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Kazuki Takahashi

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Kazuki Takahashi in 2005

Kazuo Takahashi (October 4, 1961 - July 4, 2022), known professionally as Kazuki Takahashi, was a Japanese manga artist. He made his serial manga debut in 1986, and is best known as the author of Yu-Gi-Oh!, published in Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1996 to 2004. The manga spawned a popular trading card game of the same name, which holds the Guinness World Record for the best-selling trading card game to date.



Yu-Gi-Oh! tankobon edition

  • I believe that "the other me" exists in everyone's heart. It may be your ideal self that awaits you to reach it.
    • From Yu-Gi-Oh! tankobon vol. 9.

Yu-Gi-Oh! bunkoban edition

  • It is said that everything that exists in this world is made up of two contradictory qualities. Darkness and light, outer and inner, good and evil, heaven and earth... Those are the themes of Yu-Gi-Oh!
    • From Yu-Gi-Oh! bunkoban vol. 6.
  • Moving on in time, if you look at today’s world, faith, religion, race, as well as due to territorial rights and various other reasons, among countries in mutual relationships, there are still wars or ethnic disputes. It is not rare that the Gods who are supposed to save people’s hearts have ignited the flames of war.
    • From Yu-Gi-Oh! bunkoban vol. 14.
  • So I went back to my atelier. As I was about to put it on my desk and restart it… “bzzzzzzt”. Frozen. “Maybe the one who is just not suited for CG… is me.” Restart! Frozen! Restart! Frozen! “This PC…!!” *screeching* When I kicked my computer, I sprained my big toe, and for three weeks, had to visit an osteopatic clinic. I’m not sure what I was sometimes thinking but there were times when I tried to dump my computer into the bathtub.
    • From Yu-Gi-Oh! bunkoban vol. 15.
  • A question that I am guaranteed to get asked when interviewed overseas is “What was the prompt that caused you to draw Yu-Gi-Oh!?”. And that sure is a troubling question. The response I usually give involves putting on a lot of air and saying “I wanted to work with a new perspective on games as a concept and write a battle story that had been unseen before and blah blah blah…” or something of the likes, but truth to be told, I myself don’t really know. It might have been “I just suddenly had the thought…”, or “I just wanted to draw the character Yugi.”… well, that also is part of it.
    海外でのインタビューで、必ず訊かれる質問に 「 『遊☆戯☆王』 を描くきっかけは?」 というものがある。とても困った質問だ。たいていはカッコつけて 「ゲームという斬新な切り口で、今までにない闘い…云々…」 などと答えるのだけれど、実際は自分でもよくわからない。 「たまたま思いついた…」 のかも知れないし、「遊戯というキャラクターを描きたかった。」 …それも真実だ。
    • From Yu-Gi-Oh! bunkoban vol. 17.

Studio Dice official website


The official website was opened on May 1, 2010. It served as the updates and fulfillments of Yu-Gi-Oh!: Duel Art drawing collections that requested by the fans, featuring Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's and Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal series, and also his personal 3 episodes of science fiction short animation, Button. At the end of January 2012, the website went on hiatus as Takahashi decided to focus on his creative work.

