Open Season 2

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Open Season 2 is a 2008 computer-animated comedy adventure direct-to-video film. It is the second installment to Open Season. The film was produced by Sony Pictures Animation and released on September 24, 2008.

Martin Lawrence, Ashton Kutcher, and Patrick Warburton did not return to voice Boog, Elliot, and Ian and were replaced by Mike Epps, Joel McHale, and Matthew W. Taylor. Most of the supporting cast reprised their voice roles though.


  • This is a good character-building moment. Elliot, remember you are a wild animal toughing it out! I'll find Mr. Weenie all by myself! I don't need anybody! And I definitely don't need a girlfriend! So what if she tucks me in at night, or listens to my problems? Makes really good pine-cone crunchies, or rubs my head when I have sickies?! Criminy, what have I done?! Giselle!
  • As my single life ends, finishes, expires, perishes, goes down in a bizarre ball of flames with no survivors!
  • Why not? [Boog: I said" Elliot. Look, It all of this now?
  • [shivers] Cold. So cold.


  • Come on, now. Simmer down, y'all.
  • We didn't give up on them hunters when they invaded the forest! We can't give up on our friend Weenie!
  • Giselle, we gotta stick together out here. We're partners, right?
  • Roberto, my main man, I appreciate the help out there.
  • You guys need a little space? Okay.
  • Elliot! Weenie! Thank goodness you're safe!
  • Elliot, don't look!
  • Come on, Weenie, Snap it out.
  • Boog! I'm Boog!
  • McSquizzy? He doesn't even like you!
  • Elliot, relax. Now let's get a move on, man.
  • You think you so tough?
  • That just ain't right.
  • You are nuts!
  • This is not gonna work!
  • What are you doing?!
  • I'm a Grizzly. No biggie. We'll just walk right in. Look, just like that little guy. (Cuts to a Rabbit that got in Pet Paradiso) Man on Speaker: Wild Animal Breach!!(Rabbit Gets shot by Tranquilizer darts.)
  • Now where's that Weenie?
  • When did you start thinking McSquizzy was your BFF?


  • That's it. I'm going home.
  • Oh, Elliot. That's the most romantic thing you ever--
  • Okay. Who's got the next brilliant idea?


  • No she's not! You are!
  • That's crap!
  • Hey, does anyone know where we are? Eh, didn't think so!
  • Oye! Give it a rest ya freak of nature!
  • Yeah! And without her, we never would've found Weenie and that giant tin canned thing!
  • OYE! You're goin' the wrong way ya choob!
  • Aye! We could tunnel our way in!
  • Oh there's a great idea! A one-pound bag of crazy, liftin' a 1200-pound bag of lazy!
  • " you got me sick! [Start retching then vomits]
  • " don't worry weenie, I'll rescue you!
  • " I got 101000 acorns for you.
  • " Oh boy. Here comes that dog again. Come on team, let's go home.


  • One pit stop, coming up. (Starts Retching then Throws up.)
  • I was once in the vicious clutches of wild animals.
  • Speak of the devil. Disgusting.
  • Don't worry, we will get through it together.
  • I'm coming, mother.
  • Oh, Roberto, that's beautiful!
  • Get lost, old lady! This does not concern you!
  • I'm gonna tear you apart!
  • We'll have to see how much those insidious wilds have done to him!
  • You know, Roberto, those doggy treats are filled with carbohydrates.
  • Oh, Roberto. I can't, I can't do this.
  • Roll over. Roll over. [Mr. Weenie: Nein!]
  • That was rhetorical, moron!
  • How are you gonna look sitting by the pool?
  • I know. It was worse. I've been through it, too.
  • Put down those treats. You've eaten enough.
  • It's too painful for me to talk about. ...Gather round.
  • It would mean you should stick to the lean proteins, the meats, the poultries.
  • [Sighs] Poor, poor Weenie. Who knows the horrors you've seen?

