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Grey's Anatomy (Season 9)

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Grey's Anatomy (2005-) is a primetime television medical drama, airing on ABC, that follows Meredith Grey, a first-year surgical intern at the beginning of the drama, and her fellow interns as they struggle to become doctors.

Season 9


Going, Going, Gone [9.1]

Meredith (voice over): Dying changes everything. There’s the emotional fallout, sure. But there’s also the practical stuff. Who’s going to do your job? Who’s going to take care of your family? The only good thing for you is you don’t have to worry about it. People you never knew will be living in your house, working your job. The world just keeps on going… without you.

[Meredith finds out the interns nicknamed her "Medusa"]
Bailey: Hey, this is not a bad thing. You want to be the attending with the scary nickname. It keeps your residents in line. It strikes fear in their heart. Take it from "The Nazi". It's good to be feared.

[Derek steps into the OR and is greeted with applause from his surgical team.]
Callie: Welcome back.
Derek: Torres.
Callie: I had nothing to do with this. [Derek smiles at her] Okay. I had a little to do with this.
Derek: Well, thank you everyone. Thank you very much. It's really no big deal. [looks around at everyone staring at him] What?
Callie: You have to say it.
Derek: It's a beautiful day to save lives.

Bailey: Does my nickname command respect? [Jackson and Alex turn towards her]
Webber: No.
Bailey: Strike fear in the hearts of residents?
Webber: No.
Bailey: Well, what is it?
Webber: You've been... happy. And the interns noticed that your happiness often coincides with the arrival of... of Dr. Warren. And that's all I'm saying!
Bailey: Oh! Oh! Come on now! You have to tell me!
Webber: No. I can't! I'm a gentleman. And also... I don't wanna! [Jackson laughs. Bailey looks at both of them quickly]
Bailey: Wh... wh... oh, come on! [Alex turns towards her]
Alex: OK, I'm gonna tell you this because I'm literally about to walk out of this hospital forever. [Webber keeps shaking his head towards him] Your nickname is B.C.B.
Bailey: B.C.B.?
Alex: Booty Call Bailey. [Bailey looks at him shocked] That's what they call you.

Meredith: [voice over] They say death is hardest on the living. It’s tough to actually say goodbye. Sometimes it’s impossible. You never really stop feeling the loss. It’s what makes things so bittersweet. We leave little bits of ourselves behind, little reminders, a lifetime of memories, photos, trinkets, things to remember us by… even when we’re gone.

Remember the Time [9.2]

Meredith: [voice over] I had this memory game when I was a kid. A bunch of cards faced down in rows. Each card has a picture. You turn one over, look at it, then turn it back over. Then you have to try to remember where its matching card was. Sometimes you have no idea, and other times you chose exactly what you need to see. The cards seem completely out of order and random but you keep turning them over and the more cards you see.. you get the sense of how everything fits together.

Bailey: [on a plane] All I keep thinking is, we're gonna crash on some tropical island and get attacked by a polar bear.

Mark: [to Avery] It's actually why we are people but somehow we forget that all that matters is people.And whether we walk away leaving them better or worse for having met us. We control that Avery. I want you to promise me something. if you love someone, tell 'em. Even if you're scared that it's not the right thing, even if you are scared that it'll cause problems, even if you are scared that it will burn your life to the ground, you say it, and say it out loud. And then you go from there.

Meredith: [voice over] You were right, about all of it. You were right. This is a place where horrible things happen. You were right to go - you're probably escaping disaster. Look at me, I practically grew up here. And you're right, it's hurt me in ways I'll probably never get over. I have a lot of memories of people, people I've lost forever, but I have a lot of other memories too. This is the place where I fell in love. The place where I found my family. This is where I learned to be a doctor, where I learned to take responsibility for someone else's life. And it's the place I met you so I figure this place has given me as much as it has taken from me. I've lived here as much as I've survived here, it just depends on how I look at it. I'm gonna choose to look at it that way and remember you that way.

Cristina: [over phone to Meredith] You are my person, you will always be my person.