  • The homepage design concept is: "Let's roll the dice on a round earth without boundaries!" I just came up with this idea, and I will continue to work hard! Thanks to all of the staff.
    • Blog title: Thank You Very Much! (ありがとうございます!)
      Taken on June 6, 2010.
  • My computer sure has been in good shape as of recently! Usually anything electronic hates me and makes me want to give up. Even when I bought my phone, the camera function quickly stopped working and I couldn't use it. Or so I thought, as I gave it to someone and the camera suddenly worked again. Sort of! It broke again and the moment I brought it to the store, it fixed itself. Sort of! By the way, how about the iPad? I want it, but I have to make sure it doesn't dislike me!
    最近、パソコンの調子がいいなー!日頃、電子機器的なものに嫌われがちで参ってしまう。携帯買った時も、カメラ機能がすぐイカれて使い物にならなかった。と思いきや、人に渡すとカ メラ機能が突然復活。とか!またイカれて、店に持っていった瞬間直ってる。とか!ところでipadどうなのかな~?ほしいけど嫌われないようにしないとな~~~!
    • Blog title: Electronic Devices (電子機器)
      Taken on June 24, 2010.
  • The other night, I was looking at the sky when 'whoosh' I saw an orange light! I thought that maybe it was a shooting star, but then I thought it'd be neat if it was the one in a billion chance that it was a UFO. Last year, I read a ton of books about UFOs and an unprecedented UFO boom swelled inside of me, so I thought, 'Maybe so!' for a split second....but maybe not. I want to spot one some day, but do you all believe in UFOs?
    先日、夜空を見ていたら、スーッとオレンジ色の光を見た!たぶん流れ星だと思うけど、万にひとつの可能性で UFOだったらいいなと思った。去年やたらUFO関連の本を読みあさって、自分の中で空前のUFOブームが来ていたので、もしかして!なんて一瞬思ったけど、、、ないか。いつか見てみたいけど、皆さんは信じます?  UFO。
    • Blog title: UFO
      Taken on June 25, 2010.
  • The OCG has gotten so complex that I can't keep up~! My memory has gotten so bad as of late that I can't even remember all the cards~! And the text is tough with these old eyes~! Still, simply hearing stories of everyone enjoying themselves dueling is enough to satisfy me! But, I'm not a quitter so maybe I'll secretly build a deck and challenge Kageyamacchi to a duel! Just kidding!
    • Blog title: Kageyamacchi (影山っち)
      Taken on July 14, 2010.
  • Aah~(gazes longingly) Those were the days. Taking a look back--back when I was putting out Yu-Gi-Oh! as a weekly serial, on the reader approval surveys, my female reader approval rating was only 5% (among the 5 worst in the magazine), and my editor at the time would tell me to "Just give up on the female fans!"...
    • Blog title: Thank You Very Much! (ありがとうございます!)
      Taken on August 17, 2010.
  • A group of uncles with some ages were staring at the figure prototype that placed on the coffee shop table in a serious manner, and also discussing the perfect curves of the thighs and slender waist. It must be a rather weird scene to the people who sit next to them (Boom!)
    • Blog title: Figures.
      Taken on August 24, 2010.
  • [The weather] suddenly gets colder. I visit Kyoto every fall, and I wonder about the autumn leaves this year. For the past few years, the leaves have not seemed to have the best coloring. I wonder if this has to do with the climate change...
    • Blog title: Drawings that Exercising.
      Taken on September 28, 2010.
  • The threat of natural disasters is repeatedly shown on TV. Even though those images make me shiver, gasp, and freeze, I can still eat a decent meal and wrap myself up to stay warm. How valuable are these actions we do everyday? I wonder if, ironically, we won't even realize its value until we witness the death of people and towns.

Studio Dice Instagram


Originally known as @kazuki_yugioh, joined during May 2016 (after the release of Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions anime movie). Later on May 2017, the account was renamed as @studio_dice. It served as Kazuki's very personal page of illustrations, ranging from Yu-Gi-Oh! to non-Yu-Gi-Oh! titles. The privacy setting was changed from public to only followers on March 2022.

  • While I was in Spain, a terrorist attack occurred near my hotel! I would like to sincerely pray for the repose of the souls of those affected. Looking towards the future, we must never succumb to negative intentions! We must not lose to warmongers who stir up religious conflicts!
    スペイン滞在中にホテルの近くでテロが起こりました!被害に遭われた方々に心からご冥福を祈りたいと思います。 未来に向かって俺たちは決して決してネガティブな意思に負けてはならない! 宗教対立を煽る戦争屋どもに負けてはならないのだ!

Magazine messages and afterwords


Gō-Q-Chōji Ikkiman

  • Nice to meet you. I am Kazuo Takahashi, the person who is having a comfortable life by making full use of my personal assets, in which my credit card installments are paid in 36 times. (!?) I'm very grateful and excited that I'm able to start manga serialization under the life that filled with uncertainty, such as blackouts, inability to make phone calls and other obstacles from everywhere.
    • From Shonen Magazine year 1986, issue 19. [2]

Tennenshoku Danji Buray

  • It was my first time I participated in the cover shoot for the new year's issue. I was nervous being surrounded by senior authors.
    • Shonen Jump magazine - year 1992, issue 1,2. [3]


