Gears of War 2

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Gears of War 2 is the sequel to the game Gears of War. Developed by Epic Games, Gears of War 2 is a 2008 military sci-fi third-person shooter video game that takes place on the subterranean creature infested planet of Sera. The humans are defending the last-known civilization of Sera, Jacinto.

Chairman Richard Prescott


“Sera’s Survival”

  • (Prescott gives a speech to rally the COG army before a massive attack on the Locust) Humans are no strangers to war. After all, we've been fighting for as long as we can remember. War is all we know. In the past, we fought for imulsion. We fought for country. We fought for freedom. But all that changed after E-Day. For fifteen years, we've been fighting for our very survival against inhuman, genocidal monsters. But it is a fight we cannot continue. Humanity faces extinction, unless we end this war now. We had hoped the Lightmass bombing would decimate the Locust Horde. But they survived. And have returned, stronger than ever. They've brought with them a force that can sink entire cities. Even Jacinto, our last beacon of hope through all these dark days, is now at risk. Soon we'll have nothing left to defend. And that means we have only one option: attack. Gears, what I ask of you now is not an easy thing, but it is necessary. If we are to survive. If we are to live long enough to see the seasons pass, our children grow and experience a time of peace that we have never known, then we must now take this fight to the Locust! We will go to where they live and where they breed and we will destroy them! This is the day we take the battle to the heart of the enemy. This is the day that we correct the course of human history! This is the day that we ensure our survival as a species! Soldiers of the COG, my fellow Gears, go forth and bring back the hope of humanity!

Queen Myrrah

  • (ending narration) Your world can end in the blink of an eye. One event, one unexpected twist of fate and suddenly the world as you know it... is gone forever. All that you held dear, all that you held close is washed away into the sea of distant memory. Life... is cruel. Of this I have no doubt. But life continues on... with or without you. One can only hope that one leaves behind a lasting legacy. But so often the legacies that we leave behind... are not the ones that we intended.
  • (beginning narration) It began, as always, with the desire for power. The need to conquer, the hunger to consume. Inevitably, this led to conflict. Humanity fought at endless battle against itself... Until it was forced to unite against a power far greater than it had even known. But even united, humanity left only destruction in its wake. Despite their best efforts to survival, the humans of Sera continute to march blindly to their imminent doom... unaware that their misguided attempts at retaliation were only leading them ever closer to extinction. (Flashbacks from Gears of War 1). They had thought us crippled by their weapons of mass destruction. But to survive is to endure and prosper. And we have most certainly survived. Jasinto now stands as the last bastion of humanity, a final, desperate defense in the face of impossible odds. In a way, i pitty them... but humanity, as always, brought this war upon itself. (The end of the cutscene with the Crimson Omen).

Adam Fenix

  • (after the credits message) This is Adam Fenix... Is anyone out there...? Can you hear me...? This is Adam Fenix... Can you hear me...? What have you done...?!

Easter Eggs


(Marcus and Dom on their way to the Locust Hive)

Marcus Fenix: Who wants toast?!
Dominic Santiago: I like 'em crispy!
Marcus Fenix: I like 'em crispy on the outside
Dominic Santiago: Hell yeah!



(Beginning of cutscene Tip of The spear / Welcome to Delta)

Marcus Fenix: It never ends...
Anya Stroud: They're getting bolder. Those Gears were guarding Pomeroy Depot.
Dominic Santiago: Damn, that's just down the road.
Anya Stroud: Exactly, they're moving deeper every day.

(Raven arrives at Jacinto Hospital with reinforcements of COG fighters)

Dominic Santiago: At least we got reinforcements.
Marcus Fenix: Yeah... but for how much longer?
Anya Stroud: Okay, i'm heading to the hospital now. I need to check on that lead.
Dominic Santiago: Thanks, Anya, I... good luck, all right?
Benjamin Carmine: Sergeant Fenix! Are you Sergeant Fenix? Delta Squad? (Accidentally dropped his Lancer). I'm your new trainee.
Anya Stroud: And green as grass by the looks of it. Time to train the rook? (CHOOSE THE PATH - TRAIN / SKIP TRAINING)

(When you skip training of Carmine)

Marcus Fenix: With the attacks at Pomeroy? Hell no, they need me on patrol, not training some jumpy kid.
Anya Stroud: Of course. I'll see you inside.
Benjamin Carmine: Private Ben Carmine, sir! Reporting for duty, sir!
Marcus Fenix: Welcome to Jasinto, Private. Your first order is to guard this spot. You stay here until we get back from the patrol.
Benjamin Carmine: But sir, there's... nothing here to guard.
Marcus Fenix: Sounds like a good first assignment to me. Stay put. We'll be back, kid.

(Carmine picks up the Lancer and begins to carry out Marcus' order).

(When you decide to train Carmine).

Marcus Fenix: Yeah, lucky me.
Anya Stroud: Go easy on the kid, okay?
Benjamin Carmine: Private Ben Carmine, sir! Reporting for duty, sir!
Marcus Fenix: Drop the sir shit, kid. We're not that polite out here. C'mon, let's go. Oh yeah, welcome to Delta.

