Angry Birds Magic Knight Rayearth

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Angry Birds Is developed by Rovio Entertainment Corporation and Magic Knight Rayearth created by CLAMP.


Narrator: Long ago...a powerful deity bestowed mysterious stones upon humanity. According to legend, dancing with the stones could calm any evil at hand...
CLAMP: With its rich history and exotic wildlife, Cephiro is the ideal vacation spot! This luxury resort is full of fun activities for guests of all ages! You could win a group getaway with the purchase of a Ice Cream! Good luck!
[Cut to Josh and Blue's Ice cream shop]
Red: Hmm? Oh yeah! So yummy! Gimmeee...50 Ice creams. Now!
Josh: Fifty?
Blue: Then you get 50 chances to win!
Red: Alright!
Josh: You pulled the grand-prize getaway voucher! Congratulations, mister!
Blue: You and your Flock are going on a dream trip to Cephiro!
Red: My WHAT?! Nooo!
Jay, Jake & Jim: Teehee! That's enough to bring everyone along!
Issac: Don't forget us!
[Red And His Flock Get Pack Up Bags Out]
Stella: I wanna go! Pretty please?!
Red: Gah. Fine, fine, fine! A trip with these chumps doesn't feel like a prize! Eh! Just don't expect me to do any work.

Knighthood Welcome

All: Hey, we're here!
Red: Me first! Me first! Outta the way, chumps!
Hikaru Shidou: Greetings! Welcome to the Location! Please take these precious swords as a hello gift!
Red: "Oh! Your Majesty Month On Nick Jr?! Gimme, gimme!"
Hikaru Shidou: Actually, they're Magic Swords! Moving around with these in your hands can bring you good luck!
[Red Check The Magic Swords]
Red: "Stupid Swords! I don't want 'em!"
Parrot: "Screech!"
Umi Ryuuzaki: "Aaah!"
Elephant: "Awo oomph!"
Red: "Bwaaah! Hrngh...Oof! Ah! "
Parrot: I'm A Noisy Parrot! (Oink!) I'm A Noisy Parrot! (Oink!) I'm A Noisy Parrot! (Oink!)
Red: Huh? Where am I...
Shadow Galactica: Those who dare to approach the shrine...Will be punished...GET OUT, TRESPASSER!
Red: What The Freak!
[Red escapes the inhabitants of the temple, but falls off a cliff. He lands on the same parrot he accidentally hit with the Magic Swor earlier. Red is delighted at his luck]
Red: Lucky! These rocks rock! Heh! Get it? Woo-Hoo-Hoo-Hoo-Hoo!

Anime Meet And Greet

[Cut To Bubbles, Jay, Jake, Jim And Luca, Playing Cops And Robbers. While Stella Is Reading About Anime Stuff]'
Stella: Speaking Japanese, With Pretty Cure and Powerpuff Girls Z... Wait! And Sailor Moon too? Hey, Nana! I need a favor!
[Nana Came Here With Her Plane]
Nana: You ready, Stella? We Are Almost to The Drop.
[Stella Got Her Star Color Pen And Turns into Starlight Stella]
Stella: Sailor Moon, Here I Come!
[After She Search For The Sailor Moon Cast And She See Her Friends In Trouble]
Stella: They're In Trouble! Hold On, Guys, I'll Save You!

A Curious Case of Future Art

Issac: Says here these were drawn by a real Futurama Character.
Chuck: Yes! I've got it! Behold my latest invention...The Time Obliterator 5.0! We'll use it to observe the creation of this masterpiece.
Issac: It worked! You're amazing!
Ruby: Look!
Issac: What a charming little creature!
Dan Blam: It's just so meh. If only there was something new I could draw...Oh! CREATIVE INSPIRATION! You, Issac, stand there! Just like that! Perfect! Yes. YES! I have created...the future of art!
[After He Create All of Issac, Chuck, And Ruby]
Dan Blam: Hraaagh!
Issac, Chuck, And Ruby: Ooo!
[Meanwhile With Red. He Check The Future Art Versions of Ruby, Issac, And Chuck.]
Red: What The?