  • Modern science mentions that the “heart” resides in the brain. Am I the only one who finds it not boring?
    • Shonen Jump magazine - January 29, 1997, issue 7.
  • Recently, it seems that more and more authors are doing color manuscripts on computers. When it comes to coloring time, I definitely want to try it at least once!!
  • [My] assistants have been encouraging me to watch the well received Evangelion, but I just don't have the time to watch it. I've recorded them into videos, but... how annoying!!
    • Shonen Jump magazine - April 14, 1997, issue 18.
  • I've got Digimon!! I've raised it and put it into a fight, and then it died. There's no one around me having it...
    • Shonen Jump magazine - August 4, 1997, issue 34.
  • Is there anything we can do about the excessive packaging of domestically produced CDs these days? I wish they could make it cheaper...
    • Shonen Jump magazine - October 6, 1997, issue 43.
  • I'm currently obsessed with the yellow mouse. There are three large ones in my workplace. Very cute.
    • Takahashi mentioned of Pikachu from Pokémon. Shonen Jump magazine - December 8, 1998, issue 52.
  • I bought the teddy bear that appears in Mr. Bean. It's the strange looking stuffed toy I talked about...
    • Shonen Jump magazine - February 16, 1998, issue 10.
  • In this series, I hope I can utilize the fun of orienteering that I experienced when I was in elementary school.
    • Takahashi mentioned of Duelist Kingdom arc settings. Shonen Jump magazine - February 23, 1998, issue 11.
  • I’ve visited the anime voice recording site and experienced the unity and enthusiasm of the voice actors and staffs!! It was definitely cool!! I’m very looking forward to it!!
    • Shonen Jump magazine - April 13, 1998, issue 18.
  • Recently, I bought a lot of imported board games!! However, when I look at the manual, it's all in English, so I can't play them!! I want to play them somehow. How troublesome…
    輸入ボードゲームをこの間たくさん買いこんでき ました!!ただ、説書を見たらすべてが英語 なので、遊ぶことができません!!なんとかして 遊びたいです。困ったな……
    • Shonen Jump magazine - June 22, 1998, issue 28.
  • There are pros and cons to the American version of Godzilla, but personally I think the design sensibility differences between farming and hunting tribes is the cause.
    • Shonen Jump magazine - July 13, 1998, issue 31.
  • Apparently, a statue of Yugi will be erected at the Sapporo Snow Festival!! Hmm, I want to see it too!!
    • Shonen Jump magazine - February 15, 1999, issue 10.
  • I have Final Fantasy VIII on hand, but I haven't played Final Fantasy VII either. I want to try Final Fantasy VIII soon!!
    • Shonen Jump magazine - March 8, 1999, issue 13.
  • There’s a character called Blue is well known in the US. She’s adorable but unable to make it in Japan. I’m blue…
    • Takahashi mentioned of Blue from Blue's Clues. Shonen Jump magazine - April 3, 2000, issue 16.
  • Unfortunately, my body fat percentage has entered the obese range!! I decide to go to the swimming gym again.
    まずいことに体脂肪率が肥満ゾーンに突入!! またスイミングジムに通うことにしました
    • Shonen Jump magazine - June 12, 2000, issue 26
  • The 21st century has finally come!! UFOs, supernatural powers, spirits, and cryptids should be clarified once and for all!
    • Shonen Jump magazine - January 17-22, 2001, issue 5-6.
  • I went to the zoo for the first time in 10 years. I'm embarrassed to say but it was my first time seeing a panda...
    10年ぶりに動物園へ行きました。恥ずかしなが ら初めてパンダを見てきました………
    • Shonen Jump magazine - July 30, 2001, issue 33
  • I met the director of Final Fantasy by chance. Thank you so much for the signature!!
    • Shonen Jump magazine - October 15, 2001, issue 44
  • Visiting Las Vegas is my dream. I would like to go there at least once. I wonder what kind of place it is. I'm feeling excited.
    • Shonen Jump magazine - April 22, 2002, issue 19.
  • Recently, I've been listening to a lot of Western musics from the 80s. Tears For Fears is my eternal theme song!!
    • Shonen Jump magazine – April 29, 2002, issue 20.
  • The other day, while I was taking a bath at home, the water supplement suddenly stopped working!! I was in trouble as my body was covered by bubbles. I realized the importance of water... and also the bubbles.
    • Shonen Jump magazine – September 9, 2002, issue 39.
  • When I returned home from my haircut and looked into my mirror, I noticed that the length of my left and right fringes were distinctively different. That was embarrassing... but no one noticed it.
    • Shonen Jump magazine – December 9, 2002, issue 52.
  • I heard that sniffing lavender during insomnia can promote sleepiness. I gave it a try and it worked well. I also wonder about the nightcap.
    • Shonen Jump magazine – January 1, 2003, issue 1.
  • My very first Shonen Jump manga editor, Mr. Takahashi, passed away. How unfortunate. My condolences.
    • Takahashi's thoughts on the manga editor of Tokio no Taka. Shonen Jump magazine – February 24, 2003, issue 11.
  • It is said that the character of "people ()" is made up of 2 strokes supporting each other, but it seems the shorter one supports the longer one, who is just chillaxing... Am I a twisted adult?
    • Shonen Jump magazine – June 16, 2003, issue 27.
  • I've attended the Tezuka Award ceremony and felt all the award winners' passion towards manga. Please do you best and give out your best for your creativity.
    • Shonen Jump magazine – June 30, 2003, issue 29.
  • In the past, I've always heard that aojiru is tasteless, but when I actually tried it... The latest ones are easy to drink and tasty. I'm addicted to them!
    • Shonen Jump magazine – July 7, 2003, issue 30.
  • It's quite interesting to look at the American version of the Yu-Gi-Oh! comics' sound effects. For example, "Boom!" is translated as "CHOOM"!!
    • Shonen Jump magazine – July 28, 2003, issue 33.
  • Due to the ramen restaurant war, two of my favorite neighborhood restaurants are gone! I'm against it!
    • Shonen Jump magazine – October 10, 2003, issue 48.
  • I've been receiving a lot of overseas fan letters lately, and it's quite fun to see all kinds of original monsters are coming out together. Children are all the same across the world!
    最近よく届く海外からのファンレターも、いろんな オリジナルモンスターを考案してくれて楽しいです。子供は万国共通だなー!
    • Shonen Jump magazine – December 1, 2003, issue 51.
  • What! Inoki Festival, PRIDE, and K-1 will be broadcast simultaneously on all stations during this new year eve! As a martial arts fan, this is very troublesome!!
    なに!今年の大晦日は猪木祭・PRIDE・K-1を 各局同時放映~!格闘技ファンとしては非常に困る~~!!
    • Shonen Jump magazine – December 8, 2003, issue 52.
  • I had nightmares three times...I got addicted to some scary games. I can't stop doing it.


