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Camp Rock

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Camp Rock centers on a teen girl who desperately wants to spend her summer at a prestigious rock camp, but can only attend if she works in the kitchen as one of the cooks. When she's overheard singing - but not seen -- by a teen pop star at the camp, he is completely taken and sets out to find the girl behind the beautiful voice. But first she must confront her fears, step out of the kitchen and into the spotlight.

Shane Gray

  • I heard this girl singing, and it kinda reminded me of the music that I like.
  • (upon entering the kitchen) Hello? (looks around) Who's in here? (rolls his eyes and sighs) I can hear you.
  • I'm Shane. I'm sure even the kitchen help knows that.
  • Your music has to be who you really are. None of it means anything unless people see who you really are.
  • Grab a mic and a hat. Follow me if you can. Hurry! Let's go!
  • (surprised) Man! You're a drummer dude. The drummer controls the beat... The rhythm is in your hands. Now we just have to work on getting that beat from those sticks to those feet.
  • I don't want to waste my summer at some camp! I'm Shane Gray for crying out loud!
  • I never know if people wanna hang out with Shane Gray, the rockstar, or Shane Gray, the person.
  • I showered in cold water, I looked at a tree. It's been three hours, I need hair product.
  • I didn't sign up for this! Get my agent on the phone.
  • (to Mitchie) I started playing around with some chords and...

Mitchie Torres

  • I just wanted to fit in and make a good impression.
  • (to Shane) Was that you playing? It was good for stupid cookie cutter popstar stuff.
  • Have you seen these kids? They have a lot. My usual isn't going to cut it. (looks through drawer) This, this is safe.
  • Tess, stop talking to me like that. Stop talking to everyone like that. I may be the cook's daughter, and my dad may not be rich, but I'm a much better person than someone who feels good about herself because she makes everyone else feel bad. And I'll take that anyday.
  • (to Shane) You'll never know if you don't try. And by the way, I know one girl that would buy that song.


  • Group hug! (sighs) Much better. It hasn't been the same just hugging Nate.
  • Oh, and can you make me a birdhouse or something?
  • Yeah, this is where Connect Three... connected!
  • Actually, I don't really have a problem with that. (Nate glares at him) We have a problem with that.
  • We are talking about finishing my birdhouse, right?


  • Right now, you're the bad boy of the press. And the label has a problem with that. Which means, we have a problem with that.
  • This camp thing is supposed to fix it. It's good P.R. So do your time, enjoy the fresh air, get a tan.
  • Dude, that is not the Golden Rule.

Tess Tyler

  • This is not amateur night!
  • It says here I'm Shane's type. It's only a matter of time.
  • (singing) I'm too cool for you.
  • Okay guys, tonight is the pajama jam. So, outfit check. White shorts and green hoodie. (pause) What? Green is Shane's favorite color. (pause) It was in the magazine.
  • (to Peggy and Ella) You need to work with me if we want to win!
  • [to Caitlyn] Happy cooking!
  • [talking to her mom on the phone] Yeah, yeah you can totally call me back.
  • [to Mitchie] What? You've never sung in front of an audience?
  • Talk about dancing to the beat of a different drum!


  • You have hip-hop class at 2. And 5, 6, 7, 8!
  • I hate when I have to be uncool.
  • [to Mitchie and Caitlyn] I have no choice but to ban you until the end of Final Jam.
  • [to Mitchie] I know you're singing a solo, but it's so low, I can't hear you.


  • How long did you think you could keep your little secret?
  • Because... I was friends with Tess...
  • (bumps into Tess) I'm so sorry! (sees who it is) Actually, I'm so not.
  • Hey, you must be hands five and six.
  • You're the cook's daughter! She's your mom! Oh! This is rich! But apparently you're not!
  • I think your whole charade is stupid and immature. You're hiding behind some crazy lie.
  • She got drowned in her lies....
  • Tess doesn't like competition. And she felt I was. See, with her, there can only be one star. Herself.
  • Did you like singing backup?
  • She should be. Her mom's on Broadway.
  • Better go, the queen awaits...
  • (Sees Tess coming; sarcastically) Great, something wicked this way comes!
  • Oh, I don't (care)! But when I tell everyone, I want to get the story straight.
  • (To Brown) That's technically true, but...


