Mark Lemon

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*Forth we went, a gallant band—
Youth, Love, Gold and Pleasure.

Mark Lemon (30 November 180923 May 1870) was the editor of Punch, born in London, England. He had a natural talent for journalism and the stage, and, at twenty-six, retired from less congenial business to devote himself to the writing of plays. More than sixty of his melodramas, operettas and comedies were produced in London. At the same time he contributed to a variety of magazines and newspapers, and founded and edited the Field.


  • Oh would I were a boy again,
    When life seemed formed of sunny years,
    And all the heart then knew of pain
    Was wept away in transient tears!
    When every tale Hope whispered then,
    My fancy deemed was only truth.
    Oh, would that I could know again,
    The happy visions of my youth.
    • Oh would I were a Boy again, reported in Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. (1919).
  • Forth we went, a gallant band—
    Youth, Love, Gold and Pleasure.
    • Last Song, reported in Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. (1919).
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