Mr. Weenie

  • Insidious vilds? Nein! Ze vild animals are my friends!
  • It's so good!
  • Never forget who you are! In here!
  • Let's go find ze fat bear!
  • [Gasps] No! The food of oppression! I must be strong! ...Oh, maybe just a taste... Nein! Ja? Nein! Ja? Nein! Ja? Nein!
  • Nooo!
  • "Pieces," you strudelkopf!
  • But I am ze same!
  • Oh no! Full moon!
  • Now, say it vith me: I'm vild!
  • Oh, thank goodness! You've come for me!
  • Elliot, you fool! (Mr. Weenie to hold the by Elliott's Chicks and screaming) It's not, Elliot?

Dialogue from movie

Roberto: [Seeing Fifi's zit on his tail from being zapped by a bug lighter in his tragic story] It's so pink!

Roger: [Upon seeing Elliot, who is disguised as an elderly lady] That's Mrs. Schlapiano!
Fifi: Get lost, old lady! This does not concern you!

Elliot: As my single life ends, finishes, expires, PERISHES... goes down in a bizarre ball of flames with no survivors!
Boog: Elliot, relax. Now, let's get a move on, man.
Mr. Weenie: Yeah. We go to the wedding.
Serge: Wedding?
[Deni quacks]
Buddy: Nuptials.

Fifi: [After being stopped by his owner just as he was about to kill a rabbit near a dumpster] I'm coming, mother.

Charlene: Oh, Fifi! Will he ever be the old Mr. Weenie we knew and loved?!
Fifi: We can only hope.
Mr. Weenie: But I am ze same!

[As he is trying to tell Giselle how he really feels, Elliot is continuously interrupted by birds and Deni]
Elliot: Why do these birds and ducks suddenly appear every time you're near?! ...Unless, like me... they long to be...
[Deni quacks again, but Elliot ignores him]
Elliot: ...Close to you.

[Boog is proud of Elliot since he finally managed to say, "I do" during he and Giselle's wedding]
Boog: That's my main man!
Elliot: [Singing] Close to you!

Boog: We didn't give up on them hunters when they invaded the forest! We can't give up on our friend Weenie!
Elliot: The Boogster's right! [Points at Boog]

[Repeated line]

[Elliot has accidentally locked Mr. Weenie in the RV during their escape back to the forest so they wouldn't get caught]
Mr. Weenie: [Banging on the door] Elliot! You fool!

Fifi: Poor, poor Weenie. Who knows the horrors you've seen?
Mr. Weenie: Vhat horrors?
Fifi: Don't worry. We will get through it together.
Mr. Weenie: Actually, it wasn't zat bad.
Fifi: I know. It-was-worse. I've been through it, too.
Roger: [Stunned] Really?!

[Fifi and Roberto enter Pet Paradiso, but Fifi hesitates to go due to the bald spot being exposed on his head]
Roberto: Come on, Fifi. I think a bald spot makes you look more... sophisticated. Singe is the new pompadour.
Fifi: Oh, shut up!

Charlene: Oh, Rufus! [Points] There you are! How's my shinin' star?
Rufus: Why, Charlene, look at you! Don't you look prettier than a glob of butter on a stack of wheat cakes! Mm-mm-mm!
Charlene: Oh, goodness me! Thank you, Rufus. Oh, may I?
Rufus: Well, I'd be much obliged.
[Charlene sniffs Rufus' butt]

Elliot: Forever and ever?
Ian: [To Giselle] Still time to change your mind.
Giselle: Ew! What?!

Mr. Weenie: [Sees Elliot and the gang coming to rescue him from Bob and Bobbie's trailer] Oh, thank goodness! You've come for me!
Elliot: No need to worry.

[Repeated line]
Mr. Weenie: Nein!

Boog: Look, man. We need Giselle. She's a great tracker.
McSquizzy: Yeah! And without her, we never would've found Weenie and that giant, tin-canned thing!
Elliot: [Scoffs] Beginner's luck!

