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Nacéra Benseddik

From Wikiquote

Nacéra Benseddik (Arabic: نَصِيرة بِن صِدّيق, Naṣīrah Bin Ṣiddīq) is an Algerian historian, archaeologist and epigrapher. She was born in Bordj Bou Arreridj on 4 December 1949.


  • It is outrageous that, to this day, Algeria does not have a council of experts, appointed for their international scientific expertise, at a high level within the State, to assess any projects related to archaeological research, monument conservation-restoration, or museum management.
  • This is not an amphitheater; it's a theater. Your question comes a bit too late, as a concrete theater has recently been completed in a completely unsuitable location, which detracts from the integrity and aesthetics of the site. I fail to see the purpose of holding this festival in Timgad, as it has no connection to the historical significance of Thamugadi.
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