Fredrik Reinfeldt
John Fredrik Reinfeldt (born 4 August 1965) is a Swedish economist, lecturer and former politician who was Prime Minister of Sweden from 2006 to 2014 and chairman of the liberal conservative Moderate Party from 2003 to 2015. He was the last rotating President of the European Council in 2009.
[edit]- Ska vi vara ärliga så är en hel del av jobbproblematiken kopplad till utrikes födda.
- Translation: To be honest a great deal of the job problem is connected to foreign born.
- "Profile: Fredrik Reinfeldt". Dagens Nyheter. 2012-04-04. Retrieved on 2012-04-05.
- We have a strong economy but we don't have the job creation we need. We want more job creation.
- "Profile: Fredrik Reinfeldt". BBC News. 2006-09-18. Retrieved on 2006-11-23.
- The Nordic welfare model is in many aspects a good model but it needs more of a choice for individuals.
- ibid
- Om alla liknar Carl bekräftas vanföreställningarna av moderaterna. Det blir ett parti för Carl Bildt-kopior.
- Translation: If everyone appears similar to Carl it confirms the misconceptions about the Moderate Party. It becomes a party for Carl Bildt-copies.
- "Vägen mot toppen kantad av bråk". Sveriges Television. 2006-10-17. Retrieved on 2006-11-23.
- Ursvenskt är bara barbariet. Resten av utvecklingen har kommit utifrån. [...] Det kan ibland vara bra att ödmjukt påminna om att väldigt mycket av det som är Sverige har skapats i utveckling, just för att vi varit öppna för att ta emot andra människor och andra erfarenheter
- Translation: Swedishness is only just barbarism. The rest of development has come from outside. [...] It can sometimes be good to be humbly reminded that very much of what is Sweden has been made in development, just because we have been open to receiving other people and other experiences.
- About Swedish nationalism, "Reinfeldt: Det ursvenska är blott barbari". Dagens Nyheter. 2006-11-15. Retrieved on 2020-07-05.
- I våldets Sverige så får hederliga medborgare flytta åt sidan. I rädsla för att vara nästa som drabbas av våldsverkaren, med vapen i hand, med drogögon mitt i ansiktet, så vet vi inte vad den här personen är kapabel att göra
- Translation: In Sweden of violence, honest citizens have to move aside. In fear of being the next victim of the abuser, gun in hand, drug eyes in the middle of his face, we don't know what this person is capable of doing
- "Profile: Fredrik Reinfeldt". SVT24/Youtube. 2007-01-28. Retrieved on 2007-03-10.