Roberto: Oh, man, is this good. Hey, Fifi, you want some?
Fifi: You know, Roberto, those doggy treats are filled with carbohydrates.
Roberto: And if I could pronounce that word, that would mean what?
Fifi: It would mean you should stick to the lean proteins, the meats, the poultries. How are you gonna look sitting by the pool?
Roberto: I don't know. Hot and really happy.
Fifi: That was rhetorical, moron! Put down the treats! You've eaten enough!
[Fifi licks himself; Roberto shakes himself, having water thrown all over Fifi, who stops licking himself]
Fifi: I'm... going to pretend I didn't see that.
Roberto: Hey, Fifi?
Fifi: Yes?
Roberto: How long do you think it is 'till we stop? 'Cause I gotta poop.
[Pause for a few seconds, then Roberto farts]
Roberto: Seriously, I gotta poop, real bad.
Fifi: I said that it was going to be a long ride, but you never listen! Just like you didn't listen when I told you not to eat the entire leftover Burrito Grande!

McSquizzy: [Upon seeing Buddy disguised as Elliot's blue wig; to Giselle, who is disguised as a dalmatian, while McSquizzy is disguised as a chihuahua] Wow! I didn't see him up there, did you?

[At Pet Paradiso, there is a fight between the wilds and the pets; Fifi and Mr. Weenie run by Fifi's owner]
Fifi's Owner: [Upon seeing Mr. Weenie; gasps] Mr. Weenie?!

[During the musical number for "Close to You"]
Stanley and Roger: [Singing] La la-la-la-la, close to you
[Stanley backs away from Roger and makes a sick face]
Stanley: Not *too* close...

Boog: Come on, Giselle. We gotta stick together out here. We're partners, right? [

Mr. Weenie and Elliot Screaming at you next to Boog]

[Elliot does a long gasp]
Elliot: [Points at Boog] Boog! You traitor! [Points at Giselle] And you... traitor.. ex!
[Giselle looks offended]
Elliot: Enjoy your new-found partnership!
Boog: Oh, come on, Elliot--
Elliot: I don't need any of you! I'll find Mr. Weenie on my own! [Points at himself] So long!
[Elliot then turns to leave]
McSquizzy: Hey! You're going the wrong way, ya choob!
Elliot: [Sarcastically] Oh, thank you very much! This is a shortcu--
[Elliot falls off of a cliff and screams]
Elliot: I'm okay guys! You don't care.
McSquizzy: Not really! Was that too harsh?

Elliot: Isn't this great, Boog?
Boog: What's guilty?
Elliot: Well, not great that Weenie's been kidnapped, but great that we're livin' life on the edge! It's just like old times! Two guys, out on the road!
Giselle: Hey, guys. Room for one more?
Boog: For sure!

[At the end of the musical number of "Close to You," Elliot antler cracks off for the second time]
Boog: Ooh. [A scared Elliot stares wide-eyed at the screen] That just ain't right.
Elliot: [Frustrated; off-screen] Oh, come ON!

Fifi: We'll have to see how much damage those insidious wilds have done to him!
Mr. Weenie: Insidious vilds?! Nein! Ze vild animals are my friends!
[The pets gasp in shock]
All: Friends?!
Fifi: Your friends?! Your friends?! It is worse than I chould have ever imagined! Your friends?! It's worse than I could have ever imagined! He's gone... FERAL!
[Roberto, Rufus, and Charlene gasp, wide-eyed]
All: Feral?!
Roberto: What's that mean?
Charlene: Oh, Fifi! What shall we do?!
Rufus: You heard the lassie! What do we do?
Stanely: Can he be cured?
Fifi: Yes, but it won't be pretty. Prepare... the tent.

[Roberto, Rufus, and Charlene gasp]

All: The tent?!
Roberto: Not the tent!
Fifi: Oh yes... the tent.

[While trying to find a way to sneak into Pet Paradiso]
Giselle: Okay. Who has an idea?
Boog: I'm a Grizzly. No Biggie! We'll just walk right in! Look, just like that little guy. (points to a rabbit who was near Pet Paradiso)
Alarm: Wild animal breach! (guards shot tranquilizer darts at the rabbit, knocking him out)
Giselle: Okay. Who's got the next brilliant idea?
McSquizzy: Aye, it's easy! We could tunnel our way in!
Serge: Or we could fly you all in!
McSquizzy: Oh, there's a great idea. A 1-pound bag of crazy! Liftin' a 1200-pound bag of lazy!
Boog: What?! I'm 900 pounds!
McSquizzy: That's crap!
Boog: Oh, you think you so tough?
[Boog and McSquizzy begin to fight; Boog smacks McSquizzy, and everyone starts overlapping]
McSquizzy: Come on, is that your best shot?!
Giselle: Stop it! [Hits Boog's belly] STOP IT!
[Boog and McSquizzy stop fighting]
McSquizzy: Shove off!
Giselle: Grow up, you two!
[They groan in disapproval]
Giselle: Now come on. Let's stay on track.