Love the One You're With [9.3]

Meredith: [voice over] Surgeons don't compromise. We defy death, we exceed perfection. We operate for seventeen hours straight if we have to. We aren't built to settle, but that doesn't mean we won't.

Jackson: The Chief banged my mom.
Meredith: What? The... Owen?
Jackson: I mean Webber, Dr. Webber banged my mom.
Meredith: Oh... oh... Oh my god!
Jackson: Yeah, I know...
Meredith: Well, if it makes you feel any better: he banged my mom too.

Meredith: [voice over] When we follow our hearts, when we choose not to settle, it's funny. Isn't it? A weight lifts, the sun shines a little brighter, and for a brief moment, we find a little peace.

I Saw Her Standing There [9.4]

Meredith: [voice over] The clothes a surgeon wears help to present an image. The lab coats and badges and scrubs all work together to indicate a person of authority, someone you can trust. When the clothes come off, that's a different story. We're sensitive, lonely, human.

Derek: That's a big tumor.
Owen: Yeah, it is.
Derek: She didn't even tell me about it. I found out through one of my interns. My wife is bubble wrapping me.
Owen: Shepherd, you have a reputation for needing to be bubble wrapped.
Derek: Excuse me?
Owen: You fight for your patients against the worst possible odds, but when things get messy personally, you're gone off to the woods to drink and grow a beard. And with everything that's happened and this lawsuit keeping it all alive, maybe she just worried that the slightest little thing is gonna make you run off to that trailer and leave her alone in the house you gave her, not sleeping at night because whichever room she lays down in, she just can't get away from the fact that you're just not there.

Meredith: [voice over] It might be hard for a surgeon to admit, but there's no shame in simply being human. It can be a relief to stop hiding, to accept who you really are. A little self awareness never hurt anyone. Because when you know who you are, it's easier to know what you're about, what you really need.

Beautiful Doom [9.5]

Meredith: [voice over] Sometimes, things are simply out of your control. You can't change them. You can't bend them to your will. It doesn't matter if you're already forty-five minutes late, your hair isn't brushed, you haven't fixed breakfast and you're hemorrhaging brain cells by the second while you sit here. Dying, dying inside.

Dr. Thomas: Breathe, Dr. Yang. Don't be crass. You're skulking. Women of your generation are graceless. It's an affront to nature. Mediocre surgeons will see you and feel themselves wilting in your shadow. Do not shrink to console them. Do not look for friends here. You won't find them. None of these people have the capacity to understand you. They never will. If you're lucky, one day when you're old and shriveled like me, you'll find a young doctor with little regard for anything but their craft, and you'll train them like I trained you. Until then, read a good book. You have greatness in you, Yang. Don't disappoint.

Second Opinion [9.6]

Meredith: [voice over] Doctors have never had all the answers. There was a time when you were sick, we'd just drain your blood like you were getting an oil change. We're constantly having to rethink what we thought was true and redefine it.

Alex: I didn't stay to nail the freshmen.
Meredith: I know. You stayed for Robbins.
Alex: Yeah, and you know what she told me? That I'm a nobody. That I have no one. She told me that I have nothing to show for my life. I want your house, Mer, 'cause... I don't know why. I just... I just do.
Meredith: The chips on the ceiling are from the first Christmas tree we got intern year. You wouldn't know that, because we didn't like you then. And the burn marks on the hardwoods are from flame shots from that stupid party Izzie threw. And the scratch marks on the doorjamb in the study are Zola's height marks since she could stand, and the ones on the other side are from me when I was little. I grew up there, Alex. It's hard for me to change things. And you grew up there, too. So before you go trying to change everything about yourself, you got yourself this far. And you're fine the way you are, and so is the house. So I'm not changing anything. You can, if you want, but I won't.

Meredith: [voice over] It can be scary to find out you've been wrong about something but we can't be afraid to change our minds, to accept that things are different, that they'll never be the same, for better or for worse. We have to be willing to give up what we used to believe. The more we're willing to accept what is and not what we thought, we'll find ourselves exactly where we belong.

I Was Made for Lovin' You [9.7]

Meredith: [voice over] Can two people really be meant to be? MFEO. Soulmates. It would be nice if it's true. That we all have someone out there waiting for us. Us waiting for them. I'm just not sure I believe it.

