Matt Walsh (political commentator)

Matt Walsh (born June 18, 1986) is an American political commentator and author. He is the host of "The Matt Walsh Show" for The Daily Wire.
[edit]- It's true that I do describe myself in my Twitter bio as a theocratic fascist. I suppose you can interpret that description in one of two ways: as an obviously sarcastic joke meant to make fun of the people who reflexively label me a "theocrat" and a "fascist" for my opinions, or as a completely literal and sincere statement without the slightest hint of irony or sarcasm.
Allow me to set the record straight once and for all. Of those two options, the latter is correct. I am in fact a theocratic fascist. My preferred system of government is a Christian dictatorship with myself at the head of it. From this position of absolute authority, I plan to impose my personal beliefs on the citizenry by force. Strict obedience will be demanded of everyone, except my closest lieutenants whose rampant lawbreaking I will overlook. Anyone who fails to bend to my every whim will be dealt swift and merciless justice.
- "Walsh: Yes, I Am A Theocratic Fascist", The Daily Wire, 2 April 2019
- Hi @michellemalkin. Fuentes called me a "race traitor" and "f*ggot" because I "work for Jews." He also said that black people who complained about segregation needed to "grow up." How do you feel about these statements? And in what way are they "America First"?
- I would thank you all for allowing me to speak to you tonight, but you tried not to allow it, yet here I am.
Now, you only give us 60 seconds, so let me get to the point: you're all child abusers.
You prey upon impressionable children and indoctrinate them into your insane ideological cult.
A cult which has many radical views, but none so deranged as the view that boys are girls and girls are boys.
By imposing this vile nonsense on students, to the point where girls are sharing locker rooms with boys, you deprive these kids of safety, and privacy, and something more fundamental too, which is truth.
If education is not grounded in truth then it is worthless.
Worse, it is poison. You are poison. You are predators.
I can see why you try to stop us from speaking, you know your ideas are indefensible.
You silence the opposing side because you have no argument.
You can only hide under your beds like pathetic little gutless cowards hoping we shut up and go away, but we won't. I promise you that.
Thank you for your time, and I will talk to you again very very soon.
- The very phrase "trans women are women" seems to admit, in its construction, that trans women are not women. Because if they were women, why are you calling them trans?
- "War on Reality: Redefining Life, Gender, & Marriage", lecture at University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, 6 October 2021, 29:28
- Even the most limp-wristed and cowardly of pastors, the kind who will not denounce sin in any form, will still have no problem wagging his finger over the alleged evils of hatred. But hatred in and of itself is not evil. Hatred can in fact be a good thing, even a beautiful thing. We should bear in mind that indifference, not hatred, is love's opposite. Hatred is a part of love and a sign of its vitality.
- Church of Cowards: A Wake-Up Call to Complacent Christians. Regnery Gateway. 2020-02-25. p. 125. ISBN 9781621579212.
- But buying a Valenine's gift for your wife a month early is the gayest thing you could do. Don't do that, because if it's January 3rd and you tell your wife I got you[sic] Valentine's Day gift already, she's going to say "I— so you're gay."
- . (2024-01-11). "Now They're Turning Schools And Airports Into Illegal Alien Refugee Camps" The Matt Walsh Show.Episode 1291. The Daily Wire., 51:18