Caveat Imptor

George: Hmm? Heeey! Devilishly delicious! Bucky! Heeelp! Down here! I'm all tiny! Get me back to normal already!
Bucky: OK. Enormo-size! Status quo ante!
George: Just make me ME again!
Bucky: Berry-ka-zam! Here, George. Eat this. It should help.
George: OK...
[A 1/8 of a Day Later]
George: Yeah, it's working! It's working, Bucky! I'm back and good as new! Guh! Wait! What?! Aaaaaah! What did you do to meee?!
Narrator: This program was brought to you by Bucky's Funny Doings International.

Sweet Dreams, Sweeter Fruit

Neiderflyer: Ahhh! Excellen-Tropical Style is so Beachy! Waaaaaah! Guh? Yaaaaaah! Where am I? Unknown. Who am I?! Also unknown... Awesome! I am a god! Keep worshipping me!
[1 Year Later]
Neiderflyer: I'm so sorry! How could he possibly forget— Oof! Where am I? Unknown. Who am I?! Also unknown...

Not-So-Relaxing Rapids

[All Chattering But They Went to The Waterfall]
Stella's Crew: Oh Freak!
Issac: This isn't good!
George: Waterfall straight ahead!
Stella's Crew: Aaah!
[They Land On A Tour Bus]
Stella: Huh? We landed on a...
Stella's Crew: Tour bus! Lucky!

The Grand Parfait Adventure

Poppy: A Cephiro Parfait!
[Santiago Got The Map]
Santiago: Thanks for the map, guys! See ya!
Poppy, And Melody: Wait!
Melody: Where'd he go?
Poppy: Up there!
Santiago: Lay off, will ya?
Poppy: Oh NO!
Melody: Let's go!
[9 Minutes Later]
Melody And Poppy: Hyah!
Melody: Yay, it worked!
Poppy: No time to waste!
Gold Paw Print: Here you are, ladies! One Cephiro Parfait!
Poppy And Melody: Time for sweets!
Santiago: But I'm still salty.

Battle on Wii Koopa Cape!

Jo: Hyah! Dusk! Will this do?
Dusk: We shall know soon enough...
Jo: Understood.
[All The Mud Came Down]
Jo: Where did this Mud come from?
Dusk: Hmm...
[All Pig Came Here]
Leonard: You're pretty quick on your feet to have dodged that. I challenge you to micro combat.
Jo: Chald ensemptechenge.
[5 Years Later]
Leonard: I...I'm impressed.
Chet: Guess you got me! Just like a fellow disciple should. I'll just have to train harder now. Chet Out!
Jo: Who The Heck WAS that?
Dusk: It will come to me...

Surfin' Surprise

[Senor Redshank walks on the sand with a surfboard in his hand.]
Senor Redshank: Oooh.
[He goes out surfing alongside some dolphins. Eventually, he realizes that he had lost his surfboard at some point, and he is currently surfing on a shark, much to his shock.]
Senor Redshank: Whoa... This board BITES!
[Momb And Chica Smartphone Call While The shark speeds off, leaving Senor Redshank to hang on for dear life.]
Senor Redshank: Comin' through!
[Later, Senor Redshank waves goodbye to the shark as it swims off. He strikes a pose, which causes a wave of water to rise up behind him. As Senor Redshank droops slightly, he declares that the experience was "groovy."]
Senor Redshank: Groovy.

Angry Birds Go: In Cephiro? This Is Epic!