Callie: What's going on here?
Arizona: [holding Sofia on her lap] Oh. We're havin' a little dance party.
Callie: So... I guess you had a good day?
Arizona: Yeah, yeah. I fell down.
Callie: [worried] What? What happened?
Arizona: [smiles] I got back up.

Derek: [walking into the house, sees Meredith] Oh, hi.
Meredith: Hi.
Derek: So... talked to Clemens, he'll refer the tumor patient to someone over at Seattle Pres.
Meredith: Great. Uh, take a look at the shirt I bought Zola. It... it's... it's in the bag on the counter.
Derek: Oh, Meredith. Guys don't get all goo-hoo over baby clothes.
Meredith: Just look!
Derek: What is this? [He stares at the t-shirt, surprised. Meredith gets up and he shows her the writing on the t-shirt, which says: 'World's best big sister]
Meredith: It's only 3 weeks, so I shouldn't even be telling you. I mean... I still have a hostile uterus and terrible things are constantly happening to us, which is why I haven't told anyone, I haven't even told Christina, so... if you tell anyone, I... I swear I will kick you out of this house that you built.
Derek: Don't worry. And good things happen to us. We're gonna have another baby!
Meredith: We are gonna have another baby!

Meredith: [voice over] Maybe I do believe it, all this "meant to be" stuff. Why not believe it, really? Who doesn't want more romance in their life? Maybe it's just up to us to make it happen. To show up and be meant for each other. At least that way you'll find out for sure. If you're meant to be or not.

Love Turns You Upside Down [9.8]

Meredith: [voice over] Most people hate hospitals. But not the interns. For them, a hospital is a magical place. It's poetic, the rhythm of the machines, the crackle on the trauma gown, it's a place full of promise, excitement, surprises. It's a place where dreams can come true.

Callie: Now the rest of you will each get a chance to examine our patient before we move on to the skills lab portion of the contest. Dr. Avery, will you bring in our patient?
Jackson: Now Dr. Torres and I will be performing a nerve transplant on Dr. Shepherd's injured hand. We need an intern we can trust.
Callie: And that's saying a lot, because we don't trust any of you people yet. Wilson, you're up.
Jo: [nervously examines Derek's hand] Oh...
Derek: I'm not gonna bite you, Wilson.
Jo: Right.

Lizzie Shepherd: [to Meredith] Good to see you, Mer. I hope you got some baby pictures handy because I did not take the red-eye just so my brother could hack my nerves into hamburger meat.

Meredith: [voice over] There don't have to be harps playing, or birds singing, or rose petals falling from the sky. And there are definitely days when the romance is dead… but if you look around, things are pretty amazing. So stop for a second, enjoy the beauty, feel the magic, drink it in because it won't last forever. The romance will fade, things will happen, people will change, love will die but maybe not today.

Jo:I can't believe they used to be us

Run, Baby, Run [9.9]

Meredith: [voice over] The adrenal system reacts to stress by releasing hormones that make us alert and reactive. The problem is, the adrenal system can't tell what's a regular case of nerves, and what's real impending disaster.

Lizzie: You know we're family, right? There was no wedding, Meredith. You adopted a baby and you never invited us to come meet her. You never accepted our invitation to come see us. All we got was a couple of pictures via e-mail. You know, my kids were so excited that for months, they walked around telling every African-American person they saw that we have a brown baby in the family? A year later, they kind of think I made the whole thing up.
Meredith: I'm sorry. It's just, you know, with everything that's been going on––
Lizzie: No, I get that we're all busy, but you're not shy about asking me for a couple of body parts, and now you want me to cover your tracks with Derek?
Meredith: If you feel like it's inappropriate––
Lizzie: No, it's what sisters ask sisters to do. We cover each other's asses. Look, if you want to be a sister, I am delighted, but then act like one.
Meredith: My version of family isn't like your version. You guys give each other crap and then you laugh about it. You'd walk through fire for each other. Greys are not like that.

