Joy Davidman

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Helen Joy Davidman (18 April 1915 – 13 July 1960) was an American poet and writer.



Smoke on the Mountain: An Interpretation of the Ten Commandment

  • We are in danger of forgetting that God is not only a comfort but a joy. He is the source of all pleasures; he is fun and laughter, and we are meant to enjoy him.
  • We sometimes come to God, not because we love him best, but because we love our possessions best; we ask Christ to "save Western civilization," without asking ourselves whether it is entirely a civilization that Christ could want to save. We pray, too often, not to do God's will, but to enlist God's assistance in maintaining our "continually increasing consumption." And yet, though Christ promised that God would feed us, he never promised that God would stuff us to bursting.

Quotes about Joy Davidman

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