Grimm (Season 3)
Grimm (2011-2017) is an Urban Fantasy supernatural drama show made by NBC/Universal. It follows the life of a Portland homicide detective (Nick Burkhardt) who discovers he's also a Grimm, a descendant of the Brothers Grimm, and that he can see creatures from myths and fairytales, who exist side by side with the human population.
Season 3
[edit]The Ungrateful Dead [3.01]
[edit]PTZD [3.02]
[edit]A Dish Best Served Cold [3.03]
[edit]One Night Stand [3.04]
[edit]- Jake: She just wasn’t… normal.
- Nick: Nobody is, Jake. It’s Portland.”
El Cucuy [3.05]
[edit]Stories We Tell Our Young [3.06]
[edit]Cold Blooded [3.07]
[edit]Twelve Days of Krampus [3.08]
[edit]Red Menace [3.09]
[edit]Eyes of the Beholder [3.10]
[edit]The Good Soldier [3.11]
[edit]The Wild Hunt [3.12]
[edit]Revelation [3.13]
[edit]Mommy Dearest [3.14]
[edit]Once We Were Gods [3.15]
[edit]The Show Must Go On [3.16]
[edit]Synchronicity [3.17]
[edit]The Law of Sacrifice [3.18]
[edit]Nobody Knows the Trubel I've Seen [3.19]
[edit]My Fair Wesen [3.20]
[edit]The Inheritance [3.21]
[edit]Blond Ambition [3.22]
[edit]Original Cast
[edit]Recurring characters
[edit]- Meisner - Damien Puckler (12 episodes)
- Christian Lagadec - Sebastien (10 episodes)̠
- Viktor Chlodwig zu Schellendorf von Konigsburg - Alexis Denisof (8 episodes)
- Stefania Vaduva Popescu - Shohreh Aghdashloo (4 episodes)
- Jacqueline Toboni - Theresa Rubel (4 episodes)
- Alice - Dee Wallace (3 episodes)
- Bart - Chris Mulkey (3 episodes)
- Danny Bruno - Bud Wurstner (3 episodes)
- Alicia - Alicia Lagano (2 episodes)
- DeEtta Calvert - Laura Faye Smith (2 episodes)
- Zuri Ellis - Sharon Leal (2 episodes)
- Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio - Kelly Kessler Burkhardt (2 episodes)