[Tony and Terence are relaxing in their taxi out in the water.]
Tony: Ahhh, this is the life, Terence, my friend..
[They eventually drift into the Cephiro Grand Prix, where everyone assumes that they are a last-minute entry in the race.]
Tony: Wake up, buddy! We've got trouble!
Terence: Ungh?
Tony: Look at where we are!
Crowd: [Cheering]
Goldbug: Great! With this final entry, we're ready to race!
Terence: How'd we even get in here?
Goldbug: And now, the Cephiro Grand Prix... is about to begin!
Tony: I...I guess we're In The "Angry Birds Go!" Universe?
Terence: I'm on it.
[They are surprised about their predicament, but with little other choice, Terence takes control of the taxi, and all the racers speed off when the race starts, with Ayrton Senna slowly following.]
Goldbug: Three... Two... One... GOOO!
[Later, a seagull sits on a directional sign, causing it to change direction. Nearly every racer ends up going the wrong way, Tony and Terence included.]
Tony: Left! Nah, your other left, Terence!
Terence: Copy that, Tony!
[The seagull leaves the sign, which brings it back to normal just in time for Ayrton Senna to take the right path and be declared the winner.]
Goldbug: What a FINISH! The winner of the Cephiro Grand Prix is A Bird's based on a real person, Ayrton Senna!
[Later that night, the other racers are still racing, with Terence confident that the finish is near.]
Terence: GRRRAAAH! Any minute now! I can smell that finish line!

Quest in the Dark

[The scene takes place at The Land of the Will. Phil gives everyone time to go shopping, but Bomb chooses stay behind to reach a saving point for his game.]
Phil: OK, everyone! I'll see you back here at five-o'clock sharp.
Wilbur: Yo, Bomb, me boy! Come on, man!
Bomb: Just gotta save real quick!
Wilbur: Good call, but hurry it up!
[Meanwhile, Phil comes across a seemingly abandoned shop. After watching the display TVs, he is lured into the stop, and the door shuts behind him.]
Phil: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! [vanishes]
[Later, Tommy and Wilbur approach the shop as well, and are lured in, with the former losing his Fortnite disk. As they go in, a shadowy figure shuts the door behind them.]
Tommy: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! [vanishes]
Wilbur: AAAUUUUGGGGHHH!!!! [vanishes]
[Later, Bomb goes looking for the others, and find Wilbur's disk outside the shop. After hearing screaming from the inside, Bomb forces himself to go inside the dark, abandoned shop to save the others]
Bomb: Hey, guys! Where'd ya go? Wait a sec! That's Wilbur's... He's THERE, is he?
[Later, Bomb enters the backroom of the shop and it turns out that the room has tons of video games.]
Bomb: It's OK! I'm here to save everyone! What The?!
[Phil, Wilbur, And Tommy are all playing a Pyoro game while Rainbow Puppy greets Bomb]
Rainbow Puppy: Welcome to Rainbow Puppy's Game shop.
[Bomb is promptly distracted by the video games, much to Rainbow's dismay.]
Bomb: Look at all these video games!
[She wonders if Bomb is even gonna buy anything at all.]
Rainbow Puppy: Are you gonna buy anything? Or just...

Slingshot Panic

[Poppy, Melody, Jo, Dusk, Senor Redshank, Tony, Terence, Bomb, Tommy, Wilbur, And Phil are all hanging out together at a swimming pool when a ball they're playing with gets stuck in Poolopus's mouth.]
Poppy And Tommy: Haaa!
Tommy: The ball's stuck!
Jo: Maybe if we all pull together, Dusk...the octoblazooka!
Dusk: I'm on it.
Jo's Crew: And...pull! And...pull!
Tony: Hnnngh! Gah!
[They try to pull the ball out, but it slips from their grip and slams into Poolopus's head, upsetting her.]
Poolopus: Ouch!!!!
Senor Redshank: Harsh vibes, man!
[She throws everyone into the air and they all land on top of a tour bus]
Melody: What a stroke of luck! We landed on a tour bus!
Jo's Crew: Let's go! Heck Yeah!
[Later, the gang gets off the tour bus and Bomb eagerly asks Poolopus to throw them again.]
Bomb: That was awesome, Poolopus!
Terence: Can you throw us all again?
Poolopus: Okay.