Madagascar (2005 film)

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Madagascar is a 2005 animated film about four Central Park Zoo animals who have spent their lives in blissful captivity and are unexpectedly shipped back to Africa, becoming shipwrecked on the island of Madagascar.

Directed by Eric Darnell and Tom McGrath. Written by Mark Burton, Billy Frolick, Eric Darnell, and Tom McGrath.
Someone's got a zoo loose.Taglines


Marty: The penguins are going so, why can't I?
Alex: The penguins are psychotic.

Alex: This is a highly refined, type of, food... thing that you do NOT find in the wild.
Marty: Do you ever think that there's more to life than just steak, Alex?
Alex: [stares at his steak] He didn't mean that, baby. No-no-no.

Julien: [watching Gloria cuddle Mort] They are just a bunch of pansies.
Maurice: I don't know, Julien. [referring to Alex] There's something about that guy with the crazy hair-do that I find suspicious.
Julien: Nonsense, Maurice! Come on everybody! Let's go and meet the pansies!

Alex: What could Connecticut have to offer us?
Melman: Lyme disease.
Alex: Thank you, Melman.

[Marty and Alex seem overjoyed to be reunited; they are running towards each other on the beach in slow motion with arms outstretched and Chariots of Fire playing; their voices are slow and toned to a low key]
Alex: Marty!
Marty: Alex!
Alex: Marty!
Marty: Al!
Alex: [firmly] Marty!
Marty: [confused] Alex?
Alex: [angrily] MARTY!
Marty: [turns to run] Oh, sugar, honey, iced tea!

Gloria: [about Mort] Aw, aren't you just the sweetest little thing? I just wanna dunk you in my coffee.
Melman: They are so cute from a reasonable distance.

Maurice: [to Alex] Oh my, what big teeth you have. MAN!
Julien: Shame on you, Maurice! Can you not see that you have insulted the freak? [to Alex] You must tell me, who the heck are you?
Alex: I'm Alex. THE Alex. And this is Melman, Marty and Gloria.
Maurice: And where exactly are you giants from, hmm?
Alex: We're from New York, and--
Julien: All hail the New York Giants!
Lemurs: [cheer] NEW YORK GIANTS!!!
Alex: [to Marty, Melman, and Gloria] All right, enough is enough. I say we just ask these BOZOS where the people are!
Julien: Excuse me? We bozos have the people, of course!
Alex: You do? That's good to know.
Melman: Hey! The bozos have the people!
Julien: They're up there. [points to some human skeletons hanging from parachutes snagged on the branches of a large tree] Don't you love the people? Not a very lively bunch though.
Alex: Oh. So, do you have any... LIVE people?
Julien: Uh, no. Only dead ones.
Maurice: Man, if we had a lot of live people, it wouldn't be called the wild, would it?
Marty: The wild?!
Alex: Hold on a second there, fuzzbucket. You mean the live-in-a-mud-hut, wipe-yourself-with-a-leaf type wild?
Julien: Who wipes? Ha ha!
Gloria: Oy vey.

Gloria: Alex, what are you doing!?
Alex: I'm swimming back to New York! I know my chances are slim, but I have to try!
Gloria: You can't swim!
Alex: I said my chances are slim!

Julien: [presents Alex with his crown] I am going to give you this lovely parting gift.
Alex: Oh no, really. I can't take your crown.
Julien: That's okay, I've got a better one! It's got a gecko on it! Look at him shake! Go Stevie, go!

Julien: We thank you with enormous gratitude for scaring away the Fossa.
Gloria: The whossa?
Julien: The Fossa. They're always annoying us by trespassing, interrupting our parties, and ripping our limbs off--
Alex: Yeah, sounds great.

Gloria: Where are the people?
Skipper: We killed 'em and ate their livers. [Gloria looks horrified] Gotcha, didn't I? Just kidding, doll, the people are fine. They're on a slow boat to China. Hang on, I know you two. Where's that psychotic lion, and our monochromatic friend?

[Last lines]
Private: Skipper, don't you think we should tell them the boat's out of gas?
Skipper: Nah, just smile and wave, boys. Smile and wave.