(Marcus and Dom during Benjamin Carmine's training)

Benjamin Carmine: It's an honor to serve with you, sir. i hear that you're the one who-
Marcus Fenix: Sergeant. (interrupting Benjamin).
Benjamin Carmine: Yes, sir - Sergeant Fenix. Must be good to know you're fighting with a Pendulum War hero.
Dominic Santiago: He's just Marcus to me, man. Name's Dom, by the way.
Benjamin Carmine: Good to meet you, sir, uh - Dom. You see action in the war too?
Marcus Fenix: Rook, we can talk history later. Concentrate on your training now. I don't need you getting religious out there.
Benjamin Carmine: Uh, pardon?
Dominic Santiago: Hole-y.
Benjamin Carmine: Huh? Oh right, full of holes. Got it.
Marcus Fenix: First thing first, rook, stay focused on your mission, Best way to check your Tac/Com before the bullets fly.

(Marcus turns on his Tac/Com)

Marcus Fenix: Mine says teach the rook the Golden Rule.
Benjamin Carmine: Oh, i know; Do unto others as you would hav-
Marcus Fenix: No out here, kid. Golden Rule of the Gears is: Take cover or die. You know how to get into cover, rook? Show me.
Benjamin Carmine: Okay, keep your head down, eyes open, check your surroundings...

(Carmine takes cover)

Marcus Fenix: Always keep your head down like that in a firefight and you'll be fine.

(Jack sawed the fence)

Marcus Fenix: Okay people, let's move out!.
Dominic Santiago: Yo, you said your name is Carmine? You got a brother was a Gear?
Benjamin Carmine: Yeah, all four of us. Well, three now. You know one of 'em?
Dominic Santiago: I served with Anthony. He was a good soldier. My respects.
Benjamin Carmine: Thanks. Just good to know he died a hero's death.
Dominic Santiago: Uh... yeah, right.

(Arbitrary silence)

Dominic Santiago: Hey, Marcus! Check this shot.

(Dominic shoots glass bottles from behind cover)

Marcus Fenix: Nice one. I'll call that and raise you five.

(Marcus starts shooting from behind cover, missing the target)

Dominic Santiago: Helps if you aim, Marcus.
Marcus Fenix: Doesn't help your odds of winning.
Dominic Santiago: You can hit those in your sleep with the rifle. C'mon, use your pistol, man.

(Marcus begins to shoot with a pistol, and accurately)

Dominic Santiago: Better reload... cloud be some more killer bottles up ahead.

(Marcus starts reloading)

(Marcus, Dom and Carmine begin to walk down the street, but several silhouettes run behind the fence)

Benjamin Carmine: What the hell was that?!
Dominic Santiago: Probably just a stray dog.
Benjamin Carmine: No, no, it was bigger than that! It looked like a weird monkey-dog thing!

(A moment later one of the Wretches appeared in the window)

Dominic Santiago: Wretch! Shoot it!

(The squad drives away the Wretch with their Lancer fire)

Benjamin Carmine: Hey, that's it! That's the monkey-dog thing i saw!
Dominic Santiago: You hit 'im?
Marcus Fenix: Don't think so. looks like he got away.
Benjamin Carmine: You ever seen that before?
Marcus Fenix: Yeah, but they usually travel in packs. All right, stay alert and use cover. The other ones are probably around here somewhere.

(The squad makes its way through the fences)

Marcus Fenix: Nice mantle, rook, not an easy maneuver to make in full gear.

(The squad looks everywhere)

Dominic Santiago: Nothin' here. Maybe they're in the alley.
Marcus Fenix: Let's check it out.

(The squad goes through the gate and finds a pair of fragmentation grenades.)

Marcus Fenix: Grab a few of those grenades. I got a feeling we're gonna need 'em.

(Grabs grenades)

Dominic Santiago: Damn, someone needs to do an ammo sweep around here.

(The party approaches a large parking lot, and on top of the parking lot stands one of the Wretches)

Dominic Santiago: Wretch!
Marcus Fenix: What'd you call that thing, a monkey-dog? I got a special bone for it.

(Marcus throws a grenade right at the target and there is a huge explosion)

Benjamin Carmine: Oh, aweasome! Wait, there's another one!
Benjamin Carmine: Uh oh.
Marcus Fenix: Watch out!

(Carmine throws a grenade but misses and hits the car, causing a large explosion that injures him and Dom)

Benjamin Carmine: Uh...

(Marcus revives Dom and Carmine)

Dominic Santiago: Thanks, man.
Marcus Fenix: Dom, you want to get that checked out?
Dominic Santiago: Nah, just needs a few stitches. It can wait.
Marcus Fenix: Pull that shit again, rook, and you're gonna get some unexpected chainsaw training.
Marcus Fenix: Let's get in there.

(The squad went to the entrance to the garage)

Marcus Fenix: Fire up your Lancers, Delta.

(The squad uses chainsaws to cut their way through the garage.)

Dominic Santiago: Almost looks peaceful from up here...
Marcus Fenix: Almost.

(The squad watches as a military convoy passes by)

Benjamin Carmine: Woah! All this damage came from your grenade?
Marcus Fenix: Sure as hell didn't come from yours.

(Walk through the garage)

Marcus Fenix: Nothing up here, just some rats. Let's head back to the hospital.

(The squad goes down the stairs and heads to the hospital)

(Ravens fly past in a hurry)

Benjamin Carmine: Whoa, those Ravens are in a hurry.
Dominic Santiago: That can't be good.
Marcus Fenix: Looks like vacation's over, kid.
Marcus Fenix: Head back to the convoy drop-off. Stay there till i call you on your Tac/Com.
Benjamin Carmine: But-
Marcus Fenix: That's an order, soldier! Dom, let's move.

(Marcus and Dom headed to the hospital, and Carmine went to the convoy, awaiting a call from Marcus.)

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