Webber: [to Bailey] You were a child when you married Tucker. You're an adult now. You know the world's an ambiguous place. You know that love doesn't conquer all. It conquers some stuff. The other stuff kicks the living crap out of love.

[Callie and Shane are in the OR]
Callie: Okay. Is no one making small talk because this is Derek Shepherd on the table? This is intricate work. Small talk is what keeps us awake.
Shane: Well, uh a couple of days ago, I helped Dr. Kepner extract a malignant mass from the gluteal area of a female patient. It was an impressively sized mass.
Callie: [unimpressed] Who's gonna tell Dr. Shepherd that he'll never operate again because Ross' idea of gossip is, he saw April Kepner take a lump off an ass?

Meredith: [voice over] The body doesn't know the difference between nerves and excitement, panic and doubt, the beginning and the end. The body just tells you to get the hell out. Sometimes you ignore it… That's the reasonable thing to do. But sometimes you listen; you're supposed to trust your gut. Right? When the body says run… Run!

Things We Said Today [9.10]

Meredith: [voice over] In order to properly treat a problem, a surgeon needs as much information as she can get. So we ask questions. Things like when did the pain begin? Have you experienced these symptoms before? Do you have a family history? Are you currently sexually active? Have you recently undergone surgery? If you’re unwilling or unable to answer these and other questions, we’re forced to rely on tests for insight. Until those test results come back, there’s nothing we can do but wait.

April: [about having to sit next to Shane Ross at Miranda's wedding dinner] It's like having dinner with "Ripley's believe it or not!"

Shane: Interns are like sexual catnip at this hospital.

[Callie calls Derek's hospital room.]
Callie: Hey, you're awake.
Derek: [groggily] No, not really.
Callie: Oh, sorry. I just--I wanted to check your post-op vitals. How's your BP?
Derek: Uh, you know who would know that would be a nurse. Why don't you call a nurse?
Callie: Right. I'll do that.
Derek: Why are you whispering?
Callie: Oh, I'm in a hotel bathroom. And I'm about to have sex For the first time in months.
Derek: [eyes widen immediately] I'm hanging up now.

Meredith: [voice over] The next time you’re in your doctor's office, remember she’s not asking all those questions for her health. She’s asking them for yours. Tell her everything. The small details aren’t trivial. They actually make the story. There’s no rush, take all the time you need, start at the beginning.

The End is The Beginning is the End [9.11]

Meredith: [voice over] The big day is here. The day you’re gonna hear the news, the test result. Is the biopsy malignant or benign? Am I gonna live or die? You just want to know even if the news is scary because then you can move on. Whatever that means.

Cristina: Are you still pining over Jackson?
April: No. God. No. Why? Is he seeing someone?
Cristina: April, April, Jackson is like a cookie. [holds up cookie in front of April's face] People want to lose weight, they don't eat the cookie. But then they get so hung up on not having the cookie that their whole life is about the cookie.

Derek: I think you're letting me win.
Shane Ross: You're a smart man.
Derek: I am.
Shane: So am I. That's why I'm absolutely letting you win. Whupping your ass wouldn't be a smart move, especially since you're a competitive guy who likes to win.
Derek: Do you know who else is a competitive guy, Ross? A neurosurgeon. I thought you had what it takes to be one.
Shane: Mm. See? I am a smart man, and you are now goading me. But you won't like it when you lose.
Derek: Oh, "when" I lose?
Shane: You'll be angry and never want to see my face. That won't help me on my quest to become you.
Derek: Yeah, I've told you, it's creepy when you say that.

[Callie, Arizona, Meredith, Derek and Cristina are having dinner at a restaurant.]
Callie: We're trying to move on, which is progress. And it feels weird and sad and wrong, but it also feels exciting. I miss Mark and Lexie. And I'm heartbroken that they're not here tonight. I'm heartbroken, but I'm also grateful that all of you are. And I'm gonna celebrate that. And we are gonna toast.

Meredith: [voice over] They say ignorance is bliss because once you know about the tumor or the prognosis, you can’t go back. Will you be strong or will you fall apart? It’s hard to predict so don’t worry about it. Enjoy the time you have before the news comes. Yep, ignorance is bliss.