Boog: [Disguised as a sheepdog] Elliot! Weenie! Thank goodness you safe!
[Elliot and Weenie both scream; Boog slams them into his chest]
Boog: Shh! What are you doin'?!
Elliot: Who are you?!
Boog: What do you mean?! I'm your best friend!
Elliot: McSquizzy?
Boog: McSQUIZZY?! He doesn't even like you!
Elliot: Look, I'm not talkin' to some random overweight sheepdog about my personal relationships! [Turns away from Boog and crosses his arms]
Boog: It's me! Boog!
Elliot: Boog's fat. [slaps Boog's tummy] No way.
Boog: [Annoyed] Elliot!
Elliot: Huh? [Turns around] Wow! It is you! Did you lose weight?
Boog: When did you start thinkin' McSquizzy was yo BFF?
Elliot: Ooh! Ha ha. Well, you were hibernating. And we were hangin'. Turns out we have a lot in common. We both like nuts.
Mr. Weenie: [Running up to Boog and grabbing his belly] Stop this insanity! Vere are ze others?!
Boog: What?! They inside lookin' for you!
Serge: And they're captured!(Serge and Deni scream at Boog)
Boog: Oh, come on! Boog!
Serge: No, Boog's a big fat guy. He's not you.
Elliot: I know! I thought he was McSquizzy, too!


[Elliot and Boog are trying to sneak into Pet Paradiso to save Mr. Weenie; Boog is disguised as an Old English Sheepdog and Elliot is disguised as an old lady, with Buddy serving as his blue wig]
Boog: This is not gonna work!
Elliot: Don't doubt me, #2 friend. Trust the plan!
Buddy: Trust the plan!

[As Mr. Weenie is being taken away by his owners Bob and Bobbie]
Mr. Weenie: NOOO!
[The RV drives off; trying to calm down, Elliot starts panting hardly]

Roberto: [Upon seeing Buddy in the pets' tent] He's so blue.

Ian: Oh, and Giselle, there's still some time if you'd rather be served some beefcake instead of the pansy-loaf. If you know what I mean. And I think you do.

[During the rabbit fight]
Mr. Weenie: [Referring to Boog] Let's go find ze fat bär!

Roger: Stanley, old buddy!
Stanley: [Sighs] Here we go.
Roger: Stanley, it's been ages!
Stanley: Actually, it's been exactly one year, Roger.
Roger: Really?! It seems like such a long time.
Stanley: Look, do I have to explain this again, we go to Pet Paradiso every year at the same time, and painfully, we have the same conversation.
Roger: We do?
Stanley: Yes! Yes, we do! Is this ringing a bell? [Pause for a few seconds]
Roger: Stanley, it's been ages!
Stanley: It's gonna be a long week.

[During the musical number of "Close to You," Roberto is singing to Fifi, who is completely bald and looks humiliated and mad]
Roberto: [Singing] Da da-da-da-da, close to you
Fifi: Oh Roberto, that's beautiful!

Elliot: From this day forward, domestics and wilds will live together... as one!
Boog: Not ONE. TEN.
Roberto: Speaking of that has made me hungry. Come along, let's get a little snack at Jumbo Convience.
Boog: Uh, nope. I think we- [finds Ronberto eating peanutbutter and slurping lemonade] Oh, no.

McSquizzy: Hey! Does anybody know where we are?!
[Nobody answers]
McSquizzy: Eh! Didn't think so!

