Jenny Lawson

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Jennifer Lawson (born December 29, 1973) is an American journalist, author and blogger.


  • ...It’s rare for me to abandon something mid-writing, and it makes me deeply uncomfortable on a psychological level since part of my reputation as a writer is that I’m “reliable.” But “reliable” doesn’t mean anything if the end result isn’t good, and also people aren’t machines...
  • ...It’s the power of positive quitting! Or more accurately, admitting to yourself when something isn’t working and giving yourself permission to let it go to try something else...
  • ...It’s actually really comforting to know that I’m not the only writer getting stuck...
  • ...I always think it’s so interesting how different chapters speak to different people. In a way, I find that very comforting because it reminds me that even if one thing didn’t work for one reader it may really help another...
  • ...When I first started writing I was so worried that people wouldn’t understand me, and that definitely happened at times but what I’ve learned is that I am not for everyone and that’s okay. And maybe I’m right for someone but just not at that time in their life...
  • ...I think the comedy helps people who don’t necessarily have my same battles want to keep reading...
  • ...Mental illness can really seem like a monster — this out-of-control thing that at any moment can reach out and kill you. There’s something about laughing at a monster that makes it smaller, more manageable...