Walking on a Dream [9.12]

Meredith: [voice over] Patients who undergo an amputation often feel a sensation where the missing limb was as if it’s still there. The syndrome is called phantom limb. It’s as if the body can’t accept that a terrible trauma has occurred. The mind is trying to make the body complete again. Patients who experience phantom limb report many different sensations but by far the most common is pain.

[Meredith's intern for the day Shane Ross knocks on the door of the on-call room while she and Derek are having a quickie]
Shane: Dr. Shepherd?
Derek: Ross?
Shane: Sorry to bother you, sir, but I was hoping to scrub in with you today, and I'm supposed to be on Dr. Grey's service. So I was wondering - if maybe you could talk to your wife for me.
Meredith: [seethes] I'm gonna kill him. [flings open the door] No, Ross, he cannot talk to his wife for you, because you are with me, and we have a consult with a pregnant lady with abdominal pain. So go do the workup, and I will see you there. [slams the door]
[Meredith kisses Derek a few times and rushes off]
Derek: [grins to himself] Ahhh...I am liking the stupid hormones.

Meredith: Do. Not. Say. Anything.
Shane: I am so so sorry.
Meredith: Wow. Is this you not saying anything?! Go away and do not come back without a liver.
Shane: Um, can I get you a tissue?
Meredith: GO!!!!!!!!

Meredith: Dr. Bailey. Can I please get another intern?
Bailey: What's wrong with Ross?
Meredith: A lot.
Bailey: The kid made a tiny mistake.
Meredith: Because he's an idiot. If I have to work with him one more second, I'm probably gonna kill him.
Bailey: Uh, you think I didn't want to kill you? You cut L-VAD wires, and yet there you stand. So be merciful and suck it up.

Meredith: [voice over] The body can be stubborn when it comes to accepting change. The mind holds out hope that the body can be whole again and the mind will always fight for hope, tooth and nail. Until it finds a way of understanding its new reality and accepts that what is gone is gone forever.

Bad Blood [9.13]

Meredith: [voice over] We’ve all heard the buzz words, streamline, optimize integrate, adapt. Every day someone comes up with a new strategy or tool or technology to increase our efficiency. The idea is to make our lives easier but the question is, does it?

Meredith: [voice over] To really be efficient, you have to eliminate what doesn’t work. You have to figure out what is important and hold on tight to the things that matter most.

Alana Cahill: If you need to blame instead of thank me, I'm fine with that, because I will know who saved it [the hospital]. I've saved a dozen before just like this one and no one thanked me for those either.

The Face of Change [9.14]

Alex: [voice over] I'm not big into change. In oncology, when a normal cell changes into something malignant, it's called cellular transformation. The damn cells turn toxic right in front of your eyes. So as far as I'm concerned, transformation sucks.

Jo: Brand ambassador? What does that even mean? You get to wear a funny hat and cut things with oversized scissors?
Alex: All I know is, Cahill creeps me out.
[Jo and Alex go to the living room and see Jackson and Stephanie making out on the couch.]
Jo: That creeps me out. Who comes over to somebody else's house and starts sucking face?
Alex: You invited 'em.
[There are loud noises coming from Cristina's room upstairs.]
Jo: What's that?
Alex: We are directly underneath Yang's room and Owen's visiting. What do you think?
Jo: [looks grossed out] Oh. Is that him or her?

Alex: [voice over] Your whole world has transformed. You realize the ground beneath you has shifted. Things are uncertain. And there's no turning back. The world around you is different now. Unrecognizable and there's nothing you can do about it. You're stuck. The future's staring you in the face. And you're not sure you like what you see. Like I said, I'm not big into change.

Hard Bargain [9.15]

Meredith: [voice over] They say there's one sure sign of a successful negotiation. It's that when the parties leave the table, they both feel like they've been screwed. The goal is a compromise. A situation where everybody wins.

Alex: I think it could work.
Jo: What can?
Alex: You know, people, coworkers getting together. I mean, don't judge it from those lawyers. They don't even like each other. Look at Grey and Shepherd. I mean, they tried to avoid it, but it was like fate or whatever. They had to be together. It was just right, you know?
Jo: That's beautiful.

