Blade Runner 2049

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He named you. Must be special.
Sometimes to love someone, you got to be a stranger.
That barren pasture. Empty, and salted. The dead space between the stars.
Right here.
And this is the seed that we must change for Heaven.
I cannot breed them. So help me, I have tried. We need more Replicants than can ever be assembled. Millions, so we can be trillions more. We could storm Eden and retake her.
The world is built in a wall that separates kind. Tell either side there's no wall, you've bought a war. Or a slaughter.
Here, you are. You tiny thing. In the face of the fabulous and new, your only thought is to kill it?! For fear of great change?! You can't hold the tide with a broom.

Blade Runner 2049 is a 2017 American neo-noir science fiction film, a sequel to the 1982 film Blade Runner. Set thirty years after the first film, K, a Nexus-9 replicant "blade runner" for the LAPD, uncovers a secret that threatens to destabilize society and alter the course of civilization.

Directed by Denis Villeneuve and written by Hampton Fancher and Michael Green
The key to the future is finally unearthed


  • All the best memories are hers.
  • He named you. Must be special.

Rick Deckard

  • Sometimes to love someone, you got to be a stranger.

Niander Wallace

  • That barren pasture. Empty, and salted. The dead space between the stars.
    Right here.
    And this is the seed that we must change for Heaven.
    I cannot breed them. So help me, I have tried. We need more Replicants than can ever be assembled. Millions, so we can be trillions more. We could storm Eden and retake her.
  • It was very clever to keep yourself empty of information, and all it cost you was everything.
  • All the courage in the world cannot alter fact.
  • Pain reminds you the joy you felt was real. More joy, then.


  • Here, you are. You tiny thing. In the face of the fabulous and new, your only thought is to kill it?! For fear of great change?! You can't hold the tide with a broom.

Sapper Morton

  • You newer models are happy scraping the shit... because you've never seen a miracle.

Lieutenant Joshi

  • The world is built on a wall that separates kind. Tell either side there's no wall, you've bought a war. Or a slaughter.


  • Dying for the right cause. It's the most human thing we can do.


  • He liked to work alone. So did I. So we worked together to keep it that way, and that was it.


Replicants are bioengineered humans, designed by Tyrell Corporation for use off-world. Their enhanced strength made them ideal slave labor. After a series of violent rebellions, their manufacture became prohibited and Tyrell Corp went bankrupt. The collapse of ecosystems in the mid 2020s led to the rise of industrialist Niander Wallace, whose mastery of synthetic farming averted famine. Wallace acquired the remains of Tyrell Corp and created a new line of replicants who obey. Many older model replicants--NEXUS 8s with open-ended lifespans--survived. They are hunted down and "Retired" Those that hunt them still go by the name...Blade Runner.
  • Replicants are bioengineered humans, designed by Tyrell Corporation for use off-world. Their enhanced strength made them ideal slave labor. After a series of violent rebellions, their manufacture became prohibited and Tyrell Corp went bankrupt. The collapse of ecosystems in the mid 2020s led to the rise of industrialist Niander Wallace, whose mastery of synthetic farming averted famine. Wallace acquired the remains of Tyrell Corp and created a new line of replicants who obey. Many older model replicants--NEXUS 8s with open-ended lifespans--survived. They are hunted down and "Retired" Those that hunt them still go by the name...Blade Runner.


Interviewer: Officer K-D-six-dash-three-dot-seven, let's begin. Ready?
'K': Yes, sir.
Interviewer: Recite your baseline.
'K': And blood-black nothingness began to spin... A system of cells interlinked within cells interlinked within cells interlinked within one stem... And dreadfully distinct against the dark, a tall white fountain played.

Luv: I'm here for Mr. Wallace. I'm Luv.
'K': He named you. You must be special.

Lieutenant Joshi: Do you have any memories from before?
'K': I have memories, but... They're not real, they're just implants.
Lieutenant Joshi: Tell me one, from when you were a kid.
'K': I feel a little strange sharing a childhood story considering I was never a child.

Joi: Mere data makes a man. A and C and T and G. The alphabet of you. All from four symbols. I am only two: 1 and 0.
'K': Half as much but twice as elegant, sweetheart.

Joi: I'm done with you. You can go now.
Mariette: Quiet, now. I've been inside you. Not so much there as you think.

Rick Deckard: You mightn't happen to have a piece of cheese about you, now? Would you boy?
'K': Treasure Island?
Rick Deckard: He reads, that's good. Me too, not much else to do around here at night anymore. Many is the night I dream of cheese. Toasted, mostly. What Are You Doing Here?
'K': I heard the piano.
Rick Deckard: Don't lie, it's rude. You're a cop.

Rick Deckard: I had your job once. I was good at it.
'K': Things were simpler then.



Quotes about Blade Runner 2049

  • Blade Runner 2049 is an example of science fiction as magical thinking: whites fear that all the sins they committed against black and brown people will come back to them tenfold, so they fantasize their own fall as a preventative measure to ensure that the white race will never fall.
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