  • Actually, all of my works do share some core themes. Yu-Gi-Oh! is the story of Atem, whose soul was sealed in the Millennium Puzzle and later released. Drump is about the freeing of a dragon. The Yu-Gi-Oh! movie's plot involves Seto Kaiba's liberation from the soul prison. The Comiq is no exception. It ends with Baba acquitted of the frame-up and released from the prison. Sato's soul is liberated too (even if he's under arrested...) After years of control by the Pumpkim Princess. Then there's one of Sakamaki's final lines. "Welcome to freedom!" I don't know if true freedom can exist, nevertheless, in our own ways, we all seek spiritual liberation, aiming to be free of the overbearing constraints of society!
    • The Comiq afterwords.
  • I really love Yugi but I wanted to be Joey, I feel that as I get older, I would be like Grandpa Muto.
  • I am drawn to unsolved mysteries and unexplained phenomena, but I believe that fear is merely a product of the human mind.
  • I like Simon Bisley! I enjoyed the Spider-Man movie. Isn't it a prerequisite for today's superheroes to create justice while not forgetting their own humanity?
  • Games should generally be played by one person sitting across from another, so they can compete against each other. I believe the fun lies in interpreting the opponent's facial expression and developing psychological strategies. Personally, I have an interest in online games, but they will not appear in my work.
  • I am obsessed with Kaiba and maybe Bandit Keith. When creating villains, it's very important to incorporate some human traits so they don't appear entirely evil. Whether someone is evil or not is judged by others, and from their perspective, what's evil might also be seen as good.
  • The theme of Yu-Gi-Oh! is the bond that connects one person to another, and I would be happy if you make even one friend through cards and games.
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