Skipper: You! Quadruped! Sprechen sie Englisch?
Marty: I sprechen.
Skipper: What continent is this?
Marty: Manhattan.
Skipper: Hoover Dam! We're still in New York! Abort! Dive! Dive! Dive!
Marty: Hey, wait! You in the tux! What are you guys doing?
Private: We're digging to Antarctica! [Skipper slaps him]
Marty: Ant-who-tica?
Skipper: Can you keep a secret, my monochromatic friend? Do you ever see any penguins walking free around New York City? Of course not. We don't belong here, it's just not natural. This is all some kind of whacked-out conspiracy. We're going to the wide open spaces of Antarctica. To the wild.
Marty: The wild? You can actually go there-- that's sounds great!
Skipper: You didn't see anything... right?
Marty: Yes, sir! I mean no, sir!

[The penguins are being transfered; Kowalski is looking at the label on their crate.]
Skipper: Progress report.
Kowalski: It's an older code, Skipper. I can't make it out.
[Skipper notices the chimps in the crate next to them.]
Skipper: You, higher mammal! Can you read?
Mason: No, Phil can read though. Phil!
[Phil appears; Kowalski gestures towards the label; Phil starts using sign language.]
Mason: Ship to... Kenya... Wildlife Preserve... AFRICA!
Skipper: Africa? That ain't gonna fly. Rico!
[Rico vomits up a paper clip and uses it to unpick the lock on their crate]

Alex: [after Melman burned the rescue beacon in panic] You maniac! You burned it up! Darn you! Darn you all to HECK!
Melman: [callously] Can we go to the fun side now?

Mort: I like them! I like them! Before I even met them I liked them!
Julien: Yes, yes! We get it--
Mort: You HATE them compared to how much I like them--
Julien: Oh, shut up! You're so annoying!
Mort: [flattered] Hee-hee!
Julien: Now, for as long as we can remember, we have been attacked, and eaten, by the dreaded fossa.
Lemur 1: The fossa! The fossa are attacking! [screams and hurls himself out a window; General panic ensues]
Lemur 2: (holds up a book titled "To Serve Lemur) It's a cookbook! It's a cookbook!

Alex: Ow, my head! [bumps his head on the top of his crate] What the-- I'm in a box! Oh no! Not the box! Oh no, they can't transfer ME! NOT ME! I can't breathe, can't breathe! Darkness creeping in. I can't breathe. Walls closing in around me! So alone. So alone--
Marty: Alex? Alex, are you there?
Alex: Marty?
Marty: Yeah! Talk to me, bud!
Alex: Oh, Marty, you're here!
Marty: What's going on? Are you okay?
Alex: This doesn't look good, Marty.
Gloria: Alex, Marty, is that you?
Marty: Gloria!
Alex: You're here, too!
Marty': I am lovin' the sound of your voice!
Gloria: What is going on?
Alex: We're all in crates!
Gloria: Oh, no! What--
Melman: Man, sleeping just knocks me out.
Alex: Melman!
Gloria: Are you okay?
Melman: Yeah. I often doze off while I'm getting an MRI.
Alex: Melman, you're not getting an MRI!
Melman: CAT scan?
Alex: No! No CAT scan! It's a transfer! It's a zoo transfer!
Melman: Zoo transfer?! No, I can't be transferred. I have an appointment with Dr. Goldberg at 5:00. There are prescriptions that have to be filled! No other zoo can afford my medical care, and I am NOT going HMO!
Marty: Take it easy, Melman. We are gonna be o-kiz-ay!
Alex: No, Marty, we're not gonna be o-kiz-ay. Now, because of you, we're ruined!
Marty: Excuse me, I fail to see how this is my fault.
Gloria: You're kidding, right, Marty?
Alex: You! You ticked off the people! You bit the hand, Marty! You bit the hand! "I don't know who I am! I don't know who I am! I gotta go find myself in the WILD!"
Marty: Hey hey.
Alex: Oh please.
Marty: I did not ask you to come after me did I?
Melman: He does have a point.
Alex: What?
Melman: I did say we should have stayed at the zoo but, you guys--
Alex: Melman, just shut it! You're the one who gave him this idea in the first place!
Gloria: Alex, would you just leave Melman out of this, please!
Melman: Thank you, Gloria. Besides, it's not my fault that we were transferred!
Gloria: Melman, shut it. Does anyone feel nauseous?
Melman: I feel nauseous.
Alex: Melman, you always feel nauseous.

Melman: I just saw twenty-six blatant health code violations.
Marty: I'm lovin' San Diego. This place is off the chizain.
Melman: 27!


  • Someone's got a zoo loose.
  • They weren't born in the wild. They were shipped there.


See also

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