Brown: Stop acting like it's all about you.
Shane: In my world, it is.
Brown: Oh look. We're in my world. And in my world, you're considered an instructor at this camp. Which means... you've got to instruct.

Shane: I don't wanna waste my summer at some camp! I'm Shane Gray for crying out loud!
Nate: Hey, man, we used to love this place. Three years ago, we were campers.
Jason: Yeah this is where 'Connect 3'... connected.
Nate: And you get to see your Uncle Brown.
Shane: Not a selling point.
Nate: Look, man, right now, you're the bad boy of the press, and the label has a problem with that, which means we have a problem with that.
Jason: Actually, I don't really have a problem with that. (sees Nate's glare) We have a problem with that!
Nate: This camp thing is supposed to fix that. It's good PR. So do your time. Enjoy the fresh air, (inhales) get a tan.
Jason: Oh, and can you make me like a birdhouse or something?
Shane: One word: Payback!
Jason: That's two words!
(Shane exits the limo)
Nate: By the way, we told the press you'd be recording a duet with the winner of Final Jam.
Shane: WHAT?!
(Nate just waves as the limo drives off)

(Shane's cellphone rings.)
Shane: (answers it) Hello?
Jason: Hey buddy, how's my birdhouse coming?
Nate: Jason!
Jason: Sorry, it's not my fault you didn't ask him to make you anything.
Nate: I didn't want anything!
Jason: Well, I wanted a birdhouse!
Nate: What would you want a birdhouse for?
Jason: I wanted to see more birds in my--
Shane: Guys! GUYS!
Nate and Jason: Sorry....
Shane: About me recording with a camper...
Nate: You gotta do it, man. No go backs.
Jason: Yeah, no go backs... it's, like, the golden rule.
Nate: No dude, the golden rule is tell the truth.
Jason: Dude! Then it can be the silver rule.
Nate: Why is it the silver rule?
Jason: Okay, fine, the copper rule.
Nate: Copper rule?
Jason: Give me tin, at least.
Shane: Guys?
Nate and Jason: Sorry...

(Mitchie and Shane are canoeing on the lake.)
Mitchie: I don't think we're doing this right.
Shane: What, you don't like going in circles?

(Tess makes an unusual hand gesture at Caitlyn.)
Caitlyn: Okay, what was that?
Ella: She said.... (sighs) whatever major loser.
Mitchie: Wow, Tess. 'Whatever major loser?' That is sooo last year! I mean, everyone knows that! Oh... well, I guess not EVERYONE...

Nate: (to Shane) Are you getting too much sun?
Jason: Yeah, we can bring you a hat when we come and visit!

Caitlyn: Aren't you gonna get in line?
Mitchie: Oh, it's not me. Trust me. Besides, he's never heard me sing.

Mitchie: So, have you found your special girl yet?
Shane: Why are you jealous?
Mitchie: Jerk!
Shane: Hey! Being a jerk is part of the rockstar image.
Mitchie: Keeping up an image can be tiring.
Shane: But it keeps the posers away. I never know if people are hanging with me for the free stuff, or for the parties.
Mitchie: Oh, definitely the free stuff.
Shane: Funny.
Mitchie: C'mon, I know you're really not a jerk. I mean you're helping Andy with his dancing. And those screaming girls seem to like you.
Shane: Which brings me back to the whole jealous thing.
Mitchie: I take that back! You ARE a jerk!

Tess: Mitchie! Tell us about your mom again.
Caytlin: Her mom is... a great person! (to Barron) What's your mom like?
Barron: Uhh... she's like... a mom?

(Shane confronts Mitchie after overhearing her confession.)
Mitchie: Shane.
Shane: You were lying all summer!
Mitchie: Yes, but I--
Shane: You know, I'm so used to people pretending around me.
Mitchie: I was not pretending--
Shane: And I really thought you were different! But you're just like everyone else. You wanted to be friends with 'Shane Gray', not me. Trick's on me, huh?
Mitchie: I was trying to--
Shane: Save it for your interview with Pop Informer Magazine. I know I gave you an earful.

