Antonio Vivaldi

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If you don't like this, I'll stop writing music.

Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (4 March 1678 – 27 or 28 July 1741), nicknamed "Il Prete Rosso" (The Red Priest), was a Venetian priest and Baroque music composer as well as a famous violinist. He wrote in excess of 500 concertos plus many operas, overtures, sonatas and sacred vocal works.


  • Se questa non piace, non voglio più scrivere di musica.
    • Translation: If you don't like this, I'll stop writing music.
    • Quoted in: Michael Talbot (1978) Vivaldi, p. 90
    • An ironic note written upon an aria score of his opera Orlando Furioso (1727).

Quotes about Vivaldi

  • Christopher Hogwood: "Caricaturists of all countries I have a great interest in; I like to observe what happens to an artist's vision when there is a deliberate distortion for the viewer. This is found in Italian art and in much Italian music. Vivaldi sometimes uses caricature in a very serious and grim sense, not at all comic."
    • * Veery journal, 1994, interview with Steven Vita
  • Robert Craft: “Are you interested in the current revival of eighteenth-century Italian masters?”
    Igor Stravinsky: “Not very. Vivaldi is greatly overrated—a dull fellow who could compose the same form so many times over.”
    • In Conversations with Igor Stravinsky
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