Meredith: [voice over] They say that negotiation is an art form. Yet, when we negotiate, we have a strategy, we use tactics. Strategies and tactics aren't words we use for seeking a compromise. These are words for going to war.

This Is Why We Fight [9.16]

Meredith: [voice over] There is a procedure to treat epilepsy that involves surgically severing the connection between the left and right brain. The goal is to block signals that cause seizures. The problem is this also cuts off the brain's ability to communicate with itself. The left side has no idea what the right side is up to. A patient may experience problems with coordination, memory, speech. It's a drastic solution that's only considered when all other options have failed because once a surgeon makes that cut, there's no going back.

Catherine Avery: Now give your mama a kiss Jackson, she just bought you a hospital.

Meredith: [voice over] There's a reason surgeons are willing to roll the dice on a risky, go-for-broke, point-of-no-return surgery with potentially devastating consequences. Sometimes, it works.

Transplant Wasteland [9.17]

Meredith: [voice over] To a critically ill patients, an organ transplant means a new start, a second chance. But the body is designed to fight off any outside invader, even the one that is trying to save it. Because the transplant doesn’t guarantee that’s an easier life, there’s the threat that the body will reject the organ outright.

Arizona: Jackson Avery really has a bigger say than any of us in running this hospital?
Cristina: That can't be true. Can it?
Derek: Well, he's a voting member of the management team and he also represents the Harper Avery Foundation.
Callie: And their $175 million bucks.
Arizona: As opposed to our $15 million apiece.
Derek: According to Stan, not only does he have the deciding vote, he can veto ours.
Cristina: That is ridiculous. He's a fellow.
Meredith: So are you.
Cristina: But he's a plastics fellow. And I'm me.

Cristina: Can your mind be blown on your own time? Right now I have to talk with my supervisor.
Heather: Um, well, you own the hospital now. So doesn't that make you the supervisor?
Cristina: It does. So I will have that conversation with myself.

Cristina: You know, it's like everyone has gone crazy. Owen and Derek are at each other's throats. Avery's on some kind of power trip. You know, I am supposed to be prepping for a major transplant and Callie's left me with an OR board that's like a Rubik's Cube.
Meredith: [deadpan] Wow. In charge one day, and already the hospital's spinning out of control?

Meredith: [voice over] The transplant process is very scary. The patient goes from worrying about getting an organ, to worrying if the organ will be rejected. The anxiety continues, until they can finally open their eyes after surgery, and see that their gift has been accepted.

Idle Hands [9.18]

Meredith: [voice over] Work keeps our minds active, it keeps us out of trouble. When we're not working, our hands are idle and the devil will find work for idle hands to do. And when you have an idle mind, well, that's the devil's playground too.

Callie: Well, you should be staring at my wife. [points to Arizona]
Meredith: New haircut?
Callie: No. It's her leg. She's wearing high heels. Because she has a sexy high-heel leg that makes her ass go pow. [Arizona shakes her butt]
Cristina: [facetiously] Ooh wow.
Meredith: [giggles] Hey!
Derek: Wow.
Cristina: Baby got back.
Callie: [to Jackson, Derek and Richard, who are looking embarrassed] Come on, guys. You can comment, too. You have permission. It's the one time in your life you can say it and not be gross.
Webber: Well, I think it's a fine gluteal––
Arizona: [points at Richard] Oh, no.

Derek: Just start with the positive news, be confident and don't make any promises you can't keep. You're my voice out there.
Shane Ross: I'll channel you. It'll be fine.
Derek: Yes.
Shane: I'm Derek Shepherd. "It's a beautiful day to save lives." [Derek glares at him] I'll channel you in my own voice.
Derek: [deadpan] Thank you.