Jason: Guess who!!!
Shane: You're in the room, I can see you.:Jason: I CAN SEE YOU TOO!! I've missed you. (inhales) GROUP HUG! (hugs Nate and Shane, neither hug him back) Much better. It hasn't been the same just hugging Nate.
Nate: (sarcastically, at being released) Yeah. It hasn't.

Caitlin: Oh you must be hands 5 and 6. I didn't know Connie had a daughter. I'm Caitlin. (Mitchie waves behind bag of chips, runs, and trips into a bucket of mopping water) Oh my gosh, are you ok? (sees who it is) Wait, Mitchie? You're the cook's daughter! She's your mom! Oh, this is rich! But appearantly you're not.
Mitchie: What are you waiting for, huh? Go and tell everybody.
Caitlin: Maybe I will.
Mitchie: Fine, whatever.
Caitlin: How long did you think you could keep your little secret?
Mitchie: Longer than this...
Caitlin: Why?
Mitchie: Why do you care?
Caitlin: Oh, I don't! But when I tell everybody, I want the whole backstory!
Mitchie: I just wanted to fit in, ok?
Caitlin: I think your whole charade is stupid and immature. You're hiding behind some crazy lie!
Mitchie: (snaps) And what about you, huh?! You lie too! Your whole 'I don't care about anything' attitude! Well, if you don't care, why are you here?
(Caitlin stares at her, surprised and hurt. Connie enters and sees Mitchie soaking wet.)
Connie: Mitchie! What happened to you?
Caitlin: (whispers) She got drowned in her lies.
Connie: What, Caitlin?
Caitlin: Nothing. (leaves the room)
Mitchie: Caitlin, wait!
Connie: No, you can talk later. First, you've gotta get out of these wet clothes!

Shane: (upon entering the kitchen) Hello? (looks around) Who's in here? (rolls his eyes and sighs) I can hear you.
Mitchie: (throws flour on her face to conceal her identity; gets up to greet Shane) Hi.
Shane: Do you work here?
Mitchie: Uh-huh, yes.
Shane: Wow. You really get into your work. I'm Shane. I'm sure even the kitchen help knows that.
Mitchie: Of course! It's so nice to meet you!
Shane: Actually, it's not so nice. You see, I had my manager send over my food allergy list, but since I coldnt't even go near my breakfast this morning.... Can I just speak to whoever's in charge?
Mitchie: Excuse me?
Shane: What?
Mitchie: Well, you're kind of being a jerk.
Shane: And you are?
Mitchie: A person! And there's a way to talk to a person, and that's not it.
Shane: I'll just have my manager send the list over again (starts to leave)
Mitchie: Fine. (clears throat)
Shane: Thank you?
Mitchie: Much better.

Mitchie: Hi, I'm Mitchie.
Tess: Hi, I'm Tess Tyler.
Mitchie: Oh my god, I love your mom!
Tess: Of course you do...
Mitchie: I'm Mitchie Torres.
Peggy: Hey, is your dad Nickie Torres the composer? My dad staged one of his shows.
Mitchie: No.
Ella: Then what does he do?
Mitchie: He owns a hardware store. (Tess, Peggy and Ella turn to leave.) But my mom...
Peggy: Yeah?
Mitchie: ...is the president of Hot Tunes TV. In China. Yeah, it's a big huge market over there.
Tess: Wow, cool.
Ella: So cool.
Peggy: Major cool! Ok. So have you met anybody?
Mitchie: Yeah, like everybody! Last summer I was in like three music videos. Yeah, but I mean you could hardly see me, I was in the back.
Tess: Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?
Peggy: Of course!
Ella: Absolutely. (beat) What are we thinking?
Tess: There's an extra bed in our cabin. It's yours if you want it.
Mitchie: Really?
Tess: Totally! We're going to be great friends. Come on! Sit with us in the VIP section.
(They leave.)
Caitlyn: (upset) I'm good. Thanks for asking.

Shane: So I guess my search is over.
Mitchie: Well, it depends on who you're looking for. Hi, I'm Mitchie.
Shane: Hi, I'm Shane. You up for a canoe ride later?
Mitchie: I wouldn't miss it. (Both laugh)
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