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This page relates to the legal document. For the concept of actions performed, see Deeds.

A deed is a signed and, in some jurisdictions, usually sealed legal instrument in writing used to grant a right. Deeds have historically been part of the broader category of instruments under seal, requiring only the affixing of a common seal to render them valid. Today, however, deeds are instruments in solemn form which require the author's signature and, depending upon the jurisdiction, either notarization or a number of attesting witnesses..


  • The Lord spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai, saying, ... "The land shall not be sold in perpetuity, for the land is mine. For you are strangers and sojourners with me."
Quotes reported in James William Norton-Kyshe, The Dictionary of Legal Quotations (1904), p. 233-234.
  • I do not wish to shake titles, and I shall do precisely what our predecessors have always done—leave the case where it is. It is a rock ahead that everybody knows.
  • God forbid, that a man should lose his estate by losing his title deeds.
    • Eyre, C.J., Bolton v. Bishop of Carlisle (1793), 2 H. B. 263.
  • There is not more difference betwixt a grant and feoffment, than betwixt one egg and another.
    • Bridgman, C.J., Jemot v. Cooley (1666), Sir Thos. Raymond's Rep. 159.
  • No man ought to be so absurd as to make a purchase without looking at the title deeds; if he is, he must take the consequence of his own negligence.
  • Immemorial enjoyment is the most solid of all titles.

See also

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