. This ambience shapes the order’s communal life, and is also a guide for members of those orders who preach, write, and counsel individuals on the spiritual life of prayer and devotion.
  • I find the past so fascinating. Photographs are strange, almost surreal, almost here yet gone. I slip into thinking what the past must have been like and I enjoy creating that ambience and atmosphere - 1730 to around 1870 is the most interesting period.
  • And if I laugh at any mortal]] thing, 'Tis that I may not weep," suggests that the comic sense is parasitical upon the tragic. In order to avoid our tragic encounters with the transitoriness of passing fact, the fading of beauty, the destructive consequences of moral evil, alienation from the primary source of value, we make fun. The making of fun where no real occasion for fun exists is essentially what comedy is about. Tragedy and comedy are, indeed, but two masks worn by the same character alternately, depending on the exigencies of the moment; that is, depending upon which mask best represents him in such a way as successfully to reduce the unacceptable tensions of his ambience. Thus the obvious truth of Socrates' argument at the end of the Symposium. Both tragedy and comedy are but one-sided expressions of the ironic sensibility.
  • Our Jewish polemicists lived in an environment dominated by Christianity. Indeed, the spiritual pressures that occasioned the Jewish polemical works were themselves a reflection of the vigor of the Christian ambience.
    • Robert Chazan, in "Fashioning Jewish Identity in Medieval Western Christendom", P.216
  • Install a dimmer switch to your lights to create serenity. If you are using a lamp, consider using a low-wattage or three way bulbs to set the mood. A Japanese lantern (table top or floor model) disperses a soft subdued ambience that is ideal for a yoga/meditation atmosphere. Define your lighting.
    • Willa Roberson-Mitchell, in "Decorating Your Lifespace With Inner Vision: An (52 week) Interactive ...", P.87
  • Your room can be accented with accessories that symbolize inner vision. For inspiration, a sculpture, water fall, short screen, artwork and inspirational quotes are some of the accents you can integrate into your space. Aromatherapy of incense, oils, candles, and fresh flowers will enhance the ambience.
    • Willa Roberson-Mitchell, in "Decorating Your Lifespace With Inner Vision: An (52 week) Interactive ...", p. 87
  • Is the person you are interviewing just doing her job, or does she feel like a pioneer? Does the office look like that of a corporation that is really earning $27 billion a year? Ambiance is the subjective description of all the clues and hunches that color an author’s view point. It, too, can best be noticed during an in-person interview. Instead of picking up unconsciousfeelings”, you can’t substantiate, go into each interview consciously prepared to jot down clues to ambience. Your writing will have more structure and more depth.
  • Ambience is tough to record. So are scenic descriptions unless you add them afterwards. You can record facts, figures and leads to other sources, but you’ll get access to the data only when your recording is transcribed or hunted through.
    • Franklynn Peterson, et al, in “The Author's Handbook” p. 123
  • I can walk into a room and create a good ambience. I was taught all about this back when I studied acting. One of the things they would teach you is how to send out positive signals when you enter a room. I am glad I learned this.
    • 'American Horror' goes for a very specific kind of Seventies suburban downer ambience - 'Flowers in the Attic' paperbacks, Black Sabbath album covers and late-night flicks like 'Let's Scare Jessica to Death.' It even has 'Go Ask Alice'- era urban legends.
    • Rob Sheffield, in Rob Sheffield
  • It's gritty and small and sometimes a little rough, but that's part of the charm. If you want a good punk or rock show, you need some dirt. Sometimes the band is so close, the lead singer is sweating on you. But, it just adds to the ambiance and vibe of the place.
  • All four elements were happening in equal measure – the cuisine, the wine, the service, and the overall ambience. It taught me that dining could happen at a spiritual level.