Elliot: This is a good character-building moment. Elliot, remember you are a wild animal toughing it out! I'll find Mr. Weenie all by myself! I don't need anybody! And I definitely don't need a girlfriend! [Gasps] So what if she tucks me in at night, or listens to my problems? Makes really good pine-cone crunchies, or rubs my head when I have sickies?! CRIMINY, WHAT HAVE I DOOOOOOOOOONE?!?!?!?
[Elliot falls down]

Mr. Weenie: No! Ze food of oppression! I must be strong!
Mr. Weenie: Oh, maybe just a taste...
[Weenie goes to take a bite, but immediately refuses]
Mr. Weenie: Nein!
[Weenie goes to take a bite, but refuses]
Mr. Weenie: Ja? Nein!
[He continues this]
Mr. Weenie: Ja? Nein! Ja? Nein!

[Repeated line]
Charlene: Goodness me!

Fifi: You know I hate doing this.
Roberto: But you do it so well. Can you hurry along?
[Fifi walks to his owner and sits on her lap]
Fifi's Owner: Oh, come here, baby Fifi.
Fifi: One pit stop, coming up.
[Fifi wretches and barfs on the floor]
Fifi's Owner: Ohh! Gross! No, Fifi! No!

Elliot: Have you seen my new horns? They're completely natural!

[Fifi sniffs something and sees a rabbit near a dumpster]
Fifi: Speak of the Devil. Disgusting.
Roberto: Oh, no. Not the fuzzy little bunny.
Fifi: Don't you understand? We must remain vigilant! Even one wild animal among us can send us back to those dark days of anarchy.

Roger: Ice cream! Mine, Mine, mine!

Mr. Weenie: I'm vild!

Stanley: Hey Fifi! Did you hear they found Mr. Weenie? Isn't that great?
Roger: Really?!

[Fifi is telling the story of him being scared by wild animals in bushes]
Fifi: I've lost 2 things that day: My innocence... and my squeaky toy.
Charlene: [Gasps] Oh, you poor, sweet thing!
Rufus: That is one sad tale.
Roger: I want a girlfriend!
Stanley: Don't interrupt now, please!

[During the musical number of "Close to You"]
Rufus and Charlene: [Singing] La la-la-la-la, close to you
[They put their faces together and stay like that]
Rufus: I love this song.

Stanley: Something's not right here. Do you smell something fishy, Roger?
Roger: Barracuda!
[Stanley sighs]

Roger: Stanley, it's the fishies!
Stanley: [Steps on Roger] Not now, Roger!

[Boog looks at a trailer and then screams]
Giselle: What is it? [Boog groans in disgust] Use your words. [Boog points to a trailer where a women is grooming her dog] Okay, I see a woman and her dog.

Roberto: Whoa, that's nasty.
Fifi: I have had it! No more! The wild animals have pushed me too far! The next wild I see crawl out of that forest, if they don't have their papers, they're getting a full-Fifi-smackdown! THIS... IS... WAR!

Boog: Uh-huh. Look again. [Giselle and McSquizzy look again to see that woman has heavy make up, they scream and Boog grabs them to keep them quiet]
McSquizzy: Oh, I'm gonna have nightmares!

Roberto: It's not bad. No one will even notice.
[Dog walk by and laugh at Fifi's bald spot]
Fifi: No one will notice? No one will notice? No one will notice? No one will notice?
Roberto: Okay.
Fifi: No one will notice?
Roberto: Okay, I hear you.
Fifi: He noticed. He noticed.
Roberto: Okay.
Fifi: I noticed.
Roberto: Take it--, Fifi.
Fifi: You noticed.
Roberto: I heard you.
Fifi: We all noticed.
Roberto: I got it.
Fifi: I noticed!
Roberto: Forget it. Me and my big mouth.

Roger: (Weenie is trying to escape from the other dogs.) Weenie you're so fast.
Stanley: Careful Roger- (Roger gets ran over by Weenie) Too late.




  • This Time It's Pets Vs. Wilds.
  • This Time Wiener Takes All!
  • What Does A Bear Do In The Woods?
  • This Time It's Pets Vs. Wilds. Wiener Takes All!
  • Boog And Elliot Are Back For More Crazy Adventures!
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