[Shane is freaking out in the OR]
Derek: I went out to the Hoh River to fish winter steelhead. For hours, I tried to cast like I'd practiced. But if you over try, it'll never happen. And then just once, the rod loaded perfectly. The line formed a tight loop and the fly just danced out over the river about seventy feet. It had a life of its own. See, the key was to relax, feel the rhythm and let the rod do the work. Just one perfect cast.
Shane: Why'd you tell me that?
Derek: Did it calm you down?
Shane: Yeah.
Derek: Right now I am about to remove a hematoma from Broca's area and if I am not careful, she'll never speak again. There is a lot to be afraid of. Patients will be afraid. Parents will be afraid. And the only way to get through it is for you to stay calm.

Meredith: [voice over] At first, idleness can seem like a welcome distraction. The troublemaking and the fun. Everyone needs some idle time to focus on something other than work, even if it means focusing on something that's a little bit scary. Stepping back from work is the only way to change perspective. And it's only after we had everything in perspective that we remember where our hands truly belong.

Can't Fight This Feeling [9.19]

Meredith: [voice over] Let's say you're standing in an OR, staring at an aneurysm that's embedded deep into a patient's frontal lobe. There are three things you'll need to remove it. You'll need confidence, you'll need an eleven blade and some really good instincts.

Meredith: [voice over] There are some feelings that refuse to go away, they're little distractions whispering in your ear. Some things just get under your skin. Try as you might, you can't ignore your instincts. It's like they say, always follow your intuitions.

She's Killing Me [9.20]

Meredith: [voice over] Patients say it all the time, "Tell me straight up, I just want to know what's going on. Tell me, I can handle it." We don't dodge your questions because we're mean. We do it because when you say you want the truth, you have no idea what you are talking about.

Meredith: [voice over] They say the truth will set you free. What the hell do they know? The truth is horrible, frightening. The truth is more than you can bear. We're supposed to be straight with you, so be careful what you ask for when you walk into a hospital because when you find out what's really going on, you may never recover.

Sleeping Monster [9.21]

Bailey: [voice over] Infections are like sleeping monsters. You can't see them, you can't feel them. But you must do everything in your power to contain them. Because when the monsters wake up, they're out of control.

Alex: [To Cristina] I'm such an idiot. I love her!

Bailey: [voice over] All that time you spent convincing yourself the sleeping monster wasn't real, it was gathering strength. The infection was spreading. The monster's awake now and there's nothing you can do about it.

Do You Believe in Magic? [9.22]

Meredith: [voice over] There's no such thing as magic, as far as we know. And while as surgeons, we study the secrets behind the human body's intricate network of cells, tissues and organs. When things go wrong, horribly, horribly wrong, there are only so many tricks we have up our sleeves to put a body back together. But there is a kind of power, more of a spell really, and when we get it right, it can be pretty damn magical.

[Cristina is standing outside the lab where Miranda has holed up herself in.]
Cristina: [about her coma patient] No, I know what you're thinking. EEG. I've already done one, and he's not having seizures. So why hasn't he woken up? Yeah. I've asked every doctor in the hospital for their opinion, and no one has any ideas. Oh, my god. You're right. Go global. Bailey, you are a genius.
Callie: Oh, Cristina. How'd it go with Bailey?
Cristina: So great.
Callie: Did you get her to talk?
Cristina: No.

Derek: [to Miranda] You've seen me mad. I hang out in the woods and I drink myself into a stupor. But the thing I've learned from hiding out is, it doesn't work.

Derek: [to the rambunctious younger brother of a patient] Hey, listen to me. Your sister needs rest today. You want to know why? 'Cause we opened up her head and we put magic inside. So I'd be nice to her if I were you, 'cause she has special powers. You understand? [the boy nods] That's what I'm talking about.
Heather: He put a vampire in her head. I'd watch out, kid.

Meredith: [voice over] As surgeons we are no stranger to the breaks and tears in the human body, in fact we sacrifice the better part of our twenties learning every possible way to make it a whole again. But there are some wounds a surgeon can't repair. Not on their own. It takes a kind of power we just don't have. There's no such thing as magic, not in the traditional 'abracadabra, genie in a bottle' kind of way. But there is magic in knowing that while not everything can be repaired, most everything can be survived.

Readiness Is All [9.23]

Meredith: [voice over] They hit you out of nowhere. When bad things come, they come suddenly, without warning. We rarely get to see the catastrophe coming, no matter how well we try to prepare for it.

Owen: When you and Derek adopted Zola, how did you know? I mean, how did you really know that that was something you were gonna do?
Meredith: Why? Are you thinking––
Owen: Yeah, forget it. Just forget it.
Meredith: You asked me about Zola today. We just knew. You know, Derek knew first, of course, because he's Derek, and it took me a little longer because I was scared. One day, I just picked her up, and I just knew. I don't know how else to explain it. I looked at her, and she was my daughter. I just knew.

Derek: Oh, damn it. The CSF is leaking. This is worse than I thought. The crack has torn the dura.
Heather: It's pretty grody.
Derek: "Grody" is not a thing we say. List the possible complications.
Heather: Um, death, that's pretty solid. Strokes, re-clots, being a potato, goofiness, loopiness, simpletonism.
Derek: [annoyed] Brooks.
Heather: Difficulty with speech, memory, and vision. Why are you making me talk so much today?
Derek: Because you're weird, and it bugs me. But you also have a natural talent for this. And the weirdness is there because you're covering up a real lack of confidence in your natural talent. So now it is my job to make you feel confident and less weird. Ok?
Heather: Whatever twists your knickers.

Dr. Jason Myers: Oh, you wanna be my friend now?
Alex: Me? Nah. I got enough friends. Cristina Yang, she's my friend. She owns the hospital. Derek Shepherd, owns the hospital. Meredith Grey, her name's on the friggin' door. And these are my friends. And they don't like a guy who hits his girlfriend. Neither do I.
Jason: She attacked me. What was I supposed to do?
Alex: You're supposed to take it. A girl hits you, you take it, or you walk away.

Meredith: [voice over] We do our very best, but sometimes it's just not good enough. We buckle our seatbelts, we wear a helmet, we stick to the lighted paths, we try to be safe. We try so hard to protect ourselves, but it doesn't make a damn bit of difference. Cause when the bad things come, they come out of nowhere. The bad things come suddenly, with no warning. But we forget that sometimes that's how the good things come too.

Perfect Storm [9.24]

Meredith: [voice over] I had this bad ass professor in med school. She seemed invincible. Then, one day, she needed her gallbladder out and the surgery killed her. Her platelets stopped clotting, she bled out on the table. Everything that could have gone wrong, did go wrong. Surgeons have a name for it. We call it a perfect storm. Funny, never thought it would happen to me.

Arizona: [briefing the interns assigned to the NICU] This is important. The makers of tiny humans get easily spooked. It is our job tonight to keep the tiny human makers happy or they will mutiny and we are outnumbered. We remain calm. We remain confident. Because everything is just fine. Understood?

Cristina: I felt such joy today in that dark OR. I could hear the blood moving. I knew exactly what the heart muscle was thinking. And I realized after I feel that way all the time. I'm made for the OR. Even the boring procedures, I can feel pure joy, content. You feel that with just me?
Owen: What kind of a question is that?
Cristina: Derek watches Zola put applesauce in her ear and he's enchanted. You felt that way with Ethan.

Arizona: Ahh, you weren't on the plane Callie! You weren't in the woods, and you did not hear Meredith crying for Lexie, or Mark moaning in pain, or hearing me scream in pain, you weren't there, and you keep acting like you were, but you weren't, and it wasn't your experience.
Callie: [crying] I lost Mark; you almost died.
Arizona: "I lost Mark; you almost died." You weren't on the fricking plane! You wanted the street cred, the badge of honor, the warrior wounds, Great! Stick out your leg and I'll grab a bone saw and let's even the score! [crying] Ohh...
Callie: [crying] It always comes back to the leg..
Arizona: [crying] I trusted you more than anything... more than anyone in my life. And you decided to cut off..
Callie: To save your life!
Arizona: You didn't lose anything! I did, I did!
Callie: Apparently I lost you...

Meredith: [voice over] There's an end to every storm. Once all the trees have been uprooted. Once all the houses have been ripped apart. The wind will hush, the clouds will part, the rain will stop, the sky will clear in an instant. But only then, in those quiet moments after the storm, do we learn who was strong enough to survive it.



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